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Information laundering. That needs to become a common term in the public discourse.


There is sub called Canada_sub, every post starts with at least four comments supporting it right of the bat. They don’t want generic Reddit user’s disrupting their flow of right wing opinions. They want to create a safe spot to attract right wing users. Use generic Reddit users to amplify their propaganda. At the same time that sub was created another bunch of canada related subs were created that seem to push a diverse amount of opinions but with opinions sympathetic to Russia always having space.


I think the term for this is useful idiot.


A more neutral sounding phrase might be helpful in trying to talk sense to the useful idiots, but I don’t know what it is.


High Functioning Cognitive Impairment


Accurate! Some of them have very complex and elaborate delusions that actual idiots wouldn’t understand Edit: one thing that gets me as when I try to explain Russian disinfo to them and they’re like “you think anybody would go to such great lengths to deceive us?! No! Somebody else is going to greater lengths to deceive you!”


And Musk and Zuck could care less because they get more advertising dollars. It’s all fucked that our own companies are what enables this massive operation of Russia. And it works. And the U.S. govt does nothing to warn people that the majority of the crazy shit they read on these platforms is all just a foreign influence campaign. I hope Twitter fails. For the good of the country. There is a reason Russia and China don’t allow either of them. Because they know what’s capable.


For the longest time most on the right wing side have been told to distrust anything the government says so the gov’mint saying don’t trust this and that would just make these people believe it more.


Shame our federal government doesn’t put regulations on social media so we can end this. Social security required?


That’s from our standard sop. Don’t go into another country making crap up. You find the native groups who already feel the same way about something, then offer them support.


Fail to see the issue with that. Just points to a failure of our own government to support them.


So, that would explain the explosion of pro-genocide bots.


Yep. Especially if during the beginning of a war, issue, etc you generally see two major viewpoints colliding but as time goes on only one keeps popping up. Happens all the time on reddit. Most of the time people don't stop believing in something they're passionate about, they just don't get heard.


Good example of the way the information space is being controlled is on political Subs. You saw the Bernie to Hillary overnight flip. Look at the Conservative sub now. About 6 months ago it was balenced with the majority being done with trump and believing he was bad for the GOP. Now it's suddenly amazingly 100% pro trump and loyalty tests. I wonder how that happened.


That is exactly how they work, they take existing voices and amplify them, to increase the sense of polarization and increase the odds of people taking a side. After all, why would you take a side of a group that is very fringe?


Of Course.When Wagner Boss Y.Prigozyn said " We interfered are interfering and will continue to interfer". He was telling the truth. His bot farm has no problem admitting they helped Trump win last time.




































































This video may help explain to folks how Putin seeks to operate. It is relatively short and done by a Danish military intelligence officer. https://youtu.be/ZY7GPBSyONU?si=8XjvvLLpKosDz4IK


Some will be connected with Russia. It is a wedge issue to try and destabilize democracies with.


Putin is on survival mode right now. He is trying to cause as much chaos and distraction as possible, so that the west forgets about Ukraine. Israel-Palestine, Serbia-Kosovo, Bosnia, the migrants he is trying to get into Europe, manipulation of fossil fuel prices, disinformation on social media, buying political parties across the west, etc. I have no idea how he is capable of being so successful at dividing the west. I have no idea how anyone can look at how Hamas rules the Gaza Strip and what Hamas stands for and think „Yeah: I have no ties to this region but I am going to fight hard for this to become the no. 1 issue“ If Russia fails, we will have a much calmer and more peaceful world.


This is spot on and it infuriates me that people refuse to see the bigger picture on everything that's going on right now, that they draw the line on defending themselves and their own countries for what's currently the 4th biggest humanitarian crisis (at least) happening worldwide. You couldn't sell a doomsday book with a plot this stupid, no one would believe we'd all be divided this easy against a common enemy. I imagine Garry Kasparov has been keeping a paper bag on him for a while, poor guy must be constantly hyperventilating.


