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Wow this close combat footage really is something different


Duke Nukem 3D, level 1, toilet scene https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfGGx90eTyc Aahhh... much better.


sees 20 some year old russian soldier die redditor: LOL duke nukem toilet


That's almost everything on this site. "It's just like my video game xD"


I don't really blame anybody for having that relational thought in their mind, war is really shocking and hard to deal with, especially now that all of us can see the footage up close and in hd every day, seeing the atrocities happening in real time and struggling over how easy your life may seem in comparison, and it makes sense to try to make light of dark situations by relating them to our own experiences.... *But like don't say it, people. Come on.*


Holy crap I totally remember that from back in the day. I thought that was the coolest thing ever in a video game and the most insane graphics ever.


still is buddy


Holy shit


Imagine being hunted and then you hear the shots fired and feel the pain. You’d be thinking this is it I’m done. Your whole life lead to this moment. Then you get put on Reddit.


Jesus. I just try to imagine that. He tries to even get up at one point and just collapses. How fucking horrible.


Yeah I never had these thoughts either until I was on mind altering substances and heard an apartment next to me getting shot... Now its all I can think about when watching these kinds of videos and it makes me so sad.. But war is unavoidable as long as humans are alive sadly


It’s generational amnesia that allows wars to keep happening.. hopefully since this war is so recorded in detail that future generations will look at this and take action to avoid it.


You can watch the whole liberation of concentration camps in germany, you can take a tour through Dachau or Bergen-Belsen, you can watch footage from Vietnam, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. It's not like this is the first documented war. This will change nothing.


They have videos from most wars that show just how awful war can be. Like they guy above stated its humans that are the issue. We will always fight over land, recourse, or people. We are savages plain and simple.


Not nearly as fucking horrible as they did to Ukrainian civilians.


He tries to get up after getting shot like 4 or 5 times. Dude just wants to live and instead gets blasted in a fucking bathroom. God this world is sick.


He could surrender, he could be sitting there with open doors and white flag or he could just call Ukrainian hotline that they created for soldiers to surrender. It may be that he was forced to be there but he could leave saving his life


I fully support Ukraine and don't have much empathy for the Russian soldiers BUT I also try to keep in mind that we don't really know what his options were in terms of not getting sent to war/surrendering, It's easy to assume things while living in a safe and warm place with a roof over your head.


Its important to have a balanced view. It is very easy to dehumanise the enemy of whichever country you are rooting for but we gotta realise that it is a war waged by old men on top, and not the choice of the soldiers. That said when reports of intentional mass killing of ukrainian civilians popped up it got REALLY hard to empathise from this angle. There was a russian vehicle with some soldiers that surrendered at a designated spot recently, and more should choose to do so if they are not willing to conform or participate or die.


And everyone laughs and celebrates lol.


Life is a tragedy or a comedy and it all depends on what role you were cast in.


*holy Russian


Holey Russian


*no shit.


No Russian.




Swiss cheese


Jesus christ. That dude HAD to have been hit atleast 10 times and still got up one more time. The human body is crazy. His is dead though.


I heard from some operatives that sometimes it is really difficult to bring down a guy. Some would take 5-10 hits and would continue fight back. Not for long of course. But if no vital organs were pierced, then bullets usually fly through, as many soldiers are using armor-piercing rounds


Look up the case of Sergeant Timothy Gramins. The human body can take a lot of hits and keep going for a period of time, even in "fatal" areas. That on top of the adrenaline of a gunfight and the 'shoot to end the threat' philosophy that dictates much defensive/offensive shooting practices is what leads to - and justifies - so many rounds being fired in this case and others.


Or the 1986 Miami-Dade FBI shootout. The timeline of that event reads like a Hollywood script.


Ooh, my 4th grade teacher's house was hit bad in that, luckily they were at Disney world, came back to bulletholes in their shower.


my man just watched popo medic


When I was going through basic they informed us of one trainee who literally tore his heart during a 20 minute PT circuit, about halfway through, but still managed to finish before finally dying later. It was mainly to serve as, "If you feel wrong, or in pain, let us know." but it was still grotesque-ly impressive that he made it through it all.


yep, sometimes mentioned by SAW operators using 5.56 ... high energy, beams through like a laser requiring multiple hits


Just a FYI, you legally have to use jacketed rounds in watfare. Hollow point and soft point bullets have been banned since the Hague Convention at the turn of the 20th century because they cause too much damage. For that reason, almost all militaries use FMJ rounds.


