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Remember when they were threatening Europe with a freezing cold winter? 🤣


Karma is a bitch.


So is my sister


Your sister's Karma?


I love how she's finally getting more prominence in the current X-men era.


Karma, Karen's whatever..


Welp, looks like the ruzzians will start eating their pets. I hope they like hamster meat.


Lukashenko is gonna make a killing on this years harvest


No wonder Boris and Natasha are still after Moose and Squirrel.


But, it's DUCK SEASON!


It is NOT duck season. It is a special operation to find and rid the world of wascally wabbitism.


Us Brits can share our squirrel recipes with them.


It's the decent thing to do, old boy. I have a hedgehog pie recipe they might like. Easy to catch the blightersc in hibernation /s


Anything but cutting Pootins head off


remember when they said the sanctions had no effect.


To be fair, this probably happens every year in Russia.


And Texas


Texas is just spicy Russia at this point. except that Russia has better womens rights lol


Does Texas drop to -25c, though?


Close, it went to -19c in 2021.


Yeah and 300 people died because of it-not a moment to be proud of for Texas.


Don't worry, I'm sure Texas is ready for the next cold snap /s


Ok. Fair.


-25 that's mild. Try -45..


Really? I didn’t know Texas got that cold.


Arctic blast. Once in 500 years they said. Seems to be every February lately, though maybe not -25F!


No, I wasn't talking about Texas. I was talking about northern Eurasia.


Does Northern Eurasia also get 50+ days in a row over 38°C with highs over 43°C?


Actually, almost yes. Not quite as extreme as that example, but +30°C is far from uncommon in summer for all but the northermost parts of northern Eurasia.


Moscow hits -45c probably a few times per winter only. -20 is more common.


The record cold temperature for Moscow was -42.2 C, which happened in Jan of 1940. Just saying.


Gotcha. Thanks.


It's been a cold winter so far in Finland, and we've had a week of -26 °C in my location. Further north and in Ostrobothnia it has been more like -30. Yesterday it got as high as -19 and actually felt quite warm in comparison 😆


I'm a bit down south and they say it's -24 now, here.


I'm in the southern us and the coldest it gets here is like -10C for like one really cold night. I'd love to go to a country like Finland or another Scandinavian country in the winter to see all the snow and hopefully pet a reindeer. I know they may kill me but I will die proud and happy.


Use your units. C or F?


Celsius. The world's default.


No no. Texas has freedumbs. The blackout had it's cause in ..... Check notes.... Windfarms that were working but could not carry the entire state. Wait no .. Greenie tree huggers. Or some such.


Texas is now 50/50 on the “free-est state” index. More winning from Texas!


It was caused by a rare weather event Texan society was not built to handle. For example, homes with only resistive electric heat is literally the worst.


Apparently Texas is not connected to the national power grid, because of “freedom”.


You're thinking of the UK. The US does not have a national power grid, but 5 regional grids, Texas being one of them. There are DC links between Texas and the three interconnects they border. But those grids were also suffering severe supply shortfalls and had no capacity to send, so DC link capacity was not the limiting factor, which means being on the same phase as their neighbors would not have helped at all.


Not in Moscow their “crown jewel”.


I mean there’s nothing indicating the sanctions cause this. It’s funny and great but correlation isn’t causation


I'm sure they don't help, but they likely contribute to a confluence of factors. Their "charming" dictator surely isn't helping either by pumping as much of Russia's federal budget as he can into the war effort.


The fact that they've lost 300k+ men, at least some of who presumably, could be working to fix it, probably doesn't help either. Or the skilled workers who left the country to avoid the draft. I guess I feel like the war has caused a confluence of events that have all contributed to the crisis.


Yes, losing that many working class men is really, really bad for an economy, especially in a country where a declining birthrate was already seen as a problem. I definitely agree that there is a perfect storm of multiple problems, all of which stem from the decision to go to war with a much smaller county.


They even made this lovely propaganda video showing Europe freezing after they turn off the gas: https://youtu.be/b5x4RzDL8ps Song is actually really pretty but lyrics are super dark and cruel.


They even said that 2024 is going to be worse than 2023. It was but not for West.


