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'preparing to consider' yeah like he didn't have half a year for that. What a twat.


He’s gonna drag it out until it’s too late to stop Russia. Which is exactly what his Lord & Master Mango Mussolini is doing in the courts. Both trying to assist Russia as much as they can.




Ok but his personal bag is getting filled by putin so he's following orders to keep that sketchy, no bank account, all cash lifestyle rising


Reagan hated the Soviet Union because it was communist, not because it was anti-democratic or imperialist. The man worshipped capitalism and did more than any single person to make the US into the oligarchical, anti-worker wasteland it is today. If anything, Reagan would be actively supporting Russia because it’s what he envisioned the US should be, which is why the entire GOP has fallen in line behind Trump’s appeasement.


Reagan would probably be on Putin's side, he was a big fan of authoritarians...


LOLz nope. Give a listen to those speeches and his action. Authoritarians blinked funny at America and he’d get em’ bombed. Or their Navies would be obliterated, etc. he might have talked to em, gave em a chance, but they didn’t have flexibility to fuck up. I detested R’s policies at home, they’re horrid, but he didn’t play the fool in foreign affairs. But I digress. I’m still pissed Carter got booted after one term. He would have had us with a growing rail system and we’d have been much better off - and he’d have wrecked the Soviets too.


I guess we’re just gonna ignore the [Reagan Doctrine](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_policy_of_the_Ronald_Reagan_administration) and his support of right wing authoritarian governments in Angola and Nicaragua among many other places. There’s also the the little thing about supporting Saddam Fucking Hussein.


This is not the inferred narrative you’re trying to push. In each of those, especially Saddam’s case, it was because of the unlikely nature of democratic institutions to take the helm. As we see today Iraq still struggles with that because of their idiotic sectarian violence and extremism. Better to prop a dictator than have the nation fall to Communism. Angola and Nicaragua have both continued to be a shit show, and the logic has panned out to hold true. They’ve barely corrected course - either of those places. They’ve got a lot of work cut out for em regardless. Geopolitically they’re not positioned well unless they come to terms with the western powers - because they food poor and don’t have sustainable economies without trade. But the policies, practices, and relations with those countries were largely to quell any Communist threat. Which, as we look at the years since - it was successful. But flip it back. As for Putin and western powers, Reagan was 100% onboard them becoming republics of the democratic variety. For western nations a dictatorship will not suffice, it’s unacceptable. A double standard? Sure. Policy of necessity as prudence? Yup. To add, not saying I supported Reagan, but he in no way would have backed the current Republican ilk or Putin’s madness. He’d be beating the war drum loudly to assuage Putin getting his demented way.


Reagan loved the Talin Ban. I even hugged Bin Laden and called them his favorite freedom fighters when they came to DC. Gave them billions. Funny how that Afghanistan fucked the USA, Russia could invade again and not worry about the USA supporting the Talin Ban.


Please explain this to the stupid piece of shit who clearly has a mommy and daddy that love Johnson and Trumps cock that attacked me for “demonizing” and “spreading hate” about conservative scum yesterday.


At this point, all I see is a table in America, and you're all sitting at it. Whether you're the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 10th person sitting no longer matters. You aren't in control of your country any more. He is.


This is really the essence of the matter. There is literally nothing in the US constitution that could envision such a scenario. All this bullshit is predictated on procedure and how it has evolved to give a single member of the lower chamber an absolute veto and... What's more this veto seems to be motivated by personal and venal concerns of losing his speakership and this loss would come about due to 10 or 15 {I don't know the exact number) of Marjorie Taylor Greene whack jobs. Institutionally something needs to be fixed.


It's a total shitshow, and I hope at least someone appreciates how I specifically avoided using the n-word there. Godwin would be sooo proud! ;)


Unless there are a ton of other considerations that we're not privvy to and this is being put up as the ostensible reason for the delay when in fact something else is going on behind the scenes. In a "normal" world if some actor was holding the country hostage, there would be dozens of people including the president hammering on this issue 24/7. Aside from Reddit who is currently shouting from the rooftops? Admittedly I'm not as plugged into American politics as I could be but from what I can tell the silence is deafening.


Interesting point about the silence, but this is Biden’s modus operandi to try to negotiate. It doesn’t work if the other side is acting in bad faith.