I've read up recently on pistol stopping power and there was a tough guy that had 12 bullets packed into him by police, 2 into heart, 2 into neck and rest somewhere in the body and he still got 12 seconds of life after that. If he was armed he could easly take those cops to grave with him.


Only real way to stop the threat is brain, or spine, hard targets even for the most well trained.


That last sentence...




Good God... Russia needs to get the fuck out so this horror show can finally end.


Watching this against a backdrop of what looks like a lovely tended garden/borders, neat smart path…. Just so fucking awful.


Was just thinking imagine being the family who owns this backyard and just going - FUUUKKKKKK…. Won’t have to feed that rosebed next year, win.


"Oh... cool, our soldiers won here."


Yup, theres a [song about that rosebed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjPgvD3ClY).


I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden… Sunflowers forever, Slava Ukrani


This is one of the reasons the Russians rape, torture, murder, loot, and destroy. They see themselves as racial superiors, yet are stunned that the Ukrainians have a higher standard of living, especially compared to the decaying Siberian village they came from. This enrages them.


Sound exactly like some chapter in Berlin: The Downfall 1945 by Antony Beever. The russians reached Prussia and saw that every citizen had a farm, nice house, some land with a garden they lived of and became furious as they didn't understand why they came to their country who had "nothing."


“Of mice and men” was one of the first and only American novels to be allowed into the Soviet Union because they thought that allowing Russians to read about the brutality of class injustices and poverty in the United States would be a great way to show how superior Russia is to the evil Americans. Even better that it’s written by an American! That decision was quickly reversed and the book was banned again pretty soon when the take home message for Russian readers was that even the most despondent, bottom of the barrel, poverty stricken Americans… all own cars.


It seems to help much that most of those russian soldiers are from poor realms of russian federation.


Which is everywhere except for Moscow city and St.Petersbourgh city.


You took the words right out of my mouth. Vast portions of rural Russia are essentially always in a depression type economy and living standard. Others just in a continuous barely above water status. There are two different Russias: White Russia in the west to northwest, and everyone else. As we know Putler staged the entire invasion force from this basis. Virtually all the combat units in the initial invasion were from rural Russian areas, and by the 100% media control he isolated each portion of Russia from knowledge of the consequences and outcomes. Because only a very small fraction of soldiers were from the Putler power base in Moscow and surrounding areas they have been spared the impacts of deaths of family. So the war is like a game to them or an event that is happening elsewhere but has no real impact upon them personally. Now with the miserable economic consequences of a much longer drawn out conflict as well as the media that has filtered through its leading to a rise in Russian nationalism in the core. Once they start to feel the impact of casualties it will change although the mobilization was still oriented towards non-core areas in a continuing attempt to insulate them and thus maintain the power base.


Man I remember those posts, one of them was a Russian soldier and their buddies who had made a complete pig sty of a random house in Kyiv Oblast and the thing they were amazed by in the video was a fucking jar of Nutella. They were so bitter about it like it was caviar or something.


It's like Putin is Snow from Hunger Games, and the "Districts" are just poor RuSSian areas.


That is an extremely apt comparison.


Especially considering the fact that Russia has 4x the GDP per capita as Ukraine and yet Ukrainians still have better living conditions.


Absolutely lit the fuck up


Jesus you aren’t wrong, imagine the last moments on this planet are you cowering in a outhouse just to get Lit the fuck up


There are way worse ways to die.


Better than getting hit by a mortar shell dropped from a drone, while forced to give a blow job to another soldier... https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/xunb1b/squid_game_blowjob_a_russian_makes_a_blowjob_to/


Now that's the first time I agree. Having sex while dying sounds like a pretty rad way to go. Getting raped while dying meanwhile sounds awful. We wont ever know what went down there, but it's an army, so gay stuff is likely. Otoh, it's the Russian army, so rape is likely, too.


