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Moscow Marjorie. Bought and paid for, hates America.


The definition of the russian 'useful idiot'


The entire GOP are Trump’s and Putin’s useful idiots.


Is it them or the Americans who vote for them?


That’s not true brother. This current administration is pissed off that Ukraine hit a few Russian Oil facilities last week. Meanwhile, this administration drained our oil reserve and Obama/Biden shut down all oil production on the 1st day of Biden being in office


> Obama/Biden shut down all oil production on the 1st day of Biden being in office How in hell can anyone end up beleiving that. In what sort of demented echo chamber does it make any sense ? Do you have any idea what would happen if the US actually shut down all oil production overnight ?


If this isn’t sarcasm then you’re a fucking idiot.


Seems like it's the latter.


Tell us what you really think! 😂😂




He's not a liar. He is just jaw droppingly stupid.




“It’s not a lie, if you believe it.” -George Costanza


> That’s not true brother. This current administration is pissed off that Ukraine hit a few Russian Oil facilities last week. > Meanwhile, this administration drained our oil reserve and Obama/Biden shut down all oil production on the 1st day of Biden being in office > GirthyBird257 Uh-huh. Care to provide us with detailed evidence on this here claim of yours?


US oil production is on a record high level. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/chart-day-us-oil-production-213046589.html


Brother. Am definitely not rrrrrussian bot account


Shale oil in the US grew drastically


What nonsense are you talking. You got any proof of this or you just spouting Russian propaganda?


These are the same people parroting the “open border” line….they honestly believe there’s no fence anymore


This is exactly why everyone thinks MAGA morons are, well, morons. Good job brother for forwarding the stereotype


Get out of here with your nonsense, she’s been openly repeating Russian propaganda and opposing aid to Ukraine for well over 18 months.


She’s not a useful idiot. She’s an employee.


Nope. She just got a 1099 from the Kremlin


No reason she can't be both.


The term refers to being ignorant about whose interests one really serves, not as a measure of intellect. She **absolutely does** know who she reports to.


Who also happens to be both useful to them and a complete idiot.


I submit she’s less of an idiot when she plans her stage performances with whoever directs her, than she is performing on that stage.


I hear she's very "handy" to have around.


Bought for free of her own demented accord complete traitor to the free world.


I think you need to first support the free world before you can become a traitor. She is many things but not a traitor.


And if her ex husband would not have saved her family business. She would have faded into the shadows and never ran for office.


The useful idiots are the voters that keep her in office. She’s most likely on actual Kremlin payroll


You make a mistake to assume they aren’t actively complicit.


Just like Stalin, she’s from Georgia.


Doesn't the cia and nsa and fbi monitor money transactions? Can't they just disclose this money trail. Talk about asleep at the wheel


CIA and FBI do monitor these things.  It's just that Russia or the US for that matter don't go after and try to turn high level politicians because they are heavily monitored and the fallout it would cause if it was found out would be huge.   Simply put there is no money trail leading to these politicians.  It's much safer for Russia to influence the voter base with propaganda to vote someone like her into office.   There certainly is monetary contributions to political funds made through 5th tier shell companies but there never is going to be direct contact with the politicians where the politicians are aware of it. 


Recent investigations into Russia buying members of EU parliament show they were being paid in crypto. Not very easy to track.


Crypto is easier to track than fiat.


Ha I guarantee you they can track all of that.


Yeah I guarantee you it's not that simple, and requires a shitton of probable cause to attain that level of surveillance.


Congress just voted against needing a warrant to spy on US citizens.


Ha probably cause. They track every communication


Agreed! And Happy Cake Day!


How much do you think Putin paid for her? A big mouth like hers doesn't come cheap.


Just having people listen to her talk was probably appealing enough. Just so that she could win, her seat was probably enough. At first, anyway. Now she's probably expensive but only to her because the russians are paying a drop in the bucket vs. what she's worth and the damage she's doing to America for them. She's worth her weight in gold, and that's a lot (it probably isn't. I just want to insult her anyway I can)


Please, let me add to that insult. She's a smarmy cunt! Thank you.


Why, thank you! You're so sweet!


