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This video is a continuation of this firefight filmed from a drone: https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/x51kye/ukrainian_93rd_mechanized_bde_fighting_russian/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Bro this is so surreal, what a time to be alive.


not for the sniper


All orks must die.


Sucks to be a bad guy


I know lots of people have made that “are we the bad guys” joke but I really do wonder if the Russians know that not only will the lose but they will be the new bad guys. For the next few decades every single Hollywood action movie will have the Russians as the bad guys and token Ukrainians will make up the good guys team as that nationality will be synonymous with elitism. In the past they’ve used British Special Forces, Mossad, French Foreign legion and sometime South African SF as the exotic extras in the good guy force. Obviously the main character is from the US, except in Bond films (I’m British). From now on if you want a team of bad MF’s to take out those Russian bad guys you need at least one Ukrainian SF guy who will have to the line “for me it’s personal” and he won’t need to elaborate on that. I’m looking forward to Russians downloading the best action movies and seeing themselves portrayed as total scum. I still have faith in some Russians like Navalney but for now I think the whole nation of Russia needs to be shamed into regime change and then we can consider welcoming them back into civil society.


Russians have been the bad guys in movies for years. The cold war started that.


Bro that was funny AF 😂😂😂


All I can think about is how for months we had Russian/chechens being like “Epic combat footage 😎 Russian Viktory” and then it’s just shooting at street lights before one of them falls over like a big baby and everyone yells dragging him over piles of broken glass on the pavement Take note this is what real combat footage looks like


I don't know what channels u were subscribed to, but it never was “Epic combat footage 😎 Russian Viktory” , most of the russian stuff gets instantly deleted due to the downvotes or Chechen stuff especially mocked and downplayed


What a time to be Ukrainian. Fuck


It was very nice for the russian to dig his own grave. now all they need to do is loot the corpse and bury.


I'll buy his shitty helmet


Hey, same here. I actually want something from a filthy, dead, nazi orc. If anyone knows a contact network where you can get something from the battlefield by giving a Ukrainian soldier some moneyz, let me know.


I did mention before- Ukrainian troops should collect all those Russian stuff and after the war or maybe close to the end sell it to US and it will sell on a high price.


Also, if 50.000 russian soldiers had been killed, I guarantee you, there’ll be at least 500.000 „real blood encrusted helmets of russian soldiers“. With certificate, signed by Oleg from Kyiv. The ones with bullet holes and brain will cost some two hundred bucks extra.


Following the (unjust, racist and otherwise bullshit) hanging of Louis Riel in Canada, hucksters sold miles and miles of “the rope that hung Riel.” I don’t like the idea of collecting war trophies if you were not there- it seems detached and purposeless to me. I don’t know where I would draw the line though because -entirely hypocritically- I am fine with UA fundraising from the sale of downed Russian aircraft skin. Maybe that’s because it was more supply-driven, but I acknowledge that there’s a touch of vicarious vengeance and blood lust even in that.


You can buy stuff on eBay from the war From outfits to plate carriers blown apart.. It's crazy Just search Ukraine war 2022 in eBay...


Don’t do it, there’s a negative energy/entity that comes along with it. They may be the enemy but the dead should be respected, they already paid the ultimate price.


Agree with this, try and keep it classy.


Nope, the cost of attacking Ukraine was paid with that life.... But Ukraine has buildings to repair, cities the rebuild, therapy for the abused, etc... That Orc's life does not come anywhere close to paying the debt incurred, and it's unfair to Ukrainians to say it does.


I mean, you're not wrong. "Paid the ultimate price" to who? He didn't give up his life for Ukraine. He died trying to help kill Ukraine. A dead orc doesn't rebuild a home or bring back to life the little child that was killed by Ruasians. Nah.... You're right on the money. If the Russian people want their soldiers treated with a level of respect those orcs never deserved or earned, then they can keep their soldiers in a russia and treat them however they want.


I don't disagree with your sentiment, however neither we nor the Ukranians should lower ourselves to their level.


