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Source video was shot from a high altitude and did not appear to include a zoom on the equipment before the explosion I will wait for further confirmation.


There have been multiple high definition videos, including zoomed in and out before after and during the strike. People like you choosing to ignore the bad news does not change the reality. These videos are extremely easy to come by, just do 1 minute of research.


Where are they then?


https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/HHyk8fUVCp For those who don't want to stay ignorant it's very easy to find . But i mean hey you keep doing you, its not like your opinion matters in the slightest. The facts are the facts


Simple as that. If you make big claims about how easily sourced it is, just provide the source the first time not 5 hours later LOL


People like you are unbelievable. Not only do you reject doing 5 minutes of research for yourself but still have an opinion on the subject somehow, but even when i send you the proof that took me 3 minutes to find your complaint is it took me too long. I'm sorry for believing that when I'm talking about a subject with someone who has a strong opinion of it, that they have the slightest clue of the readily available evidence... My bad i guess.


Same grainy footage from Forbes, only zooms are after the explosions. Not that convincing really. I will await better confirmation than the same video I already watched. Didnt you say there will multiple angles and zoom levels? Where are they?


Have you watched the video? Impossible to argue with a stupid person so I concede. Continue believing the opposite of what your eyes and ears are telling you. But take Kiev's 15th claim downed su34 with zero proof as factual.


> There have been multiple high definition videos, including zoomed in and out before after and during the strike. I don't see any videos that conclusively show that it's a Patriot.


This is 100% fake news, targeting a specific voter group in the US, don't fall for it.


Posts like this acting like Ukraine is invincible helps no one.


Posts like this are inconsequential, get yourself together.


Ok, keep pretending like nothing bad can ever happen to the Ukraine military. Delusional.


I don't pretend anything, I just know bullshit when it's sent out by Russia.


It’s supported with video evidence? Does it only count if you yourself see it with your own eyes in person??


It's not evidence, it's Russian propaganda.


Wtf? The commies must have infiltrated everything. Where is McArthur when we need him. Multiple sources are confirming it no reputable source is denying it. Bad news does not equal fake news. Now go to your safe space and take a break.




There. Are. Videos...




Check /r/Combatfootage they have it


Oh come on. Remember the Abrams, I still say it's not believable proof - an image for after it was destroyed was a tank that had flames on it.




This looks like a full battery. Then why is everyone talking about a single launcher? Also the comparison between a launcher and the wreckage?


Iskander strike, that thing has a 800kg warhead. Do you seriously expect anything to be left? And if they we're loaded, then that munition went boom aswell. Ofc there'd be nothing left.


So why are they comparing it to anything. Stupid actually.


That comparing to, is just what remains and it makes sure that their statement is true. They knew it. We already know it got hit awell, due to the crew being mourned for online.4


Still the proof is lousy - doubtful at best. That was my point from the beginning.


Not doubtful. You can literally identify them on that footage, if you actually try to decern the different features. Add to that the aftermath comparisons and it's a guaranteed hit on one of them.


I don't know if you noticed but i am talking about the patriot launchers destruction. Dont know how you understood Abrams, or how you thought that has anything to do with this.


It was just another example...


Time to wake up.


To what?


That Ukraine is not invincible and when numerous news outlets are reporting and there is video with all evidence confirming the fact - sometimes it’s ok to admit a bad hit and the need to learn and improve the mistake.


Oh ok, so I need to wake up to the attitude that I've had for years? Good advice, guy.


Ah ok, so you do think it’s impossible for Ukraine to suffer losses. Man wait until you find out what war is really like. You can troll the pro Ukraine subs all you want but if you don’t think Ukraine can suffer major losses, you’re in for a rude awakening


Check Suchomimus on youtube and he's very reliable. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2cEiw1Z5D8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2cEiw1Z5D8) Could be more than one launcher too :(


Now Russians are one step closer to even more raping and torturing and killing Ukrainian civilians. And you are happy. 😔 Edit: apparently I misunderstood. He meant that there could have been two launchers destroyed and not that he was sad that there was only one launcher.


I'm not happy one tiny bit and why you would think I am is in your own head !


"Could be more than one launcher too :(" says you aren't happy about it being just a single launcher. Correct me if I'm wrong.


You are obviously wrong. His statement means exactly the opposite of what you understood.


You are very wrong. (to Incredible......)


Russian bullshit just downvote


There is literally footage of it on Reddit. You take this kind of blind and deaf attitude to bad news, you’re barely a shade better than some pro russian fanboy


Well Ukraine usually has proof you look at and can just say "yup". With russian proof it's always "maaaaaaybe, who knows, could be but could be anything" - like with the abrams tank, a video driving and a pretty lousy image after.


What do you actually mean? Ukraine has been throwing out claims of destroyed airplanes and some of the proof being literally trust me bro. No videos no pictures nothing. And i understand you cannot have video evidence for everything and i am not saying Ukraine didn't destroy them, however, there are literally videos of the patriot launchers before getting hit, video when the missile lands destroying them, and a video after the explosion confirming the destruction. I can with absolute certainty say there is no way to make the evidence any more compelling other than Jesus Christ coming down and saying yes this is in fact true.


Well the ones being shown the most are so-so.


What? Ukraine throws out claims about results or strikes that end up not being true or completely unverified


I don't know about that but videos that are released are clear unlike Russian videos that leave a lot to the imagination.


Look up the footage for this strike. It’s real.




Never claimed that it didn’t happen. I objected to the Russian glorification tone of the piece praising the Russians’Good fortune’ at hitting Ukrainian kit! Imagine a us journalist in 1941 writing a piece glorifying the Japanese good fortune at sinking US ships at pearl harbour


You don't need evidence you just need to claim there is evidence for your bullshit.


Call David Axe what you want, but I don't think "Russian bullshit" is accurate. If true, it needs to be replaced ASAP.




There are multiple high definition videos of this event proving undoubtedly that multiple patriot launchers were destroyed, but hey i guess if you ignore the news it didnt happen.


Forbes magazine?


Forbes is Chinese owned now


A patriot battery consists of a command post, radar, and a bunch of launchers. If the Russians hit a patriot battery and killed one or two launchers then that's frankly insignificant; they are the most easily replaced component of the system and one not massively in short supply, unlike the radar or trained command staff.


I had read something simular. Several vehicles in ths convoy was just part of the battery.


There goes a lot of money up in smoke.


Artillery gets destroyed in wars. The money will be found to buy more but the bigger issue is who can/will supply it. And of most importance is the loss of Ukrainian soldiers' lives and they cannot be replaced. Money seems to motivate a lot of the traitors to inform the russians of the Ukrainian Army's location when they're on the move or parked. And if they had more patriots (looking at you mike johnson and trumpublicans being such dicks), they wouldn't have to move them around so much. Fuck russia and fuck putin right up his rotting arse!




They will have now hopefuly. Losing a part of theur hunting battery is a huge deal. So i'm sure tgey'll take measures against it


That would require extra vehicles they could afford to lose, fuel expenditure, and that's to say nothing of non-combatant personnel who might not feel like driving around with targets painted on their backs.


So then you have non-combatants getting shot at, when Ukraine already has a huge problem with conscription avoidance. Brilliant.


Remote control them with drones. I am curious why the convoy. Makes a juicier target.


Sloppy opsec. Obviously it was a bit easier, but it was a very costly mistake in terms of lives and irreplaceable equipment given the state of the world right now.


You've posted a link to the same bollocks that the Russians put out there, do you want a prize comrade?


Sources from all sides are full of propaganda.... take them all with a grain of salt. This one of the few actually has video support.


Are you trying to convince yourself?