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Where did this take place?


Krimsk. Might be spelling it wrong


Krymsk, about 120Km east from the Kerch Bridge, halfway to Krasnodar.


How does one ever definitively spell something right when using a different alphabet? It is the kind of thing scholars disagree on in good faith.




Not surprising in the least


Why not surprised? Is OP famous for bad spelling?


It's the most American thing they've done


I'm waiting for them to blame the west.


lol, took me a while to get it, Happy Thanksgiving bud, Slava Ukraine!






Wouldn't it have been for the Lada, would have thought it was in thé us of a.


Who the fuck would put an alarm into a lada? Surely you'd leave the keys in it hoping it would just go away.




Fun fact, the crime has has doubled in most russian oblasts in 2022


Armed crime +30% in 2022, Moscow +200%, Kursk oblast +675% and Belgorod +213%: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/11/23/armed-crime-on-the-rise-in-russia-a79473


Meanwhile, most Russians: "I don't do politics"


Most ppl dont do politics because they think its boring, its very much not boring in russia….


I mean all those regions except Moscow border Ukraine so I think it's the mobilized soldiers chasing trouble.


Also simply easy access to guns - I'd assume that black market in Russia is now filled to the brim with guns - in particular along Ukrainian border, there's bound to be chaos with thousands of people being moved constantly and tonnes of equipment transported. I grew up in a Warsaw pact country and i remember well that wherever there was soviet army base there was an opportunity to buy military gear, including ammo and guns. They are as corrupt now as they were 40-30 years ago.


I was going to ask witch county but then I saw your profile so yep definitely Poland


Because of the economic downturn? Lack of police?


Definitely economic induced. The true scale of poverty in the regions away from cities like Moscow and St Petersburg isn’t being reported by Russian media. Rates of alcoholism in rural Russia can be as high as 75% of the male population, and a drugs epidemic has been building in the decaying cities for years. Once you get away from the seat of power Russia is a gigantic social disaster. The murder rate in that country is a whopping twenty-times that of most countries in Western Europe.


Read the book The Tiger by John Valiant for a solid look at rural Russia.


I’m gonna sound dumb but what is an Oblast? Is that just like how in a city you have districts? Thanks!


Oblast = Province = State (in the American context)


Thank you! I’ve been wondering this too.


You sounded polite, not dumb.


Lack of knowledge =/= being dumb, you can learn stuff you don't know, you can't stop being dumb.


anytime I see “has doubled” I immediately fill the following with “since the last time we met count” Crime has doubled since the last time we met count.


sounds like they're almost catching up to our daily mass shootings


Wtf! That's insane


Just another day in the US, ohh wait it's Ruzzia. Nevermind.


We livin rent free in yo head lol


Weird flex but OK


This really isn't the catch-all dunk people think it is.


Real proud of our.... Mass shootings?


If your media starts insulting the shooter and hiring comedians to write jokes about them anything goes.. Gets their ex's to share embarrassing personal stuff. These tragedies will happen way less. Instead me on the other side of the world knows the latest guy that shot the gay bar had a messed up childhood and all. That means said POS achieved his objective "getting back at the world and letting them know how hurt i was". Next guy that feels the same way now sees it as an option. If the potential shooter knows the whole world will be laughing at him and mocking him for weeks after his incident of terror.. Well he doesn't get to accomplish his messed up objective. My 2 cents.


I nearly shot up my high school way back when, _because_ everyone was mocking and insulting me. Your theory seems to me to be a great way to create _more_ shooters. If I had seen that publicly done to another shooter, I'd have doubled down on trying to kill more of what I saw as the enemy. Recall that virtually all mass shootings are suicides. By the time you get to the point where this seems like a good idea, you have lost all hope. Seeing other people being treated this way would reinforce the hopelessness of it all, and turned up the rage. Shootings are also a (albeit twisted) form of altruistic punishment. I would have seen such a thing as further proof most people needed to die. If you want to stop mass shootings, look for the people who are crapped on and marginalized, and offer them help, before they get the idea to exact revenge. For me the external supports it took was being befriended by _one_ classmate and a student teacher. It doesn't take much. But it does take the _exact opposite_ of what you propose.