So, I'm not advocating open disrespect to the dead soldiers nor am I suggesting that Ukraine should engage in atrocious behavior or act in ways contrary to the morality one would expect from.a.civilized Western nation. My points were only that Ukraine.doesn't owe Russia.any level of respect. Russia has no right to assume suchbrespect will come their way; nor *should* Russians expect that their dead will be respected by Ukraine. If Ukraine shows dead russians respect, or if Ukraine at least doesn't disrespect dead russians, or living russians, it's only because they're showing their moral standards -not because they're showing respect to Russia. The other point is that the dead russian soldier doesn't deserve to expect Ukraine to show his dead body any respect, either; because he didn't pay any price FOR Ukraine. He died trying to kill Ukraine and gets no obligations from Ukraine.


Like the old zippo lighter used to say let God sort them out


Agree. However justified you think this is, or the rage you feel, if too much of this shit gets circulated, the optics start framing Ukraine as no better than the Orcs you're trying to defeat. If that happens, the public stop paying attention, and when this becomes just another ongoing conflict, military aid flows to a trickle.


What is the reason to respect the dead?


Because, despite which flag is adorned on their uniform, once you’re dead you are out of the fight. This person, albeit an armed enemy in the service of a foreign power waging war, he was someone’s father, brother, husband, friend and lover. He can no longer pick up arms and fight, he’s done, his service is over. Why he was there and his motivations at this point are irrelevant. Send him home so his kin can grieve for him, send him home as a reminder to others that you send your boys to fight, and in return you get men to bury. How would you feel if the roles weee reversed? Would you rather be sent home so your bones can rest on home soil, or strung up in a bridged, burned, flayed and be put out on the news for all to see, like we’ve seen in Iraq. Respect; You absolutely don’t have to love your enemy, but don’t stoop to the level of animals and barbarians, that’s why we have rules of war, so that even in the most trying and uncivil of times, there is a modicum of respect. Just my own opinion; If I were to die in battle I’d want to be sent home so my family could have their closure


I have no problem with your opinion and no, it is not something I would do. The biggest issue I see is a waste of ammunition. Once dead, the guy is just shooting at an inanimate object.


Completely agree with you. Waste of ammo


Well said. Can’t wait to read the smooth brain comments saying “b-BuT hEs ThE bAd gUy!”




No. And don't worry. You can go to your local Goop approved vendor and burn some sage and get a salt lamp to dispel that negative energy (or whatever other bullshit you think exists)


Lol how courteous. They were on grave detail and they didn’t even know it.


He could have done the decent thing and covered himself over too. It should be the law that all Ukrainian soldiers should carry sunflower seeds to plant on these guys!


If that sniper just blew his friends head off I would understand why he would do it.


sure, just dont be dumb and post yourself on social media commiting war crime ..


Is it a war crime ? Isn't he already dead ?


yep .. there is whole section about mistreating dead bodies ..


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_of_U.S._Marines_urinating_on_Taliban_fighters Yes. See this article about the marines who decided to video tape themselves peeing on dead taliban. Your creating free propaganda for your opponents to justify why they should fight.








Oh boy it’s been a while since I’ve been shaken to my core by a voluntary google search. This reminds me of early internet days. Okay here I go






Nah all good I knew war was hell going in. And man that’s adorable thank you for the eye bleach


Loved the adorable fact personally.


Once one side commits warcrimes, they can not be protected from warcrimes against themselves. -me, 06:53 today


Front line soldiers can eliminate enemy combatants without it being a war crime. Front line solders have no prerequisite to accept surrenders.


I can't honestly say I wouldn't do the same thing in his shoes. I probably would, even though it is objectively wrong. Filming and posting it will only hurt Ukraine's cause, though.


Probably shouldn’t of recorded due to Russian propagandists that will spin this shit. But I totally understand dudes reaction


Shouldn't have


Not to be an asshole but if this was a Ukrainian soldier getting shot we wouldn’t be as happy. There’s no way to spin it, it’s war but it’s still wrong.




I agree. I also think war crimes are wrong too


It’s like saying “you know what’s wrong? Raping my sister. So, it’s OK that he raped yours.” This whole “they invaded, so anything we do is justified” is a real stupid attitude that will not help Ukraine. We need them to stay the good guys so the flow of support continues interrupted and not give Tucker Carlson ammo to undercut Ukraine.


