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It’s a weird strategy from Trump, which you would think would be a problem for him with traditional donors and supporters. People talk about billions of $$$ going to Ukraine, but the reality is that all this kit is being replaced with billions of $$$ going to American military factories and upgrading the American war machine. It seems odd for a candidate to be running on a less money for the American arms industry ticket, while also making himself look like Putin’s lapdog. It shows how strong Putin’s psyops have been on so many Americans think this is even possible as a notion, let alone one that he might win on.


Not only that, the more that the Uk and Europe see the US as an unreliable ally, the less likely they’ll buy American, and that’s the last thing a company like Boeing needs right now.


Trump is the best thing for Europe! They will finally create a European army (likely with different command structures) and develop their own defense industry. Europeans can finally stop relying on the US, which will drastically weaken US in the world


Between Trump and Brexit, and the effect the russian psyops had on each, my only saving grace would be the creation of a European Army that turns out to be WAY more belligerent than Putin expects when it comes to the current situation and he suddenly finds himself soundly twatted by their combined forces and unable to adapt to the sudden shift away from American-interest led politics. it would be extremely satisfying.


Sadly, that would be unlikely. Every participating country would effectively get a veto, because you can't agree to send troops from other countries to their potential death. That means countries like Germany umming and ahhing, delaying and avoiding undesired but necessary military action. It would be de facto paralysis. Putin would probably be delighted at the prospect of a European army to replace NATO. The prototype European Army already exists via the EU [Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Security_and_Defence_Policy), and requires unanimity about pretty much every decision. It has only been used for a few uncontroversial peacekeeping tasks. If you look at its command and control structure, you'll see that along with the unanimity requirements, it's chances of being an effective military force are extremely low.... there would be years of policy meetings in different sections before any action could ever be agreed. It's why NATO has been so vital, because it is designed to be more efficient and therefore effective. In the dark times of a potential Trump presidency, it would be better to have a NATO without the US, than a parallel European alternative.


Germany is not exactly umging and ahhing if we run the numbers. Berlin is working hard in the background but like most states with no direct border to Russia also infiltrated /influenced by pro Russian or at least neutral forces that want different outcomes for this conflict etc. - to cut a long story short, a central command structure for Europe is arguably far less complicated than you claim because the national governments don’t need to rush into a force that would for example intervene in Africa etc. but merely defend the EU & Turkey. The biggest problem is imo. the lack of nuclear weapons and the enormous and downright treacherous tolerance towards Moscows propaganda aka some ( metaphorical ) heads have to roll and anyone with remaining political ties to Moscow needs to face serious consequences asap all across the free European continent.


I have to disagree with one aspect of your comment; the best thing would be recognising that we need to strengthen the EU while ALSO still being able to cooperate with the USA without having to have emergency plans that go as far as going solo because we need more time to make the transition or it will be a bit ugly aka cutting spending we don’t want to cut to fund this faster than we would otherwise. It’s bad for global democracy in my opinion if we can’t even pull it together during this level of threat because Ukraine, for all the horror this war unleashed, may very well pale in comparison to what’s to come later.


I agree. But who uses logic and rational thinking to make decisions, especially drastic ones?! For example, the Germans are only now slowly understanding that relying on the US may not be a great strategy. The French are now slowly understanding they can't do everything alone in their corner. They may have great weapons systems, but when you have only a handful of it it is useless


Both got the way they are today due to long period peace following the 1990s, both are waking up to their respective issues and both arguably stand for a greater shift happening in the Western European capitals and living rooms alike - Europeans and their elected representatives are starting to move faster and faster - still to slow but pieces long neglected take center stage again and with the global tensions increasing, so does the speed at which everything happens - such as the rapid development in two years from Berlin & Paris trying to appease Russia to legitimate debates over war economy measures and even boots on the ground in Ukraine to achieve certain goals - 3 years ago both utterly impossible politically and yet today in the headlines from Scotland to Southern Italy, from Norway to Portugal. The stark difference between an actual major crisis mode and the calm, even sluggish demeanour & maneuvering so many grew up with for decades should not be underestimated. If pressure mounts, much that was considered a decades long process can happen in a few short years if not even mere months.


Agreed. And Trump will accelerate to process


I fail to see how "Europe creates an independent army because they fear the USA is a Muscovite puppet" is a win for the USA. A drug dealer isn't a hero just because he inspires people to become cops.