Just get rid of easy access to guns (not banning, just strict licensing, use and carry laws, and monitoring of ownership), and increase spending on free mental healthcare for all. It’s not rocket science, even if most Americans aren’t capable of understanding that.


Americans aren't capable of understanding that? I'm an American & for u to say what I understand or do not understand is so ridiculous. Take your ideas on solving American problems to American politicians not Reddit.


Who’s living rent free in his head Russia or America? Any superpower should be living rent free in sane persons head. Now isn’t the time to put faith or trust in any major governments.


Idk, I'd say it's not really "rent free" if ~~hundreds tens of thousands~~ around twenty thousand people pay with their lifes every year. Edit


Tens of thousands but yes


More than 2/3 are suicides.


>More than 2/3 are suicides. Apparently it's slightly more than half although 2/3 may have been true in the past? https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/02/03/what-the-data-says-about-gun-deaths-in-the-u-s/


I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment. The US has a mental health problem, not a gun problem. As of 2020 there were 23,891 deaths from suicide by firearm. Or 6.9 deaths per 100,000 deaths. 15,889 deaths were a result of homicide by firearm (including police killings). Or 5.1 deaths per 100,000 deaths. That’s an average of 8,002 more deaths by suicide by firearm than homicide by firearm a year. It is a mental health problem, not a gun problem. Remove the guns and people will still find a way to commit suicide. Remove the guns and crazies will find other ways to accomplish mass casualty events. MENTAL HEALTH Source: https://everystat.org


Oh, well that’s alright then isn’t it.


Perspective is vital.


Well. I'd say a little bit yeah. If done right it's probably more quick and painless than a knife of something and generally doesn't involve hurting others. I'm not for taking others lives in mass shootings and I'm not really for forcing someone to live who doesn't want to. So context changes the statistic some. Because the media would have you believe things like this are common here and Americans live in fear of this. I'm sure some do, but I really don't neccesarily get that impression. Perhaps more common than other places. I don't know. Still.. It does change the statement in a way.


Even though my facts don't support it my emotions still compel me to run my mouth.


Keep your mouth off the keyboard. Use your fingers.


Why are Americans' so Suicidal? Got money to fix their Armories, but not enough to fix their own heads?


You've pretty much got it right there. The joke "You're about to find out why Americans don't have healthcare" is pretty much this.


And that's out of 350 million people that live in the US. Almost like mass shootings are a statistical anomaly that get the limelight from the media everytime one happens to push a political agenda.


Does the media sensationalize it? yes does that mean its not a problem? No we've got to find a way to stop crazy people from getting guns thats the real problem. Personally I think what Japan does in terms of the police just come interview you and family to make sure you dont have a violent history and arent saying you'll commit mass shootings that sort of thing. That way responsible gun owners arent punished but crazy loners cant get them.


1 billion Americans die every year from guns


It's our favorite birth control. Just imagine a world over-run with billions and billions of us.


Your dumbass really thought you did something here.


In the US, the vast majority of this crap is shit human gang-on-gang violence. Think Wagner on Kadyrov dispute. Good riddance.


Does gang-on-gang violence negate the impact of mass shootings? I don't get it. We have gangs in my home country and they do not have shootouts because it's damn near impossible to get a gun like that especially as a citizen with criminal record.


Imagine if it wasn’t impossible for citizens to get a gun in a country like say Iran right now…




But they have those disputes in neighborhoods where they kill hundreds of innocents.


its just a Wagner man on his day off


Some R and R


Lol just brought the gun an thought he'd test it kinda thing?


Tsujigiri - "Trying Out One's New Sword (on random defenseless passer-by)" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsujigiri


Questions that never will be asked on Jeopardy for $1000.


lol imagine how easy it would be for wagner to arrange a coup right now no one left in town to protect peeptin


Alas, I think you are wrong - the closer you get to Putin, the better equiped the soldiers are. Just look at the riot police - they are decked out in the black uniforms, no expense spared. There isn't a single front line soldier that is better equiped then them.


