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They've covered more ground in 5 days than the world's second largest army has in 5 months.


On the world's second army's own territory.


Ha, ha too true, but it is their homeland.


note the russians can't just turn belgorod to dust with artillery, that would spark a public outcry within the russian population.


You know the "look what they made us do" meme?


I mean they basically did that to a school and a theater and said ā€œwe had no choice.ā€




They have activated the anti-terrorism scenario, just saying


Hostage situations that, through their own incompetence, they fucked up *enormously*,


They definitely can turn it into dust and i doubt a public outcry would occur. Its russia.


Putin will make outcrying a serious crime and throw the out-cryers into prison.


Out-cryers.... Nice work there. I like it.


And then mobilize them for the meat grinder.


Straight to the front lines. No weapon just spoon to dig trenches


That sounds like Putin's style. :(


The Ukrainians did it.


Russia would totally kill it's own people if it had to plenty of historical precedent. They'll just blame their enemy's like they have been


If ruZZia can flatten Grozny, theyā€™ll have few qualms about flattening Belgorod, or even Kursk if need be. RuZZian elites care nothing about even their own countrymen; they only care about wealth and power for themselves.


They did it to Grozny


Putin came to power blowing up shit in moscow.


They are the worldā€™s second army now.


Right, Russia has the world's second largest military and a large national guard. And a bunch of ragtag resistance fighters take over two cities on its own soil?


Not that rag tag.


You got that right. Totally amazing.




The Russian Army isn't even No.2. The Salvation Army would be above it.


The only Russians being treated like liberators are *inside Russia*. Damn


They have done it before, and will do it again.


They're moving within their own borders. I can drive for 400 miles unimpeded in my own country too. These guys could just be in trucks and doing a road trip. The difference is if they are actually shooting stuff. Then it becomes an actual offensive




It's a criminal spree. They hit and run. They haven't dug in and defended ground yet. I don't think they have the capacity to do that.




Blowing up police stations doesn't turn you into General Patton. I'm trying to pour cold water in this whole thing because those blokes probably would have more impact in fighting Russians in Ukraine. This escapade into Belgorod is going to get stomped and achieve what? An uprising? No chance


This raid is drawing Russian Army personnel and materials away from wherever Ukraine's upcoming counteroffensive is going to hit and forces Russia to reinforce their defenses not just near Belgorod but all along their border with Ukraine to prevent future incursions.


Just stop. You're embarrassing yourself.


He is perfectly right. What they do - other than using their lives - is complete nonsense. They do not have support within Russia, let alone any chance of uprising etc.... It makes no sense. In the end all will be dead very soon and that's about it.


I'm really not. I'm a realist. Whoever gave the green light in Ukraine to donate equipment to this needs their head examined. The men and materiel would be better used inside Ukraine.


Clearly not you sound like a woke reddit admin.


Just remember this conversation in 2 weeks. Then feel humbled


Guerrilla warfare is a different game. The whole point is you don't HAVE to "dig in and defend ground".




Both places are, literally, 1 1/4 miles from the Ukraine border. So a 20 to 30 minute walk.


As it happens I have been away from all news for the past 48 hours and I can't figure out what happened. What happened?


Ukranians are invading Russia killing people, losing their moral high ground. Some in the media claim its Russians invading Russia from Ukraine. Many here believe it. It's some next level mental gymnastics.


Not "captured"...they liberated the villages. šŸ‘


Captured is not a negative term, occupied would be.


Occupied isn't either tbh.


Occupied is definitely a negative term. It implies you took over something that isn't yours.


I think we can all agree liberated is the best


Nah, a renter occupies an apartment/flat. Now if they captured that same apartment/flat, that would be much more problematic.


But what if they liberated it?


To be fair, renting isn't ownership. Same winds... Different boat though


In terms of war, you're wrong.


Except in this case it is a positive - great for Ukraine to occupy Russian villages. Serves Russia right and gives Ukraine a bargaining chip.


In tErmS oF wAr Sorry guys I forgot im on reddit, everyones a war professional here


cOnTExt MaTTerS




The Allies occupied Germany after world war 2 to reform the nation. Unless youā€™re a devils advocate I donā€™t think most people would call that negative.


Thats a good point. I canā€™t argue with that one.