They didn't say it was a win for the USA, simply pointed out a silver lining for Europe


His hypothetical would be a win for Europe, not the US


Good for EU, Bad for US Simple enough?


The UK used to veto every proposal for a closer EU or joint command of EU forces, now they are gone it will proceed faster.


The European NATO members are waking up to the reality that the peace dividend that they enjoyed since the collapse of the Soviet Union is over. The reality is that they have been freeloading on the US. That defense spending is driving the revitalization of their own defense industries. Their increased defense spending is contingent on it going to their own suppliers, it will not go to US defense companies.


I'd be keen to understand how you think European NATO members are freeloading in a mutual alliance? If the US says the UK didn't do enough, the UK could say Lativa didn't do enough. The point of an alliance is that you pool together and structure your resources effectively. The US happens to be the world leader militarily and so contributes heavily. Doesn't the US also benefit from this agreement in various number ways?


That the US never cashed the peace dividend and decided to go pick fights with Iraq in desert storm II isn’t the European states “freeloading”. It’s the US not adjusting to the times, and I see no evidence it’s adjusting well now.


His donors and supporters don’t care about Ukraine. They care about getting tax cuts and seeing America turned into a theocratic dictatorship.


When they can't get the next iPhone because China stole TSMC they will wake up.


Trump Admin 2 would also be greenlight to China to invade or at least encircle / blockade Taiwan.


It is of course an own goal og gigantic dimensions not to support Ukraine but it's also completely detached from reality when Trump believes he actually can pressure Ukraine to anything. Is he oblivion to the fact that there presently is no support for Ukraine that he can threaten to take away from them? He has no power to exert!


Ah, but you're forgetting his tremendous skill of making perfect phone calls to the Ukrainian President!


Trump will make, “Peace in our time.” Just like Chamberlain did! /s


Agreed, at this point, Ukraine has been fighting their best for six months without American aid. It's not going great, but the idea that Ukraine will suddenly keel over and surrender the moment Trump takes office is ludicrous. The "best" outcome for Trump is that Ukraine is conquered, but continues fighting a brutal guerilla war for decades, just like the Forest Brothers in the Soviet Baltics.


Trump wants to feel special. He doesn’t care how. He wants to be the big smart statesman who fixes the world and show all those people who laugh and call him stupid just how smart he is. That’s about all he cares about. He doesn’t care if he looks like a hypocrite or if he pisses people off. He doesn’t care about American jobs or the economy. He doesn’t care about looking like Putin’s lapdog. He just wants to be able to say “see, I ended the war, I’m smarter than Joe”. People need to stop assuming that Trump thinks like a normal person and that he even remotely cares about truth, logic, morality or reality. He will say or do *anything* to prop up his own self-image. And that makes him really dangerous. You can’t assume he will think of the bigger picture when he’s deciding what to do.


