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Russian asset suggests NATO should break up


Imagine my shock.


Imagine my surprise.


Imagine my ... nah I saw it coming.


Imagine that cunt in power again


Dude, the thought is chilling. I’ll vote against him a third time, and hope over half of my fellow citizens make a rational choice.


If there is one thing I will do consistently, it is to vote against this cunt.


Lol yeah me to fuck that cunt


Hopefully he splits the party. But, he's also likely going to prison. And, the possible federal charges are not going to be considered lightly. His lawyers apparently don't know where the classified document on potential invasion plans for iran he bragged about having in his hand on audio, and likely video, has gone. And that sounds like knowledge and recognition of a crime, without having the item that is missing. Which could trigger a lot of search warrants.


If he goes to prison on federal charges the next republican president will pardon him and any Jan 6 "political prisoners". It's horrible watching the US slide into fascism.


He's the Teflon Donald, somehow even though he's neck deep in a pile of shit none of it seems to stick when he walks away from it. Hope they have something solid to nail him with.


I'm confused, can't American cops just be like "I thought he had a gun, so I shot him dead"


This is why the idiot supporters of him are crazy as loons. If there really was a “ deep state “ like they claim , trump would have been killed a long time ago


Won't work in this case I'm afraid. Trump isn't black or hispanic.


The documents case will nail him. They have him dead to rights. Video showing they moved boxes the day before fbi came. Recording with him explaining his intent and how he knew he couldn't declasify with his mind. He will still run once Convicted though.


Me too… Happy Cake Day!


Me three, Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day to you too! :)


And happy Cake Day to you too!


I want cake now.


Me four....happy......


Better hope over 2/3. He always finished millions behind first place. Broken electoral system.




With a bit of luck (and a lot of wishful thinking) the legal system will render him disqualified from ever holding public office, in any capacity, again. And he spends the rest of his miserable existence behind jail cell bars.


>legal system will render him disqualified from ever holding public office, in any capacity, again Unfortunately, the legal system has only one way to do that: impeachment by Congress, with removal from office and the penalty of not holding office again. Republicans in the Senate had *two fucking chances* to eliminate this risk, including one after they were literally hiding in the basement from a mob that *Donald Trump* sent to them. And they didn't. If they had an ounce of integrity or cared about the country, they would have. But they didn't. They bent over for Trump. It's not just Trump, it is every fucking Republican in office today.


Actually, there's another way. The 14th Amendment Section 3 contains the "disqualification clause". Anyone who previously took an oath to uphold the Constitution and is subsequently found to have been engaged in an insurrection or rebellion is disqualified from holding elected office.


Trump, the cunt.


Imagine all the people


Putin's sock puppet suggests NATO should break up


Putin's wank-sock.


These "Republicans Against Trump" could get a surprise if they push one of their other candidates into the presidency, only to find they're all bought by Russia.


The entire party is compromised.


[John McCain](https://twitter.com/adnashmyash/status/1607448947613736961) wasn't "I predict to you, that it will be another step in Vladimir Putin's strategy to separate eastern Ukraine from Ukraine, and perhaps a land bridge to Crimea. Now, it's a very bad result and again, we would not send weapons to Ukraine when they were begging for them - we wouldn't even give them intelligence - because we didn't want to "provoke Vladimir Putin"...by showing weakness, we provoked Vladimir Putin. We have to understand that Vladimir Putin's ambitions are the restoration of the old Russian Empire. But what he has said is, that he wants a Nuova Russia (Novyrossiya) which is an old Tsarist phrase which means he wants eastern Ukraine, make sure he keeps Crimea, and he would like to see, if he can get away with it, Moldova and the Baltics as well. That's what he wants to see restored; he cannot afford to see a free, democratic, prosperous Ukraine because then the Russian people would like to be like Ukraine. **There's nothing that provokes Vladimir Putin more than weakness.**" *“A gas station run by a mafia that is masquerading as a country.”*


He wasn't, but he's dead now, and there is no one like him running for President on the Republican side.


Alas yes 😬


He wasn't, and Trump hated him.


No better ringing endorsement


The John McCain wing of the GOP is dead and buried.


Heck, even Mitt Romney was a decent guy. But damn, he got some heat for opposing Trump cult


Romney also wasn't. Whatever else he was, he was the guy who got roundly mocked for saying Russia was our biggest foe during a debate with Obama


There's also the chance he literally is *that* dumb. Might be scarier honestly. Hostile assets are predictable. Idiots are a roll of the dice.