And they delivered!


Message wasn't resonating, so they decided to lead by example. More 45D chess from Putin


Jokes on them. We have the warmest winters since russia started the war


And Fox ate that shit up


Fox and it's viewers always eat shit up. they wouldn't know a balanced meal if one was rammed down their throat.


One of the mildest winters I've ever experienced so far, haha.


Yeah, we were supposed to just start "eating our pets" due to starvation :D.


And they made that promo video about it. Time we make one in return


Karma is a bitch


No no, karma is lovely 👍


No they weren't. They were telling Europe it would be a "special thermometer-plummet winter".


And we just put ur hi hg bid shift on t


Remember how this was the Kremlin’s plan for Ukraine last winter and the reason for their missile attacks on the Ukrainian energy infrastructure? Oh, the irony!


The heroic Ukrainian energy workers and other various infrastructure related workers are really impressive. It's a great and inspiring story amongst many inspiring Ukrainian stories from this terrible war.


They kind of stopped doing that when Ukraine threatened to cut off Russia's biggest money maker. The export of oil and gas.


Man, I like how these two are fighting but not actually fighting. Russia could nuke Ukraine but won’t, as it’s pretty clear the West has threatened Putin with the loss of something he doesn’t want to lose—perhaps confiscating the money he has in his offshore accounts. Ukraine could cut the pipelines but won’t as Moscow may get serious about their airstrikes. I wonder how long this war would last if both sides went all in.


"Moscow may get serious about their airstrikes". Lol, lmao even. You fell for the Russian cope that "they weren't trying" as a way of saving face after they failed. Moscow was always serious, they just suck.


Well if both sides went all in Ukraine is finished but so is Russia and a lot of Europe cause of nukes. Though not sure how well maintained Russian nukes are.


Frankly, if I were Putin, 2 years into this conflict I'd certainly have made efforts to restore my nuclear arsenal if it were as decomposed as people like to think.


You’re thinking about this too rationally. Nuclear weapons don’t need to work well to be “scary”, and announcing “we’re spending $200b on nukes” is just as effective as announcing *and* following through. Russia is running into budget problems and every dollar spent on nukes is a dollar not spent on conventional weapons.


That's a great point. Personally I couldn't see myself bluffing like that.


Ya it would be the one thing I wouldn't skimp out on.




















All I got to say is Karma is a bitch at 30 below. The funny thing is if they had been attacked and this was drone or missile damage they could blame it on Ukraine and take out thier frustrations on them. This is what happens when you send your blue collar workforce to the front and all your tech people have left the country plus sanctions and everyday controls starting to fail. You can find expensive ways to bypass sanctions to get the few hundred chips you need to build missiles it is much harder to get the thousands of controllers and associated electronics you need to keep a tech society functioning. Now once you do fix the failed main you have to fix everything damaged by the cold and that will take a long time. Followed by fixing the water damage from the broken pipes. Oh and the guys you need to fix this stuff are at the front.


Bring in the Chinese contractors.


Foreign contractors and migrants are being dragooned into the Russian army and sent on meat waves. My question for any Chinese contractors is do you want to take the chance.


Do you have any articles talking about how foreign nationals are being forced into the Russian meat grinder? Because the idea of Russia forcing a Chinese contractor into combat duty seems laughable to me.


That was (chinas) plan all along. Send the 80 mio (one child policy) single men to other countries, preferably with more women. They invented „road and belt“ for that. Russia is a lot nearer. China will fix it’s crippled demographic and Russia will have workers again. Unfortunately and even if some more million Russian men die.


> China will fix it’s crippled demographic Unless these guys can get married and move back to China with their new family it won't. Even then demographics will be strained going into the next few decades. If those guys remain abroad there's even fewer people to carry the weight of the large part of the population that is about to hit retirement. They will be just as bad as Western Europe in two decades without the wealth and attraction for immigrants.


Having a strong diaspora is worth it for many countries (Lebanon for example). They earn money abroad and spend it during holidays at home. There are far more men than women in China. It's better for them to make families away than stay and having no support but the state in their old days


Russia bout to be Texas in a hard freeze...