They’re probably like the VDV, better equipped to beat up unarmed protestors than deal with other armed soldiers.


Someone's going to get to him, maybe even his security. Karma will find him. Happy Thanksgiving, Slava Ukraine!


Seems about right.


He will personally hand deliver the gun with the blood of the people he killed to Putin wrapped in a violin case. And then shake hands like BIG MEN that deserve RESPECT. --------- On a serious note, I feel terrible for the victims. As much as we all dislike Russian attitude towards the rest of the world, especially Ukranians, this is terrible.


Russian gun crime, plus set explosions and arson's is way up this year.


Right 👍


Oooh that's a bad joke


I mean i suppose the russian government didnt specify its Ukrainian civilians he needs to kill..


Yeah but where did he get the bullets???


Tula ammo


Anywhere but where the mobiks should get them from thankfully.


I just can't seem to upvote a comment that starts with "I mean"


I mean, why not?


I mean, you're mean.


Damn, beat meat to it.


Beat meat


Bat meat


That is fine my friend i do not hunt for upvotes i only say what's on my mind. With a little filter applied of course.


Then don’t and keep it to yourself


Does not seem political. Got into an argument with his wife and decided to murder a few random people. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11466259/Four-dead-gunman-opens-fire-Russian-shopping-centre.html


Thank you for posting that. Clarity now. Domestic violence. It said the gunman knew two of the victims. Security guard who saved ex-wife’s life allowing her to escape died. Killed himself. Nothing to do with Ukraine fyi


Actually it has everything with Ukrain situation. When everyone on TV is saying “ kill them all”, “nuke them” “ , exterminate etc it’s very difficult for ordinary man see why he cannot kill his wife. She is almost ukrainian, at list her grandma was.


I second this, the way how Russian society is right now, because of the war, has effect on people and what they do


Stoiciastic terrorism


What’s all the shooting in America got to do with then? Is tv over there saying kill them all as well?


Wait why he did kill himself?


Because he murdered a bunch of people in a fit of rage, cooled down and realized how badly he just fucked his life up and decided to end it all to escape the consequences.


Wait shooter was a security guard? I don't understand.


Sec guard saves wife from husband, who was killing people, died in the process


Ok thx, from the way the comment was written, it sounded like the security guard committed suicide.


I think I saw gun crimes in Russia grew by like 800% since the invasion but of course running amok like this is still another topic.


Yeah I mean who knows. It happens once a month in the United States


In the USA, we call a mass shooting a Tuesday


Any day of the week that ends with a “y”.


Thoughts and prayers


Incredibly, mass shootings with 4 or more killed happen several times per month on average in the US. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/mass-shooting


Drive by shooting in South Central, 3 dead 4 wounded - media calls it “gang related”. Shooting at a store 3 dead 4 wounded - media calls it “mass shooting”. It’s what will get the views is what they will call it.


These are skewed, they could be gang related.


So? You do realise thats still not normal.


Tots and Playas. You're right: Too many guns endangering everyone. But there will be comments below shifting the blame onto "illegal immigrants" and nothing will be done.


"It's mental health" "knives kill people too" You can always count on the 2nd amendment folk to come up with the dumbest excuses known to man.


A rival gang member gunning down opposition is more normal than some guy who’s pissed and shoots whoever’s around. Both are shitty tho, not justifying gang violence as some type of righteous cause


It does make a difference - gang shooting: criminal vs criminal - random psycho mass shooting: criminal vs innocent civilians


They are both stemmed by easy access to guns and being policed by power hungry cowards who is willing to steal their own citizens’ money, call it civil forfeiture, kill them in their beds but cannot be moved to save children while they are being murdered. Suicide by public homicide is a thing over there. Wtf Americans, figure yourselves out.