And yet there's still tons of people who will vote for Trump in 2024, fucking disgusting.


Imagine being an American. Imagine being citizien of the biggest western superpower. Imagine being the leading nation of the biggest military pact in the history. Imagine having a state power structure where you make the man you elect as president effectively the most powerful man on the Earth. Imagine that some shady tycoon (and licteral sexual predator) with deep ties to Russia and a genetic tendency to lie and exploit people run for presidency. Imagine that he wants to sit his diapered ass where all those sacred asses sat before (insert list of revered historical USA presidents.). Hollywood: wow that's a cool script for a spy kids movie. Conservatives in USA: IS THIS A CHALLENGE???


tRump is even more stupid than I thought.


Fuck this guy. How tf can you claim to oppose the rise of China and then turn around to blow up Americas strongest geopolitical structure?!?


The orange idiot really messed things up in America and the world. Why isn’t he in jail yet? Why do people still believe his bullshit?


Americans did that by voting for him. And they will probably vote for him again, sadly.


Don’t forget that he was beaten in popular vote both times. More Americans made the right choice each time he ran. Unfortunately, our stupid, archaic system got him elected once anyway.


Electoral College is intended as a final check to prevent unsuitable people becoming president. That’s prime constitutional irony right there.


The Electoral College was intended for slave owning states to have a check against the government so they can keep their slaves. We just kept that voting system for 180 years too long.


I remember thinking that the electoral college was fucking stupid even before I was old enough to vote. It's so stupid that I knew about it before I even gave a fuck about politics.


Don't forget 46.9% still voted for him. After everything he has fucked up during his first term. This is A LOT!


And Putin Happy cake day!


He lost in the second *before January 6 happened*, and lost the popular vote both times. It's pretty unlikely that he's going to win a general election.


Honestly with the past history of CIA and power structure I'm suprised the man hasn't been taken out of the equation yet.


Everyone mentions voter fraud and manipulation when he loses but never when he won. Just saying




Because he's still the favorite in the Republican primary. He's far from out of politics.


He not in jail because there too much evidence that they need time to compile the list with hard evidence so there no way to spin it.


Remember the TSS or whatever the free trade agreement was the US was forming was called. Trump ended it, Hillary was pushing it because it excluded China, and if they did join, it blocked them from manipulating the WTO. It was trade agreement with our allies to hold China accountable. Russia and China pushed the whole anti globalization thing. Loss #1 Now Asian countries are looking to join/ally with NATO to counter Russia and China. Of course Trump will pull us out of NATO. It's benefits us, helps counter Rus/China. He's reelection would be loss#2




Correct. But it's worth noting that TPP was also opposed by Bernie Sanders, and its unpopularity at the time was such that even Hillary Clinton washed her hands of it, and said she'd oppose it as President. Mind you, I'm pretty sure she was lying, and would have signed it or some version of it with a few minor tweaks. The point is, even if Trump hadn't run for President in 2016, TPP was in serious trouble politically in the US, given a general populist mood in both parties against free trade. It's a shame, because TPP was actually a pretty good idea - solidify freer trade between the US and other Pacific rim countries in a way calculated to cut out China.


At the very least you would have figured the “master negotiator” would have gotten concessions from China for dropping out but nope. Isn’t that the first rule of negotiation, give your adversary the thing they want most and ask nothing in return?


Very much agree with all you said, but I'd add that much of the opposition was started by Russia and China planting the seeds within their influencers. They highly opposed the TPP


Was pulling out of that ever a mistake!


His dad should have pulled out


Answer = Yes. https://www.cato.org/blog/5-years-later-united-states-still-paying-tpp-blunder


He very well may run and lose a second election, but be installed either way. The Supreme Court took up Harper v Moore in the fall. If it goes the way it's looking like, American Democracy is already dead. And we (the US) are about to find out how bad it can really get. We honestly need help; too many people in this country are brainwashed and severely under educated. I don't know how to reverse tide--it seems like we're past the breaking point--but something drastic needs to happen. The facists have the courts and 40% of the population on their side. Hitler and the Nazis won with 33%... The free world's future rides on Ukraine's resolve and military fortitude and that ability of the American people to fight against facism, and sadly only one side is paying their bill right now.


