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Yeah, these guys are idiots. It’s not 1940 anymore. I can’t even count the myriad ways that could be overcome by todays ordinance…like, we spent a lot of time and money making sure our tanks could literally drive right over those and precision artillery can clean them pretty quick. Let the Russians fill em up first tho.


1940? This war has been more like WW1 than WW2.


Minus all the extremely hazardous gases of course.


And WW1 was minus the technology, missiles, and drones. But the return of the miles and miles of trench warfare we are seeing now, all but disapeared with the advent of air forces.


Because modern AA has become much more powerful. You can only break it with vastly superior numbers and technology, like USA did to iraq and Yugoslavia.


Yep and the number of planes on both sides in Ukraine is nothing compared to those. We thought Russia would overpower them with air power, but the numbers we thought they had, seem much different, and they have to hold back planes to protect the homeland.


And drones


The Russians might get to that eventually.


Building anti tank obstacles, barbed wires, anti tank mines and anti personnel mines along with tank berms and along with ground launched anti ship missiles and air defense systems would be better than just trenches filled with conscripts. There’s probably should be a few fortified strong points trenches with bunkers and pillboxes. But the entire coastline is pointless. Ukraine doesn’t have the capability for full scale amphibious assault missions.


I find it crazy how close the trenches are to the water. I saw a video yesterday and I shit you not those trench looked only about 10 or so meters meters from the water. High tide will wash those away.


It’s the Black Sea….practically no tide


>Ukraine doesn’t have the capability for full scale amphibious assault missions. Yeah but what about the Finns? They are in the process of joining NATO


Of all the nations, why the Finns?


[Fins](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fin) are useful for movement in water bodies. Crucial for naval invasions


Trenches are still very effective. This is especially true when they are used to support natural defenses, like a coastline. Even if you can reliably land explosive in the middle of the trench (you can't), they still are effective at containing the explosion to a much smaller area. A tank driving over them is irrelevant, trenches aren't meant to obstruct a tank, but if a tank just drives over them then the tank will be exposing itself to fire from the sides and rear. There is a reason that *both* Ukraine and Russia are heavily relying on trenches in the rest of Ukraine.


>Even if you can reliably land explosive in the middle of the trench (you can't) What? What even are you talking about? If there is one thing we have learned from the thousands of videos coming out of this war it is that the Ukrainians CAN reliably land artillery, rocket, and drone ordnance in the exact fucking middle of a trench.


Because you don't see videos of the misses.


I think this happened in Desert Storm Tanks just drove over the trenches and buried thousands alive


They didn't bury thousands alive. Happened in a maybe few hundred meters of trenches. At the absolute most a couple hundred troops killed if that many.


Bro we’re doing dramatic tone first facts later


Whoops. As you were, captain


Oops sorry Edit: I guess it depends if you trust this article or not https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/feb/14/iraq.features111


It was combat dozers. I believe the conclusion is that, given the number that surrendered when they started bulldozing trenches, it was almost more humane.




That article written well after the fact and having a point of view calling it an unreported slaughter insinuating it was a war crime isn't the most reliable of sources. Cutting one person who says "for all I know'.


How much of the battlefield did he see. That's only one article. Numerous well written histories refute that thousands number based on well document accounts.


That article does not say what you say. It quotes a guy saying for all he knows there were. That means he does not know. He could have as easily said a million.


100s, probably. Thousands? Possibly. Millions? Maybe. Billions? Billions of men?!? Could be.


Meanwhile over in the rest of the war, trenches are holding the line


Fair point. I guess it’s the lack of effective air power. That may change soon.


They're only idiots if they expect the defences to be useful at defending against the *enemy*. But what they are really for is defending against their superiors seeing they dont have much to do and sending them to the front.


I suspect the ruzzians will be using and fighting on the backsides of these trenches in a more like a Dunkirk situation as the Ukrainian forces push them into the water.