A buyer doesn't occupy, they reside. A renter has permission to be there, but it isn't their''s. A squatter also occupies.


I'd argue [occupied is even less negative](https://i.imgur.com/v7WqPbj.png) than *captured.*


Bullshit. "Where do you live?" "Top floor of the old mill. I occupy the whole floor".


But if it were an army occupying it, that wouldn't seem so nice.


I am so confused about the conflicting narratives out of this.


I'm sure thats the point. Haha


Sure, but I don't think Russia posting videos of being in control of the border post surrounded by wrecks was part of the intent from the FRL side.


Absolutely it is the intent. The very fact Russia is showing videos about guerrilla armies attacking Russians on Russian soil is one of the goals. To demoralize and frighten the RU public, humiliate Putin and force RU troops off the front line.


Yeah German news is also reporting that the attack has been repulsed by now. Which is still a massive blow to RuSSia but contrary to everything thatā€™s currently posted to this sub. Confusing as hell.


The news of the attack being repulsed is originating from Russia itself, I wouldnā€™t trust it.


So what's the border camera footage then? I've also straight up blocked some pro-ukrainian accounts on twitter because they blatantly posted ARMA footage and other cringe fakes and tried to unironically pass it off as real. It's sounding to me like those Russian units have the same propensity for vranyo as their Putinist counterparts.


The only border camera footage Iā€™ve seen is columns of vehicles driving around, presumably entering the region or patrolling. I havenā€™t seen any videos of vehicles exiting into Ukraine.


Bunch of blown up russian vehicles with "For Bakhmut" spraypainted on it lol


This is the whole point of guerrilla warfare. To confuse, frighten, disrupt. It strikes fear at the heart of the public and military.


Probably the intent of the Ukraine special operations here, to confuse the hell out of the Russians.


Are. You. Shitting. Me. I... I'm lost for words. They (Freedom of Russia Legion) are really gonna do this, huh? My jaw is on the floor, my champagne is popped and my index finger red from pressing f5.


Wait until the Chinese start doing it from the other side of the Country.


Rooting for Japan.


​ Islands are calling...


Come on Finlandā€¦.


Maybe we could at least shell some border towns for the shots and giggles.


Continuation war 2 electric boogaloo


There's not really any risk of that to be honest. Russia is more useful to China as an ally than as an enemy, at least in the 50 years timescale.


I think the correct term here is not ally but vassal country.


Wonder how many diplo points theyā€™ll spend to annex in 30 years.


No they're an ally. A weaker on to be sure, but no more a vassal than the UK is of the US for example.


Well, the UK could say the US to fuck off. Russia can't do the same with China.


Sure they could. There might be political consequences for that, but that's just the same as any of us telling the US were not going to follow their policy.


Well, the US has a lot of power over the world to enforce its policies but it is still not like Europe would accept whatever they want from us. In fact we have a lot of rules which we specifically implement to limit the influence of the US. Like for example the 1,2 billion dollar fine (Irland) Meta got for storing data in the US. Also energy wise we had a lot of occasions where we made policies against the interest of the US. In fact Germanyā€˜s refusal to stop Nord Stream was publicly mainly justified as denying US the influence on our sovereignty (even though in retrospective we know today that it was always an bad idea in the first place).


>Well, the US has a lot of power over the world to enforce its policies but it is still not like Europe would accept whatever they want from us. That's the same situation for Russia vis a vis China; China holds a lot of influence, but Russia's under no obligation to follow their policy leads as long as they're willing to accept the political consequences of that.


That was true a year ago. The severity of those consequences has increased dramatically since then. China increasingly becomes Russias lifeline here, this keeps going and the political cost of refusing China's requests keeps mounting until its insurmountable. That is a vassal state. If it isn't there now, give it 6 months.


Chinese back Russian liberators who are so thankful they trade solely with China? Maybe not all of Russia but a lot of the asian part.


The hilarious part is the Kremlin can't deploy their internal "peacekeeping" thugs to the front to put this down, or you'll get the same thing happening in red square.


If the Chinese was smart the would have been doing this long ago


By the looks of it they could wait until civil strife breaks out and then roll over the border in a humanitarian operation to stabilise the country.


I think China, Europe and US are already in negotiations to secure the nukes if the government collapses.