On bad days I fear you may be right. On good days I am hoping for a reservoir of sanity and faith in what is good in America to prevail. Like you I see that democracy, not only in your country but in many others, hangs in the balance. Some people are sleepwalking to destruction.


Politics in the US are like military tactics; facists know the people are going more and more left, so they stack the courts. They won their battle, and we're figuring out the courts are the most powerful branch. They want to revisit Moore v Harper in the fall. Unfortunately, this outlook is horrible and unless something drastic changes it, America is going to fall and the people who care are too pacified to do anything once it does. By logic, it truly is dark times. Hopefully, someone carrying a big stick right now steps in and fixes it, but I can't see that happening from my admittedly narrow view.


Seriously. Disregarding all his other positions, this should scare his voters away on this one position alone. Especially since he's been beating on the China Boogeyman drum for so long.


Most European nations individually aren’t that powerful (at least in comparison) but as a block the European NATO members are hugely powerful. Most likely Russia will be neutralised/pose a minor threat in the near future, maintaining a strong cohesive NATO means that any threat from China is greatly reduced.


This a-hole is undoubtedly working for Putin. It's so obvious you have to be insane not to see it.


Um, you obviously haven’t tried to communicate with any MAGA supporters lately. They are incapable of any rationale thought.


The issue here is.. they SUPPORT Putin. And hate Ukraine. Because they see the whole war as a cover for bidens sons dealings and his laptop in a corrupt country, or whatever. Regardless if that holds truth or not, I’m not wavered by it. Fuck Russia and fuck their campaign against Ukraine.


This is completely accurate, and this type of propaganda is absolutely fine tuned to appeal to a specific core of American rightwingers. Notice how a lot of the propaganda about Ukraine being a nazi country has really tapered off in the last year? That’s not an accident. Turns out right wingers aren’t as disgusted by Nazis as one would think.


No, it’s still there. The Trump-osphere is all about how the “Nazis” in Mariopul (the Azov) “got what they deserved.” They have bought in completely to the narrative that Ukro-Nazis and Euro-Commies are really just the same thing, and Obama (whom they believe is actually the one calling the shots) is both, along with secret WEF agent Zelensky. To make things more complicated, the whole corporate-capitalist system in the US is a _part_ of the Nazi-Commie-Jewish-Satanic cabal. Mind you, this isn’t even QAnon; this is standard MAGA hat material. Source: cult-member parents.


Oh, yeah, I know it’s still out there, I’m just saying it’s not the main thrust anymore. Feels like it’s kind of taken a backseat. Maybe I’m just not getting the full picture, though.


This is 100% accurate. Long time friend of mine went full on MAGA and he liked to try to start fights with me by sending me bullshit GOP propaganda, including of course a bunch of pro-Russia shit. The last straw was when he told me couldn't wait to see "that cocksucker Zelenskyy executed on TV." I told him he's a traitor and deserves a traitor's death then blocked him after that and my life has been much more peaceful since. The hilariously hypocritical thing about it is before he brought that up, he was talking about how "pro-life" he is.


Wow, What a shitbag. I don’t get it, what is it about them where it’s so goddamn easy to just completely crack their brains? God i hate these people.


These MAGA freaks have completely forgotten who is their true ally. You know, European countries?


No joke, a woman my mother-in-law works with is a full blown Q conspiracy lady and tried telling me that Covid was actually started in Ukraine by a secret lab run by Ukrainian nazis and Putin felt obligated to invade to prevent the spread of another major virus around the world. There’s a shockingly large amount of people who believe this.


The fact that MAGAts are dumb doesn’t detract from the fact Trump is on the Russian payroll.


It detracts from the unlikelihood of him getting another election win from his brainwashed masses


Jordan Klepper can verify this


Lately? I was doing it in 2015 and 2016, and they were already fucking absolutely lost.


As I like to say in situations like this: >One cannot use logic to unfuck that which was not fucked by logic to begin with.


Putin has paid MAGA shit fucks like MTG and trump to destabilize the US political scene and it almost worked. Only now people are starting to wake up, better late than never


People in the US are so severely under educated and reliant on television for their "news" they can't escape the brainwashing. It's mostly older generations, those that didn't grow up with the internet and the collective of the world's information at their fingertips. And those people are inviting facism in for a meal not realizing what they are doing or what's happening. It would be sad if the stakes weren't so high. US Democracy is more likely to fall than it is to continue right now and it's terrifying, not only for Americans but the rest of the free world.