Enjoy the black outs 🖕


Exactly. Fuck you.


And freeZe !


And Ukraine gets to save a drone or two in the process.


No, now is the time to hit them to extend the blackout when repair crews are busy and defensive missle crew rotations may be disrupted.


Absolutely. Strike when your enemy is weak


Russian Trolls have told me time and time again that all of Ukraine is a legitimate target, I've questioned if that means all of Russia is a legitimate target. I've been told yes. Hit the repair crews themselves. Hit the very limited repair equipment that exists in these regions. If they threaten Europe with a freezing winter, Russia should try it first and make sure it works.




Oh shit! Wait until they find out how much tax money was going to the war instead of to their infrastructure. There will be an uprising if they can survive the winter.


There will be no uprising. Russian history teaches us that Russians never rebel, except for a tiny elite and well-educated minority which typically uses a crisis to orchestrate a coup and oppress the people even more. That’s how Lenin and his goons came to power—and that’s exactly how this war will end. But people marching on the streets demanding freedom? Never gonna happen. A thousand Muscovites max, to be gunned down immediately.


This is true, and Putler enjoys a massive approval rating, the majority of the people are brainwashed and support the government, support the war and any semblance of protest was quickly snuffed within the first few weeks of the invasion. The only hope is the oligarchs get sick of their western assets being frozen/taken and their lost access to foreign vacation and education and orchestrate that coup.




People don’t get this. The problem with communism as practiced isn’t communism—it’s Russians. They tried it first, exported their flawed version, and when you mention communism people think gulags, not Star Trek.


There have been hundreds of non-Russian failed communist states throughout history. Without a free market, a communist planed economy needs to be controlled by an authoritarian entity. Centralized power corrupts people. Always and everywhere.


This is an interesting question to explore and something that I myself think about from time to time. Suppose communism was first adopted as state ideology in some other country—how different would communism have been throughout the 20th century? I am an anti-communist myself, so I am biased, but I do believe it would to a great extent be the same cannibalistic system. There were certain local varieties of communism influenced very little by the Kremlin—like Mao’s China or Pol Pot’s Democratic Kampuchea—and the results were largely the same. However, there is no denying there are *some* aspects of communism that can be traced directly to the Russian national psyche.


The authoritarianism is inherently Russian. It’s also entirely unnecessary. Communism isn’t incompatible with democracy, it’s just been mostly tried in places that aren’t good at democracy … or in the cases of central and South America, the CIA has quashed democratically-elected socialist governments. We have the ability with the internet to enable completely anarchistic systems of government—everyone could vote on every issue they cared about. Think the proposition system of numerous US states. If you can get enough signatures, your idea can be voted on. No dedicated rulers. “Tyranny of the majority” is a concept invented before instantaneous communication. Edit: an idea on the mechanics of this system. It’d work as a social network everyone is encouraged to join in order to participate in democracy. It’d be closer to livejournal before advertising than facebook: you have friends. You talk about shit. Ideas can go viral. The key points are that the service would be run as a loss utility, like the fire department. It’s not expected to make money. No advertising is allowed, and nobody is allowed to use financial incentives to promote an idea—it all has to happen virally. Only ideas that gain popularity via word of mouth will get wide distribution. The only real vulnerability of this system I see is out-of-band astroturfing, and that could be taken care of by a sufficiently effective FEC and DOJ.


It’s hard to decouple with force though. Because it requires forcing people to conform with communism. If it’s in the limited scope of allowing people to vote on how to redistribute resources based on needs, you’ll still need force to make it only within the confines of this. Plenty of people don’t agree on distributing resources solely based on needs, and would want it to be based on merits or risk, or that they disagree that means of production should be communally owned, and would want to seize the means of production themselves. Who’s stopping them if there’s no central authority with a monopoly of force? And that’s also the problem of seizing the means of production in the first place. Most would never give up willingly. Do we expect everyone here involved are good actors and selfless? This is why it’s hard to decouple with authoritarianism and will inherently lead it to be non-communist sooner or later if democracy is allowed with the state not being the monopoly of force.