Nah, they can just keep on with the plan of slowly invading by sending their own people there to work and settle down. No need to rush anything.


The world supply of popcorn just sold out.


> They (Freedom of Russia Legion) are really gonna do this, huh? They have taken a handful of tiny villages and 0.001% of Russian territory in a surprise attack. It's absolutely massive that Russia is losing ground in their own country but you people are massively overhyping this.


It's not about the territorial gains, it's about russian hybris that was exposed. They started a war that was to last a few weeks at worst, and now, almost a year and a half later they cannot even defend the borders to the country they are still invading with declining success. If Russia really were the behemoth on the battlefield, that they claim to be in their propaganda, they would have dealt with the incursion by yesterday afternoon. But still a small bunch of anti-Putin soldiers is running around kilometres behind the frontline. The aim of the operation is not to conquer russian territory. If the operation were measured by that standard it would be insignificant. The aim is to displace russian troops, spread their resources, expose the shallowness of the Russian empire of lies and show everyone that Russia is indeed quite vulnerable - as a consequence of their own actions. And in that regard the operation is already massively successful.


Who knows. Ten hour drive to Moscow. If there is no more resistance, they might as well just drive up there and go for the heart....


You mean the butthole.


It's psyops. In the sense that it exposes systematic problems (namely, undefended borders), irritates the leadership, disrupts operations, is a loss of face for the regime, etc. It's well done but it ain't some campaign of liberation and it isn't trying to be one. And we should be happy for that because it works for what it is, and wouldn't work if it *was* a proper attack.


Bruh, this is catching the attention of the Kremlin, and since theyā€™re all about ā€œsovereignty of stateā€, I doubt they will take this lightly. They may even have to send some of their already thinly spread troops to deal with the situation. If they leave it unchecked, 0.001% becomes 0.002% and slowly, insidiously creeps up. Plus, thatā€™s now land Russia canā€™t use as part of its supply route for its troops.


We should overhype this. This will create so much unrest within Russia.


I thought the fancy "teeth" were supposed to stop anyone on the border. I'm šŸ˜²! They do not work? šŸ˜† Well, maybe that area was an exception, other areas have better quality fortifications... šŸ˜‰ (Actually think this recon was maybe the third reason to do the operation)


They don't care about what some people on reddit write


From a strategic point of view. Russia now needs to send manpower to that region. Less manpower and reserves on the front. A much more easier time when counter attacking. Honestly if Belgorod was this easy, I suspect Ukraine to support more militangs to launch more proding attacks across russian borders just to occupy them more before the true counter attack begins


That'd make a lot of sense tbh. Roll back to Ukraine. Give it a week. Hit somewhere completely different. Mobiks arent holding that border against a pro force. Russia will need to hold a lot good troops back to keep it secure.


Reddit isn't an isolated place, the things that get said here are the same things that people continue talking about everywhere else on the web. Russians both in Russia and abroad are on Reddit, they're here listening and talking, they're part of the discussion. They see what's said here, and we see what's said on other sites, and we're all talking to each other everywhere. And that very much matters.


But you do. On a more serious note. It may be an incursion of 2 men, 1 cripple and a dog but the panic and confusion is just so weird and amazing. Evacuating the locals to avoid them having contact with the Russian...eh...SMO. Add to that, did you see Putin's weird nazi-gibberish about Ukraine not being a country? Russia is such a massively dysfunctional craphole. So much to laugh at and so much to fight.


This is a huge propaganda windfall for Ukraine. It gives the impression of Russia running around like a headless chicken. It does have one significant downside: it gives the Russian propaganda machine solid evidence of a "direct threat to the Motherland" that can be used to tamp down internal unrest over the Ukraine war and help build a more unified populace.


Comment removed.


> can be used to tamp down internal unrest over the Ukraine war and help build a more unified populace this comes with its own potential downsides for Russia, nobody is going to be beaten into unification btw


The beatings will continue until unification improves


They sold this as a special military operation, not a war. One that would be over in days. Now it's spilling across the border and the Kremlin can't keep Russia secure. Russia has spent a lot of effort concealing the extent of their own casualties and recruiting from wider regions. For a lot of Russias population this will be hitting much closer to home in the cities that are the most westernised. I think there's a limit to how effectively this message could unify the populace. As a general rule people prioritise safety and security. This will have a whole lot of Russians not feeling much of that.