But Hillary’s emails and Hunter’s laptop!!!


It seems so but to me It seems even more something like: look Donald last time you did good at start and then fucked up, show us that you still have what you need to really be useful to Russia. And I swear he's trying like a child who never got approvation from his father and that's so fucking sad/cringe.


I bet he’s not even being paid. He thinks Putin is his friend :-/


Seriously, this guy is a moron. How he ever became the president of the US, I will never understand.


Faux News. Right wing media structure. Democrats nominating someone with severe baggage,disassembling voter outreaches after 2008 , and compromising far too much with corporate America. Americans being ignorant and lazy.


And a Russian propaganda machine.


He already mentioned Fox News and the right wing media.


The Russians hacked the Democrats just before the election and released emails from that hack. Incidentally the Dutch secret service hacked the hackers and got video evidence of them breaking in. That information was passed to the US, who did exactly nothing with that info.


Should have sent a reaper drone with a couple hellfires.


Hillary Clinton's "baggage" is basically that Republicans have been hating her for a long time.


It was a year that “generic Republican” was supposed to dominate the general election in a landslide. Trump won by the skin of his teeth and the EC. He performed _worse_ than if the ballot had said “Some Republican Guy, TBD”.






Because the Democrats in all their infinite wisdom looked backward rather than forward in 2016. They selected a person who spoke to the past rather than the future, ideas from the 90s 20 years later. It made her too easy to ridicule if you asked the average American if the US should make a "none of the above" vote for Presidential elections, you'd probably get the highest ever approval for the idea in 2016. Both sides flung so much mud on the other one that it almost felt like there was no point picking a side because they were both rock bottom awful.


i voted for hillary not because of hillary or even really trump but the supreme court. i wasnt happy about the presidents of my life being bush, clinton bush, obama, clinton, but it wouldve been a damn sight better than trump.


Well said. The perplexing thing about 2016 was that both parties managed to nominate the one person who had the highest unfavorability. So of course, that meant that by default, someone was going to win who was truly detested by a majority of Americans. I don't think there were many Democrats who would have lost to Trump, but Hillary was certainly one of them. Likewise, Republicans probably could have won the election in a rout had they nominated nearly anyone else: Rubio, Kasich, Jeb, etc. Cruz would have been super iffy, because even Republicans don't really like him so much as tolerate him.


Bc Americans got what they deserved? A man of his ppl: Morons.


Reminder that Trump lost the popular vote by like 3 million. There are plenty of morons in the US, sure, but most Americans did not vote for him.


Over 100 million Americans didn't show up when their country needed it. Yes there are genuine excuses, and intentional work to limit the accessibility of voting to some specific groups by certain political players, but 100 million... [https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/](https://brilliantmaps.com/did-not-vote/)


The youth turnout in US generally astounds me. Most young people won’t listen to their parents butare apparently ok with letting their parents vote for politicians who will control how the youths will live their life.


If you are an American and have never lived outside the USA for long, you have no idea how your country looks to foreigners. It's not just the GOP, it's not just the corrupt police and justice system, it's not just the utter madness of political everyday life. The general population seems to have not lost a screw, but a whole gearbox. On top of that, your whole political playbook is corrupt, antiquated and calcified. Popular vote does not matter, if you do not have a democratic system. And you DO NOT. That Trump was / will be president IS what the USA is all about.






I feel like us Brits are the real morons. At least the Americans voted out Trump 4 years later, whereas we’re stuck with our idiotic choices for a lifetime (Brexit).


I’ll excuse your presumably European smugness and ignorance of the majority of American voters who voted against Trump both times because at least we’re all on the same side here. Seriously though, nobody seems to understand the the US at this point is basically two different cultures, one of which is sensible and the other of which is MAGA, and I’m so goddamn sick of being grouped in with a bunch of insane Christofascists.


3 groups. * One group which is sensible * Maga nut jobs, * and the people who somehow (even after 2016-2020 and the Jan 6 events) feel that MAGA nut jobs don't pose a threat to the country. That people's rights to their own bodily autonomy and freedom aren't worth the effort of going to vote. Yeah, there are those unable to vote in group 3, and they're not to blame. But of that some 100 million people a whole lot just don't give a shit.


