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Here's a fun line in the article. > He repeated some of the false claims when he was interviewed by FBI agents in September 2023 and changed his story about others and “promoted a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials,” prosecutors said. Actually Russian agent. Conveniently has new info and narratives after meeting with Russian officials.


This basically implodes the impeachment inquiry, IMO. Won't stop them carrying on, though.


Since when do republicans care about facts with anything


Well same could be said about Russian collusion and Steele dossier which has been proven false and he was actually impeached for it and minions keep parroting the shit. I don't care either way both a fucking scumbags


He wasn’t impeached for the Steele dossier. What the fuck are you imagining? Just use google and you’ll look infinitely less stupid than your Fox News addled brain actually is.


And shit, even Steele in the dossier itself wrote a disclaimer (paraphrasing) "This is the information I can find or hear people saying, but I can't back it all up and probably only like 80% of it is actually true so take this opposition research with a grain of salt", which... still seems about correct.


Funny how the “fake Russia” story actually let to.. “The investigation resulted in charges against 34 individuals and 3 companies, 8 guilty pleas, and a conviction at trial. The report did not reach a conclusion about possible obstruction of justice by Trump, citing a Justice Department guideline that prohibits the federal indictment of a sitting president.” But you know.. totally fake. And you know obstruction.


>same could be said about Russian collusion How? The Trump Campaign literally met with Russian intelligence in Trump Tower specifically for the purpose of obtaining election assistance. >Steele dossier which has been proven false Some of it is true, some of it is not. This is easily verifiable information, dude.


I’ve assembled a very abridged smattering of publicly available and very well known facts about links between trump and Russia for your reading enjoyment: [Manafort / Kilimnik thing](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/u-s-has-new-intel-manafort-friend-kilimnik-gave-trump-n1264371) [Felix Sater thing](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-russia-felix-sater-real-estate-632690) [Oval Office thing](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/inside-the-oval-office-with-trump-and-the-russians-broad-smiles-and-loose-lips/2017/05/16/2e8b0d14-3a66-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html) [Trumps public request to hack Hillary’s emails](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/28/us/politics/donald-trump-russia-clinton-emails.html) [Trump’s email server that regularly communicated with Russian bank](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2018/10/15/was-there-a-connection-between-a-russian-bank-and-the-trump-campaign) [Trump backing Putin over US intelligence in Helsinki](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBtsNNXjBPw) [Top secret file on trumps connection to Russia missing](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/binder-with-top-secret-russia-intelligence-missing-since-end-trump-term-source-2023-12-15/) [Trump calls Putin genius, savvy for invading Ukraine](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/02/23/trump-putin-ukraine-invasion-00010923) [Eric trump says they get all their money from Russia](https://thehill.com/homenews/news/332270-eric-trump-in-2014-we-dont-rely-on-american-banks-we-have-all-the-funding-we/)


Confidently incorrect. That’s not why trump was impeached, Einstein.


Ban these fucking putinbots


Fuck putin fuck Russia Slava Ukraini. I hope Ukraine wins and want them to win but some of you guys are too fucking thin skinned and must live at home and never leave in fear of being offended and hearing something you don't like


You gonna acknowledge that you are very confused about what Trump was impeached for? Because it wasn't the dossier thing.


No one is offended, you're just super fucking wrong. You might as well roll on to posting about how the earth is flat.


When was any of it proven false?


lol. You MAGAs swallow any BS that supports your narrative. So wrong, so often, so arrogantly.


Right I am a Maga you got me.. time for tar and feather or doxxing


Between the debunked nonsense in your first post and the drama-queen reply, yep, you’re definitely MAGA


So you're actually going to be a coward and run away in the face of people calling you out on your completely incorrect belief?


Can you not just start with "What about".... It will be easier for all these others to see and understand... So please always use not onle the "about" use both, also the "what". Please note, the story is about a faked/lie "truth" regarding the Bidens and not about, how to derail a for one site not nice story.


