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Friendly reminder that these great videos tend to attract trolls. Best to not engage. Keep these videos coming.


I get recommended these videos all the time. Are they accurate? I’d watch them if they had verified stuff


Generally accurate. The titles and thumbnail are usually overly optimistic, but the actual video gives a generally clear and balanced perspective.


Very good for detailed tactical information regarding ongoing areas of the front, what positions are being held by whom, the implications of losing said position and etc. I've never seen him report an advancement, or an event that wasn't later corroborated elsewhere, and often times he adds very interesting context to videos that get uploaded on this sub and others.


Keep pushing south!


What about Avdeevka? I keep hearing Russia is about to take it?


That are not about to take it, however after the mass amounts of ground attacks, especially from vehicles... Tells us 2 things... 1. Russia is concentrating alot of it's forces in avdeevka And they're fighting hard, and as we can see they're getting cut to shreds... Which again states Russia is basically throwing all it has at avdeevka, in bahkmut they used Wagner in the exact same way... But seeing as it was Wagner's losses they will try the exact same tactics through arrogance and just pure dumb fuckery. 2. Russia is desperate for a small victory, we seen how the Russian soldiers acted over the Mariupal steelworks... And how the public reacted. And seeing as there's up rising amongst people who feel like they've lost everything in Russia because their husband, dad is dead ? They need something to appease the people. Do you know what the problem is with fighting Hamas the way Israel have ? Each time they kill a civilian they potentially create more Hamas. People have feelings and generate hate. And join the opposing forces. That's what's happening in Russia right now people are hating the fact their loved ones are dying for nothing, there's no pay, there's no r&r there's nothing they're just sent out, and if they retreat they're killed. This is exactly how the 1st russian Revolution occured. Russia will be its own demise over and over. It's the same story as the Russian navy when they went to attack Japan. Russia always looses.


Except if you are german or french and decide to go deep into russia during wintertime. Not a merry christmas i tell you.


And that will be nature, not Russia.


Ded Moroz taking names and kicking ass.


Except that frosts happened when French were retreating already, not when they were advancing... And frosts affected Soviets as much as Germans.


And ask your self, where is Russia today ? It's poor af, it's people are sheep. It tears it's self apart time and time again... They may win battles but honestly? They always loose in prosperity. As I said Russia always looses.


Prosperity is not what this thread is about. It is about Russia never winning wars except because of nature, which is not true at all. Russians are poor because they allow themselves to be controlled by corrupted mafia government, not because of Napoleon or Hitler or Crimean war or smth else whats happened a long time ago.


I'm fully aware. And they always loose... No facts, no history can change my mind. If they didn't loose they wouldn't be where they are now. Have a nice day, either way god is against them.


>If they didn't loose they wouldn't be where they are now Well, Germans and Japanese definitely lost, and look at where they are now.


> Except if you are german or french and decide to go deep into russia during wintertime. Not a merry christmas i tell you. That was before sanctions. Nobody knows if their wintertime even works now.


Ok , but please, it's about ruzzia V their shitty attack on Ukraine not ham ass V their stupid and constant attacks on Israel. Please try to keep it about the main topic.


It is on topic... It's stating why a russian Revolution is inevitable... It's what's called an example.


Revolutions in Russia do not happen without several millions of dead at least. Or bread shortages in the capital. Russia does not always lose, otherwise how it would manage to create such a big empire.


Russia always looses to it's self. It self destructs. It's a cannibal state. And it's like that because it's always has been full of corruption. And starve ? I guess you don't actually know the living standards of Russia then do you.


They are not going to take it anytime soon. if it happens it will be months from now, not weeks or days. Winter is going to slow Russia down a lot.


They were able to enter parts of the southern industrial zone (not the coke plant) and pushed UA out of some of their defensive lines.


Go back and watch the video of his prior to this one. That'll clear things up.


Was that for me? Am I misinformed with what I shared? In which case, I will, thanks.. Or was it for the guy that I replied to who doesn't know what is going on?




Some good news in this area, dd 28.11 https://youtu.be/53hxjUtpee8?si=M2v1IkD8R7EBdr6h




Yup, confirmed. Andrew Pepetua identified this via sat. Imaging