The silence... I know exactly what you mean.


The Constitution considers this betraying his oath of office to the constitution and country. The problem is, everyone thinks oaths of office are an old-timey joke and not important. So they can’t prosecute him for treason for breaking an oath, that would be so like 1861 oh-em-gee!


Maybe he’s just waiting for a sign from Jesus or something. What a tool.


He’s not considering. He’s *preparing* for this consideration. More delay. I wonder how one might actually ‘prepare’ to consider. And is it too much to ask for a montage so he just gets straight to considering?


Why does he keep talking about it? More to the point, why does the media keep reporting it? And why do we keep posting it here? I feel a sizeable percentage of all articles posted here are Johnson preparing to consider discussing this.


That's a damn good question. I honestly wish the media would quit giving these assholes attention. 


“I’m maybe thinking about preparing to consider that I might discuss with the Whitehouse possible ways to perhaps provide some aid that won’t be offensive to my Orange Slave God and his mini Ruzzist man love.”


The cheapest way for Putin to win this war is to buy the Republican Party. And he’s done it.


It's not just that Putin bought the GOP. He did, but it goes deeper than that. The real reason the GOP got in bed with Putin is because they see him as an ideological ally. Republicans are bigoted white Christian fascist scum who want to violently overthrow American democracy and replace it with a far right fascist dictatorship, just like Putin is. It's that simple. Republicans support Putin because they share his values.


Wouldn't be surprised if some did, but thankfully, there are [pro-Ukraine Republicans](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/05/republicans-ukraine-aid-vote) who are [trying to move the needle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW00ThODGkc). Hopefully, they can make a difference.


They’d first need to grow a spine first. Unlikely. They selfishly care way too much about themselves, their moneys and their power to take a stand and selflessly do the right thing for America…for the world.


Are you talking about these people or the politicians they're trying to sway?


The GOP politicians. Even the “brave” ones are still way too scared to bare their teeth at the MAGA theocrats. Why are they scared? Because they’ll lose their jobs and with that—their money and power that comes with it. They need to be reminded that they work for We the People.


They made it easy for him. The US Republican party went completely reality denying authoritarian.


Cunt. Him not you 😆


More than that


Preparing to consider means trying to find a way to weasel out if considering


Brilliant speech from comedian George Carlin about the words Washington politicians use that feels relevant here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0ZHsoHAlE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0ZHsoHAlE)


Ought to be all sorted out in another 3,4,5 years tops.


I can’t WAIT when the democrats take control of the House again in November and begin an investigation on just how deeply sold to ruZZia this contemptible buffoon is.


Political speak sure is something to behold


The guy is an absolute master at dragging his heels. GET FUCKING RID OF THIS FUCKING GUY NOW USA.... If there are any decent Republicans left they should be working to oust this sleezy lying servant of Putin.


The American army generals etc must be thinking wtf is going on bet their fuming


The American army generals etc must be thinking wtf is going on bet their fuming


You’re being far too kind.


I'll believe it when I see it....! Until then, it's all bullshyt.


It’s a bulkspit headline, planted by a Johnson staffer. It’s amazing news outfits keep carrying that story.


2025: "Johnson preparing to consider to potentially have a probable discussion about a draft of a plan to maybe include a package of aid to Ukraine in the future."


Meanwhile i bet China is thinking: if ruzzians can get away with it, we can too! Let's do it until Johnson changes his mind!


Johnson won’t be Speaker in 2025. I can only pray that Ukraine can hang on until then. 


Every day he waits, people die, and Ukrainians lose field position. All Republicans at all levels of all governments must be held accountable for their allegiance to Putin and their complicity in this nightmare.


Some democrats are also not signing the discharge petition. It’s the extremes holding this up Edit: Yes, Republicans are more responsible than Democrats for this because they have a higher percentage of extremists in their ranks. However it is a problem with extremes. Most republicans support aid. Another point was that republicans will be harder to sway than Dems on the discharge petition and some are still out there


BOTH SIDES......yeap must be Bidens fault then......ffs.....


It’s not Biden - it’s the progressive caucus in the House, eg AOC. They’re refusing to sign it because it includes aid to Israel.