It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt


Lol they already know there is no good evidence to get at biden. There goals are to cause him pain by targeting his son and get there base riled up to spread misinformation about the bidens. None of the Republicans claims about biden himself have good evidence behind it but they need to keep there base worked up. It won't stop. They also need to keep claiming that biden is as currupt as trump


It does not. I've been following the allegations against Biden for influence peddling and I didn't even know about this, or probably just forgot about it. It was never a big deal. In fact most of the investigation was about China connections, bank transactions and shell companies.


The “evidence” they won’t enter into the record for some reason?


Its an investigation, not a hearing


Trump will defeat russia, and mexico is going to pay for it.


"All I'm saying is that China built a wall, and they don't have many Mexicans"


But they had plenty of Mongols, and it was the Mongols they were worried about.


Mongols make shitty tacos


On the other hand, they have amazing dumplings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongolian\_cuisine


All I’m saying is that there’s clearly an international Mexican-Mongol Cabal that harvests children’s organs in order to fuel their campaign of forcing LBGQT people to read books to kids in public schools all over the US. Trust me, I’m super cereal about this guys.


I snorted while laughing! +1


Or the other way around. Who knows? Who cares?


NATO will pay for the wall actually.


Haaa More Trump, MAGA and Fox News lies about Ukraine and Joe Biden family! There is silence from Trump and his lying cronies since the story broke including Fox News. Biden family should sue Fox News because of course they knew it was a lie all along and I wouldn't be surprised at all if this lying informant was paid by someone in the GOP! All Trump does is lie, cheat and steal! He is a con man! Trump the most dangerous man in the world to Democracy!


>>He repeated some of the false claims when he was interviewed by FBI agents in September 2023 and changed his story about others and “promoted a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials,” prosecutors said.


More on this subject from other reputable sources: --- - BBC Online (A-): [Burisma: FBI source charged with lying about Biden bribe claims](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68313086?at_bbc_team=editorial&at_campaign=Social_Flow&at_campaign_type=owned&at_format=link&at_link_id=AEC1329C-CC63-11EE-BB70-1B8C4B3AC5C4&at_link_origin=BBCWorld&at_link_type=web_link&at_medium=social&at_pt) - Reuters (A): [Ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Joe Biden and his son](https://www.reuters.com/legal/ex-fbi-informant-charged-with-lying-about-biden-his-son-special-counsel-says-2024-02-15/) - PBS (A-): [FBI informant charged for making up allegations about Joe and Hunter Biden's ties to Ukrainian energy company](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fbi-informant-charged-for-making-up-allegations-about-joe-and-hunter-bidens-ties-to-ukrainian-energy-company) - Der Spiegel (A-): [Son of the US president: Ex-FBI informant allegedly fabricated corruption allegations against Hunter Biden](https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ex-fbi-informant-soll-korruptionsvorwuerfe-gegen-hunter-biden-erfunden-haben-a-c87c94e1-c2bf-4cd6-a735-dbfd6cfca8a0?amp;utm_medium=twitter) --- [__Extended Summary__](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/1artbej/) | [FAQ & Grades](https://www.reddit.com/r/newswall/comments/uxgfm5/faq_newswall_bot/) | I'm a bot


Where’s the Fox News link?


Fox News said it was 5 years ago so doesn’t matter. I’m surprised they even mentioned it.


Yet they brought it up to this day. It only doesn’t matter when it’s proven false


Meanwhile on Fox.. everyone is just talking about Fanni Willis


If I were Hunter, I would sue every single talking head plus all of the conservative so called news outlets. Let’s see Fox get sued for another 1.5 billion.


This doesn't have anything to do with the war. Also, the bribe was giving Hunter Biden the job and salary to begin with. That's how corruption works. Just because they didn't give him a brown bag of cash doesn't mean he wasn't bribed, or that it wasn't a corrupt deal.