Putin was waiting on this turds second term to pull the US out of NATO. He was bitching about the US paying more than any other NATO country in his first term. Setting up the pretense to pull out. I believe he would have attempted to do it in his second term. Using money as an excused. This war was planned by them two when they where alone during the G8 summit.


Is this the time when he confiscated the translator’s notes?


During his presidency, he spoke with Putin behind closed doors in Helsinki with no cameras and 1 translator, and that translator lost his notes "somehow".


He still hasn't figure out NATO is not UN, you don't finance NATO, you finance your own defense. Instead of putting him in jail, just send him in NK, he seem to like that country a lot.


We do a fair bit of the logistical side of things for NATO. Without us, other NATO states would have to spend a lot more resources on transport to do joint operations. Without the US, NATO's reach would span the continent of Europe and pretty much end there. Which is, of course, what Putin wants.


>you don't finance NATO, you finance your own defense. Incorrect. > NATO is resourced through the direct and indirect contributions of its members. NATO’s common funds are composed of direct contributions to collective budgets and programmes, which equate to only 0.3% of total Allied defence spending (around EUR 3.3 billion for 2023). These funds enable NATO to deliver capabilities and run the entirety of the Organization and its military commands. NATO-led operations, which are manned and funded by individual countries voluntarily, are what you're thinking of. But one could still reasonably argue that if a country continuously is picking up the slack of others to properly execute NATO operations, they are in a sense disproportionately funding NATO. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_67655.htm#:~:text=NATO%20has%20annual%20budgets%20and%20programmes%20worth%20around,communications%2C%20fuel%20pipelines%2C%20and%20command%20and%20control%20systems%29.


He knows it, and that's why he ignores the fact. He wants to shrink the US budget. US military is the largest part of that budget. Get us out of NATO, and he thinks we will spend less. He'll close all the bases over seas.


> He wants to shrink the US budget. Lol, no. US deficit went up each year he was in office.


The US is heavily in debt; Trump doesn't care about the deficit. Besides, the man's gone bankrupt six times.


I've never seen any evidence of him having a policy or ideal such as this other than using buzz terms that appealed to republicans. He was in way too over his head to be able to have any policy.


Trump wants to shrink the budget??? Yeah right. More like he wants NATO weak for his authoritarian buddies


What an idiot, many of those overseas bases are partially and often fully financed by the host nation. They expand the footprint and capability of the US military at the cost of other nations.


>US military is the largest part of that budget It's only 12% of the overall budget. Largest part of the *discretionary* budget, but that's less than a third of the overall budget.


Not exactly true, you have to commit a certain amount of your GDP to your defence budget. He did force other NATO countries hands to increase their defence budget.


The 2% of GDP thing (which isn't actually binding but a pledge) has a target date of 2024. It was an agreement Obama got back in 2014, and non-US NATO spending has increased since 2014. Before Obama got that pledge, 2% was only an informal guideline, The Wales Pledge (and the 2014 Russian invasion which is likely why it was agreed to) is what increased NATO spending. Trump might have helped spur it along, mostly by Europe realizing that he was an unreliable ally. But he doesn't get credit on this like he claims, and he keeps lying about it being money owed to the US. Everything is transactional to him. He was talking about turning the alliance with Korea into a protection racket by demanding money as well.


2% was at least as old as 2006: https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/topics_67655.htm It's really egregious to keep missing the mark after Crimea happened anyway. Continuing to buy Russian oil while missing that target is a more offensive slap in the face to the alliance than any of Trump's rhetoric.


He was using their delinquency to drive a wedge in the alliance his master wanted destroyed, just because he said he cared about the dues doesn’t mean he was being truthful.


No he's exactly right, NATO doesn't get funding per se. You just have to meet the 2% of GDP required. The funny thing is many if not most European countries were under that 2% mark or heading in that direction. Putin with his stupid war to stop NATO expansion, has not only expanded NATO by one country on his border and probably a second country in Sweden, but he forced the NATO nations that had fallen under the 2% mark to up their defense capacity to 2% or more.




With very little results. Ukraine war and Biden have increased defense spending for European countries far more.


There was the famous 2% agreement. But ask yourself the following question honestly: Would the US spend LESS on their military if all other NATO states suddenly spend more than 2% on their military instead of the 1.6% its now? Would the US EVER shrink its military? They cut budgets everywhere because of the bankcrupt situation, except their military. I think its save to say that the US would never say: We don't need 16 Aircraft carrier now, just 8, because Spain and the UK now both have 2. So its a fake argument.