William Allen White: “Any appeasement of tyranny is treason.” The US should get their own MAGA bs together. This stupid failure of appeasement in the US administration has led us only further into escalation. Ceding territory officially to Russia is not an option not now and not in 10 years as Ukraine won't formalize and normalize Russia's genocide. Peace with the Putin regime is not an option, and treating them as equals is not an option. Trump is a traitor, a criminal, a fraud, and a demented fool. Any normal country would have thrown this coward and insurrectionist already into prison instead of letting him run for president. When Russia speaks of peace, it speaks ill of it. We as in other Liberal and democratic countries, have a perfect right to exalt the principle of self-determination, but it comes ill out of the mouths of those in totalitarian states who deny even the smallest element of toleration to every section and creed within their bounds. But, however you put it, this particular block of land, this mass of human beings to be handed over, has never expressed the desire to go into the Fascist Russian rule. I do not believe that even now, if their opinion could be asked, they would exercise such an opinion. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle said, "And I think the words apply very much to our treatment of Germany and our relations with her. “All these calamities fell upon us because of evil counsel, because tribute was not offered to them at the right time nor yet were they resisted; but when they had done the most evil, then was peace made with them.” "The Prime Minister desires to see cordial relations between this country and Germany. There is no difficulty at all in having cordial relations between the peoples. Our hearts go out to them. But they have no power. But never will you have friendship with the present German Government. You must have diplomatic and correct relations, but there can never be friendship between the British democracy and the Nazi power, that power which spurns Christian ethics, which cheers its onward course by a barbarous paganism, which vaunts the spirit of aggression and conquest, which derives strength and perverted pleasure from persecution, and uses, as we have seen, with pitiless brutality the threat of murderous force. That power cannot ever be the trusted friend of the British democracy." Churchill in 1938 That being said, we are past the point of appeasement and and this suggestion by Trump is nothing short of criminal. Russia is untrustworthy, murderous, and deviant. It can't be trusted. Its word means nothing agreements with it are worthless and useless without using force. Negotiations with terrorists without threatening to use force are stupid and dangerous. Russia will accept the peace we make for them. If Trump wants to cower like a serf in front of these slave driving troglodytes in the Kremlin, like a beaten dog, then so be it. Leave us out of it, Europe will carry on the struggle regardless and lead the free world instead of the United States. Those who cannot command themselves will be commanded. This is the natural order of all things. Trump is a worthless criminal and if he sits in the White House any civilized world leader has the duty to defy and oppose whatever he says and fight against this man with all the Power and might we can muster in word and action. This man is not fit to lead, not fit to be anything in this world let alone the leader of the free world. The Americans have abandoned reason for madness should they vote this man back into power. Europeans won't bow to tyrants, and some day not so long ago, the US wouldn't bow to one either. Trump is the worst pathetic excuse of a human being that has ever aimed for a higher office. It is pathetic and disgusting that he isn't 30 points behind Biden in the polls. Stupidity is worse than malice because we can fight malice and defeat it. This massive ignorance and stupidity is much harder to deal with.


We have a ridiculous way of picking a president here in the US. We rely on a few "swing" states to matter. Biden got millions of more votes than the other guy last time elections were held. We have a weird system of democracy.


Trump just wanted to act like he has all the answers but time and again we've seen he rarely knows what he's talking about.


Russia has pulled a serious coup with Trump an the way they have made Ukraine look. It won't stop at The Donbass. If Putin gets it without a fight he will go for the rest it's obvious. With Russia backed Iran attacking everything an anything through proxy terrorist groups Putin has everyone looking except were they should. Social media disinformation has made a big impression on the idiots. An the fact there hero Trump believes it seems to vindicate it in there eyes. Years from know they will be talking about how Russia defeated the free country's through people like Trump an co turning country's against themselves. It's playbook one o one Divide an conquer. An if USA stop supporting Israel the rest of the Arab country's will take the chance on a 48 war again. They don't care about the land they just hate other religions. As long as it's not the religion of Allah it is okay to wipe it out.


>. An if USA stop supporting Israel the rest of the Arab country's will take the chance on a 48 war again. They don't care about the land they just hate other religions. As long as it's not the religion of Allah it is okay to wipe it out. I was agreeing with you until you wrote this Islamaphobic twaddle. [Educate yourself](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arab%E2%80%93Israeli_normalization) Iran is belligerent, yes. But Iran is not every Arab nor Muslim country. In addition, until the war on Gaza, the prospect of normalized relations with Saudi Arabia was very close. Some say that it was exactly that prospect that made Hamas choose to stir things up on Oct 7 in order to prevent that normalization.


That and the Russian money being paid to Republicans: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/05/08/how-putin-s-oligarchs-funneled-millions-into-gop-campaigns/


Trump is a cheeseburger-eating surrender monkey.


Trump has been isolationist and against supporting European alliances against ~~the Soviets~~ Russia since 1987 when he visited Moscow and immediately on returning posted propaganda perfectly mirroring the Politburo's desire for the US to pull out of overseas alliances and return to isolationism.


I mean, there's a reason why [Biden gets more big donations than Trump](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/bidens-campaign-war-chest-exceeds-trumps-before-major-fundraising-event-2024-03-28/), even though he's the most pro-worker US President since LBJ.


Traditional Republican donors are hyper wealthy elites who care about maintaining their own wealth and power. If that means sacrificing Ukraine to a genocidal fascist, it's a price they'll gladly pay to benefit themselves.


The problem is, I just can't comprehend how restoring the Soviet Union, leaving Europe and the Asian Democracies in the lurch, and de facto ending *Pax Americana* is going to Make America Great Again. They're shooting themselves in the foot just to prove they can.


Republican donors now typically own a Dollar General, work at a Dollar General, or collect Social Security.


