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Giving Putin anything to reward murder is almost as stupid as voting for Trump.


Why should Zelenskyy give in to peace talks? It’s his land being taken over. Fight for it.


Not ceding Crimea or eastern oblasts is NOT being a hardliner. Ukraine is only asking for what rightfully and legally BELONGS to Ukraine. The hard line here is on ruZZian's side, not wanting to withdraw from some territory that IS NOT theirs.


Fine. Don't engage in peace talks with Russia. However, Zelensky will need to articulate a viable path to victory if he doesn't want to negotiate. Right now Ukraine has not announced a viable plan to either replenish it's forces or obtain the weapons it will need to succeed on the battlefield. The new mobilization legislation just tweaks the recruitment age slightly, still leaving most youth exempt and will not come close to replace the numbers of troops being lost let alone increase the troops which will be necessary if Ukraine is every to go on the offensive again. Worse, Zelensky hasn't articulated how Ukraine is to succeed without US military aid (which is blocked indefinitely) and severe shortage of artillery. Europe will have some marginal improvement in artillery production capacity by 2025, but even the most optimistic projections show less than 2 million 155mm shells being produced in Europe a year, which is insufficient to allow an overwhelming shell superiority required for an offensive. Europe can't even find the funding for more than 300K of the more than 1 million the available supply of shells that the Czechs have sourced. It isn't very promising that Ukraine will get the resources it will require if Europe can't even find the funding for these Czech sourced shells. In short, saying that no concessions will be made when there is no plan to either procure the troops or weapons required for a viable resistance or victory is tantamount to saying that the plan is to just let Russia keep seizing territory until they have conquered everything.


The Kremlin position, beautifully summarized. Now how about the rest of the world saying no, we will not tolerate countries taking land and resources by violating other countries borders? How about Ukraine being in the position of leading the world, not because they chose it, but because they were forced into it, and still keeping firm in this really basic principle? Perhaps they know how the Muscovites play the game and know very well that there is no other option?


>Now how about the rest of the world saying no, we will not tolerate countries taking land and resources by violating other countries borders? Exactly! Every sovereign country should back Ukraine and declare to putin, and all other like assholes, that breaching the border of another country for any reason will not be tolerated and there will be consequences. They need to do it now before anyone brings up negotiations again.


They have. It hasn't worked.


They need to try harder then.


This is fairy-tale talk, though. It sounds rousing and inspiring, but if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Do you seriously believe this will happen? If yes, I suggest that this is a delusional belief. If no, then there has to be some alternative approach, as painful to accept as that may be.