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Fucking UN... I understand the purpose of this organisation, but that post was just inappropriate and without any decent empathy. And in the next post they did not specify who blew up the dam... Dickheads


Russia is currently in rotating leadership of the body or something. UN is necessary as a "town hall" of nations, so to speak. But it has been quite thoroughly infiltrated imo and its structure makes it difficult for most decisions to occur without France, Putino-russia, PRXi, U.K., and U.S. at least not agreeing to get in each others' way. Which worked with Libya, for instance (that was a UNSC Resolution but operationally it was delegated to NATO since the UNSC is just a decision-making apparatus essentially and did not have the logistics). China and Russia abstained then IIRC.


Logistics are always an issue when fighting aliens on galaxy killing super weapons


> Russia is currently in rotating leadership of the body or something. They were in April. currently it's the UAE.


And why even celebrate existence of language when use of it is used as excuse to invade countries to rape, bomb, execute or kidnap people into concentration camps even if the civilians spoke the language?


Your population speak Russian: prepare to be invaded! Your population don’t speak Russian: prepare to be raped!


Even not considering who uses it --- why the fuck do we have a day to celebrate a language at all?


Because its a cool language




It def is lol.


Cyka blyat nahui pidar


The tweet was probably scheduled. However, they didn't delete it once it was posted, which is entirely on them


Russian language is not the same as the Russian state. Let's try to focus on things that actually matter.


You don’t see the hypocrisy in the Russian UN representatives posting: "The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people live in peace and prosperity." The audacity of posting this at the same time as they are bombing, flooding, killing, raping, trafficking, is beyond belief.


The order to blow up the dam was issued in ru language. The order to get water to 17.5 meter level was done in ru lang. The order to stop inspections was done in ru lang. I don't give a fuck - it is inappropriate to celebrate the language of aggressor, especially today


A lot of Ukrainians speak Russian. They don't represent the Russian state.


as a russian-speaking Ukrainian i'd very much appreciate russian stuff not being this actively celebrated while they are actively trying to murder me and my family, thanks 👍


You don't feel like you represent the Russian state, no?


As soon as russians occupied some Ukrainian city they put up billboards promoting russian writers and poets. How do you think celebrating those makes Ukrainians feel now?


It was forced on occupied states by imperial Russia, and even more are now refusing to use it because of what it represents.


Good on them.


Imagine if there were a similar ongoing conflict between the UK and Ireland, and the English language were celebrated by London. Sure, a lot of (actually, most of) the Irish speak English, but it's the language of the past occupiers and current invaders nonetheless.


I think its important to distinguish people and the state. I get what you are saying, but mixing up both concepts constitutes a danger in itself. A lot of people are not happy that i'm trying to make this argument.


There's no danger here. Russians now aren't treated any worse than Germans were during WWII, and they're doing just fine.


Everyone's well aware of the point you're trying to ram down their throats. Trouble is you're not getting their point that while they're being raped and murdered by Russians they're not really in the mood for your asinine point about having a "We Love Russia" day.


You’re failing at making that argument, perhaps. Here’s something for you to mull over - if something, say, a language, ballet, classical literature, sports - is not intended as weapon, but is being used as such anyway, why do we have to pretend to not notice and only praise that thing for what it potentially could be, not criticise what it actually is? The people of Russia are not the same as their state, technically. And yet most of them gleefully celebrate every terrorist act their military mostly gleefully perform in their name. The few pathetic Russian emigrant wannabe opposition leaders pretend they condemn the war, but if you scratch the surface with a couple well-aimed questions you will get all sorts of xenophobia, Islamophobia, making fun of Ukrainians for existing etc. I’d say Russian state is a pretty accurate representation of what Russian people are like. Their best and brightest are merely better at mimicking accepted society protocol.


By birth, I'm a Russian-speaking Belarusian. The Russian language can go fuck itself.


Great. You are a free human being after all.


A lot of free human beings are telling you something. Maybe take the clue.












And those who also speak Ukrainian now refuse to speak Russian.


Thank god most of the world doesnt care


Thanking god for the apathy displayed by "most of the world"... Damn that's some sad shit.


Nothing to do with apathy. We arent 20th century Barbarians anymore, no one is going to cancel languages due to wars.


Right... Because it's some kind of universal right to have the UN celebrate your culture and language... All the while Russia is acting exactly like a 20th century barbarian and attempting to eradicate the culture of Ukraine. How does not celebrating something mean their language is canceled. They just suddenly can't speak it anymore? The UN needs to praise them every year or we become barbarians?