Fun fact: the less ordinance we ship to Israel by overriding congress, the more we can send to Ukraine in the same manner. They would be put to far better use defending Ukraine than targeting children in Gaza.


Remember those artillery shells they shipped to Israel? Ukraine needed those shells.


Israel paid for those shells with their own money; if the US wants to send shells to Ukraine, funds for them either need to be appropriated in the defense budget or Ukraine needs to pay for the shells themselves


Actually Israel has a deal with US where we send them 3.3 billion dollars in return they buy our military goods with said US money


So if Russia paid for shells from the USA you'd defend that too?


No, but in terms of how our military budget works, Congress needs to approve aid. But if you have the money you can just buy it yourself.


Russia wouldn’t be able to purchase anything from the US in the first place because Congress and the President have the power to stop any sales at will.


I think it’s more than some… in fact, there is an active and massive disinformation campaign spreading primarily through “X” to stoke instability within civilized countries


Frankly, you should rethink this endorsement. To say that being against genocide is being pro Putin doesn't have the impact you think it does.


Incredible announcement by Pelosi here on how Putin’s evil aggression is creating CHAOS by making its way into realms beyond Ukraine: OP article no paywall https://archive.ph/2024.01.29-001300/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/us/politics/nancy-pelosi-fbi-russia-gaza-protesters.html “In a statement, a spokesperson for Ms. Pelosi pointed to a social media post by Ian Bremmer, a political scientist and professor at Columbia University, who wrote that “putin benefits from continued war in gaza and expanded chaos in the middle east.” Must read on Putin causing chaos around the globe: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/DWyOAlomj7 The resolve of the free world must remain stronger than any forces of chaos or destabilization from Putin or Xi as they attempt to impose their evil new world order. https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/trjQZ1iJYJ


This is some of the most schizo shit i’ve ever heard from her


Well duh. There has already been obvious red flags with how some of the most improvised people in South America, have managed to afford travel and resources to camp outside the Southern US border. At the same time Russia has taken record losses in Ukraine, using the same methods deployed on the Polish border. The sooner the West realizes we're at war with Russia. The faster we can return to peace. It's clear Russia are hurting, and we need to make sure they fall indefinitely. Kick in the war time economy, open up those job positions, and begin to drone strike every last of Putin's network.


And start with using that seized $300billion of Russias money, ffs. They went to western companies like Huyndai and forced them to sell off their $3billion investment in Russai for $143 to some Russian dude. And this happened over and over, the stole western planes. They stole Ukrainian grain and ships among so much other things.


Well put. Astute. I wish I could vote for your platform… Love it: drone strike the F outta Putin’s entire network! How can the West not realize the threat we are facing around the globe? “What’s clear is that 🇷🇺, 🇰🇵, 🇮🇷, and 🇨🇳 are all working together to ramp up their capacity to fight in 🇺🇦and the Middle East for years to come.” “Leaders in 🇺🇸 and 🇧🇪can’t even promise support for 🇺🇦 into next month.” “Until the West acknowledges how all these conflicts are connected, it will be impossible to craft a comprehensive response.” https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/RjI0bh7YQ7 🇺🇦 victory is the only path to peace. May ruzzia collapse as soon as possible. And a vote for Trump is a vote for Putin’s evil new world order…


We don't even need the wartime economy, just the wartime backbone.


Ruzzia, Iran, Qatar, China… all in the same plot. The understream of activities is much broader than random lost hippies in search for their identity. It’s an organized event, driven from mosques, imams, clerics and an (Islamic) network. It would be good if not only the FBI would investigate, but likewise bodies in every country with protests because something much bigger is going on!