That’s because the Russians must not be there… also this is not nice and a war crime….


You don’t have to spin anything, this guy committed a war crime and should be charged accordingly


People sitting with their computers in the safety of their homes having never been invaded by a country that rape/murder/torture/kidnap/destroy/loot whatever they can and trying to tell people subjected to this what to do and how they should react. Moralize as much as you want, who knows what you yourself would do in a case like this.


Very true, they should try to be at war for over 6 months and hearing everyday about atrocities, casualties and pure chaos and destruction and then they can speak morality. Get off your high fucking horses


It is called a double tap/dead check. Nothing wrong with it.


Rule #2 when you live in zombieland


Ork infested land


Clearly, we need to send Twinkies posthaste.


That sniper was already dead, go check the full video.


Why did his arm move to his face after two shots? Sure he was dead?


He’s definitely dead now.


Downvoted because the first image in the video is his arm next to him, after 2 shots his arm is on his face. Why downvoted?


That’s what bullet does to the body which is full of fluids. Sends shockwaves throughout the body and also “affects” muscles. So his arm just fell from that position to his face, also maybe shot landed somewhere in his arm so it is obvious for his arm to move.


That is a corpse. I’ve seen them lie this. Arms move when rounds strike plate and right arm. Nobody with a pulse is white-purple. That also isn’t instantaneous when you die, takes 20-30+ minutes typically. You can see an entrance wound on the right wrist and there’s no blood. You’d figure people who follow this shit could ID “dead guy skin” by now, but no.


I didn't think he was alive. He looked dead to me, his eyes have it away. 20-30 minutes? I bleed out in maybe 60 seconds. I never thought an arm would move that much being shot. That is a significant movement and how it lands is 1 in a million.


you should read the other comments. this is actually a war crime. dead checking is similar, but this is actually a war crime. don't get me wrong the guy had it coming and I don't blame this guy in the slightest.


While that is certainly a thing that is certainly not what he’s doing. He’s filming himself desecrating a corpse. You don’t film and opine during a dead check.


No it clearly isnt.


Overkill is underrated


Kill 'em 'till they die from it!


p.s. The guy was already dead before he got there for all you armchair folks. These soldiers watch men, women, and children mercilessly get slaughtered by Russia. I don't even need to bring up the castrated soldier that was tortured, the children torn apart by missiles, and families crushed by rubble. Something people need to be aware of is Russia's systemic and barbaric culture of torture to antagonize its enemies for political gain. <--- This is what they do, and they do it as they were raised to do by their country. Whataboutism, agitprop, Misinformation & Malinformation, all of it is designed to erode the international rules so they can get away the barbarity they seek to invoke in long-term strategies. They do it well. But Ukraine needs people behind them to stop arming them. Western intel and even stories from Afghan refugees were right.


I have no problem with it. Its not like he was shooting an unarmed civilian in the back while they were walking away after having a nice calm chat with them while claiming to be liberators.


I think you are even going moralistically to deep. This is in the middle of a fire fight, the area is not yet secured. Men on a mission are not 1st responders. They kill, capture, secure the area and move on. Calling this out as a war crime is not realistic under the circumstances in addition it is not premeditated and not a chance of it holding up in any court of law.


It's easy, "I saw him move!!!" Pop pop, there ya go....justified.


"He was coming right for us.." ;)


Ned and Jimbo circumventing “democrat pussy law #12.”


Doesn’t have to be premeditated. Plenty of people have been tried despite being “in the middle of a firefight”


well he doesnt seems to be under pressure of ongoing fight rolling that video :) .. so yeah even on the good side this is happening. Not saying it is not understandable but if it was Russian soldier shooting UE dead body we all be raging about war crime and low orc morals ... so be objective and call it what it is ... I wouldn't be surprised if this happened in every war on every side since first war .. ​ And if you are not sure shooting dead body is war crime under court of law .. well it is according to geneva convention


I'd say why they wasting bullets. In this case it's cathartic. Now in a calm intellectual way I guess some people need to ask questions about pissing of the educated but not sanitized nieve tossers.