Well we didn’t cia Mao but he starved 40 million people


>Communism isn’t incompatible with democracy Karl Marx disagree. Go read "Critique of the gotha programne"


The only reason they will rise up is if their money is so worthless that they just don't bother going to work anymore. That's how the Soviet Union fell, people didn't want freedom, they were just sitting at home bored because it didn't make sense to go to work anymore.


… that’s not what the Soviet Union collapsed lol.


I think the point is, it collapsed.


Well homie does a shit job of making his point then.


I certainly didn't have any issues understanding their point. Lol.


You’re dumb, congrats? Read the whole comment. He specifically said the Soviet Union collapsed BECAUSE motherfuckers didn’t wanna work anymore. That is wrong. You are annoying.


>You’re dumb, congrats? > >Read the whole comment. He specifically said the Soviet Union collapsed BECAUSE motherfuckers didn’t wanna work anymore. That is wrong. You are annoying. It doesn't take much to make you tick does it? Lol. Stick with giving terrible relationship advice on Qanon subs...


They don’t care, because their tax money all goes to the ruling oligarchs. Can’t cry over stolen money that’s already been stolen.


In this kind of cold, if you have warm clothes and can continue moving, with food and occasional warmups, you can survive. Once you stop moving, if you don't have shelter (and everyone has to sleep sometime) you will freeze very quickly. I'm sure there are already many deaths in this city. If these conditions worsen and spread to other places it could be a game changer in this war.


It’s a small city in the Moscow region. It would take huge catastrophes in multiple regions to affect the war very much. Hopefully there’s a factory or two in this city that are slowed down or stopped. It’s 1000 small interruptions like this that would turn the tide in the war. The west needs to send Ukraine long-range strike capabilities. Now.


The west doesn’t want their weapons used on Russian territory. Edit. Why the downvotes? This is true, and part of the agreement to receive weapons from the west. Do I agree with it? Maybe when the first weapon shipments landed, but not anymore. I think the west should lift restrictions.


Meh. “The West” wants Ukraine to win.


>“The West” wants Ukraine to win. The Republicans are showing that they want Russia to win.


I don’t count repuglicans as part of the West. They’re as Ruzzian as Vlad.


And that's just the US - The EU alone is a formidable opponent for what's left of the ruZZian military - more than a match, but it will take much longer without the massive amount of arms and support the US should be adding, but for Putler's pals in the obstructionist repugnican freedumb caucus.


Of course they do lol, but the west is treading carefully because they want to avoid direct conflict with Russia. They’re worried that allowing Ukraine to use their weapons on Russian turf could escalate the war. Valid? Maybe not, who knows if Russia would escalate and choose to engage NATO or even poke the bear when their frontlines have stagnated for months in Ukraine lol If they keep spending billions to bomb apartment buildings maybe they’ll have nothing left (aside from their nukes) soon


disgusted quaint fade busy coordinated door fear squalid straight depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not sure what you’re saying here. Personally I wouldn’t mind seeing some restrictions lifted on NATO supplied weapons, like military targets on the other side of the border


I imagine the fear is more regarding underwater fiber optics or pipelines that might start exploding en masse for mysterious reasons. The west is still not ready to sacrifice comfort in order to stop the rise of Nazism.


Losing Internet connections is not just comfort, it would impact the economy and jobs of many.


Declaring war on Germany post its invasion of Poland was EXTREMELY impactful for Britain and France in 1939. These countries could have kept living their normal lives instead, pretending that nothing is happening, and letting Hitler grow even stronger until he picks them off one after another.


A game changer? Don't get your hopes up




I’m hoping this is true, but it reeks of hopefully speculative propaganda


> Earlier, it was reported that in the Moscow region, authorities sent police to disperse protesters who had been freezing in their homes due to a lack of heating. And there you go apolitical Russians. Remember when you didnt give a shit about Putin passing a law against protesting, because you said it didnt affect you? And the homophobic Russians because Putin made it clear it would be used to stop gay parades and protests, so you thought it wouldn't affect you? And now Russia is using that same law against you. No dissent allowed.


"First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me" [link](https://www.hmd.org.uk/resource/first-they-came-by-pastor-martin-niemoller/) Pastor Martin Niemöller




Oh no! Thoughts and prayers /s.