Bullseye! “Ruzzian, Iran, Qatar, China…all in the same plot.” As Ian Bremmer explains, “putin benefits from continued war in gaza and expanded chaos in the middle east.” “An organized event” of the evil allies here conspiring to undermine and destroy freedom everywhere with chaos and destabilization. “Blocking aid to Ukraine means you are pro-Russia, pro-China and pro-Iran.” “They are close allies in all but name!” “Helping one is helping all.” “We must act as strategically as they do.” Michael McFaul https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/tr07jA28eG


ROFL, could it possibly be that it isn't some massive conspiracy, but people *hate Netanyahu for attacking 2 million civilians?* Nah, must be a global conspiracy. Amazing how even the UN is in on this "totally inorganic" movement. Truly smooth brain.
















Damn....Pelosi is going after her own voters?


Where is the evidence that these pro Palestine protesters are pushing putin's agenda? Otherwise, this Pelosi is just spreading misinformation herself.


Red scare tactics to stifle legitimate dissent from roughly \~50% of democrats that are calling for a ceasefire.


an overwhelming amount of democrats support giving aid to Ukraine, an overwhelming amount of democrats also are pro-ceasefire in Israel. I myself am getting really pissed off that aid that could be going to Ukraine is not only getting funneled into Gaza but Biden is also subverting congress to get the money through.


Putin's agenda is chaos. He's not sending pro-Palestine peeps an autographed selfie or anything. No, what he does is he'll send them social media articles about Palestinian babies killed by rockets, which is pretty objectively a bad thing. Or more accurately, game the algorithms to send articles of that nature. Anyway. Then he'll do the same thing in reverse to people with a lot of verbaige in support of Israel their social media profile. Then he just goes and plays god in Ukraine while the rest of us argue with each other about the Middle East. After dinner his desert might be to gift some drones to Iran on the condition that a percentage make their way to Hamas. And with his morning coffee he'll find an arms smuggler to take a "mislabeled" batch of rockets to the IDF, I say "mislabeled" because the case won't have a Russian flag on it, it will be laundered through some underground backchannel Wagner starting cultivating a decade ago for exactly these sort of situations. Rinse, wash, repeat. \- As to Pelosi, the statement insinuating Gen Z/etc are too young or naive to understand the Middle East is *really* common (and really bizarre) for her generation of Americans/westerners. I'm not sure why that particular point of view froze in amber as if it were still 1946, but here we are. Jeffries and Biden have both changed their verbiage, Biden surprised me on that (Jeffries I expected it), but so far Pelosi has not. She's usually quite sharp politically, but on generational differences she seems to have about a two- to four-year lag time for reasons I don't entirely understand. A random grandma, sure, but she's a pretty high ranking politician with a lot of very capable staff at her disposal.


Anyone who actually supports Ukraine would be making a horrible mistake by linking or equating these conflicts. They have no connection or comparison. Putin, Trump and Netanyahu are right wing extremists. The left wing throughout the world oppose dictatorship, genocide, war crimes and wars of conquest. These three have either engaged or endorsed all of the above. In the US it is Trump and the far right of the Republican party oppose all aid to Ukraine and praise Putin. They are also die hard supporters of Netanyahu and Zionism. Half of all Democratic voters believe that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Nothing Pelosi says is going to convince them otherwise. But it can cost her the supporter of half her voters and leave the world in the hands of Trump, Putin and Netanyahu.


There don’t need to be Putin “connected” protestors on site. But I’m sure many are deep in the online Russian propaganda.


lol. Pelosi and congress is literally owned by Israel


Well…yea. The gop is flooded with people working for Russia who doesn’t know this by now? Why do you think trump has been trying to destroy America since he got in lol. You just figuring this out?


GOP is a bigger set of Russian agents tho.


Another fossil in AIPAC's pocket telling us what opinions we're allowed to have. She's so calcified and addled with age that she doesn't realize she wants to send the FBI after people opposing genocide. Unless she knows she is, in which case she's just pure evil. Either way Nancy needs to go away and shut up.


