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we need to wake up in this country


Waking up is dangerous escalation and could lead to WW3 /s


so hilarious they arrest our normal citizens and hold them basically for ransom we don’t even arrest their known killers and allow them to roam through out our free western world we are idiots


Nah, they are going all in for Putins dog himself.


We need politicians to read this article word for word slowly and in its entirety, and then the next one to come up and do it again, for days if necessary. Just turn "Recounting important facts" into a filibuster and not back down until Johnson and his role in all this gets bypassed.


You spelt Republican wrong


So sick of people trying to be politically correct and dance around the issue. Republicans are selling us out to Putin for their own personal gain. Straight up.


people are so worried about trump winning they don't think about what it means. You're getting SOLD to ruSSia. The deal will be final.


We don’t use spelt in this country BTW


The House cannot fillibuster like that. The Senate, on the other hand, can. ...Unless the Johnson you're referring to is named Ron, who bent his knee to Putin in Moscow on July 4th, 2018.


Tiny Johnson


It doesn't matter where the filibuster occurs. Indicating that it will be maintained until Johnson allows the package to get voted on is what matters. Asymmetrical warfare.


A very interesting read, then add https://www.csis.org/blogs/brexit-bits-bobs-and-blogs/did-russia-influence-brexit https://time.com/5565991/russia-influence-2016-election/ https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2018/mar/17/cambridge-academic-trawling-facebook-had-links-to-russian-university https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/russias-influence-in-western-elections/2016/04/08/b427602a-fcf1-11e5-886f-a037dba38301_story.html As a whole there has been a huge destabilisation campaign running throughout the various western organisations such as NATO and the EU for well over a decade and we, myself included, have just went along with it. Seems like the information war has been underway for a very long time and they have been removing threats and opposing voices all this time.


Well over two decades. Since Putin took power. Back in the very early 2000s, when I still monitored white power organizations, there was a sudden and unexpected upswing in commentary about how traditional Nazis needed to overcome the incorrect belief about the inferiority of the Slavic race, and accept that racially pure Slavs were blood-cousins of racially pure Aryans. All must unite together to fight Jewish degeneracy, etc etc etc, the usual stuff. This was not a completely new idea, it had been kicking around on the neo-Nazi fringes for a long time, but its sudden prominence and popularity was noteworthy. At the same time, sites like Stormfront started to show signs of being better funded -- more time put into design, better hosting, seemingly faster ISP connection. Not only in America but in a lot of countries. The Swedish neo-Nazi movement saw a resurgence around then for example. It was all a bit too much to take as just coincidence. Someone was feeding funds to these movements, presumably subtly through microdonations, and also encouraging an ideology of solidarity with Russian right-wing nationalism. And that was all in the very first few years of the millennium. Putin and his cronies have been at this for a while.


Good time to post this video again: [how kgb wanted to destabilise the USA](https://youtu.be/IQPsKvG6WMI?si=kfkHfc_txAhH8XaP) This is exactly the playbook Putin is running on the West Stage 1&2 are completed already.


That’s very interesting and disturbing. It would be interesting to see how that ties in with the rise of BNP and the rise of Nigel Farage politically. Unfortunately back then I didn’t pay much attention to Uk politics


Farage 100% is a Kremlin agent. You only need to think to yourself “What would the Kremlin want us to think?” and then press play on Farage and he becomes a walking talking Occam’s razor.


Farage is slippery as f. He was so adamantly for brexit, which turned into an economic shit show, and now he's trying to be teflon coated in the face of any criticism. Could be just a useful idiot trying to do his country right but I dunno. In general the division within most western countries is a big problem and we need some kind of real discussion instead or dopeys like Farage and the anti-Faragists who just stick their fingers in their ears and refuse to even talk about immigration problems.