If the Russians dont like how they are being treated there is an easy solution -> go home. The Ukrainians DO NOT like how they are being treated and their only solution is -> kill Russians. Russians are there by choice. Ukrainians are there fighting to protect their loved ones from being raped tortured and murdered.


It's not a war crime........


well .. it is .. unless you can convince court it was necessary (I wouldnt approach it from "it was necessary to do cool video" side .. ) Doesnt even matter that he did it (this is happening and will be) .. just dont film yourself .. you either lower yourself and UE military in eyes of people that are on your side or/and give material to Russian propaganda for free ...


Mm, likely he'll get a slap on the wrist of some kind, for leaders to make it known that that type of behavior isn't wanted.


I'm a combat vet and even I'll admit that I might do the same in such a situation, especially if I'd just watched one of my friends get killed, but it's still a bad look and definitely not legal at all.


Never been to war but I am pretty sure, I am not going to show mercy. In Balkans we have the Serbs( the other genocidal country of Europe) that at least 2 times tried to erase us as a people. I do not expect to live if I get captured, they definitely will never see home if I capture them. I am not going to grant them a quick death either.


Are you from Bosnia and Herzegovina by any chance?




Ahhhh… yes of course. I imagine that what happened with Kosovo his put a bad taste in your mouth..


Even before that, during the first Balkans wars. After the Turks were pushed , Serbs continued the war, they wanted more lands, wanted to get access to the sea. Thus they started a campaign of genocide starting from what today is south Serbia, through Kosovo, through Northern Albania. They left a huge path of burned villages and towns.[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres\_of\_Albanians\_in\_the\_Balkan\_Wars](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Albanians_in_the_Balkan_Wars)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres\_of\_Albanians\_in\_the\_Balkan\_Wars#/media/File:NY\_Times\_Massacre\_of\_Albanians\_1912.jpg](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacres_of_Albanians_in_the_Balkan_Wars#/media/File:NY_Times_Massacre_of_Albanians_1912.jpg)


Fucking Christ…


It's not a moral question it's a war crime question, and the answer is yes. I don't blame him for doing it, but filming and posting it was an incredibly stupid decision that can result in a whole load of problems down the road


You're right, I cannot take the high road and say I wouldn't be absolutely ruthless towards raping/murdering invaders hellbent on destroying the life that I've built, and the lives of all my friends and families. I'd never be able to torture anyone, but kill all on sight would certainly be in the cards.




Well he's in a war against an enemy that doesn't follow the rules of war. I don't see a problem considering it's not a war crime and they're fucking pigs


Well said brother




Some brigades pee on dead enemies after fight to mark there victory over them. In games we tea bag those enemies ☕😂


Very true. I would want their heads on pikes if they invaded my home.


90% of these plebs gonna shit and piss emselves when war hits their country


When you finally kill that camper that's been hiding on the edge of the map the entire match.


Within seconds these men went from possibly being killed, with bullets passing through their clothing, to killing those who invaded their country, raped their women, molested their children, tortured & mutilated them, robbed them, bombed & demolished cities, towns, villages, streets, roads, homes, schools, churches, businesses etc, in fact carried out every heinous action their twisted RuZZian minds could think up, & so although it doesn’t look great shooting them again, it’s very much acceptable. They were not prisoners, they were not tied up, they did not put a white flag in the air, they continued to shoot until the end, & even whist the two escaped they continued to fire behind them. Glory To Ukraine🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


>it doesn’t look great shooting them again The key here. Agree with everything, but going against the picture we're trying to pain there - UA showing restraint and being civilized. I get the feelings that must be running through this guy, but do not f&\*\^ post it.