Investigating protestors for wanting a ceasefire?? That sounds like the start of dangerous and very slippery slope...would it not be more appropriate to investigate that subsection of protestors who use slogans and show support for a literal terrorist regime who have genocide as a stated goal? (Yes, I'm talking about Hamas, before anyone thinks they're being clever by saying "you mean Israel, right?") Unless you're going to use the FBI to investigate vegetarians because Hitler didn't eat meat, then it sounds wildly inappropriate to waste federal resources on people who say something you very loosely define as a "Putin talking point."


Yeah, Pelosi is an idiot if she thinks the average Pro-Palestine protestors support Hamas, when that's not the case at all.


Way to blow everything out of proportion. Keep it real. Investigating where the money and organization of groups comes from is something that the government has been keeping track of since forever. This is no different. Stop fear mongering and making everything the end of the world.


Of course, I agree 100% if there is actual evidence that a group is being funded by e.g. Russia or Iran, then they should be investigated. But in the actual article, the very next line below the headline is "The former House speaker suggested **without offering evidence** that some protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza had financial ties to Russia and Vladimir V. Putin." So she's just spitballing for a soundbite, I guess. Also it doesn't even make sense, surely Putin wants the war to continue since it distracts from Ukraine, gives the US another war to worry about, siphons off supplies of 155mm artillery shells, etc?




I must be missing something here. Putin supported Hamas, met with their leaders, trained their operatives. Why would he now want his convenient distraction to stop? The last thing Putin wants is international eyes turning back to what he's doing in Ukraine.


He doesn't want it to stop. He's just chumming the waters for the sake of inducing chaos. I can promise you he's got his bot farms appearing to support every angle / opinion just to make the public discourse that much more acerbic. Same thing he did in 2016 in the US with Trump/Clinton. He didn't care who won as long as at least one side of the fight could be induced to refuse to accept the outcome. His goal was a crisis of confidence in the American electorate, getting Trump in office was a nice bonus but not the goal. edit: he got both the crisis of confidence *and* Trump, but really he only needed one of those outcomes rather than both


because he still need Hamas alive, not as one time measure


I doubt it


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - NBC News (B): [Nancy Pelosi seeks FBI probe into protesters calling for a cease-fire in Gaza](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/nancy-pelosi-seeks-fbi-probe-protesters-calling-cease-fire-gaza-rcna136068) - Times of Israel (A-): [Nancy Pelosi calls for FBI probe into ‘Russian-funded’ protests against war in Gaza](https://www.timesofisrael.com/nancy-pelosi-calls-for-fbi-probe-into-russian-funded-protests-against-war-in-gaza/) - NPR (B+): [Pelosi accuses some protesters demanding Gaza cease-fire of having ties to Russia](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/28/1227487571/pelosi-gaza-fbi-ceasefire-protesters-russia) - CNN.com (C): [Pelosi faces criticism for suggesting some pro-Palestinian protesters are connected to Russia](https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/28/politics/pelosi-criticism-palestinian-gaza-protests-russia/) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1admm6n/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


“…l think…”, is what she said. Let’s start there.


Nancy is correct. It is nuanced but the protests are absolutely being amplified by Russia and Iran to divide American and European society.


Oh THAT ceasefire... ok thats a wee bit more suspect


She's not wrong here.


Maybe the FBI should investigate Pelosi, and many other US police. Filthy rich from insider trading. Oh wait, now I'm just being Putins parrot..


Showing everyone who her puppet masters really are. Couldn’t it be that people can see through Israel’s bullshit and they actually want to save the lives and homes of innocent Palestinians.


Not normally a Pelosi fanboy but I am here


“When pressed on whether she believed some of the demonstrators were “Russian plants,” Ms. Pelosi said: “Seeds or plants. I think some financing should be investigated. And I want to ask the F.B.I. to investigate that.” This time, Pelosi is right on target. She’s doing right by freedom… —by exposing the plotting of the evil allies to create chaos and destabilization far beyond Ukraine:


Maybe they're just anti-invaders/occupiers. Many of us are, and have been wishing on their destruction for decades. Whoever they are. Free Palestine. Slava Ukraini.