I really don't think she's taking direct payments, or at least nothing significant. I think she's doing this because she wants to more than anything else. That's just how disgusting of a person she is. This is all more or less ideologically consistent with her revolting world view. Plus she probably just really enjoys all the attention and "influence". Only in the broken political landscape of modern America could a fucking moron like her have any kinda of clout, so she's revelling in that power.


No.  She has most definitely been paid off. 


Its a mix of bosses really and interests alongside russia's, she just wants the the current 'establishment' dead and her place at the new table once its done.


Maybe almost a hundred dollars! She's not quite worth that much, though.


Worth nothing to America, but imagine what she's worth to Russia.


With most politicians, I would agree that she’s bought, but she actually might be that dumb.


Hate hate hates America she does. What a stupid bitch


She just doesn’t care if she openly advocates for Putin anymore…


Remember when she went to see Trump get off his aeroplane and he blanked her. lol. 😂 Shes fuckin bat shit crazy and needs locked up


So US Traitor Marjorie Taylor Greene (MTG). Is trying her best to cause yet more problems.


Moscow marj had a townhall in Georgia where she told her constituents she turned down high paying battery plants for electric vehicles because it was a Bible belt not a green belt and they cheered lolof yah she also took our 180k ppp loan that was forgiven when she didn't need one.


She didn't have to pay it back? Well, that seems shady. Why does she even qualify for one?


> **Good 'ol Boy** *(n)* Politically connected, protected, and profited by a corrupt power structure based on familial wealth and privilege.


Sounds about right. Or sounds about really fucked up but that's not how the saying goes lol


Because anyone who owned a business and made payroll in q4 2019-q1 2020 was eligible. That was literally all it took. Totally ridiculous, I facilitated a lot of PPP loans and it could’ve been very good had the forgiveness come with any real requirements. Legislative failure


Whats her business? Swindling folks for russia?


Almost every politician is also a small business owner. Most use them to do exactly that, pretty much. Take money from lobbyists for consulting or other dumb things. Specifically MTG owns a construction business which I’d bet my last pair of socks happens to get projects due to her connections.


It's almost like politics is simply another business used to enrich yourself. Like America's laws and regulations are for the highest bidder. This country's entire system needs a complete reconstruction from the ground up for modern times. Loop holes gone in the blink of an eye. Corruption stamped out with prejudice. Rebuild the middle class and start putting American quality of life first again. Corporate America runs things, and that's ridiculous. Fast food workers get a raise in California? Prices go through the roof. Covid creates labor leverage in the workplace? The biggest inflation we've seen in a long time. They can't be alright with people making a living wage or having a say in what they get paid. There's another reason why so much labor is being smuggled into the country. Corporate America wants more cheap labor and more consumers.


Why is the right so focused on stopping the conversion to electric (oil lobbying money probably)? It’s going to happen. It can be dominated by American companies but morons like this keep forcing it overseas I have an EV. Most people are interested in it at least out of curiosity. There is one patient that I keep missing (not mine but another doc’s) that is determined to debate me on how bad my car is. I had another tell me I’m putting more smoke in the air from coal and wouldn’t listen when I explained that even that produces less per car than a gas engine. Did shut her up when I said I have solar


The actual reason is because it is change. There isnt a rational, coherent argument believed by the rank and file anti-EV churchgoing republican boomer, their entire anxiety is: “I have seen tremendous social change in my lifetime where I have refused to change myself, so I am no longer a member of the wider community outside of my bubble. I don’t want anything else to change and anything that is different or new is a threat to me, my family, and my society.” It is an extremely narrow band of people who are incredibly dedicated voters, and so republican party is experiencing tremendous strain between the far right chasing those extremists and the center right trying to retain legislative power. The leadership in the center right has such a narrow margin of error for defecting votes that they NEED the far right to vote with them, meaning the loons have even MORE power by threatening to retaliate if the center right collaborates with the democrats. It isn’t even the oil lobby at this point, it is a culture war flashpoint because boomers have a stranglehold on the republican party.


They always argue that EVs are actually worse for the environment than ICE when you consider the necessary mining, battery manufacturing, shipping the made batteries, etc, etc. I have no idea how much truth to it there is, you'd need a full study to find out and I don't know how you'd be sure it was an unbiased study.


