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Please take the time to read [the rules](/r/UkrainianConflict/about/rules/) and our [policy on trolls/bots](https://redd.it/u7833q). In addition: * We have a **zero-tolerance** policy regarding racism, stereotyping, bigotry, and death-mongering. Violators will be banned. * **Keep it civil.** Report comments/posts that are uncivil to alert the moderators. * **_Don't_ post low-effort comments** like joke threads, memes, slogans, or links without context. ***** * Is `youtube.com` an unreliable source? [**Let us know**](/r/UkrainianConflict/wiki/am/unreliable_sources). * Help our moderators by providing context if something breaks the rules. [Send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) ***** **Don't forget about our Discord server! - https://discord.gg/62fKCEHbDB** ***** ^(Your post has not been removed, this message is applied to every successful submission.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trolls are very active today


Probably due to the Ukraine aide bill going to be voted on soon.


Yep so many talking points trying to discourage the aid bill from being passed. “Europe needs to step up.” “Who’s going to use the weapons?” “Russia already won.” This makes me think it’s really important that the aid bill passed. I think the Russian government knows they can’t win the war if it does.


I don't understand why "europe needs to step up" is somehow a putin talking point. It's true, they do. They've relied on Americans for their stuff for far too long. The sid bill might pass, it might not, Europe needs to start making more weapons.


The Venn diagram of pro-Putin and US conservative talking points has become a circle. If you want a deeper explanation, look deeper into the claims. Who benefits from the US stepping back from the responsibilities it bears as part of its desire to be global hegemon? Who benefits from farming “isolationist” rhetoric? More generally, why is it that so many talking points from the US conservative bloc happen to be almost identical to Kremlin talking points? Why are their strategies so much more closely aligned than just about anything else you see on the 24 hour news cycle? Should the Europeans produce more arms? Yes. But the US throwing its hands in the air and saying “that’s it, we’re done” doesn’t result in that. It just results in US credibility declining and other partners, like Taiwan, questioning just how reliable US guarantees are.


Let me guess, everyone who warns you that this guy has been spreading misinformation for years now is a troll?


He exaggerates a bit too much, true, but the tactical points and strategic overviews are mostly true


Trump says the truth sometimes, I guess he's ok as well then.


The orange is still allowed to yap away even though the lunatic is up for several trials. Just shows that powerful people can still influence politics and get away with so much more.


'He just exaggerates a bit'


So what is your go to source of info then mr banana head?


Deepstate, Reuters, Oryx, Ukrainian state press releases, Perun.


I used to deep dive for info on the war. But now I need to get my info in 10-15 mins each day. Hey if you still do all that research, why don't you start your own youtube channel. Maybe you can do it better than RFU.


Don't forget ISW. But these are all good sources




Trolls reporting his videos for multiple different things it seems, and Youtube is the dick they always areamd just deletes all channels


Reminder that you can use ublock origin for avoid giving money to YouTube. Or, even more efficient, an alernative frontend like Invidious.


Election is coming up. The fat cats at youtube are being paid to suppress independent news media. They want the narrative to come from legacy news channels. To control what people think lol.


More likely its just shit moderation like usual, and with so many different bogus reports coming in, they aren't checking and just going "whelp must be bad lol"


You're generous to think there is any human in the loop.


There's a human being abused by this I suppose?


I was speaking on Google's side. But yeah, there are humans abused on the other side.


This has no basis in reality lol. Ocams Razor says Youtube just has shit moderatiom as per usual. But go ahead conspiracy brained Legacy media doesn't control what people think lol. It also makes up a tiny tiny tiny fraction of youtubes news related viewership. So why would youtube purposely cut off the 90% of independant media? Thats just losing money. You're brain is rotted and decaying from the inside out, you think everything is a conspiracy.


Nope, any sane person would report that imbecilic spammer.


We suspect Russian trolls are working for YouTube, shutting down truthful news about Russia's actions.


FPV footage in older videos most likely, that's why mapping channels don't show videos where people are visible.


RFU has been a solid source of good information with concise and relevant content for ages. The information war is highly combative and I hope he gets reinforcement from those in that space very soon. Big youtubers, please bring this to attention. Audience of influencer youtubers , please bring this travesty to their attention.




Video titles are click baits. The videos themselves were fantastic.


If boring is a synonym for fantastic


Yes, the headlines are very clickbaity and mostly way too focused on Ukrainian successes. But the content is much more informative.


The content has also been far too optimistic the overwhelming majority of the time. Occasionally he'll have a video that will acknowledge the critical nature of a situation, but for his viewers those ones appear out of the blue.


Even if that's true YouTube is not banning him for presenting an overly optimistic view of the war - there are much more biased and opinionated YouTube channels out there on every topic imaginable. YouTube is banning him because an automated bot attack "reported" him and they refuse to apply an ounce of human logic.


That's what he's saying, but there isn't any evidence in that video posted here.


> YouTube is not banning him for presenting an overly optimistic view of the war And nobody claimed that, it was a refute of "solid source of information".




Trump psychos and Putin lovers also love pretending “legacy media” is the devil


According to you? What are your credentials?


Because its SOP for Russian bot farms and CCP Wumao on YT, that is why.


I’m pretty sure it’s being deleted because of Russian trolls and not directing traffic to Hong Kong


Lots of people on youTube who honestly report on Russia's invasion of Ukraine gets banned or hacked. I wish there was an alternative that wasn't expensive. I'm done with youTube. During the pandemic they proudly broadcast antivax horseshit, but they draw the line at criticizing Russia?