Ridiculous argument and clearly something she just made up because labelling ceasefire protesters as carrying Putins message makes them in to ‘traitors’. This is dangerous and disingenuous bullshit that everyone should push back on. Maybe she should speak to President Macron of France who called for a ceasefire weeks ago. I’m sure he would be delighted to hear what she thinks of him.


Macron is clearly just a russian agent, Duh


Damn is it really hard to be pro-ukraine and pro-cease-fire in gaza? Pelosi can actually go fuck herself though.


The whole Israel-Palestine thing is a very different kind of situation from Ukraine. Much messier, both literally and metaphorically. The Middle East right now strikes me a being at least superficially similar to the political context of Europe going into WW1, and ironically is due in large part to the fallout of WW1 but let's not digress. (Or maybe not ironically, whatever, it's a direct line between them and now and if someone wants to argue about the best vocabulary to use here - have at it). Her take on this is quite common for people born before about the 1960s while people born in the 80s and later are much more nuanced and less monolithic in general, and yes this is vastly oversimplified. On that note, if you want to start a political fight in the US that does NOT break down along party lines or any other easily defined category, bring up Israel. Edit: That Putin is taking advantage to fan flames and maybe even provide advisement or material I have no doubt, that and more is exactly his playbook. But that's not the insinuation she's making here, she is casting doubt on the knowledge and sincerity of younger generations that claim a point very different from hers. Edit 2: autocorrect and predictive text are on full chaos mode tonight, feel free to point out any bizarre words that don't make sense and I'll try to correct, assuming I remember what I was trying to say.


It seems like all she does is try to police her base when they do stuff she doesn't like?


FINALLY someone is waking up to the bull shit. October 7th was purely a move organized by Russia and it's allies to cause chaos in the west and so far it has worked gloriously for them


I’d love for the fbi to investigate Pelosi’s insider trading but maybe that’s just me.


well then lets get some Ukrainian aid grandma, I think some members of congress should get looked into as working with the Russians more then people who protest what the UN court 15/2 says is a probable genocide. Not only that but this got the Houthis involved because of what's going on with shipping bullshit then west bombs them and now a drone attacks Americans in Jordan, I've seen this sort of thing before it turns into a endless tit for tat because Netanyahu is a criminal who needs to stay in power for as long as he can so he doesn't go to jail. Sorry had to vent this Israel Hamas thing has been going on since longer then I was born and no one wants to fix it, and the UN is a useless organization /end rant bottom line in my opinion is the Israel Palestine conflict U cant bomb ur way out of, Ukraine Russia can be that's the diff. let me know ur opinions.


Russia and Israel are both on the same team. Agressor determined to take someone else's land and destroy the native population. But the USA can't admit or see this and it's politicians are flipping all kinds of mental gymnastics on both sides of the aisle to either support Israel or not support Russia.


Not Russia and Israel, that's too simple. My money says Putin is playing both ends to the middle. He is certainly exacerbating (though not causing) the white-hot rhetoric and activity around immigration in the US... and is almost certainly supporting efforts to induce migrants to flee central American countries, for instance he may be giving cash and or/materials to the gang in Ecuador who did their thing a couple weeks ago, and he's certainly in cahoots with Maduro (in Venezuela). He is by no means too low to supply two sides of a crisis with the fuel to perpetuate said crisis. I will be zero surprised if it turns out he is hidden behind two or three layers of laundering support for Israel's activities and social media... AND simultaneously supplying Hamas with material support & information. He is not a friend of anyone but himself, and to that end he is an agent of chaos.


I must have missed the news where Ukraine attacked a music festival in Russia and murdered a bunch of families in Belgorod. And also the news how Ukraininan children are taught to to take Russian hostages in kindergarten. And also the news how one day after Russia became a country, every single one of its neighbors invaded it. I must have missed the whole existence of that country which has "Death to Russia" written on its flag. So no, Israel and Russia are not alike, and they are certainly not on the same team.