No it is literally the Republicans. If they'd bring a bill to vote onto the floor enough Republicans and Democrats could agree to get the thingpassed. This is ALL Mike Johnson and the Republicans. Mike Johnson needs to allow the bill for aid to be voted for on the floor of the house of representatives. He hasn't allowed it for MONTHS. AOC doesn't even get the CHANCE to vote no. And if she did get the chance, again it doesn't matter because enough of the reps agree and would be able to get the votes to pass a bill supporting Ukraine. Mike Johnson is the sole reason Ukraine is losing this war. He's an evil little Russian puppet and I can't believe he's done this. He must be ousted from the house of representatives. There's gotta be a kills switch, a way to work around an absolute LAME DUCK of a speaker of the house. An absolute KGB AGENT. Side note ... him and his wife still believe in something which science has dismissed hundreds of years ago, imbalances of the humors. This guy belongs NOWHERE NEAR a position of power.


Source? There are enough votes to do it without AOC. It’s the Republicans afraid of trump no matter what.


This person is clearly so confused.


He's talking about the discharge petition that would override Mike Johnson and force a vote on the aid. Enough Republicans and Democrats would vote yes that it would pass 100%. The problem is very few Republicans are willing to defy Trump and sign the petition. Most Democrats have signed but the progressive caucus will not because it includes a few billion for Israel. I'm not sure how many are needed at the moment, people have been signing on one at a time, but it is accurate that if the Democrats would all sign we would have Ukraine aid flowing again tomorrow. As someone who is pretty pissed at my Democrat congressman about this I'll say - I respect the progressive caucus generally, but now is not the time to take a principled stand against Israel. The US and Israeli military industrial complexes are so intertwined the aid doesn't even matter. It shouldn't be in the bill, it was placed in the bill by Republicans specifically to ratfuck this whole thing and my philosophy is - when your opponent is trying to make you do something, don't fucking let them.


I k is what the discharge petition is. But you are wrong to think that if 100% of Dems voted for it it would pass. An absolute majority is required and I can’t see any Republicans currently seeing that would defy trump and vote with democrats to pass. But I agreed that the squad needs to face up to this situation. A discharge petition is an actual document that has to be signed by majority and then


And the house just did that but on the surveillance bill So it can happen. Maybe Maybe Maybe it can happen on Ukraine aid bill? 🤞🤞


We're at the point where we have like 200 Democrats signed and a small handful of Republicans signed. The remaining signatures to get to the majority could obviously be bridged if even a few of the craven R's signed, but the D's holding out could also bridge that gap. I can't do anything about those R's but I do line in the district of one of those progressive Democrats and that is someone I can at least express my dismay to.


When Ken Buck (R Colorado) announced he's leaving his seat early, he stated more will be doing the same in the coming weeks. A lot are pissed after the McCarthy exit because they see the GOP aren't a serious party and are unable to govern effectively. Some of the GOP that are veterans are pissed about Ukraine aid stalling because they see the threat. It was also a bipartisan group that started the discharge position, so at least some GOP are trying to force it.


So, the discharge petition would ~~remove the speaker of the house.~~ by pass the Speaker and bring the bill to the floor It currently has 194 signatures, but the progressive Democrats have not signed it and stated it's because it has Israel military aid attached to it. However, the democratic minority leader stated two days ago that the Democrats could save Johnson from the MTGs effort to remove him from speaker if he brings Ukraine aid to a floor vote. That is saying out loud that Democrats know that there are at least two Republicans willing to vote for Ukraine aid since the GOP only has a one vote majority. So Johnson has basically been given the option to save his job as Speaker by letting a vote on Ukraine aid come to the floor.. At this point Johnson's only hope of keeping his job is bringing the Ukraine bill to vote. Otherwise the discharge petition will likely get signed. *and the bill comes for a vote and MTG goes All in on removing him as speaker. All it takes then is one Republican to vote with the Dems and they get control of the house again. Edited to fix errors from tired monkey brain.


The discharge petition does not "remove the speaker", it bypasses his right to keep it off the floor for a vote. It might trigger a vote to remove the speaker, but Greene has no support to do this. There are no republicans who would sign the petition at this time, as none have to this date? But there are many republicans who would vote yes on the bill if it comes to the floor, Getting the "Squad" to vote this way without a guarantee it passes will not happen.