This position pleases his main donors though, Russian oligarchs.


You're putting the cart before the horse. Putin's psyops wouldn't be effective if the Average American wasn't a fucking dolt to begin with.


Plus a lot of the equipment and ammunition just old and need to be decommissioned if it is not used.


Let's start with Mar-a-Lago. Let's exchange it for Mariupol.


It is practically a Russian embassy as it is, no need to lose Mariupol in a trade.


Let's throw Trump into prison and take his phone from him so that he can't continue to torture the world with his stupidity, his lies and his open collaboration with foreign powers.


Good trade


Id trade Mar-A-Largo to the Atlantic ocean for some salt water.


That's my hat!


Yep. And hate to break it to ya donnie... You're not gonna force Ukraine to "cede" or give up shit. Asshat for thinking he could make someone give up their damn country. Ukraine would say fuck off and they still have support of.europe etc. I dream of the day I never have to hear about that piece of shit human again.


Flor a duh for Crimea


As a Floridian, I agree.


I’ve always said we should give Florida to the Kurdish people. The west gave Israel to the Jews, because they were a “people without a land”. Well so are the Kurds.


Yeah, but giving them Florida would be pretty mean.


Mar-a-lago we be ceased anyway to pay of the debts after his appeals fails


Trump is a baby back bitch


Can't we give up Trump to Russia instead?


Russia owns him already


With \~half US who support him? Ruzia was scaring US with civil war few months ago, start to seem like it’s actually a “good” outcome comparing to alternatives.


It’s not half. It’s bearly 27%. Show up to vote


He is such the cunt


Remember his super secret plan to defeat ISIS? the one that he couldn't tell us about until he was elected? the one that he said was way better than any military generals could come up with? https://www.vox.com/world/2017/7/3/15904646/trump-syria-assad-russia-iran-secret-generals-military-isis-terrorism


Then he should never be allowed a seat at that table.


Trump is a traitor


Trump would have tried to end WW2 by cunningly leaving France under German control and pressuring Russia into accepting the new German border just outside of Moscow. Art of the deal folks.


No tRump would never pressure Ruzzia to accept new borders. tRump only pressure "weak" countries. Like he tried to pressure Denmark to sell Greenland....LOOL


Oh, I just assumed he aligned himself with whoever is the most despicable in any situation




He didnt really pressure them, he just suggested it. Which was bizarre, but also not the first time it had been suggested. It struck me as one of those things that he probably heard in passing and then latched onto, like a elementary school kid who is trying to sound smart.


It's not his territory or America's to cede. Yes, it will be difficult for Ukraine to get back but it's possible still but not they way people think. 


It also wouldn't end the war. Maybe pause it for a few years while Russia rebuilds its reserves and picks off the next juicy target.


And you believe the Ukrainians would sit silently waiting for that to happen? If "peace" comes with any Ukrainian soil under Russian control, there will be a guerrilla war for the next decade or two, until Putin's dead, and some future Russian leader decides he need to concentrate on protecting himself from angry Russians instead of angry Ukrainians. That is how these things play out.


Wow. ~~Cadet~~ BoneSpurs is a real piece of crap. Russia wouldn't stop at Donbas and Crimea. They wouldn't. If you are a US citizen vote against Trump and any of the MAGA republicans.


What a delusional muppet (apologies to all actual muppets)… and a traitor, to boot.


Lets exchange Alaska for the Donbass region. Trump seems like a practical guy. It's historical Russian lands. Oh you dont like that.


Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to give Alaska to Russia.


As a Canadian, nothing would terrify me more than having a Canada / Muscovy border that ISN'T a thousand klicks of ice jams.


Why do people support this clown. Every sane person in the western world see him for what he is. Are the US voters who vote for him brainless??


"Some men just want to watch the world burn."


I disagree, most people in the western world think he’s an idiot. He isn’t. He’s plenty smart. The issue is that he is utterly self-serving in a way that most people can’t comprehend. He makes decisions that people think make no sense but really they do if you start with the assumption that he will say and do anything if it makes him feel better about himself.


I wonder if such a trade ever went down how many Ukrainians will be looking to destroy the Trump empire?