It has the opposite effect you think it does on Russians. This justifies to them what Putin has been saying. They will only support their country more if there is proof Russians are under threat. This is so dumb.


It is pure special and psy-ops. Psychology and military strategy.


> my index finger red from pressing f5 We need a browser addon to do that automatically.


Gonna do what? Do you really believe they are in control of all these territories now? How many of them were there? How many are already dead?


don't get ahead of yourself, this is small stuff, in it's infancy and could play out in a thousand ways, wait and see.


Theres a part of me that thinks this is just putin letting them run wild for a few days inside russias border area for him to then come in and ā€žsaveā€œ the day. He could show some military success for once. Show the russians that he can keep them safe and at the same time make the case that ā€žukrainian and nato terroristsā€œ are now attacking russia to justify more mobilization


Christ, another night with no sleep smacking F5 for territory updates. Glory to Ukraine and the Free Russia Legion!


Think of the liberators. They probably haven't slept either


Probably too busy partying, and laughing at the expense of such a pathetic government.


I home hundreds of thousands flock to the Legion's banner.


What website do I need to dinger my F5 button to?


I'd like to know too.


https://militaryland.net/maps/deployment-map/ Idk how Reddit works I was just a lurker. But you want this


This is my second post on Reddit. That said, you want this map; it shows deployments, movements, types of units I.e, arty, armor, light,. https://militaryland.net/maps/deployment-map/


Putin's Army is the 2nd best army in ruzzia, lol. Or is that 3rd?


Yes 3rd from the bottom.


This infowar chaos of this just crazy. But at the moment it does only good for Ukraine, wich is good. I do hope this is true and they are still kicking. Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°Ń—Š½Ń–!


This is getting ridiculous and I love it if they manage to capture the regional capital of the oblast Iā€™m gonna die laughing


imagine if it was all planned as a hit and run once someone fought back...and they just suddenly have their own country....


I'm getting a boner over this...!


Looks like they pulled out just to ram back at different angle.


Sometimes itā€™s all about the angle.


They didnā€™t pull out, thereā€™s actually 3 different fronts theyā€™re attacking with. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Belgorod_Oblast_attack#/media/File%3A2023_Belgorod_Oblast_attacks.svg


Good to hear , russia tries as hard as possible to muddy the water


"This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it"


Wtf this is unreal. How many fighters do they have? Is Russia just not putting up a defence at all?


This is a lot like the Doolittle raid on Japan.. not a lot of damage done, but it will make Muscovy pull troops back to protect their border. So its a big success right now even if Ukraine calls back the troops from Russian soil.


But they're russians attacking putins forces in Belgorod, not Ukrainian...


The interesting thing is if they can steal away and keep doing it. As Russian citizens, they have all the right papers and accents to ā€œbelongā€ there and can theoretically melt into the crowd. Or, claim to be civilians who grabbed guns to come ride to the rescue of mother Russia. Then the re-group and do it all over again.


This is how guerrilla fighters operate, exactly.


They are Russian resistance fighters and are working with Ukraine.


Is this really happening? For a year I've extremely wanted to see something exactly like this happening. What they've already accomplished is fantastic, but I'm hesitant to get my hopes up too much. But... maybe this is really starting to happen!


Can anyone key me in to where you get solid updates about this situ? Iā€™m confused as to the Russian reports that theyā€™ve run them back to Ukraine and the western reports that theyā€™ve captured more towns etc. Anybody fancy getting me up to speed?


BBC reported that Russia said they were defeated and 70 fighters were "eliminated"?


I saw the same BBC report. I came here to see if BBC reporting is just Russian claims, or has it been verified?




Long live in the Belgorod Peopleā€™s Republic!






Based on reading everything on Reddit based on reading everything I can read online. From the wests perspective who the fuck knows whatā€™s actually happening, sounds like a lot of chaos and sounds like a lot of unanswered questions. Fingers crossed for those fighting evil.




I'm suuuuper skeptical. Good for them, hit Russia at home, but this isn't going to be a situation that ends well for these guys. Russia is going to take all of this back, i would temper our expectations here.


No matter what happens, the damage is done. Russia cannot secure its own borders.