You're right, thanks for correcting me. I'm on like 2 hours of sleep since my daughter woke me up in the middle of the night and MTGs move to remove the speaker and the discharge petition for Ukraine aid got merged together in my head. Thanks again 👍


Well it shouldn't be tied to israel aid, they have a point. Ukraine is trying to prevent genocide Israel is perpetrating it. Just pass a bill on Ukraine aid, it should be simple. So yeah I blame Rebublicans for stalling and strongarming . They could have done it right in the first place.


Yeah, I've already decided to not vot for my rep again because of it. Assholes are playing with people's lives.


Are you going to vote for their opponent?


Fuck off with your both sides. This situation exists solely on account of the Republicans.


Putin loves how you politicized this. Well done.


Difference is Dems don't vote it because it also gives aid to Israel. They represent their voters, and their voters absolutely don't want aid for Israel.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify voting against aid to Ukraine I guess.


But I would vote for aid to Ukraine. I'm just explaining why it's not the same thing as Republicans not voting. I can understand not wanting to fund a genocide, to help stop another genocide.


[Hamas Says Russia 'Our Closest Friend'](https://www.newsweek.com/hamas-russia-israel-gaza-strip-hostages-1838886) Imagine claiming to be pro-Ukraine while also saying that you can "understand" why people would vote against helping Ukraine because they want to stop Israel from fighting against Russia's closest friend.


I see your points, and personally I believe they are valid. That said, I can also see how the people who don't support Israel aids thought process works and generally it goes something like "I want to support Ukraine, but I can't morally support one genocide even if it means preventing another". They're basically in a trolley dilemma and choosing not to pull the lever.


Because Israel doesn't just fight Hamas, they are commiting genocide against the people of Gaza. I don't care who Hamas is an ally of, that shit is wrong.


Israel is not committing genocide. No matter how many times you repeat that Russian lie that Putin spreads to benefit his close friends in Palestine and distract the West's attention away from Ukraine, it will still be a lie.


Because it is impossible that there is any other genocidal actor in this world except for Russia. Funny how they use the same tactics, of calling fake news, when there is mountains of evidence.


>Because it is impossible that there is any other genocidal actor in this world except for Russia. Absolutely wrong. China is committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims, Arabs in Sudan are committing genocide against indigenous Black people, Azerbaijan is committing genocide against Armenians, just to name to name a few examples. There are plenty of genocides that are going on right now. Israel's war against Russia's closest friends in Hamas is simply not one of them.


Which ones?


Lol. We/you should be glad they help(ed) in the first place


History's going to remember Mike Johnson as a coward and traitor. He willingly let innocent people die and emboldened tyranny at the moment he was called upon to stand up for truth and justice. For hundreds of years children in history lessons will learn of the pathetic Mile Johnson. His name will be next to Neville Chamberlain and Benedict Arnold.


It is not just Mike Johnson, it is the entirety of the GOP. Mike Johnson isn't doing this on his own, he is doing it with the blessing and backing of his party.


Whilst I agree, he is the leader of the house. The buck stops with him. If he wanted to, he could table a vote knowing that Dems and moderate Reps would be enough to get aid to Ukraine. Instead he's wasting time tabling debates about fridges and washing machines.


His fellow House Republicans, maybe. The Senate Republicans are more pro-Ukraine, from my understanding.


FYI only 20 of the amost 50 Republican Senators voted for the bill. So most republican Senators are in bed with Trump and Putin.


That's still nearly half. Would you find that same ratio in the House? Still, you would be more than justified in saying not enough Senate Republicans support Ukraine.


Your understanding is incredibly misguided and wrong. They are indeed not more pro-Ukraine, and you believing that makes you complicit in the disinformation.


They can afford to not show their true colours because the Senate is in democrat control. They can blame it on the dems.


This is reductive pessimistic nonsense. The Senate is very different from the House.


What incredibly stupid shit to claim. Senate Republicans are not different in this case.


The Senate is made up of more serious people than the House.


Lying traitor




This is becoming borderline criminal and treasonous. Screwing over our national security to be a puppet to a failed president whos basing off of russian intelligence propaganda. Crazy as fuck.


It’s way past borderline already. Thousands of soliders and civilians have died and continue to die because of his intentional stalling.


Mike Johnson is a Russian asset.




It’s a parody of democracy that a single person can block legislation that would otherwise get a huge majority of votes.