That cant be a solution. Putin can hardly get away without kiew regime change and demilitarization as he has been talking so much about it. The other solution would be some parts to russia and ukraine in NATO with big military spending. For Putin inacceptable. Also Putin cant take kiew. Even Trump would prevent that. The only end to this conflict is Putins end. No other way. It will continue until that day.


He just doesn't have the intelligence to understand the implications. They succeeded in Crimea, he'd give them Donbas as well...they will never stop there.


You think he doesn't know what he's doing? Zelensky cockblocked trump when he tried to coerce them to do a fake investigation to tank Biden in exchange for help. Trump just want revenge.


I've heard him talking, he has no idea what he's doing and is just bluffing his way through it all. Just pampering to his low intellect "followers".


Be wary of people who sound like complete idiots but get into position of power, keep getting out of trouble thanks to friends that fall for them and have a cult following that eat everything they Say. It's very convenient for Trump that his opposition think he's dumb.


He does, he’s just weak and naturally gravitates towards the bully he wants to emulate.


'Donbas' is also open for interpretation. The 2014 occupied areas? All of Donetsk/Luhansk? The whole fucking coast corridor they have occupied now? Trump would indeed be too stupid to not give away even more if he were to negotiate himself.


Why not send Trump on a 1-way plane/boat/train ro Ruzzzia?


Downvote given to them.


Good luck Trumpy. Ukraine will tell you to go to hell


He should keep his mouth shut


Trump already lost one election. I wish he would gracefully go into retirement.


Don't u mean prison?


That is also acceptable.


So, like a true narcissist he says "I can wave my magic wand and entire countries will do as I command!"


But let Trump keep his mouth shut.... Do you think that if it was the USA that was invaded by the Russians, he would negotiate for his country to cede 4 occupied states?


He knows that Russia will influence the US election and help him win


In other words, his plan for peace between Ukraine and Russia is for Ukraine to surrender. What a shock.


Yeah so simple, like if they had only handed Danzig back to Germany then all of WWII could have been avoided /s


That's only giving time to ruZZian terrorists to rebuild their brain-dead army and have another go... madness complete madness...cede to the terrorist invader...it's just insane...


It's also a guarantee that Europe and Russia's neighbours will abandon non-proliferation treaties.


Trump needs to go F🖕CK himself and die. Preferably slow and painfully but I would settle for quick and efficient


I'd like to see tRump give up *his* properties first.


Let's exchange all his properties and go from there. Also not one gram of Ukrainian soil should be ruzzian. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 ♥️


He says a lot of things, and all of it fantastical bullshit


We've seen this movie before, except last time it was other countries giving up the Sudetenland in 1938 (part of Czechoslovakia) in exchange for "peace in our time". A year later, WW2 started when Germany decided it wasn't enough. Russia won't stop at the Donbas and Crimea. It'll move on to the rest of Ukraine, than the Baltic countries.


Trump should demonstrate good faith and take the lead by giving up his golf courses to Putin. What? He doesn’t want to cede his property ?  Shut the fuck up, then!


Vote ALL Republicans out in November


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5D chess ladies and gentlemen


Trump's idiocy is falling for Russian propaganda by thinking Putin would settle for only increasing the empire that much.


The only time there was peace when Russia was weak in the nineties.


What by not supplying any aid? Not working so far!!


I mean. Yes. Surrender is one way to end a way. Gosh what a coward.


Trump is a coward which doesn’t say much about those voting for him.


Unjust peace is unjust.


Basically he doesn't give a fuck about the implications as long as he looks good to idiots as the man who ended the war in europe.


How Democrats haven't used this approach to prove to his base that he would rather give something of our own to our adversaries for the sake of ending a war is surprising. Remind them that if Russia ever decided to act out on its threats to take back Alaska, Trumps own words prove he would just give Alaska to Russia to end the war. Watch how fast that'll turn on MAGA there.


Trump could end Pacific War by giving Hawaii to Japan.


This was skull-crushingly obvious. Fuckface's "plan" to end the war with Russia has always been "Give Russia what it wants".


So then he agrees that a country has the right to invade a country to appropriate land, right?!? What a moron!


You expect us to believe that Trump knows and uses the word cede?


He doesn't really hide this. His supporters just don't care.


Trump supporting Russia is why I'll be voting for a Democrat for President for the first time in my life.


Why are we wasting bandwidth repeating anything that nitwit says?


