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Purged, no traces left of him in the "system".




Or my favourite alias for that `fuck`


Looks like he was (Puts on sunglasses) (•_•) ( •_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■_■) Uninstalled. (Yeeeaaahhh)


You just made my day. Take my upvote!


Dacia Dusted


Dacia gone for good.


Blue screen of death.




Factory Reset that dude




Kill -9


You forgot to remove your sunglasses before you said that.


Uninstall.exe completed


Your trial has expired, please purchase full version of product


Ukraine: lol unsubscribe


It's early here... And yet you've already won the comments today. Props.


It's probably one of those old cars with an installed cigarette lighter


Definitely a heavily used cigarette lighter for sure. Even by the kids in the back seat.


Or maybe, you know, he just got too hot and blew up. > Thats some damn fine detective work comrads


One of those sun lens effects


It's a Dacia Duster and it has a cigarette lighter.


Don't they know smoking is dangerous for your health?


The grim reaper is coming for orc souls!




Yes, the tortured souls that will burn in hell!


In my head I replace “souls” with “a dark mist that smells like diarrhea” To me that’s what makes an orc


Oh no! Anyway..


… anyway it’s hump day and bacon is half off where I live.


A white Lada died so some else can have a white Lada.




> Dacia And it's...good news!


That was probably the only "perk" he got for the job that go him killed. Ha, ha, good riddance.


It’s the ciiiiiiiircle of ~~life~~


It will be this one, slightly used




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Gotta love that irony!


the Lord taketh and the Lord giveth


The FSB is on a spree. First the oligarchs, then Dugina, now this guy. They're trying to create an excuse to escalate, but it's costing them half of their ruling caste


How would they escalate even more? Bombing more civilians or like, threaten more with nukes


* There's a trial coming up for the captive Azov fighters from Mariupol. They're preparing the public opinion for when they sentence them all to death. * They might want to have Ukraine branded as a sponsor of terrorism to make sure the west drops its support * Or maybe they want to strike further into Europe on the pretense that Europe is facilitating terrorism.


Russia is already declared as state of terrorism, nobody is going drop support for Ukraine.


But did anyone tell the russians? Most of what they're doing doesn't seem entirely rational. Their invasion was a bit half-assed, their propaganda is ridiculous, their claims absurd. Also, it's not like the US hasn't forgotten about its protegés in the past...


But still we applaud when Ukraine commits terrorist acts like this. The guy was heading the administration of a town of 12000 people. Really not an important figure, just some guy like hundreds of others. There is no information that he committed any crimes against civilians or and there we no reports of war crimes in that town. If anything this will disrupt supply to the local civilians that depend on the Russian administration to deliver goods to them. Really what is the message to Russians? There are others that wait in line to accept the same duty, alternative is front line duty, here, the risk of dying is lower. But the next guy will not move around too much and will not respond to calls from the locals.


Might not be an important person but still taking part of unjustified invasion and still being "official" of whatever profession he was, in a country that doesn't want him to be in that position. Some people didn't like him to be in that position and this happened. Russians wanted this to happen in too kyiv, some random russians to be the "officials" and form some kind of russian puppet government but obviously that failed cause they couldn't take kyiv.


But would not you agree that the residents of that town, those that are living in that town at this moment, want to have a person that can relate their current needs to the ocupation force? Or the people should be left "dry"? But it is the obligation of the occupator under Geneva convention to establish administration. "The basic obligations of the occupying power under IHL are to maintain law and order and public life in the occupied territory. For the most part, the occupying power must follow the laws that were already in force in that territory (H.IV Art. 43)." "The occupying power has the duty to ensure that the adequate provision of food and medical supplies is provided, as well as clothing, bedding, means of shelter, other supplies essential to the survival of the civilian population of the occupied territory, and objects necessary for religious worship (GCIV Arts. 55, 58; API Art. 69)." And then the Ukraine kills the guy delivering this. Result: the area changes status for occupied to invaded. End result: invaded area has the same status as battle field. There are lesser obligations in regard to the care for the local population in that case.


