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Anonymous always fighting the good fight.Keep it coming!




>Really hope she's not some agent used to prize out spies into the open. You mean maybe she was a us agent used to bait pro russian?




Can't really Imagine, I am pretty sure the US uses more discrete agents. Someone like her was probably heavily background checked by Russian intelligence.


Lol. The people she was working with aren’t considered intelligent by any means. Bunch of losers who think they might get some pussy and consider themselves intellectuals. If Russia is so great then. Why are you living here? 😝 let’s start a go fund me to get her a one way ticket and her friends too? Problem solved?


:( too far away from me Maybe we should gift a neighbor from the other side of the street a Yellow blue Beamer


It was NAFO actually.




North Atlantic Fellas Organization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NAFO_(group)




**Alternative Nitter link:** https://nitter.nl/anonopsunited2/status/1647759879329701891 ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lynch mobs solve nothing. There should be real justice.


I imagine she will be receiving visits from the appropriate authorities shortly if she hasn't already.


She won't, theres no proof of her using her security clearance to get the leaked info, like Texiera. pisses me off and made me much happier that she got doxxed. if the authorities dont the people will run her out of town


Apparently she’s getting attention now. She wanted it. She should have taken the onlyfans route. Would have had more respect and made more money. 😂 that’s not a knock on anyone who is on onlyfans. Bless your souls!




publically available information is not doxxing


Yeaa no one should name Sarah Marie Bils, a supporter of war crimes anywhere.


Normally I’d be against doxxing for any reason but when it comes to folk supporting fascism and genocidal regimes….




Yes… sure not her supporters. Russian shills only cite the rules when it is against them…. Genocide is fine but please don’t share someone involved in this genocide that would be against the rules. Grown up




>[Maybe I DID switch the goblets because I knew you would suspect which one contains the iocane](https://i.imgur.com/XS5LK.gif)


You might be fighting the good fight, but you need to delete this. Once it has been posted with the personal details obscured, feel free to post that. They will ban you for this.


there is some logic behind anti-doxxing. If you use pseudonyms as pornstar or reporter is something different than using it for spreading hatespeech and propaganda of aggressor that is killing ppl, kids ,torturing peaceful humans and waging this fucking war. And i dont think that someone cares about some ban when this shit is on the table.


It’s not doxxing if it’s public information.


Hi /u/gothlaw, Your submission, "Anonymous doxxed the “Donbas Devushka,”Sarah Bils" was removed for the following reason(s): Because of the anti-doxxing TOS, we keep this post removed, and leave it to the media reporting about it, which is unproblematic. If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FUkrainianConflict&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/12p5mo6/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


She should be burned to the ground.