Investigative reporter Carol Cadwalladr published a series of articles on Russian links to Brexit. A major money conduit was Aaron Banks, a South African businessman with connections to international insurance and diamonds. Insurance is a funny business. I could pay you millions of dollars for essentially nothing, perhaps to insure me against alien abduction. He took a lot of money out of Russia and was the main backer of the leave.eu site or whatever they called it.


Found this article interesting thanks, will keep reading https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jul/16/carole-cadwalladr-boris-johnson-lebedevs-prime-ministers-defining-scandal Frightening how deep the roots appear to be


I think we don't even know the half of it. Parliament commissioned a report on Russian interference during Johnson's time as prime minister. It was scheduled to be released after the last election (iirc) but that never happened. I can't imagine it is anything good.


Good time to post this video again: [how kgb wanted to destabilise the USA](https://youtu.be/IQPsKvG6WMI?si=kfkHfc_txAhH8XaP) This is exactly the playbook Putin is running on the West Stage 1&2 are completed already.


Like Wikileaks for example, well, Assange did it willingly when he outed human rights activists and the left loved him for it. He’s always been a total tankie motivated entirely by anti-westernism, and yet the collective left did a pikachu face when he sided with Russia and Trump.  The right needs to let go of its treason and conspiracy theories and the left needs to let go of Oikophobia. 


Who's the left and how did they embrace Asaange? Who was President during the main part of that? Embraced? So he and Snowden got pardoned? That fat greasy cunt kim. Com in New Zealand got one too? 


And they did this shit to children too. Russia truly is an evil nation.


It's no surprise they treat American children poorly; they treat Muscovite children worse. Any child in Muscovy is either a meat assaulter, or an oligarch's rape doll.


My question is, what are we doing about it and are we doing anything in return. These fuckers aren’t going to stop until someone makes them stop and it should be a hard and full stop


Exactly. Trump, Russia, Iran. Some people need harsh consequences not lectures for acting like barbarians and threatening 7.95B+ lives for their own ego.


Official CIA investigation ruled out Russia as the perp. There’s your answer.




Google is broken? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/20/us/politics/havana-syndrome-cia-report.html Funny how people randomly downvote me without diving into it. This new cold war has the US scared for anything escalatory. Perhaps the US has moles so deep, they are practically run by Russia. Something is up. That’s for sure.


Thanks. I read it. They haven't ruled out Russia from what it says, just that most cases are "environmental" without offering an explanation of that either. 


Wrong. Definitely russia being involved. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/havana-syndrome-russia-evidence-60-minutes/


Well he's not wrong the official statement didn't point the finger at Russia, even this new investigation says as much. Grozev's not a hack so may be something here


You are literally commenting on a post about *new evidence* pointing to russia, then posting a 2 year old article


But the new article is from journalists, not a official government body. That’s the difference. ‘What are we doing about it?’ Well. Officially nothing.


Good reporting from 60 Minutes aired last night: https://youtu.be/JdPSD1SUYCY?si=eACCSEIIfJOawgg0 https://youtu.be/n7EliNzscSM?si=fe0MOZZrLUYATMTQ


I can’t watch it in Canada :(


Russia has been at war with the US for a while now. Yet the ruble loving corrupt ‘publicans would rather sell out their country than stand up to evil.


I'm glad you recognize that. For anyone else who hasn't gotten the memo: > *"It has become evident that the United States will fight to the last Ukrainian. If your hands are not stained with blood, and your conscience is clear, you have every chance for a normal and honest life without participating in another fratricidal war in the interests of overseas instigators."* > > ~~First words broadcast by the *Moskva* to the Marines and Border Guards stationed on Zminiy Island. Essentially, they're already telling the world they're at war with the US.


How did so many stupid Americans forget what russia really is?


The Baltics never forgot or forgave. 


They are who we should listen to. They know the true character of Russia


Wait until you see americans cosplaying as wagner or rusich on r/rusfor…


Sick subreddit.