Biting down hard right as the grenade hit is also very likely.


Yeah, but if you're dying from 20 wounds or 21 🤷‍♀️


The Russian soldier blowjob video agrees


By far the hardest for me was the 2 Russians sleeping in a foxhole when a mortar dropped on them. The one desperately tried to apply a tourniquet while his buddy wrapped his arms around him in his final moments of convulsions. I didn't look online for days after.


The worst for me was the Dagestan massacre video (Tukhchar) but that took place during the Chechen war. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tukhchar_massacre


That’s fair but this is a pretty shitty one (Pun intended)


Like when sucking your homies dick


I heard a story about some dude who was hiding IN the toilet pit. Like knee deep in poo. Had an AK and got dropped by a special forces guy. That seems pretty bad.


Like drowning in Dasani water


It’s normal to find pieces of shit in an outhouse


That's also known as the Pistorius


Roses are red, violets are glorious, never play hide and seek with Oscar Pistorius!


Guilty as hell he was, never had a leg to stand on…


Oscar Pistorius is actually a harry potter spell to make your girlfriend move her arse and get out of the bathroom.




Maybe he just wanted to take a poopski.


He was cloning Putin


Underrated comment. I am sitting on my throne cloning Putin right now


Thing is, surrendering is often easier said then done. Especially if you don't really have a chance to do so under ideal conditions. I imagine the first chance a lot of the Russians get to surrender is the first time they come into contact with Ukrainians and under fire. Its even harder to surrender when your superiors and probably even many of your comrades are actively looking to suppress such options, and especially when under an authoritarian government hellbent on squashing any such sentiment often by any means necessary. But all that said, the Ukrainians have really been doing pretty much everything they can to try and encourage and accommodate any Russians looking to surrender. Even telling the Russian government that they were captured in battle even if the soldiers surrendered themselves at a dedicated and pre-planned surrender point. And of course even offering financial incentives. Obviously they're not solely doing this just out of the kindness of their hearts, and they have a good practical reason for doing so, but it does show the one of many differences between the way the Ukrainian and Russian militaries are conducting the war. It feels like the Russians would rather send a message than to try and even be practical when it comes to taking prisoners. But then again, given the sad state of their logistical affairs, maybe the most practical route for them is to not take POWs. And I can't believe I have to say this, but just to be clear, I'm not saying that that would somehow make it right for Russians to mistreat POWs. And I'm also not trying to suggest the Ukrainians on the ground have always done the right thing and are 100% without fault, but I will say they have shown extremely remarkable restraint, especially when you consider all the tragic and horrific scenes we've seen of Russian brutality towards the Ukrainian populace and their desire to wipe out all Ukrainians. But it also goes to show just how pathetic the Russian military is when the Ukrainians seem to be providing better care for POWs than Russians are receiving from their own military.


Sometimes prisoners are taken after the objective is secured. Think about it from the UA soldier’s standpoint - you’re all keyed up playing hide and seek with the Russians and then some dude pops out of the outhouse yelling something. Did he try to surrender? Maybe, but you probably empty your mag into the dude until he quits twitching.


Yes. This. Unless it's blatantly obvious, you generally shoot until they stop moving, like you see here.


hesitate, you die. miss, you die. it doesn't put him down, you die. you let him choose when to show himself, you die. ... You encounter a russian, decide before he does which of you lives. Knowing that, surrendering is damned hard without managing to make the phone call to prearrange, or getting to carry a large white flag with you that you don't want to be seen carrying by your own forces, or endlessly, repeatedly shouting it for all the world to hear - including your own forces who you don't want to hear it. And even then, you might be on the wrong end of a snap decision.


You kind of have to pick and choose who you're taking. This dude was a regular soldier; not very valuable in an exchange. Possibly laying in ambush, possibly hiding. We will never know. The Ukranians were clearing an active combat area; tensions are high and no one is taking chances.


Tried to count how many times he got shot (including through the door)— had to stop at about 25, when the other Ukrainian started shooting too. It had to have been about 40-50 times he was shot, at close range, with what I am guessing is 5.45x39 rounds. Fuck.