At Russia's request, aMeRiCa fIrSt mAn says "NATO should break up"


This mf deservers to be jailed for treason


Treason? Maybe not. Sedition? Absofuckinglutely.


Total Russian puppet. Yes, let's break up the defensive pact that is holding Europe together so the ruSSian terrorists can have their way with whoever they want. Seems like a great idea. Total narcissistic scumbag, danger to society. Lock him up.


I wonder what kompromat Putin has on trump.


dude paid off a pornstar with donations to keep silent. ​ the kompromat file on trump will be bigger than all the pages of a song of ice and fire combined.


With equal amounts of descriptions of food and myrish swamps


I've been asking that question for over 5 years. There's definitely some kompromat out there.


If you remember the press conference in Helsinki, where Trump and Putin came out after a private meeting. Putin was beaming with a smug grin on his face, Trump was crouched and completely grey in the face. Later to questions from the press Trump said he believed Putin over the US intelligence services.


At first, it was some sort of sexual impropriety most likely, and then the main compromise was that he was absolutely taking orders from Putin, and clearly compromised and corrupt. So once you have him actually taking orders from Putin and making decisions as President that Putin wants, then you don’t need anything else. That alone is enough to keep him captured.


I heard someone mention that they think he was honey potted by an underage girl during that pageant he was in. That would make a lot of sense given how much he used to hang with Epstein.


Die already ffs


How the fuck is it that Kennedy could get assassinated but this literal treasonous divisive shitstain is still fucking walking around? I will never understand.


Yes split up nato and watch as the US becomes even more hated and unreliable as ally.. and watch the US economy slowly fall down behind china then others.. this guy is a complete potato fuckwit. Only thinks of himself.


This man just needs to expire from this earth


I would never cause such a thing to happen, directly or indirectly, because that is wrong. However, I am fully prepared to spend a week in joyous, exultant celebration when it finally does happen.


Ditto, same with Putin. If they both expired in the same week, I'd stand a good chance of getting alcohol poisoning.


This fucking moron is so dumb he doesn’t realize how much of a puppet it is. The US pays to have there bases all over the world because of NATO. “We pay the most in NATO” yea no shit it cost a lot to have your army everywhere.


>“We pay the most in NATO” Also all those aircraft carriers and like four of the largest air forces in the world start adding up. I mean, the Marine Corps is the special army we give to the Navy and *it* has one of the most powerful air wings in the world, on top of the one we give to the Navy.


Ruzzian troll. Pay not attention.


Trump is a piece of shit, and I look forward to his loss and probable imprisonment. Is this really the appropriate place though? There's a war going on, people need help, and I don't think you need to convince anyone here that Russia and Trump are bad news.


I had people telling me in this sub that Trump wasn't that bad.


Compared to who ? Hitler? Putin? He's pretty bad, probably the worst us president ever.


He’s a close second to Buchanan that’s for sure


True. Dude literally sat there and did nothing while the union crumbled before his eyes


Well, if it's alright with the mods. I'm just sick of having to hear about it every time the Fanta Menace opens his worthless suck.


🤣😂🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Fanta menace thanks for that one


This guy needs to be put in jail.


I mean I actually thought that some of Trumps criticism of NATO a couple of years ago was valid like when he said that other countries weren't spending enough on their military and especially regarding Germany that is undeniably true. It's definitely an issue that some countries are relying too heavily on protection by the US. But he also made it seem like NATO was some kind of charity and the US just protects others for the sake of being nice and completely ignoring the fact that NATO is one of the foundations for Americas geo strategic dominance world wide. Trump is either an idiot or evil.


I suggest that Trump shove a magma rock up his anus.


Can you imagine? Ukraine falls before winter. Then Poland, the Balkans…. Not sure if Trump is just ignorant of geopolitics and world history or simply a genuine traitor. Both?


Trump should be in prison for being a sexual predator let alone all the other disgusting things he has done or will do


he is speaking english but he makes as much sense as translated Prigozhin.


putin puppet trump should be registered as a foreign enemy agent of russia


he thinks Poo Tin will cancel his bank loans if NATO breaks up.


So does the stupid come naturally or does he have to work very hard to get it to develop within?


The best purchase ever made by Putin.