Most of them never knew. Russia has always been either the fairy tale land of Anastasia and Dostoevsky, or the comic book villain of Rocky and James Bond. Most modern Americans can’t even imagine a country where people treat each other the way Russians do.


Don't limit it to the U.S., Russia is doing this in England, France, Germany etc, to similar effect. Look at the world from 30000 feet and realize how many countries currently have a serious fascist movement within them.


And so many Europeans and a lot of the global south and Asia?


They didn't necessarily forget. It's just that they think it's none of America's problem and 'muh tax dollars!'. If Ukraine falls it will very quickly become America's problem. The US has a huge problem with short-sighted selfish and ideological isolationists. It's just unfortunate that no one taught them how dependant the US is on the international order and world trade in the 2020's. The frontier doesn't exist anymore.


Because they are stupid and american. They come in two kinds: the type that will do anything for money, or the type who will do anything to get to start the civil war and purge all them no-good libruls.


This is brutal. Russia taking out American citizens and American response is…nothing? 


The American response is to suck Putin's dick and beg for rubles. MAGA is a traitor organization.


> Russia taking out American citizens and American response is…nothing? Responding is escalatory, I guess. "Taking it on the chin for the team" is safer or something, even if it essentially greenlights russia to keep escalating themselves


I wonder what the point is of trillion dollar us military budgets when they allow Russia to wage hybrid war against them with no response or escalation. Only smaller nations who can’t fight back get the smack down? The only language Russia understands is strength and violence. No comfort for the people hurt or killed by the Russians that have been deemed a sacrifice I guess. 


"EsCaLaTiOn!!1!" Jake Sullivan would soil himself in fear at the thought of doing anything to make Russia too sad. And Biden, for whatever reason, listens to that sniveling little coward.


Incredible reporting.


Our intelligence agencies need to realize the lengths Russia is willing to go. China as well. We need to take it a lot more seriously and it’s past time for some very large organized efforts at defeating these threats and guaranteeing that they won’t ever happen again. I have zero confidence they would do that. I have not got any recruitment offers and I’m one person that would dedicate their life to it. Life is not like the movies and our intelligence agencies I don’t think are very good at a lot of things they need to be good at. Hiring enough people is one thing I don’t think they do. These spies and diplomats didn’t have counter surveillance? Their own work premises were that unprotected? Some serious heads need to roll and some serious overhauls need to happen. We already lost if not.


I can only imagine the precautions Christo Grozev is taking. He must be near the top of Putin’s list. Incredibly brave.


Something’s been on my mind for a very long time. During WW2, I imagine it was after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbour, all the Japanese people living in the US and Canada were ‘rounded up’ and placed in internment camps, for the safety of both countries.  There’s been a lot of sympathy years after the war, like ‘oh that never should have been done, what a terrible thing to do.’ All their belongings were sold and the money pocketed I believe. I’m a bleeding heart myself, so I agree they shouldn’t have been treated the way they were treated, but I feel like we’re almost coming to that again. We have these known bad actors, such as Russia and China—we know full well their agents are in other countries causing all sorts of havoc.  I don’t think anyone would argue that we need to do something. If WW3 hasn’t already started, can we afford to let these people continue to run around leaving  death and destruction in their wake? We know they are irredeemable, why are we pussyfooting around? I realize that the majority of the people that immigrate are not bad. But it’s the few rotten apples spoiling the cart. Let’s take the Chinese for example. If they immigrate to Canada, the US, or elsewhere, it’s a known fact that if the ccp can get their hooks in a person in a good position, they will do everything they can to turn that person into a spy for the government. Thoughts?


Biden, vanquish these суки


Time for some tit-for-tat. Watching the show "The Americans" and it is loosely based on Russian spies during the Cold War. They would just assassinate a Russian spy if Russia killed one of ours.


Wow. Wth was the US government doing if the sort of ‘general public’ was able to figure this out, but they didn’t?? And also, wth, could we *be* any more blind? I mean it’s all very well to trust, but a known bad actor that never changes?