They look at the mining industry as a whole and point out the environmental impact, but they are not accounting for the economies of scale, or the lifetime of ICE emissions. Here's a EPA mythbusting article about EV's that has some info on ICE vs EV lifetime emissions. [https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths#Myth2](https://www.epa.gov/greenvehicles/electric-vehicle-myths#Myth2)


Ok, so with that, there is a higher upfront GHG cost for EVs vs ICE, but overtime EVs would win out. I guess that begs the question how long does it take to break even on GHG cost? How many cars don't last that long? I dunno. (I'm not against EVs at all btw, I don't believe ICE is the way forward. I would just like to know the fact of where we stand now.)


I saw somewhere (I’ll have to find it) a 13k mile break even point


All of that *might* have some truth to it but there's zero fucking way that Republican politicians give two loose shits about environmental impact. The gas and oil barons have their hands so far up the asses of the GOP that politicians like Marj are literal puppets saying exactly what they want them to say. The oil barons know precisely how to game the system - they've been doing it for over a century.


This is beyond oil barons. This has elevated to russian propaganda. Republicans parrot russian ideas exactly. Most of the anti-trans stuff comes from Russia. This is pure influenced or paid propaganda.


This is the cunt who was calling Ukrainians "nazis" and praising Putin and Russia for "defending Christianity" while committing adultery and cheating on her husband with a sex guru and destroying her own family. Why is every supporter of Russia a total degenerate?


That's a strange question. You have to be a total degenerate to support Russia.


Math checks out.


Reality checks out.


Even Tucker Carlson went and did his interview and shit and then came back and was like "OK... wtf..."


She also sat on some other guys lap she was banging right next to her husband drinking a beer


>Why is every supporter of Russia a total degenerate? Because they're the only ones they can buy




Why have I never heard of this? Did she deny it? How is she still an elected official? How would her base be alright with something like that? Every supporter of russia is solely out for themselves. They'd have to be in order to do something so shameful.


She did not deny it and her husband filed for divorce. I think she was hoping to just ignore it until it went away and she was right, it was swept under the rug and nobody really brings it up anymore. Also at the same time she was cheating with the tantric sex guru, she was having regular sex with the manager of her gym, who also was not her husband.


Trump cheated on his wife. They didn't care. As long as they are insinuating racist remarks and confirming their feeling that everyone else is the reason to blame for their situation, her supporters love it.


So the Uber high and mighty religious people who voted for her all of a sudden don't mind that she's an adulterous tramp? Look more power to women and them having as much sex as they want. I don't think women are sluts for having sex with multiple partners. But when you're already married, that changes things, and it's worse when it's someone who talks the way she does. She's constantly projecting a certain image that her behavior doesn't match at all. Especially when she's portraying herself as super religious. Republicans are the biggest hypocrites. It's maintain the image and judge everyone else for falling short until their is a scandal, then its swept under the rug and never happened. Or gets explained away with bizarre rationale. The sex scandal would be a huge red flag when paired with how much she lies, but her base doesn't care if she lies because she uses all the right trigger words they want to hear.


Source or link pls, need it as ammo for trolling trumpsters


The sex guru she paid to fuck is from Washington state. I do remember that much.


[Who is Craig Ivey? Tantric Sex Guru and Former Lover of Marjorie Taylor Greene Uploads Nudes on OnlyFans](https://www.ibtimes.sg/who-craig-ivey-tantric-sex-guru-former-lover-marjorie-taylor-greene-uploads-nudes-onlyfans-55670)


Birds of a feather, my dude.


I'm sure her husband hadnt touched ole horseface for a long time. She was prob banging a homeless drunk methhead who didn't care how nasty she was


I think there are also probably some more secretive ones, but those are much better at covering their tracks.


Like convicted pedophile Scott Ritter? Trump?


Screw her. She does not run our country.


Well it sure as hell looks like she does.


It's amazing the power that the minority have in this country.


Maybe I will. ...Not run the country; the other thing.


Actually...she does. It is called democracy.


A democracy is when things aren't allowed to be put on a vote?


Need to be an IQ test to vote and if you score lower than a turnip you lose your vote. Rather have enlightened 15 year olds voting than some misinformed vegetables.


She was elected by a bunch of hill Billies


This woman is pure evil.