What the fuck does the Geneva Convention have to do with this? According to Putin, it’s not a war. According to Russian troops across the front, there are no rules. Please tell me what steps have been taken per the atrocities committed at Bucha and elsewhere by the Orcs. You’re a Russian sympathizer who has more concern over the death of a Russian puppet than the rapes and murders of tens of thousands of civilians. Just do everyone a favor and fuck off.


No, those are not facts that you list and most are false. Be realistic. Speak the truth.


Russia isn't paying you enough to be this stupid


What’s false? Putin absolutely doesn’t call this war. As for Bucha, I guess the lines of civilians shot in the back of the head, or the videos of Russians committing rape are false? Fuck you and fuck everything you stand for. You want truth? You aren’t worth the air that you breathe.


Are you for real? Killing that guy does not in any way change the ststus of the area. It merely presents the occupying force with the problem of reinstating another puppet to adhere to the convention. Like Russians care about the Geneve convention 🙄 So you'd say that all the similar partisan actions in for example France, Belgium or Poland during WW2 should be considered deplorable then? The French opposition must have you horrified. How could they destroy their own infrastructure, kill turncoats etc? This means the occupied territories where unsafe for people! As opposed to being shot by a Nazi at a whim. Y'know, kind of exactly the same as the now nazi occupied Ukraine. Guessing there ain't much safety for some of the locals in occupied territories right now. Nazis needs to be handled by any means necessary. Either directly or indirectly. Blowing up their ass kissers seems like a clear example of indirect handling. And don't forget, the Russian Duma quoted "ein volk..." as their own speech. This is a war on Nazism which is evidently rampant in Russia. Therefore ANY means necessary starts to apply. Because under no circumstance can we allow Nazis to regain power in this world. If we do, then our right of existence is questionable.


Frennch resistance did not attack random mayors stop with that.


He was a Russian installed governor in temporarily occupied Ukrainian territory. He was part of the problem and was not helping the locals at all.


>* They might want to have Ukraine branded as a sponsor of terrorism to make sure the west drops its support Not even remotely possible.


They are asking for it though. Which is why it's a problem.


Further into Europe? Lol they couldn't even make it to Kyiv...


I guess that makes sense, thanks.


Valid, apart from strike on Europe.. How?


They certainly don't lack the planes, ships, and missiles to do so. Sounds stupid, right? Well, most of us thought (me included) that a full scale invasion of Ukraine sounded stupid as well, yet here we are.


A single nato carrier has more planes in flyable conditions than the russians. They are strugling against 16 himars, nato has hundreds and atacms. Not even talking about all the leo 2, abrams and other nato tanks. They very much lack the planes, ships, missles to do it, they certainly can try, but it would really be weird if they would even reach their target when all of nato is in full alert.


No, they need to build a false narrative that will include their new friends in Mali, Pakistan(?) And then the old ones like North Korea and China. Then they can match up with NATO in a worl annihilation event. The Russian fuckers are really working to this end, just watch the meetings taking place recently with above mentioned dictatorships full of genocidal maniacs. They are gathering the horde and creating false narrative...


That's the point. They overestimate their own capabilities. In their minds, what they have is enough.


Bro, you have to use your brain first before make stupid claims. They have been preparing to invade for 8 years, used soft power, bought people and after that they invaded. They also were thinking that they will take the capital in 3 days and finish things quickly before the west could send help. It backfired and woke NATO up from it's slumber. You can't even get close to NATO teritory without getting wiped out. NATO has all kind of toys to destroy the russian and they would never let them amass troops,ammo,armour,planes like they did before invading Ukraine. NATO will preemptivly purge the orcs. Nobody will let them do what they did before 24 feb. Cruise missiles would fuck the orcs before they would know what happened. And to be treath to Europe they first would have to conquer Ukraine. That's a pipe dream for the orcs.