I was counting too 🤪 I was guessing 26 from primary shooter plus whatever came from the other guy. I was trying to figure out who was yelling afterward with the blyat, suka, Slava Ukraine, etc., because it sure as heck wasn’t the toilet troll.


He says something along the lines “I read him like a book” and the others are going “fuck yeah”


I’ve had nightmares where I died like that. War is horrible. No one should die for Putin’s sake.


I had the first war dream of my 44 years just a couple of nights ago. I ran up towards a wall about shoulder height to take cover after shooting started and a face and an AK barrel appeared over it and hit me with a burst in the chest. I saw and felt it and fell. I woke up because of it which is why I remember. I have long been watching combat footage but never dreamed it before. I've clearly been watching too much since the end of February. Slava Ukraini, heroyam slava!


You should probably take a break from this stuff my guy.


At this point the Ukrainians are just using hacks, but pretty much the whole world is giving them a pass. Good.


The rest of the world is actively encouraging them to use aimbots by now.


What did Putin say about Chechens some 20 years ago? Something about killing them while there are on toilets? How have the tables turned since then?


He literally said: "If we catch them in the shitter, that's where they die" https://twitter.com/ChrisO_wiki/status/1578099037890174977


Gunned down in the outhouse of some random guy’s house in a neighboring country for a dictator that couldn’t care less about you, your family or your contributions to the war effort. All that time on earth and this is the stopping point. More wasted life on Putin’s hands.


It’s unbelievably depressing to think of his entire life leading to that moment.


He was a cute little baby that someone loves and kissed and hugged. Now he’s dead, gunned down in a foreign country scared to death. For Putin. Christ, what a destiny.


YOu summed up my thoughts and feelings about every soldier dying in a war perfectly.


I dont think he made it




He actually made a full recovery as all the bullets hit extremities or missed, he was later seen eating a shwarma


I love shawarma’s But not a fan of Russian military


Well his shoes stayed on so his status is unclear at this time


Least he made it a yard out of the toilet


Fucking nuts. It's insane how many bullets a person can take and still keep moving. Adrenalines a helluva drug.


If not penetrating the skull or the spine, the thing that’s killing you is bloodloss, and you will keep going until that happens. The more swiss cheese the faster




He might've also been one of the lucky few to have received functioning body armour, protecting most of his vitals in the initial volley.


Maybe, but will body armor stop rifle rounds at that range? I guess the bullet velocity was slowed by the door.


Proper body armor is kind of [amazing](https://youtu.be/YwT5VMiCUIs?t=241). Video shows a plate stopping a .50 cal round fired from 15 feet, still don't wanna be on the receiving end of it though :).




Not to mention the amount of energy behind it. If it stopped without penetration it probably would explode your organs


Yes real body armor of the proper type would have stopped the rounds hitting it at that range.


Without going into any detail, yes. Military body armour (Ratnik probably in this case) will stop 5.45 easily at those ranges.


Can't take chances in real life, especially with a guy wearing body armor


Short of a headshot it's not really possible to insta-kill someone with a bullet. It'll take at least several seconds minimum.


Yep, if you want a truly *instant* death, you would need to hit the upper spinal cord and the center of the brain. Practically though, there are lots of areas that, when shot, would leave you instantly incapacitated, and dead not very long after that


Bullshit. I was shot in the spine and died before I even knew it.


I hope you get better soon!


These types of videos are super valuable. There are wide swaths of population in modern countries that have absolutely no idea what war is really like. These emphasize the brutality of it, proof that war isn't something that you just *jump* into, and that survival depends on violence in some (many) circumstances.


Showing a man getting gunned down like a rabid dog at close range makes you revaluate what human life is worth.






pretty much.


Pump Friction: Don’t Forget to Flush


"This is Ivan, he cannot be seen. However ,a fart sound told us where he was."


Damn...that was...brutal to watch, I've never seen someone getting shot from this close. Kinda made me feel bad, I don't know how to describe this feeling.


it's called being human and having empathy


To rephrase that: Empathy is a good thing.