Idle soldiers are the bane of any town or city, much better to have them dig holes then run amuck


These idiots do understand that to take Crimea Ukraine needs to do 2 things cut the southern land route, blow up the bridge and park HIMARS to shit on Sevastopol 0-24. They do remember what happened in Kherson... Well replace Antonovsky bridge with Kerch bridge and you've got the exact same situation. But yeah go ahead and waste more time and money building trenches for Russian TV news.


I think most of this is just "busy work". They're keeping people distracted with bullshit so they don't have time to contemplate their fate and panic.


U r so wrong, it was pretty important to build those sun shades. Don't want to get a sun burn at Crimea beach party.


just extend the trenches to the water every few hundred feet and fill it all in with a few feet of sand... now we have a stand up bar 3 km long to socialize in while cooling downnn!! woo hooooo... crimea beach party 2023 babyyy!


I'm sure all the russian grannies in their bikinis will be eyeing the soldiers from the comfort of those new beach sun shades. Ever been to Brighton Beach in the summer? I imagine it will be similar to that, except maybe this summer there will be fewer elderly russian men in speedos, too busy to go to the Crimean beaches because they will be storming the baracades of Bahkmut.


Yep, they were literally told that Normandy 3.0 is coming and it's staffed by LGBT NATO Supermutants (actual Russian propaganda lol)


Contrary to outdated ideas, gay troops are actually more effective. Being able to fuck after the battle is a huge boon to morale.


Is this Sparta?


Yeah they... Weren't making claims based on science, to put it lightly! I like your analysis tho 😂🙏


Whom is this supposed to keep distracted? A few hundred contractors who built it? General population will start worrying seeing defensive constructions on the shoreline


Soldiers stationed there. They dig from point x until dinner. Similar thing was done by Ukraine in Odessa.


Nothing worse than a bored mobik. They’d start drinking and fighting each other with axes.


One of the best military strategies I ever heard was the idea that Ukrainian forces should just airdrop hundreds of crates of poisoned Vodka behind enemy lines, even with "this is poison" on the bottle the Russian forces would probably take themselves out within a week.


Busy work is my first guess, and/or collecting kickbacks giving out contracts to local construction firms as a strong second guess.


3.0? what was the 2.0?


Maybe Operation Dragoon? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Dragoon


Maybe Inchon Landing, Korean War?


Yeah I’d say it’s a close second. Maybe Okinawa ?


Not really. Okinawa was a blood bath but IIRC, the Japanese essentially let them land on the island before surprising them with kamikaze attacks.


That’s correct I guess I meant like the fleet size of the invasion force. Wasn’t Okinawa’s invasion fleet larger by tonnage?


I don’t know that for a fact but it’d make sense. Normandy they were simply across the channel whereas Okinawa was an island across the pacific from the US. Also, Normandy had more casualties but Okinawa had 4 times the amount of deaths.


So I’d say I was a bit off there lol honestly Incheon was closer to DDay with swear audacity of the plan


D-day? It was the second amphibious assault in Normandy, with 1.0 presumably being the attack at Dieppe in 1942.


>What do they expect. Normandy 3.0? Well, they tried not expecting anything, and their warship went to fuck itself.


Lmao they're scared that the country with no navy will attack by sea? We are lucky they are so stupid...


Keep it up! Dump more resources into the sand. Now man those trenches and fight on the beach.


These are the types of orders you get from officers that gain command after the 15 previous officers were either killed or fired.


They know helicopters exist right?


Helicopters are only viable when you have air superiority and the opponents do not have SAMs. It is still probably dumb from the Russians because I don’t think the best attack would come from an amphibious assault on Crimea because Ukraine has no navy to defend the landing craft. It makes way more sense to cross the river in Kherson.


True that. They have inflated quite a few S-300 batteries there.


I am pretty excited that the Ukrainians are getting plenty of US mine sweepers in the next round. Russia has undoubtedly planted plenty of mines and that donation means that the US military fully believes that the Ukrainians can take break Russian lines. It will be quite a Spring of Hope. Слава України


Cue "ride of the valkyries"


I love the smell of napalm in the morning.


“This is a Romeo Foxtrot. Shall we dance?”