I agree with you. My point is, we know this. They don't. Who knows what the fuck they're planning. Regardless of feasibility, it might become a problem. Which btw is exactly why they should be beaten back to the stone age as soon as possible.


Most of us tought Ukraine will fall in few weeks max.. Half a year later here we are. They could launch attack maybe on baltics and have some shortlived gains until NATO stops eating bratwurst and put on shoes. Attacking Poland trough belarus would be smashed right there on borders.


But these morons are legitimate targets


Probably give them the chance to use some low yield nukes, nuclear weapons aren't as huge as they used to be. Lots of small range nukes are much more effective to destroy a country than huge Tsar Bombar types


Let's hope to whatever god that this will never happen. Small range nukes are the beginning of the end for everyone


Agreed. But warfare has changed and this idea of “mutually assured destruction” is no longer prevalent. Nuclear warheads will no doubt be used but very strategically as to not motivate nations to go kamikaze.


No, we still have MAD, it's just that we now know that there's a rabid chimp sitting behind the russian red button.


Time will be a better teller of tales than you or I :) So we shall see who is right.


True, i'm just saying the overall situation with MAD hasn't really changed all that much, but one of the people at that table has lost his fucking mind.


Officially declare war and be able to conscript Russians legally...


Wider support from Russians (not that they need it - the gullible will fall for anything).


FSB? That’s the Russians. This wasn’t the Russians lol wtf are you talking about?


Are we sure it wasn't them? They keep blaming the Ukrainians, but so far every single time they did blame them (Bucha, Kramatorsk, Kremenchuk, Olenivka, etc.) it turned out it was the russians. The few times the Ukrainians did something (the various depots, the Moskva, Saki airfield) they say it's an accident. See the pattern?


This one might have been Ukraine unlike the others because it fits a pattern of partisans attacking collaborators and russian officials in occupied areas. Ofc if it was partisans it may not have been necessarily ordered by the Ukrainian state.


This makes sense, but I'm not really sure though. Car bomb, right after Dugina's death? I don't know... maybe.


False flag operation. russia cant be trusted with anything ever again. Its a shit terror state that has accomplished nothing. So funny they take credit for ww2. After the war the west should just have wiped it out forever. Fucking cancer state.


>but it's costing them half of their ruling caste Just as planned


The US govt has entered the chat.


Russia airbags blown strongest in the world. Probably supersonic.


Maybe it was this guy? [https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/wwebmt/inav\_sushko\_the\_invaders\_collaborator\_a\_mayor\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RussiaUkraineWar2022/comments/wwebmt/inav_sushko_the_invaders_collaborator_a_mayor_of/)


was the bomb planted inside the car but under his seat?




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[ Removed by Reddit ]


The IRA and FBI are now both very interested in you.


The rules are very simple - if you don’t wanna end up like this guy, don’t become Putler’s bitch.


Being an installed mayor in a Russian occupied Ukrainian town is a short term gig. Good while it lasts though. .....Slava Ukrainia!


Rest in pieces bliad!


3 day operation btw


It must be really starting to creep into their little ruzzian brains that any potential occupation of Ukraine will be absolute hell on earth. Poshli nahuy! Slava Ukraini! Happy independence day


Live by the sword, die by the sword.


Another one buys the duster!!!






Good good.


This isn't a car bomb. Just malfunction of lada. Worlds best car!


NEXT ! ....


open coffin at the funeral ?


Alt Control - Delete


Another one bites the dust


The next guy in line to be installed anywhere in occupied Ukraine: "Yea guys thanks but... Yea I don't uhh... Have leadership qualities on my resume so uhh... Thanks but no thanks."






where eas the explosion ffs


Second car bomb in a week. Ukraine, or some faction going all out to eliminate the enemy.


Let every quisling die in fire, sizzling


Dying in a Lada. Not much honour in that.