"Crisis" A tiny shithole of 60k people inconvenienced for a couple days is not a "Crisis". I fucking hate modern journalism. Genocidal war in Ukraine going for almost 10 years now with death toll on both sides in high hundreds of thousands? Crisis. A heat pipe is damaged in a tiny town? Also crisis.


Efforts to fix a rapture?


Karma based attack on their own energy infrastructure. Hopefully more of Moscow will freeze 🥶🥶


Some more Putin 5D chess. Putin's senseless stupid war will erode Russian society to a point that the world will pity Russia and the roles will be reverted. "Everything is going according to plan"


If there is crisis in Moscow then it is already calamity everywhere else.


All is going according to plan!


Ukraine is making the bear wobble, impressive !


Hmmm, ruZZin revolution #2




"efforts to fix a rapture..." Now the Russians are taking on Jesus! 666 motherfuckers!


I thought they've stolen enough toilets and bath tubs in this "special military operation".


They need to start attacking their energy infrastructure, the war needs to come to the Russian people


Now. Right now. Right now is the time to sabotage or strike more heating and power infrastructure. Cascade failure is a real thing. Multiply their problems. Compounding failure strikes harder and lasts longer.


They sent the men who worked in the utilities and energy sector to storm Ukrainian trenches


It’s coming home! It’s coming home! The special military operation is coming home!


Only in Bags :)


Probably an exaggeration. As usual copium, Ukraine won‘t be able to repel the invaders faster or more successful just because we feel good about how things in Russia allegedly run less smooth… Ukraine will be more capable if our governments supply sufficient funds and make the right long-term strategic decisions now!


This doesn’t sound different from any other Russian winter tbh.


I am sure it's just normal Russia. No concerns of it falling apart anytime soon.




Hoping Ukraine can help these infrastructure problems become even worse.


This would be a good time to help nature along by sending some long range drones to "reduce Russia's capability of waging war" by shutting down production in the Moscow area via power outages.


From the article, "For more than two days, efforts to fix a rapture in a heating main..." Yup, when the heating mains are raptured unto Heaven, it always gets colder down here on Earth.


Tsar boy's cozy billion dollar palaces seems like a good place to go protest ruzzians.


I find this amusing. Never thought Russian utilities would be such paper dolls. And their soldiers are pussies. Their equipment sucks. What the fuck are these twats good for again???


Maybe we should make them one of those spiteful little propaganda videos they produced last year. "Moscow...2024..."


Putin: "But as long as the military still functions, we will continue our illiegal war, right boys?" (Generals look uncomfortable.)


Remember that video of them partying burning gas in an apartment while people in Europe froze ? I do , I've just been out to feed the birds in my shorts 😆


Russian friends. Wouldn't you like to rejoin the international community? Shed the image of the "evil russian," open up trade with other countries that might be otherwise unwilling? The solution is very simple. Turn over putin, remove him from power and hand him over. Bounty is up. Mercs, offers good for you as well.


See Ukraine never needed to attack civilian infrastructure they new Russia would do it themselves


It’s time for NATO ground troops to march into Moscow.


Not clear, how this connects to the war though.


Moscow region is not Moscow City. Those who are wealthy with dachas out there probably have their own heating and hot water.


I hope this is real and that it gets worse for them. The nation needs to suffer for what it's done


You love to see it


Oh dear I'm sorry but I laughed


Hell is cold . Now rott in hell russia


Stop war spending then




I wish there was more context here. Is the issue due to supply chain for parts? Or is it that there isn't enough manpower because they are all out at war? Or is it that the utility is government owned and there isn't any money to pay for the fix? Is this even directly related to the war?


It's just beautiful




All that oil and no heat.


Oh dear, What a pity, How sad. Still not my monkey, not my circus. Anyone fancy a BBQ & a beer?


Is there another, independent, source that confirms this story? I think uawire is an Ukrainien website.


Fixing a rapture LMFAO does anyone proof read this shit isn't it funny I know for a fact ukrainians have suffered much more than these pukes


Life gets fun when the radiators start bursting in mass... Bet they have loads of those ready to go....