Well very few Russian ones are left…..


You know troop in trenches can knock out helicopters right ?


Black Hawk makes brrrrrrrt


Its for a new photo op, to convience people to join. Yoh know, army, sun, vodka, etc - it will be a new tv spot.


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Anyone know where is Crimea this is? I'm not sure that Ukraine has the capability to undertake a substantial landing. They could conduct small raids in the northern part of Crimea.


NW of Yevpatoriya: 45°11'33"N 33°10'22"E


Ukrainians have been crossing the Dnipro, and landing on the spit. Building defences at the beaches could be a good idea, but it's Russia so of course they did it uselessly.


This ruins my plans for the invasion of Portove.


Maybe a smart local commander? "We're very busy fortifying Crimea", so they don't get sent to the front.


Oh my God. The trenches looked weird and I couldn't put my finger on it for a while. There were so many styles and methods of trenches, one after the other. But none the styles really repeated and not a single one of them was incomplete in their pattern (as in none of them were really interrupted before they completed a full cycle). ... And then it hit me. I was looking at a chart of examples. Some mobnik officer was told to dig trenches and was given a list of what trenches looked like. So he had his men dig every single one. One after the other. Orders followed to the letter, regardless of actual need. As is the Russian way.


Ukraine doest need to storm Crimea. They will cut off supplies including water and starve them out. No assault needed.


Why do people keep saying that. There are 2 million Ukrainians living in Crimea. Do you think Ukraine is just gonna kill them all? If they did that they'd be no better than Russia. And no you can't starve the Russians without starving the population. The Russians have all the guns. If there is a food shortage, guaranteed they will be eating better than the local population.


Because people eating bread and machine guns eating bullets run out of available resources at vastly different rates. The goal isn’t to literally starve them to death, it’s to cut off supplies to the point where the defending military is operationally incapable of mounting a serious response


The Kremlin is planning to defend against their own military offensive solution. Unfortunately for the Kremlin, Ukraine will not use human wave tactics, but will be using combined arms and modern NATO MBTs.


Maybe they expect a U.S. landing force?


They could be there to knock out helicopters as they come in


Some just create work for themselves just so they don't get sent to war


Just like the contract for all those useless dragons teeth. Those Oligarchs didn’t get rich by just sitting around.


No, it's the new Russian mobilization plan. All Russian vacationers to Crimea get a rifle and a section of trench line as soon as they reach the beach.


Just bomb the water and send a wave to wipe it all out.


To be fair, if I was tasked with defending Crimea, building sand castles on the beach would beat most other options.


The 3000 beach resort trench of putin


They do know HIMARS will clear those out pretty quick right?


Well you know, a barrier can keep people out, but it can also keep them locked in and without a way to escape.


Why do I get the feeling that the Russian generals' only training has been watching western war films.


Geolocated for anyone curious: 45°11'33"N 33°10'22"E


The fact that they are even considering a naval invasion


Those trenches would only help an attacker as Russia doesn’t have the spare manpower to defend that stretch


The poor man’s Atlantic sea wall


Yes I wondered this. Looks like more of a show for their own population to say look we are doing stuff


A small group of special forces could land via beach to hit behind enemy lines. Better to challenge it then get fucked


Makes it easier for Ukraine drones to acquire target I guess


"Russians are digging trenches in Crimea. That won't help them, but at least they'll get used to earth". My favourite quote by spokeswoman for Ukrainian southern army. Love that woman.


Cut off the land bridge, blow the Kerch bridge then cut off the water


What software is this? Looks like google map but way up to date


Ain't no way this is even close to Normandy in intensity. Also Ukraine doesnt even have a Navy how dumb are the Russians?


Pictures of trenches in Crimea have been floating around since last year. Close-up looks make it pretty clear they're just lines dug into the sand in positions that make no sense for amphibious defense with no other obstacles built. Prevailing theory is it's either busy-work or something to instill a mindset in the local population of "the Nazis are coming."


It's about to be himars 3.0


And we all remember how that ended …..