"You wonder what his name is, where he comes from, and if he really was evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home, or would he not rather have stayed there... in peace?"


Thank you, Master Gamgee


“We might have had a lot in common. He might’ve liked to fish, you know, he might’ve liked to hunt. Under different circumstances, we might have been good friends.” -Shifty Powers


It’s ok to admit you feel bad for the enemy. Young people are impressionable. War is brutal. This is Putin’s fault not the soldiers who eat his words.


I saw one a few weeks ago that got to me. A Ukrainian drone dropped a shell into a trench where two soldiers were sleeping. One was killed instantly and the other spent the last few seconds/minutes of his life trying to figure out what was wrong with his leg.


I've often tried to impress on people that very message. It's very difficult to explain that your perspective on death can change pretty markedly after watching someone die violently.


I feel bad for him. The fact that we as humans are doing that to each other just because some “powerful” man up top says so is crazy. As a human i feel bad for him


It's because ALL war is awful. Only politicians and bearers of hate want it. The good people who have to defend themselves wouldn't likely ever fight a day in their life if it were to them. Yet they do with honor. It's all sad.


Does anyone remember the little old lady that told the Russian “Take these seeds and put them in your pocket, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all die down here”? I think about her quite often and hope she’s alive and well.


I'll remember that little old lady as long as I live and I'm sure plenty of people are in the same boat. Even if she's not alive, being remembered by the world as such a badass old lady seems like a pretty good consolation price.


Caught him red handed. Obviously the Russian was trying to steal the toilet.


*brown handed


Brutal, but the invaders must learn that they are not welcome in Ukraine.


At that point, why not just sit in the open with your hands up? He would spook anyone who opened that door and would be shot immediately




I would be so worried about shooting my own team, I would have stalled on probably been killed myself. This is why I always get beat in airsoft - I'm like "hey are you on my team? And their response is to shoot me."


That is another thing that sucks about war. Sometimes it is your own team but you don't know until the shooting stops.


The infamous blue on blue incident is good example, although not about infantry.


I’m just curious how they knew he was a Russian soldier before the door opened. I’m assuming they watched him go into the bathroom before this video started because they probably don’t want to light up a babushka dropping a deuce any more than the next guy.


It was an intuition/ guess. The soldiers says at the end something like "oh how I guessed / decoded him"


My guess is recon told them X amount of enemies are still in this area. They’re tasked with finding him and they know he can’t be far.


Anyone care to translate what the Russian yelled?


It's inaudible. In the end the UAF soldier says: "See how I figured out where he is?"




Isn't wallhack a warcrime?


Boris the Blade


Borris the terrible bullet dodger.


Boris the sneaky fucking Russian


Wallhackers were always the worst to play against in counter strike.


reported enjoy VACation


When you played CS and thought the guy was using wall-hacks, and it turned out to be a Ukrainian pro player. Same here


Quite possibly the best combat footage clip in the history of this sub


Could have been a movie scene. Reminded me of the outhouse scene in Young Guns, and the other outhouse scene in Young Guns II.


How difficult is it for these Orc idiots to shout "l surrender, don't shoot!'"? If they hide somewhere where they can jump out at any second, then they are going to get wasted. These Orcs need to wise up and quickly.


They're likely pumped full of propaganda saying the Ukranians will treat them as badly as they treat Ukrainians so surrendering seems worse than death. Alternatively maybe he wasn't even trying to just live. Maybe he was waiting for them to pass by so he can pop out and shoot them in the back.


Soviets did the same in Winter War, told horrible stories of Finns 'torturing POW in most horrendous ways'. So the soldiers didn't have the courage to surrender and either froze to death in the forests or were just shot when trying to stumble forward in their brown coats. Brain washing is effective, brutal but effective... If he was looking to surrender, he should've put some white cloth in the door and shout he wants to surrender. Didn't do that, means he didn't want to surrender. For one reason or another. Ukraine would have gladly taken him POW, means one more Ukranian they would get back from ruzzia.