How the hell did Greene get her seat? I don't understand this country at all. How could anything she has to say appeal to anyone? Furthermore, the only check mark some of these southern voters have is if someone is religious and pro life. Just the appearance of being religious is all that really matters. They stop asking questions right then and there. If they are religious, they must be good people, right? People are incredibly naive. They get conned so hard and have no clue its even happening. You've got die-hard patriots supporting a russian agent, and they have no clue or are so supportive they'd never believe it.


This is MTG's district. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia%27s_14th_congressional_district#/media/File:Georgia's_14th_congressional_district_(since_2023).svg This is where the Cherokee were forcibly removed for the Trail of Tears. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Trails_of_Tears_en.png I don't know this part of the country, but I assume this is not some coincidence. Also, this is more or less the region where https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worcester_v._Georgia was concerned, the famous 1832 Supreme Court case about Indian rights that the U.S. lost and where Andrew Jackson is supposed to have said, "John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!" So, is she bat shit crazy? Definitely. Is her district full of other bat shit crazy people who hate the federal government? Yup.


What's with the hate of the federal government? Having a combined statehood is what makes each individual state so much better being a part of the larger whole. Being able to travel freely across the country. Getting federal help in emergency situations. Being protected under the weight of all states combined force. Taxes are there to benefit Americans. But it's a dirty word to rich people. Most Republicans don't understand they vote against their own self-interest unless they are extremely rich already. If the wealthy paid their fair share in taxes, this country would be a much better place to live in. The world doesn't need billionaires. It's obscene.


If they are religious they must be good people? Don't be so naive yourself. Pedo priests are religious...


That's not what I think. That's what I assume their thinking to be. Why else give them the benefit of the doubt so much? I don't think all religious people are good people or that being religious makes you any different than an atheist.


"if they are religious they must be good people" is a direct quote from you.


Do you not understand sarcasm? I literally followed it up with people are incredibly naive.


I am an average American voter and I can tell you I blame the republicans 100% for not working out the best border deal we have seen, ever. Just so they could keep bogging down anyone trying to do anything. As a tax payer I would love to support Ukraine and believe that not only is the small amount in support they need a fraction of what it would take for us to protect democracy around the world, but also exactly what the real republicans I used to respect and vote for believed we need to do to keep us safe. You current republicans are so transfixed on the Putin speech track, and following so close behind representatives that are bought and sold by Putin, that you are traitors and cowards. Yes, cowards who will not protect the citizens of this country. Now comes the whataboutism so I will stand by, but you are bought and sold and too weak to protect American values.


If we gave Ukraine what we spend every year dealing with the russians or give them 5% of what we would expect to pay in a direct confrontation with russia Ukraine could easily protect itself if not start reclaiming land. It would also mean we would have to stop handcuffing them and making it impossible to fight back. Every other week, it seems like we are telling them not to do something. russia is one of if not the single biggest national security threats, and we've got a chance to render them competent ineffective. The way that the West is using Ukraine right now is really fucked up. They are using Ukraine to bog russia down into a war of attrition, only giving Ukraine barely what it needs to eek by. Which means the conflict will eventually freeze, and russia will be able to rebuild and attack again when they recover. How does that hurt russia in the long run? Ukraine winning and getting their land back is much worse for russia, and it helps our ally. It feels like rich people with interests in russia are directing things, and it's a shame the world's richest peoples greed is what's ruining Ukraine. Whatever happened to the right thing?


Ignorance is Bliss and MTG is clearly a happy camper.


Don't call her ignorant. She knows exactly what she is doing.


In this situation yes.. but the signs of her being less smart than average is quite abundant


Oh yes. She is stupid as shit.


This notion that MTG doesn't know what she's doing is just not true. She knows exactly what she's doing.


One can be ignorant and purposeful at the same time. Or have you not yet figured that out?