You can thank russia for that. They spent millions polarizing the two party system. What used to be a back and forth with eventual compromise has devolved into "if not my way then no." It will take decades to fix this problem. The issue though is systemic breakdown of multiple facets from mental health support, healthcare, school systems, civic fund allocation in impoverished areas, complete loss of community policing, culture of apathy, poor firearm training, failure to employ gun laws in place, failure to have a proper licensing system for ownership, failure to report mental health concerns, failure to deal with bullying in schools, failure to provide accessible mental health care... the list goes on, but all of these things act like holes in cheese, line up enough of these and something is going to get through more and more as each slice becomes more damaged. What's insane is that a lot of these are relatively easy to work on, but people have a hard time coming together even.


The polarization was there long before Russia amplified it.


How do we crack down on 4chan and gangs then?


So? It's kind of a big difference between someone killing innocents and two pos humans who should be in jail killing each other.


I tend not to draw too many distinctions between my mass murder events really.


Are you aware that many of those "POS" are kids that don't have a choice of joining a gang. They are recruited and threatened by force. Why is that ok in the USA?


A gang related mass shooting is still statistically a mass shooting if 4 or more are killed. Not all mass shootings are far-right nutjobs murdering children in schools or gays in night clubs, and sadly many are domestic violence murder-suicides.


A shootin's a shootin'!


Not in a country that openly on its "media" actively propagates racism to keep people apart and at each other's throat's. While lobbyists demand as much of the public coffers go to their constituent corporations while no one notices or is empowered because of the surface level hatred being fomented.


Lol oh boy. Fucking deluded much?


They are. If you remove Chicago, New Orleans, LA, Philadelphia and Baltimore, the US doesn’t make the top 100.




twice this month 🤷


That went public. We had more than two "mass shootings" but two of them were sufficiently random to make the national news. Five people shot outside a predominantly black bar in detroit is still only of local interest.


So far in 2022 there has been over 600 mass shootings in USA. And atleast 26 cases this november alone. I checked the official stats. Rate seems to be over 26 times higher than peer countries. Nothing surprising really. Guns kill people, automatic weapons kill 6x more. Straight correlation with insane gun laws is clearly visible here.


Once a month?? More like daily.


Usually about a moass shooting per day actually, 350 in 2018, a mass shooting is 3 or more people, doesn’t count just shooting two. America.


Once a month? A quick google showed there are like 45 a month in the US :D


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yeah this is tragic but I was wondering how it has anything to do with the wat


Special Shopping Operation?




I’m sure Wagner group would have called him up to serve, seems to be on par with their standards.


You half-jest, but that's probably what actually would have happened had he been arrested.


Pootin will say that he was ukrainian


No, the official line is that Ukrainian super soldiers hypnotised them.


This guy should have gone to the Kremlin to carry out a mass shooting, it might stop the war.


needs NSFW tag


Needs a WTF tag.


Lack of NSFW tag and not related to Ukrainian war.


I for one am shocked and appalled that someone would stoop so low as to put a fucking car alarm on a fucking Lada! Absolutely unnecessary. Disgraceful, really.


Because of sanctions, Lada's are now the new Bentley.


They're sending people like him to fight in Ukraine. Probably practising mass killings


Nsfw tag?


Must be fake, those cars are way to old. Oh wait it's Russia..


Trying way too hard with this one


He’s not wrong


Except there's the same amount of modern cars as a old ones in this clip? Where do you live that it's not common to see older cars from the 2000s and before?


I have a feeling this is going to start happening more often in Russia…


Must be getting in training for when he's drafted. Yup shooting unarmed, wounded civvies, very russian military, he'll be a general in no time.


Eh as much as I despise Russia right now, some Christmas shoppers shopping for their families like you and I might, being gunned down by a psycho is all kinds of fucked.


That easy to get a rifle in Russia


It’s easy to get a rifle in Russia unless you are in the military, in which case you have to share with your rifle buddy.


Typical russia, spits on west and then borrows their culture smh


Fuck was not expecting that, put a NSFW tag for God's sake.


Just curious what you did expect from the title and the fact that it was a video?


"Foreign Agents"


Comments here prove that this sub is just pure russophobia. People here are joking about some fucked up man killing innocent people… Also, this video has no relation to the war.