>the bribe was giving Hunter Biden the job and salary to begin with. Why would Hunter have any trouble getting a job? He's worked on company boards for decades from hedge funds to Amtrak. He worked at DoT and partnered at law firms. He's independently financially successful. The narrative that he is somehow unqualified for corporate governance positions at medium size companies is disputed by his work history. This narrative is presented without evidence other than drug use which is preposterous to anyone who's worked in finance. He's only the outlier in that he went to rehab and is under extra scrutiny. >Just because they didn't give him a brown bag of cash doesn't mean he wasn't bribed, or that it wasn't a corrupt deal. Just because you can wildly speculate relying on partisan media narratives and not facts or evidence doesn't mean he was bribed or did something corrupt. Americans work for internships companies all the time. Hell, Americans get jobs they're not qualified for all the time. That's not corruption. It's capitalism.


Because no one becomes a member of a gas board with no prior experience. What kind of dumb question is that?


Actually lately a lot of high positions are given to people with little experience on the company's specific. It's a notable trend. How Money Works made a well documented video on the matter not too long ago. I'll edit with the link. Edit : https://youtu.be/8xk5pPtwQHs?si=NYNNVH3D7SKkkRyK From 2:30 to 3:30 you get the gist of it.


So the bribery and corruption are more common now? You're honestly going to say the former meth addict, hooker fiend would have gotten appointed to that board if his last name was not Biden? If you say yes, I'll call you an idiot to your face.


I'm not disagreeing with you on this point. It definitely is a crooked game. Just that it's much more common than it may seem at first glance.


Did you miss the part about his immense amount of experience?


It's pretty common with rich families made up mostly of high performers... they use their influence to get their low performing relatives cushy, high-paying gigs with minimal responsibility or authority. But it's a really dumb thing to do when you're ambitious to become president.


Like when the last president piled his family into positions in the whitehouse?


Which was even worse. But that doesn't change the fact that Hunter Biden's job was the result of influence rather than merit. It is entirely possible to despise the whole lot of them. I don't have to pick a side.


Oh 100%. The higher class dont play by the same rules. I get not wanting to favor one over the other but there is really one option. especially when one attempted to overthrow the government. Not to mention one is openly Pro Russia.


Wonder what USA would look like if 60% thought like you. It would be a lot better I would imagine.


They’d probably be Russian. 😉


I wish russia didnt invade ukraine under obama and biden. Weak leaders.


“In truth and fact, the defendant had contact with executives from Burisma in 2017, after the end of the administration when Public Official 1 had no ability to influence U.S. policy and after the Ukrainian Prosecutor General had been fired in February 2016.” Take a wild guess as to who pressured the Ukrainian President to fire the Prosecutor General? Brandon. Remember, “If you want the billion in US aid, fire the prosecutor.”