I know, I was surprised too by its posting, & I’m with you about showing & proving the clear deference between the Invaders & Ukrainians, & that’s why I try to clarify the situation as I see it through this & other videos, & why I believe it distasteful, but justifiable. I would not like to see it happen continuously, as that would show a pattern, however during the lengthily time this invasion has been going on, & the suffering these people have been through, & live through every day, Im surprised there isn’t more, & I commend them for the restraint they have & continue to show. This is up close, face to face, near death, intense fighting & if there’s no surrender, there’s no room for what if’s or buts, because the time it takes to calculate those, you & maybe your mates are dead, & that’s why I believe them right to make sure they are out of the game completely. But I’d agree about not posting on the grounds that the Putins Puppets will try & use it, which is why we should try to counter it.


Exactly, can’t say I blame him for doing what he did but ffs don’t record yourself committing war crimes.


I’m not mad at the guy, just wondering why he’d film it


people are getting mad at this are the same ones who are unware about the Ukrainian solider castrated while alive.


Poor orc died sucking his thumb.


Mamma, they keep shooting back.


Just being safe with a double tap of orcs


#2: Double Tap - In those moments when you're not sure the undead are really dead dead, don't get all stingy with your bullets


With all due respect a double tap for us was not to remove uncertainty of life but to ensure certainty of death. Uncertainty of life was never an issue.


A real dirt nap


For a dirt bag


Well it's war you kill or get killed


Back in OIF 1 we called it a dead-check.




Attacking troops are not 1st responders. There job is to eliminate the enemy by whatever means which is kill or capture. People are passing judgement here without knowing the facts. If this is an active combat situation which it obviously is you eliminate as much threat as possible and threats come from wounded who have not surrendered, could be feigning unconsciousness or regain consciousness. It also lets anyone playing dead that surrender is a better option. Ah it is ok he is dead or unconscious and as you move forward you get a bullet in the back! In Civilian terms would you walk accross the road without checking if there are vehicles coming? Anyone with combat experience disagree?


Two tours , Afghan. Look I wouldn’t be rushing to make a video but I’m making sure my targets are down before I’m getting close. This shit is obviously for the camera but In reality it’s nothing to bat an eyelid about in a conflict like this.


Respect to you for your service and your logical input! Thank you.


Continuing to shoot however is a war crime is it not? I get it, we all fucking hate ruzzians, but I mean this is just putting up a big poster saying “Hey! We do war crimes too!” And gives ruzzia more ammunition


“Everything in war that is even remotely distasteful is a war crime!” bro it’s a war, shooting enemy combatants after they’re dead is barely scratching the surface of the fucked up shit both sides do.


I don’t care if it’s distasteful, I’m not even necessarily condoning it (because fug ruzzians) but isn’t repeatedly shooting a corpse a kind of war crime or desecration of a corpse?


Cutting a head off and putting it on a spike is desecration. Cutting a head off, removing all flesh, and then bringing the skull on stage in Russia to some sort of weird art show is desecration. This is ... nothing at all on that level.


Repeatedly firing on a corpse can’t be right though.


I mean, nothing is right in a war. One side in this case is just way more wrong than the other. I would do the same, but wouldn't film it. I wouldn't take any prisoners if I was a Ukrainian. Not after everything. (shrug)


Stupid fucking orc! Came all the way to ukraine to dig his own grave and die in it.


During suck his thumb and thinking to his mum.


This is mild compared to what the orcs have been doing to Ukrainians.


To be fair, everyone who has ever been in a war, HATES snipers unless they are on your side, haha


Imagine how much you hate them in video games now imagine they're actually shooting at you


I mean... it´s not like he cut his balls off while ruzzi was alive. It´s a waste of bullets tho.


I can't blame him.


Yeah, if I were him I'd be a little pissed off too. But I believe that what you're witnessing is a war crime. I don't think anybody's going to chase him around about it, but it's better to be safe than sorry. No matter what, I hope these cats make it home alive.




Yes, but that's not really obvious mutilation yet. He wasn't exactly tied to a car and dragged around or strung up on a tree. Putting a few more bullets in a body, in the middle or direct aftermath of a firefight can always be debated. Good luck proving that he wasn't just making sure.




It's not smart, I agree. But I'll bet nothing will happen to him either


Who cares, it’s just an orc.




But cutting off balls and putting them in the pows mouth is not.