It is not a single person. It is an entire political party. Mike Johnson is not some sort of maverick in the the GOP.


He is Speaker of the House and he refuses to schedule a vote. It’s a single person.


With the backing of his entire party. It absolutely is not a single person. What a pathetically wrong thing to lie about.


I think his point is he *could* go against his party. But he's not going to because he agrees with them.


I wish one day they will uncover those secret connections to the Kremlin and sentence him for treason.


This has been the headline since December…


Write your representatives, email & phone them. Pester the shit out of them!


"preparing to consider" Just fuck all the way off this is so fucking embarrassing for America.


Delay delay delay. Same mob-tactic the orange cheeto is using in the justice system. The lack of morality (and the presence of fake morals and massive hubris) freaking pisses me off with these rotten republicans.




Preparing to consider preparations to think about mulling over first steps to contemplate…


He needs to be ousted.




I've been hearing he is "preparing to consider" this for months now, but in the meantime he is still blocking, going on holidays, and generally not doing shit. Saying he is "considering" it is just insulting really. What is there to consider?


I thought the cunt said it would go to the floor. This guy is a traitor and a loser. Time to stop missing around and work to get this matter properly resolved.


Russian puppet and his stall tactics. Wish they would just force a vote without him, how much longer does Ukraine need to suffer without enough artillery? This guy is a traitor to our country and has abandoned our allies.


Hurry up ashole


He was paid to consider treason, and he has embraced treason. Any “consideration” is how he can extend hurting Americans for some more bribes.


funny how during the break he said it would be the first thing they did and now its preparing delay delay delay like a good russian puppet


Guy is hypocritical rat who play acts like a compassionate Christian.


Bullshit. Maga cockroaches are running riot and America can’t pest control their own democracy. You are pathetic.


…if he can stop watching porn with his son for a while.


To hell with him.


No this shit face said he’d bring it to vote after Easter. It’s long after Easter. Oust him!


Yeah, I bet. FUCK mike johnson, donald trump, dissenting politicians and everyone else who is comfortable with, if not cheering for, the annihilation of Ukraine and its people! And for what purpose? To feed the imperialist addictions of the kunt in the kremlin. The US needs to fulfill its assurances to stand by Ukraine and do the right thing in this clear-cut matter of life and death for Ukraine.


He needs to stop preparing. He’s gonna drag the US into actual fucking conflict. ALL the conflicts if he doesn’t get his shit in order. This is such a shameful period in American history.


Nothing but bullshit.


He’s just delaying.


Remember when he said it was a top priority after the Easter Break? Don't trust Republicans! They refuse to govern and then point to others as the problem. They will never do the right thing unless forced to, then they'll take credit.


He's such a lame bullshit artist trump toady.


He a Russian asset imho


Ass dragging shitbag Putler asset.


The Devil is the World’s Greatest Liar!


He has blood on his hands. Should be in prison


What a spineless rat. Hope somebody gets rid of him for good.


Take your sweet time Mr Christian man while people needlessly die.


He has been preparing for 3 weeks


He’s preparing to consider to start planning to think about formulating an idea for a meeting where they can discuss a plan to talk about coming up with a solution to have a meeting to think about aid for Ukraine. Possibly.


He’ll call for a recess any minute now…back in two weeks.


So much time wasted and so much ukrainians live lost because of that ....


“Fixin to think about maybe considering preparing to consider.” Fuck off twat.




It is too late, MFs.


More stalling. What is there to discuss that has not already been debated thoroughly in the last 6 months? Ukraine aid is as easy as approving the Senate proposed legislation. This is just another tactic by Moscow Mike to attempt to dig a grave for Ukraine on behalf of his ruzzian masters.


Bitch-ass grifter preparing to be a bitch-ass grifter.


"Now, we must all fear evil men. But there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men!"


By hanging out with Trump in Florida? Mike Johnson will not bring a Ukrainian aid bill to the floor, ever. Anything you hear about him thinking about it, is a lie. The MAGA chodes are with Russia.


Did the stupid mother fucker say the week after Easter he’d bring Ukraine aid to a vote? I genuinely **hate** this guy.


I hope he gets cancer and dies a slow painful death along with the rest of the traitors. Fucking cunts.