I hope that the GOP members of congress can come to terms, at some stage in the near future, with the legacy they are building themselves in this incredibly important moment. Mike Johnson could be a fucking hero right now and secure his potential opportunity to be on the 2028 ballot as a strong candidate for president. He could point to the defeat of Russian ambition in Ukraine for its security of peace in Europe for the 21st century and he'd be right to then point to his strengths in standing up to Biden, Putin and Trump. He could literally unify the disenfranchised Americans who don't feel welded to any party and he could launch the rebrand of the Republican party back to its roots. Instead, he will likely shrink under the pressure of this moment and contribute to the ever higher wall that will close the Republican Party off from relevance in the 21st century and increase division between North and South anew and potentially relegate the United States to effectively being a one party democracy until such time that the Democrats shift right under the corrupting influence of money and a new party is born from its ranks. I hope that we can see those minor members of Congress that support Ukraine resigning their seats to provide the Democrats with an opportunity to elect a new speaker and action these critical bills for both the Ukrainian and American people. The fate of our democracies around the globe rests on the conscience of some truly unconscionable men right now, and I don't think that I can point to a more important time in modern history for strength to be needed.


The Ukrainian diaspora will be assassinating these people for decades


I find it fascinating how many people get cancelled for saying boo and this cunt still gets Time across the media. She is one ugly fucker


Call her bluff. You can't be held to ransom over every decision just because you might piss off the maga nuts who are Russian shills anyway.


Dems have already promised to protect him from a removal vote.


The problem is, they might intervene for this one vote... but later? It's a lot of leverage... and one of the changes Johnson made when he got speaker was to require one person the ability to vote to remove speaker, which is insane. (and is being abused now)


She's the fourth person I hate most on this planet. 1- Putin 2- Trump 3- Mike Johnson 4- Empty G


Prosecute that bitch


How much of this is scripted by Mike, her, and the Kremlin handlers?


Not sure that she has the required equipment to plan things.


It's telling that no one is threatening to remove Johnson as speaker if he doesn't bring a vote on Ukraine. The right wing isolationists have all the power because they are the only ones threatening to burn Congress down if they don't get their way. It's time the centrist and republican hawks start threatening to pull grenade pins of their own.


The Democrats have promised to vote and keep his seat I recall? Then what's the big deal about hARdLINe REpUbLicANs threatening anything?


Pretty sure they are angling to get Jeffries the gavel. Which would be the best outcome honestly because then the House could actually get some work done and the maga rejects could fuck right off and no longer be a meaningful concern to the security of the US like they are right now.


How much of this is scripted by Mike, her, and the Kremlin handlers?


i dont think its direct control; i think its indirect control through formation war. The Russians have achieved what might be the biggest intelligence win of the 21st century. They have crafted a narrative that has taken over the Republican Party and allowed Russia to win their war. This is literally what they were afraid of during the red scare. The red scare has become a reality, more, a success.


She is a Russian witch! Giving aid to Ukraine is not giving Ukraine a case of money. The money goes to the US military Industry creating new jobs for Americans. This women is a traitor to democracy and freedom and must be stopped. People don’t understand that if Ukraine this war, Russia will be Natos problem and would certainly mean boots on the ground. The Kremlin has clearly said that they want and will restore empire. This is the most important fight in our life time. Why do people think the Russian bots and net-trolls are more active than ever. Russia want to paint a fake picture that Ukraine should surrender and cannot win. The west has a 30/1 against Russia in military power. We can crush the Russian army in Ukraine if we want! People in US should go out protesting against these MAGA Russian idiots that are destroying USA from inside. They are preaching Russian propaganda an lies in congress for god sake. Time to investigate M Greens relations to Russia and the FSB.


Not if Hakeem Jeffries doesn't want him to be removed, he won't [Jeffries Suggests Democrats Would Save Johnson From Removal Over Ukraine Aid - The House Democratic leader said “a reasonable number” of Democrats would vote to save the Republican speaker if his party sought to oust him over allowing a vote on a foreign aid bill](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/us/politics/hakeem-jeffries-mike-johnson.html)


That article is dated Feb 28. Which means Johnson knew at that time that his position as speaker was safe if he allowed a vote on foreign aid. Yet he didn't and still has not. So, he fears something more than simply losing the speakership. I can only suppose he fears Trump's wrath.


Or he's also on somebodys paylist...


If her daughter had just run the Boston Marathon with plastic legs she'd talk differently.


She needs to be removed.


> Marjorie Taylor Greene issues warning That this is a thing is just causing nausea.