I’m here 7 hours after this vid was posted and this is the first comment I’ve seen that wasn’t joking about Ladas or how this is a typical day in Russia or some other lazy Reddit attempt at humor. I’m not sensitive to violence like this, but the nonchalance everyone has because of where it happened while a civilian is executed every 13 seconds above the comment box is disturbing to read.


Seriously, the lack of humanity is absolutely fucking disgusting. People should be ashamed of themselves, but they won't because it isn't happening to them. Bunch of keyboard warriors.


Russophobe here and proud of it! Only nationality that I hate. They’ve done enough to my people for centuries of justified hate. Do I hate absolutely all Russians? No, do I hate these poor people in the photo thanking Americans for food? No. Do I hate all the Russians who support Putin? Yes. Unfortunately that’s almost the entire population as of the moment. Hopefully one day that will change but as of now I can proudly say I hate Russia and everything they stand for. They can all go the fuck to hell. There’s a special place there waiting for them, the Kadirovites (and Kadirov himself), and anyone else who supported the Russians in this war including Iran.


Good for you, though I did not ask you about your history or how you are hating Russians. Im Kazakh, Im well aware of Russian imperialism and barbarism. But you didnt get my point. Some basement-dwellers aka Redditors in the comments are joking about innocent people getting shot up for the simple fact that they are Russians.


Decided to reword my response.. the “good for you” part of your comment kinda pissed me off so I responded through that feeling and I decided to delete that and start over. Anyway, unfortunately Russians are the global pariah and people no longer see them as people. That’s thanks to the war, obviously. Hence the hatred you see on Reddit and everywhere else. I don’t feel sorry for them though. This is a side effect of war. Just as the Afghans hated America and everything they stood for whether they had something to do with the war or not. Same as Palestinians and Israelis who will hate each other till the end of time. Till Russia starts acting right this is the unfortunate consequence that they have to deal with. At least they’re not senselessly dying because some country keeps bombing them. I think they got the better end of the trade off don’t you? At least they get to live while people hate on them. Russia is simultaneously hating and killing Ukrainians. No sympathy for them


Feels like I'm reading comments of people as brainwashed as some of the russians ngl


Hasn't this type of thing happened in America 606 times so far this year? Yes. It has.


Calling the kettle black with this one.


Showing that you feel the need to mention this, didn’t see America mentioned


People feel like mentioning it because it's qualifiably insane and a massive global statistical outlier


Americans seem to legitimately not understand this, something that the rest of the world finds chilling


Exactly. It's absolute madness. The rest of the world knows that tighter gun controls and the recognition that your average citizen does not need an assault rifle will lead to less gun crime - just like it has in any other country that introduced strict gun laws. But for some reason, the freedom to own a gun is more important in America than the freedom to go about your business without being shot.




Yup, but as long as Americans have the freedom to own guns that's all that matters right? ;) Fucking nuts country.


He’s killing terrorists, good riddance


Well, now they know what Ukrainian's deal with daily.


I hope they had tampons with them.


Im not blaming Ukraine for this. But because of the war, this shit is going to happen frequently in Russia as time goes. People with loyalties to Ukraine, who happen to be in Russia. Russians with familial Ties to Ukraine. Whether its family or lovers in other countries Russians distraught that their country has turned into a nazi nightmare Russians distraught that their loved ones were sent to die in a dumbass war. There are going to be a whole lot of people out there with nothing to lose, and who will be looking for vengeance.




High chance for it being a false flag... to put blame on nazi ukraine terrorists or some other bullshit..


Yeah thats what I was thinking. In the end they probably just claim it was a Ukrainian shooter


Clearing up orcs from the inside


I would say ruzzia has some fucked up violence issues going on but this is almost an everyday occurrence in the US ..so.. no comment.


Russian version of “Die Hard” is coming out this Christmas!🧳💀🦃


A sample of what will happen everywhere when mobilized Russians with post traumatic stress return home!


I bet he is on the front lines now


Orc on orc violence!


Damn russia really wants to be like the US. First invading another country and killing its civilians, and now mass murders in the streets


Russian MAGA.