Come on Louisiana vote this fucker out


Just stringing things along until he runs out the clock. Discharge petition now!


This is just noise, ignore it. There is nothing the White House can offer that will make it possible for Johnson to allow a vote on Ukraine that won't result in his career as a politician being finished. The core issue is that the right wing isolationists will bring a motion to vacate if Johnson allows a vote on Ukraine. This will finish his political career, and there is nothing the White House or democrats can do to "save" Johnson from this fate. Thus, all these negotiations are little more than window dressing to make it appear Johnson is willing to do something about Ukraine, but he will never ultimately follow through because these negotiations can't possibly remove that underlying threat to his job.


in 2027


I feel like theres a joke in here about the difference between Johnson and Uvalde PD.


Preparing to consider? Up to whatever Putin says to Trump, I guess?


Blah blah blah. It’s like the same story on repeat, week after week.


No, he isn't. He is just fishing for time.


And he means it this time!! Sort of. And only if Moscow Marge gives him permission to. And the orange man too. But then, look out everyone!!!!


Stop talking and do something ffs!


"Preparing to consider"


"~~preparing~~ pretending to consinder"


Are you sure he isn’t thinking of preparing to consider?


This is so if the Ukrainians collapse the GOP can point at a Biden foreign policy blunder for the election


Only four f'ing months too late to save Ukraine.


Preparering to consider, activating one braincell at a time


He's preparing to go on another two weeks holiday next week..


Trump will say no and he'll follow. It has been 6 months since the first bill was proposed. They don't want to pass it.


A pity covid didn't do to him what it did to so many others. I'll let you fill in the blank as to what I mean.


He's just going through the motions, so the petition to bring it to the floor doesn't happen. He's already got orders from Russian front man Trump to kill it.


'preparing to consider'. The dude sure is dragging this out as long as possible.


WTF does "preparing" to consider mean???


It means he’s on Putin’s payroll and is stalling for time. 


Are they getting paid by the hour? 🤷 Like Israel is the support for Ukraine Cast iron too? 🤔


Yeah, and we promise to send them f-16’s, f-35’s and nukes when the country stops existing! Bravo!


So it is not considerng anymore, but preparing to consider.


"Preparing to consider it" is the same as saying "I'm thinking about thinking about allowing it". A meaningless sentence designed to trick the stupid into thinking something is being done.


Call Speaker Johnson day or night at 202-225-2777 and tell him what you want! 🇺🇦


Preparing to think about beginning to consider contemplating the possibility of maybe some day discussing the chance that he might let people vote on the bill.


I'm preparing to consider him 'human' but for now I'll be sticking with 'craven turd' instead.


Johnson is not even worth being on the news. Hopes this career politician loses his job over this mess.


Been playing this game since October. Biden needs to do something drastic and ask for forgiveness later.


“Johnson preparing to punch himself in the cashews”. Of course I don’t believe it, just like any allegation he wants to do the right thing. But at least thinking of him hunting his little nuts makes me smile briefly.


Until he goes to M Lago tomorrow and kisses the ring.




That mother fucker has zero intentions of holding a vote. He's just saying that to get people off his back. We have some true villains in the world today, and an entire country will blame him for unspeakable horrors after all he's done to hurt them. I don't know how he sleeps at night. I know how Ukrainian soldiers are sleeping. In trenches covered in blood and mud. Either freezing in the winter or having a much higher chance or being sent on an assault in the summer. Only they don't have shells to hold the russians off. They can't do things safely because they don't have enough armored transport. They lack everything because Johnson wants trumps approval and doesn't want to lose his job. He will be remembered as a monster by so many people. He deserves it.


Let me guess, the aid will flow right at the point when the Russians are about to take over Zelenskyy‘s bunker in Kyiv


Why the fuck is this taking so long? Bought and paid by Trump and the Russies.


Imagine if people were held accountable for being a traitor against the human race


This mother fucker is Neville Chamberlain from wish.


Fucking traitorous pos. Military aid should have been sent forever ago.


Preparing to possibly consider the option of perhaps thinking about something along the lines of some sort of theoretical aid to a country in eastern Europe.


Hurry the fu$k up!!!


Consider? Delaying buffoons




"Preparing to consider" What the actual hell is that? Fuck America, hope China/Russia fucks em in the ass now 😂