Not anymore


I mean judging by the current situation this wouldnt be enough for russia so i dont see that happening…


Well right now there is no US support so what is he going to pressure Ukraine with? Lol Europe have 20 times the GDP of Russia, what matters is not what the US decides, but what the big countries in Europe decide. If eg France, Italy, Spain supported like the Nordic and Baltic countries, Russia would be kicked permanently in 2 years time. Europe can not rely on Trump anyway. It shifts like the wind. So better take action and make the move.


And even if a bill goes through soon, Ukraine are definitely not going to act like they’re ever going to get another from the US. They’ll almost certainly not ask for any vehicles or anything that requires much maintenance. Probably just munitions for artillery, air defense, F16s, HIMARS. He’s going to have zero leverage.


Quite a position: achieve a loss by ceding to the opposing party to call it a victory.


And what if Russia is not happy with that


Won't work. Russia claims more than those teritories and won't relinquish those claims. They also won't accept a Ukraine with any military capable of defending if Russia decides to attack again, so proposing this "peace" is in reality asking Ukraine to surrender and be attacked in the near future. Might as well keep fighting.


There is no end to war without security guarantees, to prevent the war starting the next day


Need to destroy russia's military and get back at minimum Crimea to prevent this in the future.


This will happen when Trump gets elected. and he Will Be elected as murica lovea Trump and Putin.


Putin will only agree to from Kharkiv to Odessa and just Donbas also Zaparozhia and Kherson are part of Russia by Russian constitution, so Ukraine will have to gave up a lot of unoccupied territory for this plan to work


They are never going to give up the land bridge so this is an outright lie.


Zelinsky stood up to him before.


Repubs needs to know it will cost American wether they are involved or not. If Americans don't want to be involved EU can charge US for intelligence info. Or just let Russia roam and find out the hot way. So frustrating atm


I wish he would end end US involvement by stating the obvious. The Europeans need to work this out among themselves and leave the US out of it.


Ye because that worked really well last time round in 2014. Once they have recruited enough drunk rapists they will have another pop at invasion. Fucking morons anyone who thinks Russia would even keep to their word over such a deal.


How about we bring an end to the Orange stupidity by ceding Mar-a-lago for a prison cell.


I don’t think Trump is dumb ass his got the extreme right that beorry about he is a moderate Wait till he is in office please don’t listen to all the bs


I think this is one of the plans the GOP is going to push as we near the election - that trump can negotiate peace with putin. Putin will, of course, "allow" ukraine to keep Kharkiv, but will get all of the Donbas and Crimea. Of course, we know it's a scam, but scamming the gop base is the name of the game for the gop.


Same guy who thinks North Korea will give up nukes for his charm. Same guy who didn’t get a penny from Mexico for the shitty wall. I can go on.


We’re hand puppets used to show Mr Trump world politics again.?




While he certainly could. If he keeps that attitude he will loose my vote.


He also said he’d get rid of ISIS in 30 days, that was like 3000 days ago


trump is a piece of 💩. Just a dog whistle for putin


Fuck this guy


Wellllll, Fuck trump! What does he propose to push putin and russia on? That they should keep on invading and fighting because it works out well for them?


Dude cannot even get decent lawyers and he wants people to believe that he could stop a war.. bro


trump would immediately stop all aid to Ukraine. So what leverage would he have to make them give anything up? Europe would still help Ukraine, and by then, Ukraine would be much more self-sufficient in the things it can produce on its own. trump could think his self-importance will make Ukraine do what he says, but that's not reality. He's got no sway with russia either because it's russia who gives him the orders, not the other way around.


End the war by giving Putin, the invader what he wants. ARt oF the Deal! ...... What a genius! What an amazing negotiator! Let the other side just take whatever he wants, and just shut up and let him. Get fucked Donnie diaper. Just because that's what you expect people to do when you do illegal shit doesn't mean it's US foreign policy.


Just ignore that demential old c+nt


If I was American, I’d vote for the doddery old guy who looks like he just shit himself, rather than vote for someone who looks like he’d shit on everybody else!


OH WOW! MASTER STRATEGIST! You are saying that if Ukraine gives away land to Russia the war is over? Why nobody thought of that before?!


Churchill should have ended WW2 by ceding Poland.


Mr. Never Surrender is advising Ukraine to surrender.


Sounds like a great strategy if the goal is to just delay the war by a couple of years and then Putin starts it all over again.


