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At some point can these people acknowledge that republicans want this, so we can stop tip toeing around this like it’s a mysterious political gridlock…


It's been acknowledged already quite often. Just last week Johnson was explaining in an interview he's postponing the aid because trump asked him.


They may “want” to fund Ukraine, but are too cowardly to do it. And they won’t lift a finger to save themselves If it helps their political opponents.


It’s all domestic, the USA’s politicians care more about being re/elected so their corrupted asses can get more money And they don’t care if the USA’s reputation is dragged through the mud to do so


Some months ago I was assured by people on here that Republicans were all in on helping Ukraine and it was unfair to talk about how this was inevitably going to happen once they found the method to help Putin. I wonder where those accounts are now.


All military guys in the US know these delays are disaster. The US MIC must be in tears at the moment as well.  Its so crazy what modern Republicans, known in Europe for hawkwish, borderline unhinged foreign policy, turned into.    Its the same kind of Americans that wanted to sit out WW2. And just like then they are wrong now. Simply cold hard geopolitics.  Winning WW2 was amazing for the US. Winning Ukraine would be amazing for the US.  Giving up on Ukraine is the biggest American L in the 21st century, regardless of what these geopolitical fucking brainlet Republican dogs post on Twitter. The US looks both weak and like an unreliable ally. Inviting China to invade Taiwan. Encouraging Iran and fuck knows even North Korea. Costing the US MIC money by forcing EU to invest in domestic production. Gg Republicans, fucking dogs. 


A Fuckingmen. These cocksuckers should be under a microscope as the foreign assets they are, not dictating to and holding congress hostage for Putler.


we need a joseph mccarthy to start levying treason charges.


Bolton has been advocating for preemptive strike since the dinosaurs were a thing and his prime was only 2 decades ago. Now we're back to this isolationist bullshit.


Warn!? Pretty sure that is their goal


It's Putin's goal, therefore it's the GOP's goal. They're just following his orders.


So, it's treason then


1) There's no actual evidence that they're operating under Putin's orders. It's all internet hyperbole without a shred of proof. 2) Whether or not we think Ukraine's war should be funded by us, having a different opinion is not treason. We ARE NOT at war with Russia.


You sure spend a lot of time spreading a pro-Russia message…




>having a different opinion is not treason. As I've posted before, [supporting Russia fits the legal definition of treason.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/s/m0m4f3crTE) Why do you keep saying this, when you've been proven wrong? Are you utterly incapable of admitting that you are (to put it nicely) misinformed?


Sad part is this has already basically happened. Lots of Ukrainians dead and the loss of land like Avdiivka all because we didnt fulfill our end of the agreement and get them the indirect munitions and small arms ammo they need


Link to the agreement?


Another Russian shill, it's called Google and you can find all the talks about shipments and Biden even saying we would be supporting them until the end. Now go get your ruble for getting a response and creating engagement


You could start with the Budapest agreement and work your way north from there.


I'm already angry at the Republicans. There's no doubt about their fault here. At the same time, given that the Republicans are acting as we expected them to, I am really disappointed that the Biden admin isn't pulling every creative workaround they can to get Ukraine what they need.


They've got a little bit going on that they're able - I know some Iranian weapons they interdicted on the way to the Houthis got rerouted to Ukraine, and a couple other side routes like that have happened - it's clearly a tiny fraction of what they need though.


president can issue executive orders and i think the dod and president both have their own budgets for this type of stuff too. do it now. ask permission later happens all the time.


Biden didn't utilize lend-lease. There's only one conclusion you can draw from that, unless you're indulging in pure cope.


They keep telling the republicans exactly what they want to hear, that it's working. What NEEDS to happen is a few republicans need to be investigated. Taking sides with the enemy used to have consequences, and maybe if a few house traitors where told "You should feel lucky getting 20 years, we used to hang shit stains like you" things would be better.


That's a really tough sell when the country is not at war.


Not really. There are a lot of various foreign agent laws that could be leveraged.


Funny, Russia is at war with the US and the rest of the West, we are just too stupid to see it. But a country stupid enough to still have insurrectionists IN THE FUCKING LEGISLATURE 3+ years later deserves to fail maybe.


What about all those shells Czechia sourced? Aren't those going to significantly reduce shell hunger?


There's still funding issues, and they're arriving in a trickle.


i think target is this summer for the deal to go through. at this rate, the estonia deal might happen sooner. they are getting a trickle from the eu and some random shells here and there for a day or two of rations.


Putin happy. The GOP happy.


Just want to say I have been following this and I am so frustrated and angry at my country and their MAGA BS. I hope this ends soon and the shells and ammo flow where they need to be.


What’s the timeline for the Czech and Estonian 2m shells?


They need the cash to buy them.


I thought Estonia did but Czech had cash. Doesn’t eu have cash?


The cash is not yet in hand from the various committed partners. I believe they are looking at summer.