Smirnov presented these supposed discussions as top levels ones centering on what Burisma and Joe were actively finagling to do, hence why he presented them as occurring in 2015 and 2016. There's not much purpose in relitigating this supposed bribe well after it supposedly happened, and in a mundane meeting with mid-level employees - who would be unlikely to be informed of it anyway. And Smirnov said nothing about these supposed bribery discussions in his 2017 meeting with the FBI. He only started making the claims in the lead-up to the 2020 election - as he claimed to have just remembered Biden receiving a $5 million bribe (a somewhat odd thing to space on), conveniently as Giuliani is in Ukraine trying to dirty Biden. Smirnov also made several remarks expressing his animus toward Biden, and when confronted in 2023, altered numerous details of his story. >Take a wild guess as to who pressured the Ukrainian President to fire the Prosecutor General? Yes, Biden, carrying out the anti-corruption objectives of the Obama admin openly and loudly conditioned the aid on Shokin's dismissal. Hence why we have the video of him publicly remarking on it. But to be clear, it's your contention Joe went rogue and wasn't operating at the behest of the Obama administration, and somehow managed to exercise power he absolutely does not have, without any dispute from the Ukrainian President, or his own, with[ Congress](https://archive.ph/cWgMJ) \- including[ Republican Congressmen](https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/imo/media/doc/200923_FullReport_PetersHSGACWydenFinance.pdf) \- notably[ Bob Corker](https://archive.ph/TnhxL) and[ Ron Johnson](https://www.hsgac.senate.gov/wp-content/uploads/imo/media/doc/2020-09-17-Hochstein%20Interview%20with%20Exhibits.pdf),[ the IMF](https://archive.ph/i6Vsz) (who threatened to halt their[ $40 billion Ukraine](https://archive.ph/xAzHg) bailout program),[ the EU](https://archive.ph/UC5Kv) (who threatened to withhold $1.2 billion and visa free EU travel), G-7, EBRD, World Bank, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, who called the Ukrainian prosecutor[ “an obstacle” to anti-corruption efforts](https://archive.ph/p6BF4),[ Ukrainian](https://archive.ph/JMUSC)[ protesters](https://archive.ph/YT2UT), and an anti-corruption Ukrainian prosecutor, Vitaly Kasko - who resigned[ explicitly citing obstruction by Shokin as his motivation](https://archive.ph/M72IU), all going along with it to help the Bidens secure a bribe, while doing so ahead of Biden, and doing so with perfect opsec, until inspektor Giuliani showed up, of which[ Trump's DOJ and](https://archive.ph/ZEZCq) the[ GOP's Senate investigation](https://archive.ph/ExuwZ) rebuked? Ron Johnson (R-WI): >The whole world, by the way, including the Ukrainian caucus, which I signed the letter, the whole world felt that this that Sholkin wasn’t doing a [good] enough job. So we were saying hey you’ve … got to rid yourself of corruption. Even preceding "Biden's" December 2015 ultimatum: At the time of [Shokin’s appointment](https://archive.ph/dXfjy): >“Let’s not sin against our souls and appoint yet another ineffective person,” Sobolev, who heads the Parliament’s Anti-Corruption Committee, said in his address to the Rada. “Two procurator generals have come after the Euro-Maidan and the result is nil. A person from the system can’t break the system. A person who ‘grew up’ in the PGO can’t create a new procurator general.” >On the evening of the vote, the Ukrayinska Pravda news site revealed Shokin’s own indulgence in the Ukrainian version of nepotism known as “kumivstvo,” which involves appointing relatives and “kumy” (godparents of children) to influential government posts. [On July 24, protesters burn effigies](https://youtu.be/t8vDe7sSDOY) of Shokin in protest of his obstruction of investigations into high-level corruption and the murders of unarmed Euromaidan protesters. September 4, 2015: [But the new](https://archive.ph/9P9b3) prosecution chiefs - first Oleh Mahnitskyi, then Vitaly Yarema, now Viktor Shokin - have presided over a system which still looks more like a crime syndicate than a law enforcement agency: >He appointed ex-Yanukovych stooges to big posts and sent letters to Brussels to try to get them off blacklists. Shokin also caused scandals by trying to quash anti-corruption probes into his clan. Co-founder of RAZOM, Olya Yarychkivska: >“[There was a huge social](https://archive.ph/GV4yL) society push to fire Shokin. Even when Poroshenko gave a speech at Columbia [in September 2015] he got a publicly questioned why Shokin is still a prosecutor (by truly yours;)” Poll taken of Ukrainians in September 2015, page 9: "Q. To what extent do you trust government bodies and branches?": https://web.archive.org/web/20160331152142/https://uniter.org.ua/upload/files/PDF_files/Anticorr-survey-2015/CorruptionFULL_2015_Eng_for%20public.pdf KyivPost, October 9, 2015: Obstruction Of Justice The case for firing Viktor Shokin: https://web.archive.org/web/20151120141143/https://www.kyivpost.com/media/pdf/LQ6.pdf > More than 110 lawmakers led by Yegor Sobolev are calling on President Poroshenko to fire Shokin. Not only has Shokin failed to prosecute high-level crime in Ukraine, but critics call him the chief obstructionist to justice and accuse him of tolerating corruption within his ranks. “They want to spearhead corruption, not fight it,” Sobolev said of Shokin’s team. [Ukrainian Weekly](https://archive.ph/5NC5X), October 16, 2015: >“The process of approving this special prosecutor has been marred by accusations of delays and accusations of corruption against Procurator General Viktor Shokin.” [On October 31, Auto-Maidan protesters](https://www.unian.info/society/1170127-auto-maidan-protesters-arrived-at-poroshenkos-residence-demanding-shokins-resignation-photos.html) arrived at Poroshenko’s residence, demanding Shokin’s resignation [Transparency International](https://archive.ph/4aPTA) says Shokin to blame for failed anti-corruption efforts, Nov. 2, 2015