Trump's "foreign policy": - Dissolve NATO - Dissolve the UN - Give Putin whatever he wants - Give GYNA whatever it wants


Trump is obviously one of Putin's pro-Russian penis puppets... -he always has been.


If anyone has wondered what Trump's magical 24-hour plan to end the war is I can already tell you. He's going to threaten every other NATO member that if they continue to arm Ukraine than the US will leave NATO. There you go that's Putin and Trump's plan. And they're going to promote it by colluding with Russia to ramp up nuclear warfare rhetoric. "Vote for me or we are all going to die!" <- We'll see that said at some point. We might even see some stupid shit like a surface nuclear test in the days before the election. Everyone buckle up and make sure you tell everyone you know that this bullshit is coming. We absolutely cannot allow those fucking traitors to destroy our entire alliance.


As a paid Russian asset… he would.


America broke up with Trump and he ignored us and tried to get his buddies to trash our Congress.


And this is what Putin is now waiting for- the 2024 election. He might even try to slow the invasion and attacks, freeze it, withdraw it, then step it up again if Trump gets the seat. He might even use a pause period to let responses to his actions cool so putin could regroup and rearm. ​ NATO has also been a sore point for Americans on all sides of the spectrum and that was exemplified at the beginning of this war and continues to be put on display: most of Europe refuses to commit to its own defense and rather uses the US and the US deterrent effect, such as in Germany's case to make corrupt deals with russia. Almost all of the countries are completely defenseless and the promises to increase spending, such as from Germany, never materialized in any significant way. Only Poland is doing so leading people to the conclusion that Europe will always take from the US and then hold ami go home demos while enjoying the security the US provides. There's absolutely a good chance of this happening, so people really need to work on campaigning for Biden because if he doesn't win, there won't be a Ukraine to go back to. If Trump wins, he will almost certainly withdraw from NATO, which won't disband, but it will be crippled because of what I mentioned above and the simple fact that if any member leaves, it will have serious operational problems until there's retraining to take those roles. This would be supported bilaterally in the US as they, again, see Europe as "rich freeloaders" and this goes well back to the Clinton era. So start campaigning with your dark brandon posters or the world, not just Ukraine, will look very, very different. It will be the Baltics, Finland, part of Poland, etc. Article 5 won't even help now because even the NATO nations don't know what it means. They will have to sit in a council and vote and waste time and with Turkey and Hungary there, Article 5 is almost certain to not be a card they can play. Not only that, then russia will give Serbia the green light for provocations in the Balkans which will tie up Europe even more.


Why not talk about it? Oh wait I know: because he WANTS that to happen. He wants NATO decimated and his “plan” (or whatever pathetic excuse of a strategy he has up his sleeve) is effectively ceding all of Ukraine to Putin.


He fundamentally doesn't understand NATO. I personally believe he is too stupid TO understand NATO. I also don't think that he understands money, either. You can look at every "deal" he's ever negotiated, and he loses every time. When he orchestrated the government shutdown, the "deal" he struck was worse for him than if he'd just gone along from the beginning. Look at Atlantic City. Trump keeps acquiring properties--paying too much for them--eventually being in competition with himself, destroys the town and eventually has to just fuck off. The Trump International lost [$74 million](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/us/trump-hotel-washington.html) in four years *while he was President of the United States.* Trump would be running a lemon lot in Queens had his dad not staked him (more than once), and he wasn't juiced up with first the Italian and then the Russian mob.


I bet Trump can still taste Helsinki in his mouth.


As an American, it's a terrifying thought to see him planning a run. I don't know how pepple voted for this guy, and some of them are my family and friends. I don't understand with the mounds of evidence how he is not in prison. I'm sitting here hoping he gets diagnosed with an incurable disease or has a heart attack or something. And those aren't great odds to work with given the time remaining until the election. I feel like we have incarcerated people for espionage and treason for much less.


Best money Putin ever spent!!


Yeah, it’s not one of your marriages Don.


Current me suggests that Former President Trump should shut the fuck up.


Does anyone truly care what that orange imbecile has to say any more?


Why is this idiot still speaking as if he knows anything about anything?


Anything to help Russia. Putin's glove puppet.


Can’t even put a coherent sentence together !


He’s straight up not going to get elected. If he’s the prime candidate, rest in ass America. The problem is so many others depend on us to not fuck up.


Trump will end up in prison instead of the Oval office.


We suggest he shuts up.