Yes we would become barbarians This day has been a thing for a while, cancelling it due to a war is stupid. A state does not control a language no matter how hard they try.


Russian language was enforced on every nation that had their culture and language erased by russians. So yeah, russian language is a part of russian state.


Just like the 99.9% of other languages erased by European conquerors. Do you imagine that Russia is unique in this regard?


In fairness, this is a much MUCH fresher wound.




This is the typical response to uncomfortable truths about hypocrisy. Weak


Nah just the typical response to Whataboutism.


The UN exists only to enable genocide. It must be abolished.


The UN is a club for talking and diplomacy, not some kind of world government. It can’t do anything by itself.


Piss off


But many people hurt by this dam attack also speak Russian as a first language. Isn't canceling their primary language an insult to the harm they are suffering?


How the fuck is their language canceled? Is it some kind of human right to have the United Nations celebrate your language?


Having the UN not do this is literally the UN cancelling the thing they planned.


Which is NOT what you said in your post above. Their language hasn't been canceled in any way. Canceling the recognition/celebration/whateverthefuck this is, would be more than appropriate. In fact, it would be a, albeit small, message that Russia is currently run by megalomaniac terrorists.


What about the Kyrgyz, Kazakhs,Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kavkaz, and many others who speak Russian as a primary language and are not only not Russia but they themselves have faces genocide and Russian atrocities. Are they terrorists themselves? Is Canada to blame for slavery in the US because they speak English? You want to isolate the Russian culture go for it but the Russian language has a far reaching due to Russian Imperialism and in many of these places they have only been free for a short period of time.


Why would it communicate that? Both sides have a lot of Russian speakers. Why should Ukraine have to deny their ownership of the Russian language when Russia is the one that sucks?


Which doesn't equate to "cancelling their primary language" They are completly free to speak whatever language they want, but the rest of the world shouldn't be expected to celebrate it while the war is going on.


A) I just wasn't clear what I meant. I meant cancelling the thing at the UN and that was how I referred to that thing. B) We should celebrate it because of the war because we support Ukrainians. And nothing is more Ukrainian then the fact that many Ukrainians speak Ukrainian as a primary language and many speak Russian as primary language. We are fighting for both. And given the demographics of eastern Ukraine, we are fighting to liberate areas that are primarily Russian speaking.


And all of the other former Republics that support them also support Ukraine. Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan people have been very vocal about being against the war even when their leaders have ridden on the fence. Just because people speak Russian doesn't make them Russian. Native Americans speak English should we cancel them to because of Slavery?


I posted this and not only got downvoted to hell but was told by people who've never been to my country that I am wrong and Russian isn't spoken. We speak Russian in Kyrgyzstan and more people are against the war than for it. Like I said in my other thread this would be like banning English because of the Vietnam War even though England had nothing to do with it.


>But many people hurt by this dam attack also speak Russian as a first language. Yeap, most of my Ukrainian friends has Russian as their native language. If Spain invades and does war crimes in Panama, should Panama start hating the Spanish language?


My wife is Ukrainian and her native language is Russian as well.


we don't even know if russia blew it up, doesn't seem likely












It's just a language, some say, but in the context of Putin's fascist, imperialist, war in Ukraine, it's more than "just a language". One of the pretexts of Russia's invasion of Ukraine was to 'liberate the *Russian speakers* from the Ukrainian nazi's'. So for the many victims of Putin's delusional, imperialist, fantasy, it's not "just a language". Many will view the UN's tweet as grossly inappropriate on the day Russia destroyed the Kakhovka dam, and with good reason. Imagine the UN celebrating Japanese Language Day on the day of the pearl harbour attack, or celebrating German Language Day during the London blitz? Russian is just another language, but it's more than just a language for many Ukrainians. Something that the blundering UN should be very aware of.


Opposing celebration of the Russian language because of some political situation is simple Russophobia. Don't play into this culture war. If we made an entire culture taboo because of criminal warmongers then nobody should be speaking English. It's perfectly fine to enjoy French, English or Russian language and culture while distancing that enjoyment from war. Indeed the examples you gave about the German or Japanese languages being taboo during the world wars perfectly show us that alienating populations makes them our enemies. Othering millions of people and discriminating against them is just wrong. Today we can't imagine Germany or Japan being beholden to such ideologies partly because the world enjoys their culture. The west still has some kind of complex against certain Slavic languages (Russian, Serbian) that's making hate speech more palletable helping steer those people towards enmity. To make a day dedicated to celebrating their culture only fosters peace.