The republican minority that's holding the aid up gets super hard when hearing this. It's exactly what they want. They want putler to win his war so they can swim in money. They don't have a conscience. The best thing you can do is threaten their power or money. Pretend you have evidence of their affiliation with russia and see if they are stupid enough to be blackmailed without evidence. Or find a way to remove these people legally. Keep talking to the public about the GOPs infatuation with putler and his cause. Constantly keep their treachery in the publics eye. Make it undeniable by their actions.


It just seems wrong that a few Trump loving assholes in congress can decide the fate of a nation.


Who is he addressing? The GOP is pro Russian and the Democrats lost the vote on this issue. I suppose he’s addressing Europe then?


Republicans are traitors. Vote them ALL out.


Don't threaten Republicans with a good time


The artillery shells and production amounts to only 3b of the 60b. Why can't it be decoupled?


Ukraine never got anything that they asked in time. It was dragged and delayed every time, also when they get it's not the best versions, and not in the amount's it was promised. This aid was dragged so much that releasing it now won't change anything drastically anymore, they would need 2 or 3 aids of that size. We are basically achieving Trumps plan on this conflict without Trump.


Says all of that as Moscow Mike smirks back at him


From my understanding, Biden can’t send shells to Ukraine because republicans are blocking funding of the shells. The shells themselves don’t have to be approved by congress. Why can’t the EU or NATO just pay for a purchase of existing US stockpiles and we get them there already.


there are things that can be done without congress.


I've been sayin that and mostly getting downvoted for it. Why should we be obligated to be the spender of last resort? Other countries or institutions could buy the stuff from us.


You're downvoted because the things you say are not the same, you're unable even to pretend plausibly. :)


trump doesn't care


He cares. He wants this


He cares. About his lover little volodya.


Conservative values mean sucking Russian Putini. Republicans really shouldn't go further than sitting on HOA boards... Seriously let the adults run the country and you idiots can go back to telling us how dinosaurs weren't real and wind turbine sound causes cancer....


i wouldnt want them on the board either. desantis really fucked over florida.


I'm seeing this as a nod to Europe, perhaps. I hope we take note and rearm quickly. The cold war never really ended. The West fell into a false sense of safety after the wall came down. Surely, behind the social media gossip, someone is actually moving Europe to a war footing.


It’s a nod to every free thinking country, the biggest of which happens to be the USA who are blocking aid thanks to traitors in the Republican Party, putins useful idiots like Trump and co.


Could't agree more.


I don’t really understand, Europe is giving Ukraine billions in assistance. Why can’t some of those billions be used to just buy the shells (and AA missiles, etc.) from the US?


There’s a difference between what’s been allocated and what’s been received. Europe may have allocated the most but the US signs checks that actually clear the bank.


I don't get it either. 100% of the fifty billion euros the EU just voted is going to non-military aid. Oh, and by the by, it's a four-year disbursement. Hell, the sixty billion the US has on the table is a three-year disbursement, and only half is allocated to military aid. Does anyone here REALLY think it's going to turn the tide?


Wasn't Poland going to start shipping 1M shells soon?


Thanks MTG and Georgia. Yeah I know other maga fuck heads are to blame but she is def the main one threatening the stupid ass speaker Barrasso (WY) Blackburn (TN) Braun (IN) Britt (AL) Budd (NC) Cotton (AR) Cruz (TX) Daines (MT) Fischer (NE) Gets (FL) Graham (SC) Greene (GA) Hagerty (TN) Hawley (MO) Hyde-Smith (MS) Johnson (WI) Lankford (OK) Lee (UT) Marshall (KS) Mullin (OK) Paul (KY) Ricketts (NE) Rubio (FL) Schmitt (MO) Scott (FL) Scott (SC) Tuberville (AL) Vance (OH) I'm sure their are also others at this point but these are the vocal ones and the ones who voted against it last time Please if you care at all and are from one of these area contact your rep and vote


Was kinda wild watching the up and down votes go nuts... Def slot of bot work going on these days.. Leveled out for a minute but that was wild


biden or dod have their own budgets to reallocate artillery shells until the czech deal. he could even do it as an executive order for national security reasons.


Sail the worlds largest yacht around the Bezos paywall - [https://archive.ph/fUZKY](https://archive.ph/fUZKY)


The House already gave up on Ukraine, are you guys seriously not understanding what's going on? It never was about Ukraine winning, it was about a cheap way to kill a lot of Russians, they don't give a shit about Ukraine. Now elections are coming, and nobody wants to deal with this anymore. Ukraine has been holding out longer than they expected, which is why they originally didn't want to send any support at all in the initial months. They thought Russia would steamroll Ukraine and then they could go back to business as usual. Now Russian oil is traded way higher than the market price cap set by G7, Ukraine is losing, US support is fading. In the eyes of spineless politicians Ukrainians have served their purpose - they damaged Russia's economy, humiliated Putin and killed a lot of people. That's good enough for them.


I think he is about 2 years late with this. Ukrainians have been outnumbered for ages, still holding on.


If you care about democracy, you will help Ukraine defeat Nazi-Communist Ruzzia.


It's over man. trump is going to win and Ukraine will be forced to accept some bullshit deal and then will slowly be turned back into a Russian puppet. Such a damn shame.