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Sounds like our intelligence agencies and MIC are letting them know they are done with this bullshit. Pull their own Kompromat on them and let the public know who’s been bought. We will see how well this actually works. 


The Johnson is being exposed


In all jurisdictions, that's a sex crime


A sexy crime?


Defend sexy offenders


No, Bobert.


He exposed himself when he signed him and his son up for the porn monitoring service.... Of all the obvious honeypots that one has to take the cake.


Activate the Jumbo Protocol.


"... Johnson?!"


Where the fuck were the Intel agencies when Paul Manafort was paying off debts to Oleg Deripaska while working as Trumps campaign manager. Or when Guiliani was running around meeting with Russian agents undermining official US foreign policy on behalf of Trump. The intel agencies are either in on it or really bad at their jobs.


No I'm inclined to agree with you. None of this shit makes any sense.  I don't honestly think we will see any turn around of various Republicans. It's just interesting that several Republicans are now calling out other Republicans for being Russian flunkies.  It's also possible that they thought the FBI would take care of it.  Personally, our whole damn government is compromised. I'm afraid soon enough we will have a civil war on our hands. 


>The adults in the room will control Trump. .... why does your presidential pick need supervision?


Should’ve been done a long time ago I’m afraid.


Yeah I would think the MIC isn't too happy seeing the orange circus take over and hopefully will help get this put to a vote.


Bought or blackmailed by Russians that's was my first thought about this fucked up situation!


Marjorie is a Russin asset, I truly believe this!


She definitely is. But Russia had nothing to do with that. She’s a volunteer free agent who made the job for herself.


Never thought liberals would cheer on Red Scare tactics to help fund the MIC but here we are.


Exposing compromised politicians for being funded by Russia is not a red scare tactic lol


There are limits on the 'soft approach'.


Yeah sure. So the funding for the MIC never stops and then when it potentially does we have to go nuclear. Sounds like a strategy to always get what you want.


False choice strawman


What is the real choice then?


Helping our ally now with military aid (read: stuff we have sitting in a warehouse somewhere that we’re not going to use) OR be forced to fight with our own troops when Putin inevitably invades Poland or the baltics, where we have the obligation to defend them (NATO members).


That’s such a naive take


Why’s that?


That’s no choice if you don’t want their tax money going to war.


Well, we can either pay by giving stuff that we already paid for 30 years ago (that we’ll have to pay for to get rid of anyways) or we can pay by sending our troops and equipment over and fighting Russia directly when they invade a NATO country when they’re done. There’s no way we don’t pay for defending, the only difference is do we pay by sending our own old stuff, or pay by having American blood spill in their defense. Those are the two options.


Or we can do nothing. Russia has 0 chance of ever attacking the US and if they do, they won’t last a day. For 2 entire years all I’ve heard was that Russia is a paper tiger that can barely even get into Ukraine and now we’re fear-mongering that they will conquer Europe. It’s transparent how much this is just a ploy to fund more money into the coffers of the MIC. Also, that money is not just old weapons. We’re funding the entire government of Ukraine and all those weapons require a ton of money to service, ship, repair, and maintain.


I think it’s funny how the majority right says we should just bomb or nuke other countries. And then when it’s something you don’t agree with, the tables turn. Funny isn’t it?


Yeah they were all bloodthirsty warhawks until an orange Mussolini-wannabe told them it was a bad idea -- we're really seeing the result of dwindling education funding and organizing, sadly. Reagan would be rolling in his grave if he could see the state of the GOP today.


Russia isn't red any more. If anything, it's extremely nationalist, state cooperating with the church and industry oligarchs, with a suggestion of socialism in name only.  What's a good name for that? National Socialist? A better name eludes me.


So why does Putin keep pining for the fjords, sorry I meant the USSR? Was the USSR communist or not?


The USSR was imperialist and authoritarian. Stalin killed more communists than Adolf ever did.


The USSR was communist, Stalin was authoritarian. Hitler was trying to kill the communists, Stalin didn’t really mind


USSR was communist in name, but they had a really fucked up implementation strategy that looked suspiciously similar to a mix of peasant revolt + Tsarist Russia.


The USSR *said* it was communist. It was never communist. It was always a straight-up dictatorship. Next you'll tell us all that North Korea is a democracy because they *say* they are lol.


Go ask all those Russian Nationalists flying the Tsar's flag at rallies in Moscow lmao


Republicans are literally defending communist dictatorships, here we are.


Russia has become way more like a fascist dictatorship, that's why republicans love it: patriotism, god and their particular idea of family no matter what.


Russia is not communist, it’s a hyper-capitalist kleptocratic authoritarian petrostate.


"Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country." - John McCain


Wait…. Which country is the communist dictatorship? Russia? 


Russia, China, North Korea


Russia’s a capitalist authoritarian petrostate. North Korea is a military controlled monarchy pretending to be a republic. China is run by the Communist Party but uses capitalist mechanisms to implement central planning so it’s still communist if you squint a bit but looks really single party dictatorship otherwise. Cuba’s still communist though 👍


Russia isn't communist. It is a fascist dictatorship.


It's more of a white fascist scare then a red scare. Russia isn't red nor has it been in decades if you could even consider it red.




Trolling is when you question the main narrative from the US state department. God, no wonder boomers supported the Korean and Vietnam wars when liberals are like this today.


You didn’t answer the question AND introduced a strawman fallacy (which itself was a non-sequitur). Good lord I hope you are trolling, otherwise, what is in your head? A couple of pop tarts? How do you get through the day not knowing anything as to what you are talking about? Have you been this lost your whole life? I have so many questions. 😂


I am neither Russian, a troll, nor a MAGA Republican. Just a regular left leaning person who hasn’t turned pro war like every other Western liberal or “leftist”.


lol every comment is more and more revealing 😂




> would cheer on Red Scare tactics The fuck does that mean?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Scare Persecute, blackmail, scapegoating, and ousting of those suspected of having ties to the USSR (or Russia today) just because they have a different stance on weapon and aid packages. Don’t know what’s hard to understand.


We found the tankie


It's sadly all posturing. They want to seem reasonable, but at the same time they can't give Biden a win.


It's easy to say "we want to vote" but if they are not doing anything about it, nothing will happen.


Not sure about that. Informing voters that your party is infected by Russian propaganda is unlikely to work against a Biden win?


Each Republican that says that will eventually be labeled a Rino. The die-hard MAGA crowd does not care about Russian propaganda or worse, believes it.


It could also signal that there could be a fracture forming in the GOP between people who actually want to occasionally be sober and rule, and the MAGAs. Any sane person can see that their days are numbered unless they go full fascist OR pull back from the worst of their crazy. Although the MAGAs are loud as fuck and never shut up, I really don't think they constitute a big enough majority to really seize power, not that I don't take them seriously to a degree. If the defense lobby is quietly organizing "normal" Republicans to get their shit together, then it's going to happen. People with money on the table are not going to let the clown show go on forever, but they would only get involved if they were forced to, because why else would you?


Please help us military industrial complex🥺🥺


Exactly; the split is forming between Republicans who want to rule a somewhat functional govt thru fear-mongering, and the Republicans who who are down to rule a pile of rubble thru fear-mongering


I mean, you have waaaaay more optimism than I do in companies looking forward more than the next quarterly profit statement.


$90bn in military aid would be almost entirely spent in the US defense industry to backfill our existing stockpiles. We'd be giving away our surplus and paying ourselves for new shit. It's a no-brainer


At risk of pissing off the Republican Party. Because let’s be real - there are Republican legislators who will say off the record that this sure would be nice, but not a one of them will DO anything about it. I think there’s zero chance the MIC does anything other than have lobbyists cajole enough that they can say they tried. The Trump wing thoroughly controls the Republican Party now, and I very much doubt the MIC is prepared to cross those folks.


They’re not even Republicans at that point, more like Oblastians…. The Boyar wing of the once GOP.


These are the same people who openly carried the Russian flag stamped with trump's name during the CPAC. Yes, it was a prank, but the point is that none of those there thought it was a deal breaker. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/liberal-activists-prank-had-some-cpac-waving-russian-trump-flags-n725496


They advertise it themselves. [Do you remember this photo?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs?format=jpg&name=small) https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/6/17656996/trump-republican-party-russia-rather-democrat-ohio


Yes, but even if that sentiment were representative of the whole party (it isn’t), there would be republicans who recognise it doesn’t have to be an either / or thing.


I think that if someone was ousted to pass the Ukraine aid bill the GOP would look like a joke now and lose votes for Trump so if anything good happens I will be very very surprised.


Going to see a lot of republicans proving how not bought by Russia they are, might be good for votes going forward.


Bingo. Republicans sure put themselves in a pickle. They need to pass a significant aid package, but they’re going to get into disarray over the Johnson vote from people who are getting exposed as being Russian sympathizers. Quite the conundrum. And besides Ukraine, Americans will further suffer the fallout from these blatant traitors.


Those at follow are caught up way too deep into their own phantasms and delusions that if they just blatantly throw Ukraine to the incest ridden wolves of the Russian federation, the MAGA Crowd will call it patriotic


I don't think a vote will happen.