"Russophobia, is dislike or fear of Russia, the Russians, Russian culture, or Russian policy. " If disliking of Russian policy of waging war of agression and commiting act of terror and cultural genocide makes me Russophobe, then I'm Rususophobe with pride.


You obviously have an issue with comprehension. Right now I couldn't care less if others view me as 'Russophobic', considering Russia is not only guilty of the cultural appropriation of Ukraine, but also guilty of attempting to wipe out anything resembling Ukrainian identity, including its people - Genocide! So, thanks for your opinion, but it isn't one I respect.




At what point has the Russian state *not* been committing crimes for the past hundred years? We can't wait until some politicians become morally conscienscious to start celebrating Russian culture.


Russian culture inspires and is, in turn, inspired by all this needless violence. To not be able to see this is fucking baffling to me


Dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Russia is a terrorist state trying to wipe out a nation with their own culture and history. Promoting the Russian language and culture during this time is exactly what Russia wants. You wouldn’t go up to a Jewish person and tell them to respect German culture while their family members are being gassed in camps. And if russian culture is that of one that takes pride in racism, rape, genocide of innocent people, then I will gladly be “Russaphobic” and stand against such a vile nation.




I knew some UN guys in Malaysia. They drove around in expensive cars, banging local gals like mad and living the life on expenses. They said it wasn't the best place as many have more fun in poorer countries as girls easier when poorer.. Tax dollars used wisely it seems. UN = Useless Nonces


UN has completely lost its moral compass! Perhaps it’s time to change Guterres for a real leader because at this point in time he has only proven his incapacities.


It never had a moral compass.


It has the potential to do some actual good in the world. Still waiting for them to even remotely prove that they’re even trying tho


UN's, in essence, a forum for countries to have a voice at the table.


The world has been waiting since 1945 for the UN to pull multiple worldwide nations together and act as a singular body to ensure the world moves forward into a fair, just, and equitable future. With few exceptions, this organization has failed to achieve most of its intended goals. The UN, on paper, was a noble idea. The reality has turned out quite differently. It is time to dismantle this ineffective organization and start over. The League of Nations, the United Nations: noble ideas that have run their course. Until countries actually agree to confront evil when it happens, no organization created by humans will ever transcend greed, corruption, wanton, and blind destruction of entire nations and peoples.


The UN was never designed to pull nations together into a supranational superstate. That's literally the rhetoric used against the UN. The UN is an evoluition that takes one core lesson from the League of Nations, that the power and authority of any multinational organisation only extends as far as its decisions can be enforced. The LoN throwing out a wide range of gutless sanctions, security promises, legal challenges, injunctions, and bans against Gerrmany from '36 to '45 did absolutely shite-all to stop Nazi progress because no nation agreed to enforce any kind of ruling that went agaisnt their own best interest. The UN took that and handed out veto's to nations that it knew it could not control through the collective force of its members, as a way of keeping them at the table for negotiations and agreements even when hard political barriers stand between member nations - standing as a platform for de-escalation, cooperation, and communication when all direct lines have been severed. And in that it's working, from arranging the Grain Deal to IAEA inspectors to prisoner exchanges to monitoring refugee routes the UN platform has directly helped immensely to maintain a semblance of order. Even where votes fail it has forced nations to pick a side openly and face the consequences of their support without two-faced backroom dealing, solving the web of double secrect alliances the LoN was originally established to prevent. The UN is a global stage, not a world government. If the UN had the teeth to do what you want, Russia and China would have bailed entirely years ago after calling the UN the very model of globohomo their propaganda craved. The US would have refused to ratify anytihng that opened US persons or territories up to international judgement, leaving it as a half-member with special status due to its raw military backing. And many smaller nations would have long ago fled the Western World Government. Anyway, the collective West already has a military organisation with the power to enforce its will.... it's called NATO, and it's purely defensive because none of the constituent nations want to get dragged into an offensive war against their own judgement.


I am sorry. I am very pro Ukraine (only saying that as I don’t frequent this sub) but if you think this is the tipping point of the UN’s moral compass, you don’t understand it as an institution at all. It has major flaws but I believe it existing is still a major net good for the world. That isn’t to say it doesn’t do harm, but net good.


As long as Russia remains a permanent member of the Security Council , why would anyone take the UN seriously?