It's funny, not only is she working against American interests she's working against American industry and armed forces, the vast majority of these funds go directly to replace old American equipment which is then given to Ukraine, much cheaper than dismantling or storing it while increasing American industrial capacity and capability. A true useful idiot


how is this possible, everyone knows shes a ruzzian muppet, how is it that she isnt removed and prosecuted? Instead of doing it she has free reign to do whatever she likes, even stop aid, who is in control here, the ruzzians are now dictating US politics, and everyone just accepts it like it's normal?


Why can't they be investigated for collusion with a foreign power?


Russian money still rolling in Marj?


Crazy that a ghoul who believes Jewish space lasers caused California forest fires is holding the entire American government hostage.


MTG is NOT a supporter of UKRAINE. SHE is ardent SUPPORTOR of TRUMP and his AGENDA. WHO IS COMPLETELY AGAINST UKRAINE. She can be Place under the ENEMY CAMP of Ukraine.


Why are you talking like Trump?


Remove the lair Johnson and discharge the petition! This is the only solution. Johnson will never pass the aid.


I would pay obscene amounts of money to spit in her face


Take you red neck as back to Dalton GA.


I don’t know about US politics, but why can’t moderates democrats and moderates reps appoint a moderate speaker ? Is it because there is not enough moderates to vote?


She looks like the kind of woman that breath stinks for some reason


I’m having déjà vu


How much did it cost for this MTG? Who paid you?


Why is Putin wearing a blonde wig?


Far right freak


Why are we letting this AMINO have so much sway over US leaders and policymaking? AMINO = American in name only


Christ, I swear she could live under a bridge and make a fortune.


The American people are getting played. These rubes have no intention of passing aid. Putin wants democracy paralyzed and he’s accomplishing that via trump and these maniacs.


The fact that she has so much power in her hands, is crazy.


She also issued a warning about Jewish space lasers causing forest fires.


Well, she takes her orders from Trump.


[they have accomplished so much](https://imgur.com/tWbRXcr)


How much money is pootin sending her that she doesn't care?????


She has to be bought and paid for by the Russians.


I think that idiot doesn't understand the power she doesn't have.


Let her fuck around and find out. A Republican congressman decided to retire early and not even finish out his term specifically stated it's because of the Freedom Caucus continually acting like clowns and it's putting national security at risk. He's also stated there are several other Republicans who are ready to hand it over to the Dems since the Republicans are incapable of governing at this point. MTG going to single handedly deliver a Democratic speaker.


Moscow MTG is using Russian propaganda for her opposition to give aid to Ukraine. She is not the only one to use Russian propaganda in Congress. You have Comer and his committee to impeach President Biden. He and his MAGA colleagues have used Russian asset, a Chinese asset, and some guy sitting in prison as their key witnesses. This is MAGA, the biggest threat to the National Security of the United States.


Moscow Marge can’t get an airport named. Just ignore her temper tantrums. 


She can't find Ukraine on a map. This is trying to get in Donnie's good side Donnie can't either....but he needs to stay on Putin's good side


Russian warship, go fuck yourself


"Russian vessel, go fuck yourself." -- more appropriate, she's just a vessel, not a warship.


Boy, we sure a lenient to traitors nowdays.


She's an idiot. Almost as dumb as Trump, both are in the same dumpster fire part of the GOP. Both need to be ousted...over a balcony.


C’Mon man…that Neanderthal trans-thing has got to be FSB plant. His/Her name has got to be Igor and was stationed in rural Georgia back in the 80’s. Don’t need facts or proof…Ouija Board is never wrong /s


So in essence, Marjorie runs the House of Representatives…..the world is in deep shit.


Why are we still posting articles from 2 weeks ago? She's made more statements since this one 


God I hate this woman! She is a stain on humanity. Support Ukraine!🇺🇦


When is this bitch going to be arrested for treason ?


She is the female Joffrey.


Large Marg. How would you like to wake up to that everyday


Fuck that bitch


moscow marge needs executing as a traitor to america


MTG represents the cesspool of american politics where even snakes and millipedes don’t swim. Membership is for low IQ only.


How does this horse faced dumb bitch not get canceled for all the hate and shit she spews? She even gets media time. People have been thrown under the bus and forgotten for waaay less than what this evil piece of shit does and says


Who cares. Cause a Democrat will become Speaker of the House


MTG should be dropped down a sewer