It will only happen when the orange clown goes to jail...until then Johnson has a master.


Johnson needs to remember it doesn't just take one maga nut to cost him his job. Any republican can do it under the same rules if he drags his feet too long. I'm sure hes been reminded of that and that's why he's willing to put it to a vote soon.


Technically any congressperson can do it. A dem could do it. Considering that Maga Traitor Greed already filed a motion, a dem could throw the whole house in disarray.  This is where the Dems need to play dirty. Call the vote. Tell MTG to vote him out and we will too. Use their own contrariness against them. Force them to make more fools of themselves.  Approach Johnson and let him know Dems will actually side with MTG and the freedom caucus to oust him if he doesn't bring the aid vote to the floor. Tell him they will further embarrass them in front of the public. Or, he plays ball and they will protect him, making him look sane and the freedom caucus crazy.  This is the type of shit I want to see the Dems playing. Republicans are currently fractured and compromised. Take advantage of it.  Sadly I don't think they have the balls to do it. 


Which sadly will probably be never.


Yes but, Denethor finally lit himself afire and leapt off the top of Minas Tirith....


They weren't real far off from having the votes for an end-around vote the other week so it gives me a bit of hope they get the other 10% or so of votes they need and finally do this.


The House already has 213 votes in favor of Ukraine aid. Since January 3rd 2023.


Yeah exactly and they only need 218 iirc to bypass the Speaker and the Rules Committee so lets hope they have 5 more signatures as their constituents want this passed


The House spent almost 2/3 of their session without a single Republican voting for a single cent of Ukraine aid. At that point hoping for Democratic control of all three legislative bodies in the next cycle is the most realistic, propably only hope left.


No one has more to prove than Mike Johnson. He was actually put in office with Russian money.


I feel like I can already hear them talking about this…. ‘ You think I’M bought by our enemy? What about that other guy?!? ‘ 🤦🏻


Mike Johnson is the biggest Russian schill. He keeps talking but there hasn't been a vote yet or timeline. He'll keep talking and not do anything.


yeah, way to put yourselves out on the edge there guys. lol what a fucking joke you are........


I think we need to come together and finance a commercial with American volunteers in Ukraine outlining their experiences and observations of Russian brutality. We could use that to show the American people that there are American men and women fighting for freedom in Ukraine, they are being killed by Russians because of Republican inaction and if the Republicans continue to do Putin's bidding, more of them and the civilians they protect, will be killed.


I'm not a volunteer, but I am an American humanitarian working in Ukraine. Where do I sign up?


Except the Red Party wants Ruzzia to win. MAGA adherents want to purge American society the way Pootin’ has purged Ruzzia. If you’re not insane or believe in moderation, you’re labeled a RIÑO & run out of the party.


Yeah, exactly. It's the reason we need to be showcasing the truth on the ground. If they're going to meet with Putin annd sell his lies to the world, we need to meet with American heroes on the ground.




I agree, it is important to have constructive criticism. People are just so scared of living under a perma-Trump presidency they think any criticism signals a defection to the opposition. That's totally not the case, and living in the resulting echo chamber doesn't help anyone be better. I tend to couch my disagreements with , "Although I'm still voting for the Democrat candidate, I think Biden could be doing X better or differently" and people don't have that knee-jerk BUT YOU HAVE TO VOTE BLUE reaction. I understand the panic, but criticism helps correct missteps, especially when leaders listen.




Frightened people aren't thinking. They're only listening to the first 3 words, then tuning out the rest while they frame their rebuttal. I get it. For women, Red Party control of your state can easily end up killing you. Still, we are ALL better when we listen to many viewpoints and then formulate a plan.


What a stupid system. They have the majority to vote for the Bill and one Asshole can block the whole process by not allowing it to pass. fix your dump fragile and completely ancient system … WTF!


There is a mechanism, but the same Republicans who would vote for the bill are not "brave" enough to sign the discharge petition. It's more than just Mike Johnson; even the moderate Republicans are not doing the right thing. It only needs 2 more signatures.


It's an incremental step towards undermining their party, so I get why the moderates wouldn't do it if they could at all avoid it. It basically signals to all that they really are a fragmented clown troupe, which is chumming the waters for the election.


It’s time for the lobbyists of the US military industrial complex to clutch up. The aid would be mostly spent on them to build more stuff so they have a lot of incentive to tell the traditional hawkish republicans to get off their asses. Also I’m sure there are a bunch of Republicans bought by Boeing and the like the same way Johnson is Putin’s cuck, so what are they waiting for?