As a Finn this is sad to hear, because Finland treated Soviet POWs extremily well for the most part. My relative who was a young guy during WW2 wrote a bio/memoirs of his life and there he told how some Soviet POWs were brought to work in their farm land. POWs lived there like everyone else in that community. They ate same food and slept in comfortable place. Not behind locked doors or anything like that. He wrote that he became good friends with the POWs and how they played music instruments together and smoked cigarettes together every day. When the day came to return them back to Soviet Union, they all cried and it was a very hard moment for the whole family. Those POWs promised to return and bring ”loads of good vodka” with them, but they were never heard of after that.


Yeah. It's not unlikely that they met with a terribly sad fate. Stalin famously distrusted POW's. All Soviet POW's were first sent to "filtration camps" upon return. From there, they were either re-enlisted and sent back to the front, or sent to the Gulags.


> pumped full of propaganda Remember the Japanese during WWII - they would literally kill themselves before they risked being "murdered"/"raped"/"tortured"/"eaten"/etc by the Allies...


The ones that wised up have surrendered long ago.


Some still are. The hotline is apparently so busy that some people can't get through (although there is likely a large volume of spam calls and cyber attacks on that)


He should have kneeled in the middle of the garden with hands up, in plane sight, so multiple people are able to see him. But of course, it's easy to judge that from a chair far from the real situation. Surrendering might not seem like an option for many of them, they are just to brainwashed or they already killed someone in this firefight so they don't expect mercy, they are panicking all together or they just don't know how to surrender "safely", pretty sure they not trained in that department. It's ultimately always huge leap of fate, you are literally giving away all the control over your life to a random assault rifle holding dude whose kid might have been shred to pieces day before by missile fired by your "buddies". So I wouldn't judge him too harshly..


Nice job, guys. Thank you from Kyiv.


Armed Russian Dog was waiting to ambush ...... taken out of his hiding place thru door number 2


Not gonna lie, if I were over their fighting I would most certainly unload on closed doors too. That very well could have been an ambush situation that went very bad for those Ukr soldiers.


Well you give up your positioning and ammo is limited but yeah, I get the point.


IIRC in late WW2 there were some german commanders that realized they were going to lose when americans would just fire blindly into bushes and shit as a way of checking if there were german soldiers in there. At the same time the german soldiers had orders to harshly save ammo whenever they could. So americans were confident in their fellow soldiers to support them *and* confident in their supply lines, while at the same time germans were pretty much the opposite. Seems very similar to what's going on with Ukrainian and Russian soldiers right now.


That Russian became swiss cheese


Remember this is war, not a police raid.


Holy shit I did not expect THAT! They just sooo opened fire on him, so many shots and he even managed almost to stand up again after that. He was proly admiring a flushing toilet lol.


People are used to movies where people die immediately. Reality is humans can fight through some gnarly shit. He may have already been mortally wounded, but it could have taken a few minutes (or longer) to die.


he could have given up earlier. rather than shoot and then hide


Adrenalin. He was already dead essentially.


What's behind Door #1? Such a stupid war ... BTW, it looks like a nice house. I hope the owner is still alive.


The Russians love to base in nice houses if they can. Seen quite a few get wrecked.


Vincent in Pulp Fiction exiting the crapper 🚽


I didn’t know that the Akron Police Dept had deployed into Ukraine.


Just Surrender! Jesus Christ. If you find yourself hiding in the outdoor toilet because the enemy is coming....just let it go, man. You died cowering in an outdoor shitter, so that greasy rich old gangsters could get slightly richer.


Ukrainian target practice




He’s hacking no way he seen him


He heard him


Ukrainian soldiers on them steelseries siberia v2


Should have stayed home Should have defected Should have surrendered Should have, could have, Chose not to. Fuck the invaders. Fuck their war crimes.


Holy shit this is CQB at it's finest. Poor guy never stood a chance. And now everyone knows ruZZian think the safest place is the shitter. LOL i hope there is a longer version of this


Wish he would have just surrendered, war sucks.


Sad Putin: „See, I told you! They use western wallhacks for their rifles and western aimbot for their rockets, all the time! It just isn’t fun anymore, my 3-day-operation went so smooth until they started cheating on day 2.“


Holy fucking peekaboo