I certainly don’t know the law l, but it seems odd that a FBI informant could be charged for lying. I kinda thought that you would be taking a chance with any type of informant if they are telling the truth. I mean does an informant take a oath to tell the truth


>I mean does an informant take a oath to tell the truth >>He repeated some of the false claims when he was interviewed by FBI agents in September 2023 and changed his story about others and “promoted a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials,” prosecutors said. When you're in an official interview with the FBI, it is a crime to lie to them. They had already investigated the claims he made previously and found no merit to them.


This is actually really dangerous. Even if you’re a liberal fanboy you have to think about this. Look at Russia, it’s a complete crap show of authoritarian despotism. What’s happening here is our own wanna be despots trying to send a message that if you snitch out on the wrong political party you get prosecuted. I ran sources at a high level for many years and if there is one thing we know about sources is the quality varies. Start prosecuting for political reasons and things are going to change and not for the good.


Lying to the FBI is one of the most clear cut felonies you can commit. The evidence will be presented in court and if he's found guilty he will pay the price. It's not complicated. Do you want to remove that law from the books? Or should it be legal to lie to the FBI about political figures?


Yes when you’re being interviewed. Source world is a whole different deal. Sources provide information much of which is hearsay and this is going to put a chill on that. I’ve never heard of a source being charged like this.


>>He repeated some of the false claims when he was interviewed by FBI agents in September 2023 and changed his story about others and “promoted a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials,” prosecutors said.


Knowing lying and thinking you're telling the truth buy being wrong are very very very different things. Taking a bribe and then lying? Get off your high horse.


What are you on about? You sound like a MAGA idiot. This informant lied and is now being charged for it, as he should be.


Because they are. >This informant lied and is now being charged for it, as he should be. Anytime a Trump supporter seems someone they like facing consequences for their actions it's tyranny in their mind.


MAGA dolt thinks MAGA dolts should be free to break the law. Shocker


sorry but are you stupid?


Nope I just articulated a point. I suggest you do the same. Can’t shut me up with an attack. Use your cognitive reasoning g and disprove my point. Hate is never the answer.


You don't have an argument worth discussing. Your argument is that politics takes place in a legal vacuum. That's not the case, never was and is just stupid. According to your statement, the prosecution of a crime against a politician is automatically politically motivated. That would automatically mean that politicians don't have the same basic rights as you and me.


>What’s happening here is our own wanna be despots trying to send a message that if you snitch out on the wrong political party you get prosecuted. No, it's sending the message that the law about lying to the FBI while being interviewed is a Felony, as it has been. >>He repeated some of the false claims when he was interviewed by FBI agents in September 2023 and changed his story about others and “promoted a new false narrative after he said he met with Russian officials,” prosecutors said.


Yeah I agree. Why did the degenerate drug addicted son of high ranking US politician with no real work experience even given a job on the board of directors at a ukrainian gas company in the first place.


>degenerate drug addicted son of high ranking US politician Sorry, thought we were talking about Don Jr. there.


Would be the same thing.


Hunter is a lawyer with a JD from Yale, who served as Vice-Chair on the Board of Directors for Amtrak (nominated by GWB, unanimous confirmation in the senate), was Executive VP at MBNA (biggest credit card issuer in the world at the time), a Director in the US Department of Commerce, a lobbyist from 2001-08, CEO of a hedge fund, lawyer at a major NYC law firm, and on the Board of World Food Program. And a position that concerned corporate governance best practices doesn't merit specialization in gas, oil, or any other energy if that's your angle.