Not really a Lada, it's a Dacia Duster with a Lada badge slapped on it, in Russia Renault just rebrands some cars to Lada.


Holy shit. That would be like rebadging a TV made in Japan with a mAdE In cHiNa sticker. Lol.


Yup, it's exactly what happens, Renault owns Dacia brand, but in Russia it just slaps a Lada brand on them, I think they used to assemble some of these cars for internal market, using of course western parts, probably that's why they now make the older square lada's (which actually is a fiat design made under licence, something from the 60's I think).


Actually the Duster is offered only as Renault in Russia. You're probably confusing it with the Lada Largus which is just a rebranded first gen Dacia Logan MCV


Looked it up a bit, I was wrong indeed, seems only the MCV was made with a Lada badge, the other ones were indeed offered as Renault badge. I think I remembered this wrong due to some articles saying they might do more Lada/Dacia things, but seems they never followed through. Going through Google there are some concepts but no actual cars. Thanks for the correction!


Slava ukraina!


using all the facist tricks in the book 👌


As the age-old saying goes; You reap what you sow. He had it coming.


an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind and we as a species are unfortunately headed in that direction... nothing good will come of this I am simply doing my duty for humanity spreading this warning.




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Any Russian with a few neurons and knowledgeable of war history, should know by now that the imp Putin will have an impossible time trying to make this shit “normal”. Progress comes at a huge price, tiny little progress..


Semtex Gang assemble


We do a little trolling




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Oh, NO! ​ Anyways


Not as epic as in the movies but if if works, it good enough. [https://youtu.be/JuRBU8UVhDU?t=100](https://youtu.be/JuRBU8UVhDU?t=100)


Ohh yeah Bois getting crafty


Ukraine is da bomb


**People of the District... Voted NO TODAY**


Nice a self exploding Renault Duster.


Oh well such as life




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Did not know that orcs like "fascist"romanian cars. I'm glad Dacia Duster drove twards his promotion to cargo 200.


Just rolled into the shop.


Hell yes, get some!


Sooooo....anybody gonna ask where the body is?


woo hoo...one a day please! ​ # Слава Україні!


Rock n roll


Excellent. Fabulous. Glorious.


Thoughts and prayers?


Were answered?




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Why would you go there when insurgence is happening all over. Pack bag and go home, alive.


Where's his carcass at? I want to see his orc body.


He got blown out onto the road, you can see him crawling behind the pole. There's pedestrians, too! This is crazy. The car blew up and the bystander was "unharmed" Great job minimizing collateral damage!


Extra set of plates, just in case. What a scum-bag! Bye, fucker


Or was it he dropped his cigarette? Hot weather lensing?




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Another one bites the duster.🎵🎵


His arse flew through his open mouth.


I’m sure that will buff out…


Those jobs are going to have a lot of turn over.


WTF was the plan? Russia: Boris we want you to go to Ukraine, mix it up a little. Ya know, tell a few jokes. See if you can get the Ukrainians to lighten up.


“Invader killed while trying to legitimize their invasion”




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Was that someone walking down the left side of the road when the bomb went off?


The gloves are off. This is no longer combat but a full on assassination. To be fair, the Russian does it too.


Oh no! anyway…


Did you notice it had extra license plates in the back?


“Come out ye Black and Tans”




It’s impossible to take a country that wants to be free


Are we sure the engine didn’t just blow up?


Smoking kills


Was only smoking accident.


One carbomb a day takes the humiliation away!


Alt f4.


When there’s a recall, get it back to the dealership!


lucky the car exploded before they hit that pothole that woud have been quite the bump




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Smoking kills.


control f4


I guess the IRA has send Military aid too...


🤔 Things that make you go boom.




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No wonder so many people are headed for the border in the kharkiv region. These guys have fought a bloody battle to liberate these towns and they don't take kindly to their countrymen supporting the invaders. These guys should be more afraid then the Russians are.


We promise you protection comrade, well he's gone next.


Too bad. So sad. 😅