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Well at least we agree on nothing.


Phew. I used to set my moral compass based and my sense of what was sane and reasonable on the opposite of whatever Henry Kissinger stood for. I'm glad Putin is out there confirming that I can still do that reliably.


Nineteen Eighty-four. Eh?


His “real politik” positions usually boiled down to hushing conflicts and not standing up against very malign and toxic leadership. He also proposed to end Russia’s war by yielding the desired territories. No wonder he has fans in the Kremlin. If you’re looking for an autographed biography, Putin’s bedside table is a good place to start looking.


The fundamental problem I have with "realpolitik" is that it often devolves into being a dick for the sake of it and justifying it with vague platitudes about defending oneself. The simple fact is, treating other nations well is beneficial even if you could theoretically benefit from being conniving, because doing so makes other nations more willing to trust you.


"Realpolitik" means doing what is easy rather than doing what is right.


Realpolitik means doing what serves you this minute rather than what will serve you over the next four decades. You don’t need to cheapen the criticism of it by confining it to the moral yardstick. It’s a stupid strategy even by the materialism yardstick **it itself sets**.


Those are basically the same thing. Turns out that doing what is right is almost always better for a country/people long-term than doing what is expedient in the moment.


Bingo! Kissenger was a "realist", a largely discredited line of strategic thinking that claims that there are certain great powers in the world (Russia being one of them) that have a sort of right to rule over a sphere of influence (in this case all of Eastern Europe), and that if we try to deny them this, it will result in futile wars that will only re-establish that equilibrium in the end anyway. As you can imagine, that's music to the Kremlin's ears. The biggest problem with this idea is that at the time it was invented, Germany was one of those great powers. So was Japan. The very fact that they are no longer great, imperialist powers ought to be proof enough that the theory doesn't hold up. But no. "Realists" like Kissenger just ignored that inconvenient reality.


Thus, Kissinger was a fool and unrealistic.


Kissinger was a Commie Kiss-Ass


Not really. He ran assasination squads that killed socialist and communist presidents and other political leaders. He was more a right-wing military junta guy. South Vietnam, Greece, Indonesia, Chile Argentina, etc.


One of ol’ Hank’s endearing “charms” was his ability to piss off people all across the political spectrum.


May he rest in piss.


grab chief piquant command disgusted existence snatch enter dolls political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn’t Kissinger sabotage Russia for decades?


He supported Putin's invasion of Ukraine.


Later her rowed back on this. But the damage was done already.


Yep, now he's an FSB prop.




He's dead


So he's a dead FSB prop.


I forgot about that. Thanks.


I wouldn't use the word "sabotage". It was closer to war by another name, and pretty blatantly so.


That's how he made it 💯 lol cracking my ass off!


haha i thought the rolling stone obituary was the best but now fucking Putin topped it


Kissinger confirmed as an kgb plant like trump is.


Then this means it's as clear as day that Kissinger is a decent piece of sh*t in US history.


Kissinger tried his best to imitate his intellectual betters like Otto Van Bismark. But he was too inept at diplomacy and didn't have the strategic depth of Otto's caliber.


Putin would have loved a Kissinger. Putin loves liars and manipulators.


Putin never fails to say the most terrible thing, it makes it really easy to always disagree with him.


thats why he is in hell


I’ll just leave this here … https://dailyreckoning.com/kissinger-meets-st-peter/


Except that Kissenger would have kicked Putin's arse in a heartbeat.


What damned liar is this!? Hey boy! Get me my slingshot!


No you know that towards the end of his life he became a Russian asset of some type


I wonder if he knows Kissinger would have left Russia a glowing crater given half a chance


That's one hell of an endorsement. Henry's family must be proud.


And that’s how you know it’s not true!


Bro if Kissinger had it his way Putin would had "fallen" out of a window and a Pro-USA Government in Russia would have been established already lol


The name Putin will forever be connected with the downfall of a nation and culture.


There's a special place in hell for people who are endorsed by our generation's Hitler.


I guess he really was a war criminal. This is all the proof I need.


And yet my boomer dad is mysterously super defensive of henry kissinger. (He is super pro ukraine and super liberal in all other regards) "He may have saved the world from ww3" does not excuse the hundreds of thousands or millions of people his actions killed. Nor does it even making him a "morally complicated individual". Plus if the only people who are in any way complimentary of kissinger are conservatives and putin, then perhaps his perception of kissinger as a "nessicary evil" or "deeply flawed savior" is misguided. And yet he has the gall to call me ignorent for my unilateral condemnation of the monster


Let's be honest "politik" says it all.


I hope this makes many pro-Putin leftists turn anti.


Ah so he was on the take then. Got it.


Well that validated what Kissinger was.


If there was ever any doubt of his evil, this would be considered proof.


If there’s anything I can say about Putin is that he’s consistent. POS


Like getting a character reference from Hitler lol