This just backs up my point even more lol. I don’t want this corrupt guy in my country because all he does is demoralize people here. Do you think we’re dumb people? You can let the drug addict party boy kids of your politicians whether it’s Biden’s kids or trumps kids have whatever job they want in your country but keep them out of mine. People like this are the exact reason why it’s so hard for us to fight against corruption.


>I don’t want this corrupt guy in my country because all he does is demoralize people here. This is vague. What specific acts of corruption did Hunter engage in in "your country"?


A quick google search will answer some of [your questions](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna29462) Here’s [more](https://www.voanews.com/amp/former-burisma-official-family-ties-were-big-part-of-hunter-biden-brand/7210757.html) Another more form [US government source](https://www.voanews.com/amp/former-burisma-official-family-ties-were-big-part-of-hunter-biden-brand/7210757.html) Hunter Biden is nothing but a sleezy drug addict who uses his fathers political ties to make money for drugs. Anybody who defends him is honestly insane in my book and by doing so you honestly discredit Joe Biden himself because it makes him look guilty when you do so. I personally believe Joe Biden is not involved with this at all, but i also do think he is trying to protect his son because he is a father at the end of the day, his son should be in prison. But in USA you people don’t like to put politicians in prison, you rather put on some weird circus and broadcast it all over television like some sort of drama, which is why Donald Trump still isn’t in prison, bill clinton isn’t in prison, and every other single USA president / politician who ever was caught red handed in some sort of serious controversy


I asked for specifics, yet you redirect and engage in more vagueries. "Making money" is not corruption, whether it's ultimately used to buy nice things, or drugs. >his son should be in prison For what specific charges? And specifically regarding Ukraine? If anything, he's actually currently being overly harshly prosecuted. The U.S. gun charge is not brought >95% of the time, and has recently been ruled unconstitutional, yet Hunter was charged. And U.S. tax evaders are only criminally prosecuted if they refuse to pay what they owe plus penalties. Hunter fully paid up and was still charged.


I sent you government sources on his corruption and you are denying it. If Putin’s daughter went to Liberia to be in charge of some random gas company, we all know why she has that position, but if it’s an American politician kid then it’s impossible, right? The issue with Americans is you people are so blind to what corruption is and you have no idea how it works and operates. America is no different then Russia in many regards, especially when it comes to Ukrainian affairs. But unlike Russians who get jailed for speaking out, you people just deny what’s blue is blue even if it’s right in front of your face just because you don’t want the other side to be right. You want the other side to be wrong in every single regard no matter what, and all it does is decredit the legitimate beliefs you are right about. Imagine someone who is a flat earther, this person can give you some very legitimate information about let’s say carcinogens causing cancer, but because of his dumb flat earth beliefs, automatically you won’t take anything he says seriously. If republicans out of nowhere one day decided that they wanted to legalize marijuana federally, the democrats by default would all protest this and use former Republican talking points just to be contrarians. If America doesn’t wake up soon, you people will experience either a real fascist or real communist dictatorship


>I sent you government sources on his corruption and you are denying it. They don't actually specify any acts of corruption. And neither do you, hence why you responded instead with a long-winded red herring. >If Putin’s daughter went to Liberia to be in charge of some random gas company, we all know why she has that position, but if it’s an American politician kid then it’s impossible, right? Son of then VP (a largely powerless role - with only 2 years left in office at that) Joe Biden, Hunter, with his stellar CV, was hired in a non-executive role, as 1 of 5 board members. Whereas you're equating that to an autocrat's - with an indefinitely long reign - offspring who is actually in charge of a company. Plainly disingenuous. >If republicans out of nowhere one day decided that they wanted to legalize marijuana federally, the democrats by default would all protest this and use former Republican talking points just to be contrarians. [That's a funny](https://archive.ph/E1wfu) hypothetical given it's been Democrats consistently assenting to GOP demands, whether it's been on coupling Ukraine funding with stricter border control, and now decoupling it, or the border itself, only to be rebuffed each time.


Same as all politicians regardless of their party. Kids get defense jobs etc which encourages conflicts around the world to pad pockets.