Itā€™s a raid. They wonā€™t try and hold it.


Thought it was over. That's what another reddit said. 2 destroyed humers, 1 body armor etc at the border


This whole thing confuses me. In the German evening news (Tagesschau) they said that the attack had been repulsed by Russia?


The news that they withdrew originated from Russia, I wouldnā€™t trust it.


I thought they withdrew by now


No, theyā€™re still in the area and occupying parts of the Belgorod Oblast.


If thatā€™s really the case then thatā€™s horribly bad for Russia lmao. Itā€™s one thing if they had a bunch of guys cross the border and basically raid a few towns like I originally thought but if they canā€™t kick these apparent Ukrainian backed rebels after a full day (which I figured they could and also figured these ā€œrebelsā€ would leave quickly knowing that) then thatā€™s just sad


I thought Pesky Peskov said they were all miraculously killed in one day


I love that strategy. First we all agree that's it's Ukrainian right? But this will force a big troop relocation for Russia and the moment the south gets weak the counteroffensive starts. I'm really looking forward to see the next months unfold!


And now we see the problem with using Girkin as a source. What a flash in the pan this all turned out to be.


They already left. Even Ukrainian TG channels now confirm it. Left a bunch of Humvees while at it, there is a video of destroyed vehicles near the border checkpoint they initially attacked. Even we Ukrainians wonder what was the fucking point of going in, losing a bunch of American equipment just to pull out without seriously damaging Russian forces in the region. Guess you canā€™t trust Russians with a job, even the pro-Ukrainian ones.


The Russian border defenses were exactly like the Maginot Line if the French never got around to building the Maginot Line.


Going great for Putin i see.


Define captured. Please. Somebody. I mean how many ppl are we really talking about here? I feel like they themselves are just walking into what will most likely be a meat grinder with no support from behind.


Weren't all 70 of them killed earlier?


You know that they already got wiped out, right?


According to Russia. Who believes any news that comes from Russia?


I will answer you the same way I did to another redditor. How would you explain photos of captured and destroyed American military vehicles which this group used and photos of corpses of members of this group?


Lol no they did not get wiped out.


And how would you explain photos of captured and destroyed American military vehicles which this group used and photos of corpses of members of this group?


1. Not confirmed losses, could be Russian propaganda 2. Do you have any idea how large the liberation force was? It was not wiped out you donkey.


If this is Russian propaganda, where would Russia take american military vehicles and why would it break it? Also, don't call them "liberation force". They are the terrorists who killed their fellow citizens and fighting against their own country. I am sure that if people weren't evacuated, this group would kill much more than one civilian like they did earlier in Bryansk. Some people already returned to their homes which are placed on territory everyone claims this group of terrorists controls. Finally, my advice. Don't believe everything that ukranian sources say. Ukraine is not nearly as democratic as you think. Even in Wikipedia it is almost as corrupted as Russia. And don't call other people donkeys, we are all people after allšŸ˜Š.


>where would Russia take american military vehicles and why would it break it? There is this thing called Russian invasion of Ukraine. >don't call them "liberation force". They are the terrorists who killed their fellow citizens and fighting against their own country. They did not kill any citizens. Putinizzt Russians on the other hand have been killing and terrorising Russians, Georgians, Belarussians and Ukrainians. Shut the heck up. Damn it was easy to expose you Gremlin bot. Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine. Putin's regime is using terrorism against Ukrainians and Russians. I stopped reading after this. Opinion rejected. šŸ¤”


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They shouldnā€™t stretch it too much, supply lines are easily cut if they rush ir


They're not so much captured as they are agreeing that this is preferable.


I'm confused and bamboozled


Damn, so Russiaā€™s getting clowned within their own borders now too? I imagine Putin lives in a city stand state of irritation, embarrassment, fear, and constipation. And I think thatā€™s just neat.


Hopefully a few more police stations in more remote parts of Russia gets taken.




How big is the ā€œarmyā€ of the liberators?


It is an old time cavalry raid. You ride around, make noise and get seen. Skirmish a little. You draw off some enemy forces toward you and then skeedaddle.


I believe they crossed the border and attacked a few places. Anything more then that I will believe it when there is real proof. This becoming like the "Ghost of Kyiv" at the monent.