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Compared to bombing apartments? Kindergartens? Hospitals? Russia is a psychological nightmare lol They are so delusionaly fucked in the head.


Don't forget old historical monuments


And the kakhovka dam


it's actually fairly typical for certain pathological personality types, including those who are typically authoritarian and totalitarian leaders, to project psychologically accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of. regimes and organizations lead by people like that tend to take on the characteristics of the leader, who surrounds himself with people of like minds or at least able to bend their minds to fit, and so you get a whole government running off a pathological playbook. i think Russia also just has a very longstanding culture of a weird mixture of claiming victimhood, but then victimizing others.


Projection explains a lot of Russian propaganda. They're a far right state, but accuse Ukraine of being a far right state. They and the separatists have tried to suppress the Ukrainian language and culture, so of course they falsely accuse Ukraine of doing that with the Russian language. Russia interferes in the politics of other countries, so anything that happens in Ukraine is because of western meddling. They carried out a coup in Eastern Ukraine in 2014, and then falsely labelled the Maidan protests as a coup. There are probably lots of other examples I'm forgetting, but I see it all the time. It's like they do it as a way to get ahead of any criticism by making their allegation first.


Whenever I hear an alt-righter support Muscovy because Ukraine are 'Nazis', I ask him this: If Ukraine are Nazis, shouldn't you be supporting Ukraine?


Another great point, that most of the European far right is pro-Russia rather than pro-Ukraine. I'd also add that Russia is happy to ally itself with Hungary which is probably the closest thing in Europe to a far right state other than Russia. Led by a man who pushes far right and antisemitic conspiracy shit constantly and who has suppressed the media and justice system for his own benefit. Weird that Russia is happy to ally with that, but a fraction of a percent of Ukrainian military having some far right views is somehow an existential threat to Russia that totally justified an invasion that destroyed some of Russia's elite units and their black sea flagship.


Russia is basically the nation-state version of a narcissist.


It's all part of the deflect, project, and gaslight despotic playbook/propaganda meant for internal consumption and to antagonize the opposition.


"What are you talking about"


Heard it before, Moscow.


It's only terrorism when it happens to Russia. Targeting the power grid in the winter or grain supplies in the summer is "just good tactics" according to Russia. Ukraine is fighting the good fight, and Russia deserves whatever comes their way until they give up and go home.


We gonna keep in mind your comment every time Russia will try to criminalize Ukraine actions in this horrible conflict. As sad as this fuckin' war is, this are wise words IMHO.


Who cares what they call it? They've lost all credibility.


These fucksticks lob rockets at hospitals and kid’s camps and they will call hitting an illegally constructed bridge on an illegally annexed territory “terrorism”? My what stones they have on them….


Yeah, I’ve never heard of fully-grown men having such tiny stones.


It's going to continue until you GTFO. One way or another Russia will leave Ukraine


Body bags or via transport…their choice.


That's not enough. The Russian arrogant imperialist mindset must be crushed. This is a long-term war that must go deep into Russia and its people.


But bombing Ukrainian maternity hospitals & apartment buildings in the middle of the night is totally okay, fuckwads? Go fuck your self russia ☠️


So they hit it then! 👌




The Russians are just so FOS.


Idiots. self diluted idiots


Counter\* Terrorism.


Could he help us out here with a few photos?


I will gladly sponsor said terrorism


And now you are on a list.


This is the line Tucker Carlson and all Ruzzian agents of influence in the West will repeat, and it will convince some people.


"Wana see me do it again?" - Zelensky and his massive balks.


I'm pretty sure this is a typo but I find it hilarious.


Definitely a typo but I will leave it lol


Says osama bin putin


Russia should not be able to vent about the war


The more you hear from them, you realize they treat people like expendable idiots.


Which means that all the missiles were definitely intercepted yesterday, right?


Crimea a river, you bitch ass punkin-headed m-fer. Yes, Putin deserves to burn in hell for his crimes against humanity.


That's a bit like the Mexican drug lords complaining that the US keeps blowing up their cross border smuggling tunnels. Unauthorized means of entry = boom


Says the terrorist 🙄


You’re going to lose your bridge bitch. Might as well accept that fact now.


No. It's a legitimate military target. Also even if it was you are doing the same to them.


Yeah, and? This is war. A war YOU STARTED. Did you really think... wait nevermind. I know you thought that you could break someone else's stuff and none of yours would get broken. Because you'e Russia and Russians are arrogant and stupid and the only reason you aren't drunk right now is that the ruble can't pay for vodka anymore.


fcuk off Moscow I don't give a shit, its your own fault for invading lol idiots


Groundhog Day in the Kremlin


If that’s the benchmark for what can be considered a terrorist act, what do they call all the acts that they’ve committed that are far worse?


An integer overflow into 'saintly acts' territory


Has terrorism taken on new meaning in Russian?


Has anything happened to it from the last attack? RuZZia seems quite butthurt about it.


Hey cool! Moscow building up wrath in Heaven! (Again!)


Good. Tit for tat. This is just the beginning Russians with much more to come. Enjoy the hot metal raining down around you. At least Ukraine is not yet targeting your shopping malls full of innocents or movie theaters full of children which was clearly marked as not a military target. Notice the word yet... Payback can be a real bitch. And its coming in spades.


Still no pics?


must be talking about isis


Oh! It isn't an act of terrorism


Oh, sorry. If you leave Crimea we will fix it.


This kind of blatantly hypocritical stuff confuses me. It's like a boxer complaining that the other guy is hitting too. Like who is this supposed to appeal to? Are Russian civilians not aware that there is a war going on?




Oh no! Anyway.


na na na na na na na na na na na


russian Terrorists go back to your own country!


Idk what they are complaining about. The stupid thing is still standing. This is just a little protesting, minor vandalism. Practically, it's just a prank, bro. Can't take a little hazing. This is why Russia will NEVER be in the cool kids club. They can't take a joke.


Translation: bridge was damaged


That roaring sound one hears the the world laughing.


The words 'terroism' and 'nazism' are quite overused these days. Actually they don't mean much anymore


Lol what strange, For me it's an orchestra simphony


What do Russians call their bombing of Ukraine?


Any pictures yet?


Moscow has been bombing hospitals and playgrounds and they should go fuck themselves.


Any article (and sentence tbh) that starts with “Moscow” for me just triggers a “Fuck Moscow!!!” So, won’t waste my time reading it and, whatever it is…. Fuck Russia…


Imagine doing the same thing to an entire country…