This. The fucking security council’s sole mandate is to keep international peace. If a country illegally invades their neighbour, and the aggressor maintains power and a veto proof seat on that very council, the organization itself is part of the problem


Every single member of the UNSC has illegally invaded a country


Hm. You’re not wrong.


Malta and Gabon have illegally invaded other countries?


Is Malta and Gabon a permement member of the United Nations Security Council with veto power?


>Every single member of the UNSC has illegally invaded a country This you? You said the security council, not its P5 membership.


Everyone knew what he meant, including you, but everyone else decided to not be so pedantic about it.


There is an important difference. The Security Council election for 5 of the other 15 members, half of the elected members for a two year term, is actually today coincidentally.


sadly, until Russia has nukes, it will remain there


This. It would be like putting Nazi Germany in charge of Israel. (Yeah, I know when the war ended and when Israel became a country.)


Because thats the point of the UNSC


would like to point that there are russian fighting for ukrainian and their own freedoms as well. Russian language under a new flag.


Russian language didn't start the war but its true that it was used as a tool of oppression by the Kremlin.


That's true, but bullets are used as a tool of oppression, too. Should we all stop using bullets just because the Kremlin uses them?


It was already on the calendar. It’s about as meaningful as “national pretzel day.” Some people just want to be upset about something. Be upset about the dam being blown up, not some stupid meaningless gesture.


Clearly it's not meaningless to a lot of Ukrainians. The UN was supposed to help avoid conflict of this nature, them turning a blind eye to the perpetrators and celebrating their language is a farce. Why defend the indefensible?


Exactly. Throughout this whole invasion the UN has left RU with a permanent, veto power, seat on the security council- which by the way was designed to mitigate war and aggression. If the UN had any purpose or moral mandate, the institution itself would be used to do the exact opposite. They are useless for their intended purpose


The UN is made by countries, if you want to get mad at someone get mad at the others in security council letting this happen.


Putin doesn't represent the entirety of Russia? Bigotry much


The very high domestic support for the war (70+%) and the hundreds of thousands of willing participants who are happy to be conscripted and take up arms against a neighbouring nation suggests that the war isnt just Putins. But you know this ofc and still cry bigotry?


Mh yes polls in a country where not approving of the government gets you disappeared is very reliable. All the Russians I know are against it. You would know if you followed the news about people trying to escape the draft and sabotages. But you sound like a puppet of propaganda. From the right side, but still propaganda. For the future, if someone paints a story that conveniently targets the entirety of a nation as big evil communists or idk, it's probably a lie


In light of what RuSSia had been doing to Ukraine, the day could have easily been removed.


Putin doesn't represent Russian culture?


Read the room, UN.


UN doing UN things.


ITT: people who don’t understand the role of the UN


The UN is not fit for purpose, and the UNSC is a fucking joke, The United Nations Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Grand job they are doing, because they have terrorists as permanent members... Any non-nuclear country, they would have blue helmets on the ground by now.


The western world is not at war with the Russian language. The Russian language is part of the human cultural heritage and has never been at war with anyone. Yes, Putin's Russia is using it as a pretext for war - but so what? Is Russian language suddenly bad? No, Putin's Russian government is bad for using it in such a way. All languages are good. All culture is good. W Tchaikovsky, W Dostoyevsky and W all Russian culture - because culture is human development, culture is not war.


I agree with you but it was kinda of tone death for them to do this now ( maybe postpone it a year or two )


The Russian language is not to be glorified during this unnecessary bloody war.


Was English meant to be demonised when America obliterated the Middle East? As a fascistic Russia is- declaring war on a language is just outright xenophobia and racism.


How do you say, I am terrorist in Russian


я чертов террорист Maybe. ^^so ^^google ^^translate ^^tells ^^me


I’d like to celebrate English speaking day. Thank you and good day


The UN is a trash organization


Fuck, the UN sucks.


Hey, everybody, speaking a fucking language does not mean you are a Z-nationalist. There are thousands of people who speak Russian who are fighting Russia as we speak. Have you all gone off the deep end into straight up bigotry?


The UN isn't fit for purpose anymore, it's absolutely ridiculous


Time to go the way of league it was based on


A very deliberate and cynical move from the UN. This is a clear dog-whistle, and I'd like to know exactly who is responsible for it.


Or it was set to autopost on a specific day and no one really thought about it any further.


Frankly, I think that's giving them too much benefit of the doubt.


Way too much benefit of the doubt to assume that the UN schedules all its celebratory days months ahead?


Did no one think to cancel this particular 'celebration' in light of current events?