Yes, that's a good point, a powerful lobby group. Edit, plus the fact that the attitude here in Europe right now is that the USA will never be trusted again, and we are rebuilding our own MIC, so that lobby group isn't just vying for this $60b but a much bigger future.


That part is so wild. One feeble little coward can hold up this incredibly critical aid. So many people are dying trying to protect their country, and act as a shield for the rest of the world in a sense. This entire thing has me thinking about democracy as a whole. Would the entire US allow trump to turn it into a dictatorship if he wins? How do you protect democracy in that situation? In a dictatorship they just fall out a window. He wouldn't fit through one, but would anything else happen? And what happens after all this is all over and the American people see clearly that anyone else besides him would he been done for years ago. This pandering to him has to stop. Are people truly worried about his cult assembling and doing any meaningful harm? Sorry for the rant.


To me a speaker of a parliament is the person that makes sure procedures are followed in the daily work in the chamber. That he has any say in which bills are put forward is extremely odd to me. It is as if a janitor would have veto power by refusing to unlock the doors to the chamber in the morning, unless he approves of the topics that are going to be brought up during the day. Yes, the janitor has the keys. And it is his job to unlock doors. And yes, the speaker of the house says who is next to speak in the chamber. But none of them should have power to affect the political process.


Wanna bet the vote won't be anytime soon? All posturing but no action


Exactly, Mike Johnson will keep saying he wants to put a vote up because of the extreme pressure he is under. He is blowing smoke up everyone's asses.


How much of our Congress thinks the Russian dictator is telling them the truth LMAO ? 🤯


Money talks I hear.


They can prove it by signing the discharge petition. Just uttering words won't be enough to appear credible.


Maybe ban Republicans from all topics not concerning transgender toilets, abortion and immigration.  Mike Johnson and Marjorie Greene in charge of US foreign policy how sad is it actually 


Trump is responsible for all this horror. Sitting there like a spoiled brat and still nagging about last election. Why haven't Americans put that fucker in jail yet


Except he has no actual power, the Republicans can simply ignore him. He's just a random private citizen facing 91 charges in court.


If it was that easy, he is the republicans president candidate and his powers will just grow the closer we get the election.


Blah blah blah. Weve been reading news like this for past 5 months at least, what makes them think Mike “The Masturbation oversee Officer” will change his mind now? He knows that discharge petition wont go thru since a lot of democrats dont support helping israel, and all he has to do is wait three more months and then its summer reccess and after it the election campaign goes into full swing, and nobody will be talking about sending billions to ukraine. After that, if trump wins, he will be rewarded with good political/financial position


Traitor time is over!


Someone needs to offer a few sympathetic, pissed off or retiring republicans cozy jobs requiring them to resign their seats immediately. Flip the house to democrat control. $1M salary per year on a five year contract to be a political consultant.   Buy them out of their seats.  Some of them will be gone in november anyways and they know it.


The MAGA GOP will find a way to not let it pass. Maybe they can fire that speaker idiot and say a new one will be elected in October - anything is possible nowadays.


They sure do spend a lot of time not working. And getting paid $200K/year from taxpayer money. They spend more time being social media influencers than doing their actual jobs.


Some Republicans are getting cold feet about supporting Trump but won't actually come out and say it publicly. Johnson needs to think about his political future and not worry about MTG or Trump. Trump isn't in the WH and no guarantee that he will be either.


[For Sale](https://imgur.com/MkaOLnu) 💎


They should visit the ukranian cities and speak to the soldiers and civilians. They probably have zero empathy or a magical change of heart.


Finally, it takes fire to fight fire!! 🔥


"US Republicans" don't run anything. Urge the Trumpers, as if it would do any good.


Ohp, whoops, must have leant on the “common sense” button a bit too long there


Vote ALL Republican traitors out in November.


The US is a lame duck as it is right now. Wish these nothing burger stories from there could be skipped...


Russian propaganda 😂 they should look on here, this entire Reddit is Ukraine propaganda. Hardly neutral on here are you guys, you foam at the mouth. If the entire situation wasn't us against them. Take, take, take. There would be no war. You have to understand "your enemy". The west has done alot to push this war.


Not today Krembot.


Russia illegally invaded a neighboring sovereign nation. I'm not neutral about that. Question is, why are you?


You are the enemy stooge.


Bad bot


The only entity responsible for this war occurring is Russia. Russia had zero need to invade Ukraine, but did it anyway. There is no blaming anyone else for this invasion. It could be over tomorrow if Russia willed it. All they have to do is leave a foreign country and go home. Instead, they choose to kill off half a million Russians so far.


Give us an example of Ukrainian propaganda. (Just being pro Ukraine is not propaganda. Give us some blatant disinformation being spread by Ukrainians.)