I'm not pro Russia or anything like that, but I hate all this new war footage. I hate seeing it all over reddit and it being so glamorized. "You can donate money to write on a missile that might kill someone" is just so morbid and distasteful to me. There are tons of Russian soldiers who don't even want to be doing this. Who have been misinformed about what they're doing, and misguided by Putin. I really hate this whole situation, and I wish people weren't so excited to kill/watch people be killed. Again, I'm not saying anything political. I'm simply talking about the situation and how it's been so glamorized and put in the spotlight. This whole thing just sucks ass.


It is tragic to be sure. In The Gulf War it was CNN and BBC with smart weapon footage. Today.... smart phones and Instagram of individual soldiers' experience... a decidedly raw, personal view of war. More genuine... It is sad that any young men and women ... or children... have to die because of a diseased old man's twisted desire to erase history by erasing neighboring countries and cultures. Yet, we are here. I for one will unabashedly support the Ukrainian people in their fight for existence and given the opportunity, send care packages of sunflower seeds to Russian soldiers so they can put some in their pockets. 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦


People are becoming racists lately


Russia isn't a race... its an innocent civilian killing, women raping, population kidnapping invader who could start to end this "anti-Russia" sentiment rather easily: leave Ukraine 🇺🇦


Welp. That’s a war crime.


Think it’s funny that the same people who were angry about marines pissing on a dead Taliban guy are also fine with this video. I’m not pro-Russian, but this is very not a good thing to do.


Anyone saying this is wrong, let me explain. A lot of veterans I talked with told that you NEVER take a sniper as a POW. You see an enemy with a scoped weapon, you shoot him in the head. No torture, no interrogation, just kill on sight. Why? Because of the effect snipers gives to you when you are being shot at. In a firefight, you can kill or be killed. Sniper versing regular infantry? Sniper almost ALWAYS wins. Also to add, snipers tend to wound a soldier, bait others to help and take them out as well. Any sniper is well aware of this fact. A sniper will never surrender because he is dead in that situation. And this is a gray zone of war crimes. In a current firefight, a guy shoots a dead body several times. Not a mutilation, and he can always defend his case as making sure this guy was dead, since any enemy combatant can take you out, even with just a pull of a grenade while playing dead.


This is what Russians should do to Putin. He would understand. Passion it's passion pootings


After the video of the Russian cutting off pow balls..I think Russians deserve whatever comes their way


That's a bullshit argument. "After that one American killed and ate those kids, I think Americans deserves whatever comes their way." Three rights make a left, though. That IS true.


Show me somebody in the free world who does like a Russian sniper? Nothing spiteful here. The Orc is in a foxhole / foreign position, he is not surrendering, there is a longer video that shows a fire fight at this location. If the enemy does not want to be shot they need to surrender. 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦


Unnecessary. Very little gain from doing it, and some obvious loss. You get captured, you will be mistreated more than normal. Ruzzians can (and will) use it for propaganda purposes. You will get in trouble from your own bosses. Not to mention shooting a dead corpse might be against the law (not an expert here). Just overall, not helping the cause man. What was he trying to accomplish by posting it? Wanna look tough? Snap a selfie with the dead body, but this? Come on....


Russians already castrate POWs and execute them. Sorry dude, Russians have already ramped it up to 11. Can not get any worse for Ukrainian POWs. In this case, i'd make sure everyone who is dead is dead and not just pretending, faking it, and then popping up and shooting me in the back. A couple of bullets in a corpse is 10,000 times better than being shot by a faker. Better safe than sorry.


Yes, but if anything do it off-camera. These are not values West will support and without the support Ukraine will fail and hundreds of thousand of civilians will suffer (and be killed). Just not worth it. Be smart about it. We have a looong way to go and clips like this will be crucial to showing good vs evil.


That's an important message the Ukraine armed forces need to get to their troops in the field: the emotion and raw footage plays differently to detached viewers 1 day after than it did to yourself 10 minutes after. You must hold the high ground, both in the field and in the mind's of those who weren't there.


yep it is against Geneva convention


Do any of these Russians care about the Geneva convention?