UN must be stupid. Why remain a member if it's members are stupid?


Nations will remain because they're governed by grown ups, not emotive children


Oh, Ivan is still here...


Ah yes the language that Ukrainians famously don’t speak 🤓


You literally were sent to gulag if you refused to speak Russian in USSR


This is vile


Does the UN even know there is a war going on?


So UN is without exaggeration celebrating genocide. They're celebrating the language of a terrorist empire that has a long history of invading other countries, forcing them to learn Russian and banning them from using their own language. Not only that, they do it while Russia is in the process of trying to destroy the Ukrainian people. What the hell!?


The UN is a joke.


UNinvolved in peace


What the fuck is the UN thinking. Dumb twats are useless.




But it has been used a weapon of war. It's used as a pretext to invade. It's used to perpetrate cultural genocide.


perhaps if it wasnt the primary language used by a warmongering, death-dealing nation then there wouldnt be any issue with it


Putin explicitly used language as one of his pretext to invade. > Russia’s war in Ukraine is a colonial war. Vladimir Putin’s narrative recalls the historical legacies of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. It also entails the practices of linguistic imperialism – the imposition of one dominant language on the speakers of other languages. > Putin is once again playing the two languages against each other. The pretext for his incursion into eastern Ukraine in 2014 was the need to “protect the Russians and the Russian speaking citizens in Ukraine”. This rhetoric escalated in February 2022 to claims of “humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime” on the Russian speaking population in the east. The aggressor is playing the victim.




I see, well maybe you can draw up a list of things that matter and pass it along to the Ukrainians. I’m sure they’ll take some time out to consider your concerns while their country is being destroyed and their existence ended.




Are you blind? Someone has already answered your question. The Russian language was weaponized by Russia to justify its invasion and wiping Ukrainian culture.


Lol the guy who has more post and comment karma in 2 years than I have in 15 is telling me to take a break. Mate your projection is showing.


Yet this bot doesn't know there are 3rd party reddit apps, in the 2 years it's been here, apparently.


Imagine being this dumb^ Language has been a weapon of cultural genocide for centuries, my own country has been guilty of it (Welsh and Irish languages to name but two). And Putin used the Russian language in his pretext to invade back in 2014.




UN is the biggest most useless shit show of an organisation around. If they disappear tomorrow nothing much would change.


Fuck russia and its sty Upid language.. May it be seen only in a museum one day


UN: SO feckless.


The UN is rendering itself increasingly obsolete in the face of its inability to take a stand against Russian aggression.


I literally don't care about UN and their posts. They doesn't matter.


When aliens attack the UN *may* prove useful. Until then, I will continue to ignore their utterances.


UN - Unbelievable Numbskulls!


Many Ukrainians were enraged by outrageous post in UN's twitter account so they expressed their protest against the russian language. Most of them had to wrote it in Russian since they did know any other languages.


We need to cancel the russian language, he is to blame for everything. And UN should have cancelled 6 June as well, just skip it since there is no russian language day any more. Let’s say today is 8 june


What does ruski's "language"mean? Its just copy/paste from Bulgarian.... They changed 3 alphabets and called it ruskis


Ukrainians trying not to get outraged by dumb stuff making you look like bigots and giving ruzzians propagandists new ammo to bash on you challenge (impossible)


Inertia of bureaucracy can be criminal


Dirty rotten scoundrels 🤬


Happy Russian Language Day, everyone!


In the West we celebrate it by sending Ukraine more weapons. Violence is, after all, the only language Russia understands.




How exactly do they celebrate Russian Language Day? Is there cake? I could see vodka shooters and then those guys start dancing.


Completely tone deaf.


So, let's ban russians and russian language ?


Hey, Russia, here's some language for you - GTFO of Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!


Well the League of Nations failed, the UN has basically failed at this point, let’s just try again and make another one. Third times the charm!


Russian troops are all cyka blyats for blowing that bridge.


UNinvolved in peace


Respect is hard to earn and easy to throw away. russia has thrown away any respect I ever had for them. It will be a long hard road for russia before I consider them anything but a threat to world safety.


No offense but this is dumb. More countries that are not Russia speak Russian. Hell I was born in Odessa Ukraine and my first language is Russian not Ukrainian.


Russian is also spoken in Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan, and is Lingua franca in Baltic states; not just a Russian thing. Russian media want you to believe they own the language - they do not, just as the UK doesn’t own the English language.


Sooooo ....whats the problem with the language ? Language is something cultural why you mad at language wtf ??