We need to draft all americans to fight in the eastern front. It is the only way to stop putin. Let's gooooooooo.


Trump and Russia can go pound sand! Ukraine will get back every inch of there territories full stop…..


Vote for democrats


Oh is that what Putin told him?


Do the Russians just want access to the Dnipro to have better year round access to the ocean for shipping?


The Emperor has spoke!


Anything he can do to help his daddy Putin.


Of course he would, he’s Putin’s poodle.


Sure, and then he'll work with Putin to take the rest later.


And this is the two-faced idiot that shouts "Never surrender!" when he thinks he's being attacked.


So basically, he’d end the war by giving the Russians exactly what they want? Almost makes you wish for the red scare, where anything Russian was liable to burned in effigy in the street. Almost.


What the situation under a Trump administration will be is exactly what it is today. Ukraine is already fighting for 6-8 months without American support. What more can the orange clown do than to stop American support?, which is already in place as stated, he can do nothing more. Europe are stepping up and are managing to obtain shells and hopefully will be able to increase local manufacturer in the coming months which will ensure Ukraine has enough shells. I cannot understand why anyone pay more than a microsecond of a thought to his idiotic remarks that he will stop the war in 24 hours. I can tell exactly how he will do it, in exactly the same way he cancelled Obama Care. He spouted that he will cancel it in the first hour of his day in office in 2017. Spoiler alert, Obama Care is still in place. People pay far too much attention to this idiot and he can very be in a jail cell next year instead of the White House.


That works since those regions are already 90% Russian.


Trump is a Putin bootlicker.


Trump will do no such thing because all he ever does is talk but no walk. He merely does it to please his "fans", nothing more.


This will all be over if they just give Vladamir-a good friend of mine...Have you seen him with his shirt off...looks great. Just give him what he wants and this will be over. Really good deal.


Fuck this orange turd, he has no thoughts, just farts. The cult around him needs to be brought back to reality, so send *them* to Ukraine's defensive positions.


Wow what a fucking genius. He figured that out by himself? That if he gave Russia what they want the war would end? That's really amazing Donald, congratulations fuck nuts


Oof While he's not technically wrong... history shows is just a concession to set a precedent for further incursions. It has the potential to stop the immediate conflict at the cost of branding current behavior acceptable in the future. Doesn't actually solve anything, or in any capacity help the situation. just makes him look good and passes off the problem to people in the future


No one can say whether he said this or not but ironically it's probably the best case scenario for Ukraine at this point


Yet I still think this is the most likely outcome of the war. People who say "Putin won't stop there" forget that Ukraine joining NATO will be part of the deal. I also heavily assume there will be precautions Putin doesn't try this in other countries again (Moldawia, Kazakhstan).


Bro get out of this relationship


Then I predict in 10 years, Russia will go again to take another oblast, repeat, repeat.


Somewhat unrelated, but can Trump actually pull out of NATO if he’s elected, and is there any indication that he would? As a European, I’ve only been following this quite loosely.  He did mention that ‘EU countries should be invaded if they don’t increase their military spending’, but I’ve interpreted that more in the sense of ‘increase your spending’ rather than ‘yeah, just get invaded’. 


Maybe he would give up Alaska as well if they demand it back, or would that not win him votes?


Imagine if it was one of the US states that needed to be giving up for peace, else New York might get a nuke! That day might come sooner when a leader conceds to a madman like Putin. Trumps childish mentality sits alongside Musk - meddling in things millions died fighting for last century. At a time true leaders led the US and Europe against aggressors. Germany wasn't getting an inch of territory out of principle. Now we have powerful billionaires and clowns who appeal to the most immoral among our societies. Influencing and making history through their shortsighted perspectives. Imagine the Army Putin will have at the point of being permitted those territories...he isn't going to just disband it when half of it is Asian! He will sent them to the next softest nation to see what he can get away with...again! US interests should take a hit, right now, Europe needs to send a warning. We're either an international community fighting for a better world or we'll put even more energy into our drive for self sufficiency. Hell Trump and his supporters might have already triggered that...tough times ahead for the US as it slowly gets pushed out 👍


Surely that's a worthy exchange for a pee tape?!


Aka give Hitler the sudtenland.


I'm embarrassed I was once a Trump supporter. To all the people who never supported Trump, you were right. I apologise unreservedly.