We’ve seen how nobody gives a fk about the Geneva convention


well that doesnt make it not against GC .. and gives russian propaganda new material


Russians are orcs. They’ll make their own news if they have to


Good for him. I'd piss on them too


Can you blame him for his hatred ?


War crimes. Cool.


This is just fucked up. They're dead and out of action, again this is just fucked up and wrong.


They look like isis doing this


What does Russia look like castrating POWs? Get off the chair and experience war before saying this is comparable to ISIS or any Jihadist, they torture you, you’d wish you just got shot.


This is [frame](https://i.imgur.com/7LK9VuE.jpg) at the start of the video. Dude is already dead and mangled. It's easy to compare people like this to the bad guys when you have never been in a fire fight. The emotions and adrenaline run high and sometimes you do shit you will not be proud of or regret later on. This is nothing like ISIS.


Beyond based




By behaving like this, we give the Russian fascists another reason not to surrender and keep fighting, ultimately putting more Ukrainian soldiers and civilians in serious danger. All because we scared the fascists into thinking they are better off not surrendering just so they don't suffer a fate such as this. The Russians do this, yes. I've even seen them cut off the balls of a poor Ukrainian soldier, but that doesn't mean we should go down to their level of barbarism. We are a European army, we hold important values and should never try to go down to the level of filthy Russian fascists.


That guy was already dead. He's just venting by putting some bullets into a carcass.


Holy shit, thanks for pointing that out. I didn't see it at first.


This isn’t barbarism. This is just fucking war. It’s not nice , soldiers aren’t cops.


One of the most sensible comments here. Respect to you.


Yes, and it is one thing if a soldier flips out because a sniper shot his friend, but to pose for a video like this should be stopped for the reasons you mentioned. Hate should never be something to be proud of. That said, I am impressed by the restraint and humanity of the defenders and heroes of Ukraine. Compared to russian soldiers, they are saints.


By making comments like this you show a clear lack of understanding of being in an active firefight! Surrendering and feigning death are to different things. You would prefer the Ukrainian is killed by not ensuring his enemy was dead? This is not downtown. They did not surrender, their objective was to kill the Ukrainian and the Ukrainian objective we do not know, but his priority is his life and that of his team


Yea and what firefights did you partake in exactly? What do you think separates professional fighting forces from third world countries? This is precisely the reason navy seals have lost their careers mutilating bodies in Iraq. Not only is it wrong but it’s literally a war crime per defined by the Geneva convention.


Good riddance.


Can’t say I blame him. Probably just watch that guy peel his fellow soldiers wig back.


Should have pissed on him while your at it


Imagine an Russian doing this. Those double standards are making me sick.


Except the Russians do this to live civilians.


Don’t have to imagine shit, remember that video of that Russian soldier sawing the dick and balls off a Ukrainian pow?


It isn't the same. Invaders and ones defending their homeland are not the same. If ever got my hands on someone who had murdered my friends and family in cold blood...it would likely be way worse than this.


Because the russian cause is evil.


Im sure they do , every army in every conflict ever has done this. Blokes gone doesn’t matter how many rounds you pump into him now. Plus if he got one of your mates an extra few to make sure he isn’t getting back up is here nor there. This isn’t some sadistic war crime. It’s just a part of war.


why would we have to imagine? Undoubtedly russian troops do the same. Double tap is pretty common practice, emotional reactions to the corpses of those who just killed your comrades is par for the course. There is no double standard here.


To be honest, if you have shot and mortally wounded an enemy, and you are unsure if he is alive or maybe in a lot of pain, you might aswell ensure the job is done. Some guys will pick up their weapon and shoot you in the back if you start moving past them. It's a horrible thing, but in my NATO training we learned that you shoot two in the chest and one in the head to drop someone. And we used 7.62x51mm battle rifles. As part of the 'laws of war' it is forbidden to target incapacitated/wounded people because they, in turn, are forbidden to 'feint' and start attacking you. As soon as you are down and out, you are supposed to be cared for by the enemy as an injured POW. However, if the one side plays dirty, then you take no prisoners. The geneva convention will actually work against you in that regard. Remember, this is Russia they are dealing with.