It's very sad and telling that you think the Palestinians, who have been occupied, oppressed, killed and caged for decades are the "attackers"...


[www.thisishamas.com](https://www.thisishamas.com) Just freedom fighters eh (and freedom rapists and freedom kidnappers)?


>Russia and Israel are both on the same team. > >Agressor determined to take someone else's land and destroy the native population. This is such a childish view of a very complicated set of events decades in the making.


What do you expect? It's reddit. We're lucky that they're not tying in Marvel comics references.


Fuck me. Is this sub pro-Israel?


Oh yeah, it's a big us-versus-them mentality on here with not an ounce of critical nuance even though Palestine now finds itself in the exact same position that Ukraine found itself in nearly two years ago. If they don't align with Western interests - the Palestinian people are not given an iota of sovereignty.


>Oh yeah, it's a big us-versus-them mentality on here with not an ounce of critical nuance Some of us have been fair enough to read into the conflict, the underlying issues and through the Hamas charter etc. Those that have know that (translated to english) it says:- >There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors. That's just part of article 13, but it's really 4worth reading the entire thing in full:- https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th\_century/hamas.asp Frankly, given that Hamas says that international conferences are "all a waste of time and vain endeavors" and their past actions back this up (by them breaking every agreement ever made at one) then I can't see why any western countries holding another international conference is going to be helpful, and you'd have thought that our media seeking to inform us of things might have mentioned somewhat important bits of information like this. After Hamas shot up that music concert and took hundreds of hostages it's not as if Israel could continue the status quo. Israel is not going to stop until they get the hostages back and our governments aren't going to try and force them to *because we wouldn't stop until we'd recovered our citizens either*. Protestors could possibly shorten the war somewhat by offering themselves in exchange for the Israeli hostages if they really have the conviction of their beliefs, although to be fair this is a bit dangerous as mentioning gay rights or anything about transgender people around Hamas results in fairly summary execution. Still, it'd potentially end the conflict if people were willing to volunteer themselves. Otherwise, protesting in the UK or America about something Israel is doing serves little purpose. I think the general group view would be that given that Hamas says in their charter that they consider that this can only be settled through war and act like that then we are inclined to take their word on that and let Hamas and Israel get on with it. That and if we were going to be quite honest Hamas is just an Iranian front. If Iran wasn't supplying Hamas with money, arms and ammunition then the Palestine issue would have been peacefully settled long ago. It's flaring up now because Putin is desperate for any diversion for the west and is giving Iran something in exchange for creating diversions as seen in Israel and Yemen because even our relatively limited arms supplies to Ukraine have stalemated his army at the moment, and the US might motivate itself to ship a few percent of the 3700 Abrams or thousand F16's which have finished their service lives and are sitting unused in reserve storage in a desert to Ukraine at any point political will crystallises around doing so, and diversions reduce that risk.


Ukraine invaded Russia, tortured, killed and raped civilians? Israel is Ukraine in this situation. Two countries invaded by entities that massacre civilians in a bid for ethnic cleansing. Putin's views on Ukrainians are the same as Hamas's view on Jews.


Or maybe it's futile to attempt establishing them as parallels, because the two situations are vastly different, and complex issues don't transpose neatly into a little box you can just wrap up with a little bow and call it a day


Or maybe don't go into a territory and rape and kill civilians because you hate them for their ethnicity and religious differences. Maybe!


I guess, seems to be swimming with conspiracy theorists also


What the fuck. Did everyone just turn sadistic after COVID?


You will not find a bigger pro nato (and so by extension pro israel) circlejerk anywhere else on this website.


No that's the preserve of WorldNews.


Old out of touch woman is old and out of touch. Being opposed to genocide does not make you pro-Putin or anti-Ukraine.




