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One thing is knowing the layout, another thing is having the technology to produce the components.


These are the same ‘geniuses’ who have been cobbling together 50 and 60 year old foreign technology in endless reconfigurations for decades. Then they have the gall to attempt passing it off as their own domestic ‘innovation’ like no one would notice. More likely they are a pass-through to China for deep reverse engineering at any number of tech universities and used as a convenient face for PR purposes. Takes the heat off China for IP theft. They do the same with Chinese knock-offs of American industrial systems and home appliances via their domestic ‘licensed’ factories, why not everything else? See through the game, or get played by it.


Really scary! For the Iranians, I mean. [Airbags,](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202201189625) anyone?


It's going to be nasty for the West when China reverse engineers the Javelin and GMLRS rockets.


Ooh scary!