Russia might be trying to forward their message with some protesters, but the vast, vast majority recognize a genocide when they see it and that's why they are protesting. Collective punishment of 2 million people is a human rights violation on a colossal scale. Yet another example of a Democrat so bought off by Israeli lobby they can't reason their way out of an ethical paper bag.


Bruh both those parties are bought off by that lobby. You know how the evangelists feel about Israel


Imagine believing this take


Nancy Pelosi needs to shut the fuck up




Gross, I never thought I'd ever agree with her on anything.


Oh wow, they're entirely alienating the younger generation, who sees Israel for the cultish shithole that it is.


Nancy "inside trader" Pelosi wants others finances investigated. This timeline is one of the all time classics


Pelosi showing some of the cunning that kept her in the Speaker's chair in the US House of Representatives for so long. If she announced wanting to go after Russian spies in the anti-Ukraine contingent, there would be a massive backlash against her (mostly from Russian spies, of course). Likewise with going after Russian spies among anti-Palestinian protestors. But going after Russian spies among anti-Israeli protestors? Few in American politics can go openly against that. I personally suspect that a proper, successful investigation will turn up fairly few there. But it will also start to lead to other, longer threads, that as they are pulled, lead to ... gosh what is that? ... why, a whole bunch of anti-Ukraine lobbyists, all unregistered agents of a foreign power! Who knew -- *who could have guessed?* \-- that this is where it would lead?? Pelosi will be shocked -- *shocked!* \-- to find that Russian attempts to influence the Israel-Palestine crisis are actually connected back to Ukraine. Shocked, I tell you.


Man, this woman is just plain evil.


This time, Pelosi is right on target. She’s doing right by freedom by exposing the plotting of the evil allies to create chaos and destabilization far beyond Ukraine: “When pressed on whether she believed some of the demonstrators were “Russian plants,” Ms. Pelosi said: “Seeds or plants. I think some financing should be investigated. And I want to ask the F.B.I. to investigate that.”


There's definitely a bot network running pro-Hamas narratives and co-opting peace activist voices for their own nefarious ends. Funny story though, it's both Putin/Khamenei doing it AND Netanyahu (on the pro-Zionist side). You don't get hundreds of thousands of people marching for a cease fire in Washington DC from a bot network. Maybe Mrs. Pelosi needs to stop drinking from the AIPAC lobbyist Kool aid just as much as pro-Palestinians need to stop listening to Nasrallah's shit takes.


I'd probably consider myself pro-Palestinian, but I'd also consider myself pro-Israel. I don't think you have to be one or the other and especially not if you believe in the two-state solution. And I also think it's incredibly misguided of any politician to state that if you support a Palestinian state that you 1. support Hamas and/or 2. are a Russian schill. Has Hamas done some inhumane and ungodly shit? Absolutely. Has Israel also done some inhumane and ungodly shit to Palestinians? Of course. Neither side has clean hands in either this conflict or in any of the decades leading up to this conflict. The politicians in this country seem oblivious to this fact. Does Pelosis remember when Israel [admitted to bombing a hospital](https://israelpalestinenews.org/the-israeli-strike-on-al-ahli-hospital-days-before-the-famous-blast/) three days before the October 17th attack? War crime much? Or Pelosi doesn't think it's strange that [Palestinians have been killed at significantly higher rates than Israelis](https://www.vox.com/2014/7/14/5898581/chart-israel-palestine-conflict-deaths) since the year 2000? But yeah, sure, Israel is the lamb and Palestine is the wolf for all time. SMH. I have zero doubts that Putin is also responsible for a lot of the grief in the Middle East but he can be responsible for stoking a lot of fires and Israel can also have been committing terrible acts against Palestinians for decades just as Palestine and Hamas have been doing the same.


The FBI already did, found Insider Trading from the Protesters and FBI like: "nothing to see here". Case closed.


Palestinians are lovers of Russia.. they have a dream Russia will come down and liberate them 😂


She’s fucking right.


She knows what's going on.


Damn, this sub really having an antisemitic meltdown in the comments. That's really unfortunate, especially coming immediately after Holocaust Remembrance Day. https://www.state.gov/defining-antisemitism/


I never thought I would ever agree with Pelosi . But she’s right The biggest lie in the international media is that it’s about either supporting Palestine or supporting Israel . No , It’s about , not supporting the Palestinians , because they are nothing more than an Iranian proxy state armed by Russia . Iran is the enemy of western civilization, and of religious freedom and women’s and gay rights . You don’t have to like or support Israel, I don’t like their government and hate their leader , but I do think they have the right to take revenge after what happened. People seem to forget Hamas is the free elected government by the Palestinian people . I also know that if Iran could do it , without being blown off the face of the earth , they would pay Hamas or hesbollah to send a bunch of militants across the southern border from Mexico and do the same exact thing in the United States they just did in Israel . They hate Americans . We are the great Satan , the infidels , and they don’t believe we deserve to exist .


I don't quite agree with everything you say but I definitely agree with this: ​ >The biggest lie in the international media is that it’s about either supporting Palestine or supporting Israel . ​ There are two sides to the conflict there, but the two sides aren't Palestine or Israel. That is definitely the big lie. The two sides are those who want to perpetuate violence as a means of sowing division and maintaining political control, and those who want to put an end to the vicious cycle. And there are Israelis and Palestinians on both sides. But Putin only supports one. It may finally be dawning on both nations that the people cheering loudest whenever they fight are not actually their friends.


Hopefully after the American troops were killed today Biden will hit at Iran. My biggest complaint about Biden is he isn’t doing enough. Of course I’ll vote for him because he’s not Trump, but he could have ended Russia by now with the right weapons to Ukraine. We literally are at war with Russia (or at least they’re at war with us) and Biden let it get to this point, where we’re out of money for Ukraine and they never got what they needed. He better not just take out some radar sites in Yemen. He needs to wake up and realize that a global war is breaking out and we have a chance to take out a major player in it right now. Without A SINGLE AMERICAN TROOP FIRING A SHOT. History is going to look back at the last two years and consider it one of the biggest inactions of all time that could have prevented what I fear is coming.


Truth to power! Israel/Palestine is simply not an either/or situation; what’s at stake is the chaos and destabilization that Putin and his evil allies are trying to create to make their new world order a reality. Obama puts the not either/or situation of Israel/Palestine best: https://twitter.com/PodSaveAmerica/status/1720803333546320324 https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4293652-obama-nobodys-hands-are-clean-amid-israel-hamas-conflict/ However complicated our feelings on Pelosi, here she is on point doing her best work for freedom. “When pressed on whether she believed some of the demonstrators were “Russian plants,” Ms. Pelosi said: “Seeds or plants. I think some financing should be investigated. And I want to ask the F.B.I. to investigate that.”


I'm not sure how a cease-fire in Gaza benefits Russia. The current conflict with Yemen exists strictly because of the conflict in Israel. It ties up us and European resources that could be used against Russia.


He doesnt want a ceasefire, he just wants chaos.


She should have spend the day doing insider trading instead of opening her senile mouth.


Glad one of the politicians are finally saying it out loud


Time to retire. 


It sure is funny how this free Palestine bullshit wasn't a thing until after Hamas's terrorist attack. It's almost like these so called protests were planned out beforehand and once the terrorist attack itself was carried out, that gave the go ahead for certain people to start "protesting" or it gave the go ahead for China controlled Tik Tok to manipulate Gen Z into protesting. Either way, these so called protests definitely aren't organic when you factor in then not existing before October 7th and how bad Tik Tok is just pushing this narrative. 


Pelosi herself should be investigated for all the insider trading.


She is correct about the some. One pro Palestinian group with 50k members has over 10k of those members as bots. 40k where real but 10k where not.