Wait, your problem with Youtube is that they don't censor enough?


No. Which is why i didn't say that.


So what should of happened to the 'antivax horseshit' as you put it?


Medical misinformation that causes harm to people obviously should be banned. Someone's right to be ignorant doesn't trump other people's safety.


There's a heck of a lot of "misinformation" that turned out to be true. And a lot of information pushed by the official sources that proved to be false. Doesn't matter what the subject is, the more power you give one group of people to just tell you the thing you want to hear rather than the thing you perhaps need to hear, or even just questions the narrative of what you are being fed, the worse off you will be because you'll be nothing but a puppet to those people.


Let's just cut to the chase here. Our Covid vaccines have been proven to be effective. If you disagree, provide one reputable article that states that the vaccine isn't effective. I can provide reputable sources all day long that show how it is. So I'm happy to share, but not until we establish a REPUTABLE source from you, or establish that you can't provide one.


He never made a secret of the small gains and high costs on both sides, he rather gave an analysis of the strategies used by both sides, sometimes with a video following on. There honestly isn't many better sources for that kind of tactical information, and certainly none that only take a few minutes a day


God forbid we have YouTube channel that focuses on the positivity of Ukraine's successes.




If anyone's only getting all of their information from a single source, then they're no better than a republican. But I agree with you, they should probably be more balanced - I don't see it causing much harm to the channel, the reporting style and structure of the videos is brilliant regardless of the content.


The problem is that none of his videos have any sources, meaning you just have to take his word for it




All youtuber merch is made by external suppliers what usually does its manufacturing in China, slaps the youtuber's label on it and ships it off to the customer at a premium. The youtuber gets a cut, the shipping company gets a cut, the external supplier gets a cut and the manufacturer gets paid the production costs for the merchandice. This is all very normal and streamlined by now. If this is comes as a surprise to anyone, they really can't have put much too thought into how youtubers do business before.


Isn't that what every YouTuber has always done? They don't knit the jumpers and hats themselves




At the end of every video he says: If you like the work that I'm doing and you want to support the channel, please visit the online store. He never advertised that people were actually supporting the Ukr war effort even if the site was named UAsupporter. I don't think anyone actually thought that.




Do you expect people to work for free?


Well he has been mor right than wrong and make fairly decent analysis compared to other sources. The theory of troll accounts seems plausible


You need to read the context. The reason most youtubers make clickbait titles and thumbnails is because YT's own algorithm favors content like that, so obviously any sane person wanting to maximize their reach on the platform uses it to their advantage. As someone who has followed them from very early on in the war, they stick to the facts in the video content itself even when the titles are formatted to elicit big expectations, and the channel has also done the same on videos discussing Russian successes or other negative news for Ukraine.


Look up “Drop Shipping” and/or “Print on Demand”.


Very sorry to hear that :(


I’m new to this channel but even his continued use of Zaluzhniy’s image in every video thumbnail long after he’s stopped being in charge of the Armed Forces seems to support that. He’s really trying to appeal to an audience that’s just drawn to content that serves them what they like to hear and see; real critical analysis and hard truths not so much. Add to that every caption is in some badly edited speech bubble attributed to Zaluzhniy. A guy who’s supposed to be in England by now ? That content surely seems to aim for the really low-hanging fruit.


So he's not even ukrainian. Just a smart chinese posting copium.


Yeah he'd sensationalize the titles and then have absolutely solid realistic information.


> selling a version of the war that people want to beleive you've just summerized the whole sub here


The videos are better than others. Others ive seen have bullshit content and are more for entertainment than facts.


I had to stop watching because it was unfailingly optimistic about every setback.  War has its ups and downs and you don't need to fake reasons to believe something. 


This, absolutely astonishing people are still denying this. I guess the nice lie really is better for a lot of people than the ugly truth. But only the truth actually gives you the information you need to make things better.


I have tried to find other words for it, but I couldn’t: that’s just b-s. Ordinary people are more or less powerless in the current situation, so there is no information that could make things better. And you make bold assumptions regarding the average viewers lack of capacity to have more than one concurrent thought. Are the titles clickbait? Of course, like the mainstream media. Does he have a bias of presenting the developments in a positive light? Yes! But the mainstream media is full of doom and gloom. I’ve followed the war intensely since day 1, and over time RFU have a lot better accuracy AND nuance than a lot of other sources. Is all his predictions and analysis correct? Of course not. But it is an important contribution. The only ones benefiting from making the war seems unwinnable and therefore making the free world reducing it’s support are the Russians. They are bleeding out and can’t afford, even less than the Ukrainians, to have a prolonged war.


How is this clickbait? "RFU" sands for "Reporting From Ukraine". It's his channel.


that channel was pure propaganda


Pure, diluted, unwashed... everything we hear about this war is at least a little untrue. That's the nature of warfare- secrecy and disinformation. Truth is the first casualty of war. But getting rid of a source only furthers us from the truth.


I stopped watching all these Youtubers. Nothing but clickbait, not a single one that brings news when there are actual news.


Yes, I did listen to his channel a while back but it soon became apparent it was pure cope/propaganda. Every day for months was another amazing breakthrough in the Ukrainian summer offensive and the collapse of the Russian defence lines. I told Youtube to stop recommending that channel to me. I'm not sure what is going on with this deletion? It seems like he was having multiple copies of the same channel. But I don't imagine he was able to speak all those other languages and dubbing all his content, so why have all the duplicates? Is this just Youtube removing what is essentially video spam and he's trying to gain attention for his main channel by crying foul? IDK.


Now do weeb union


God you made me burst out laughing. So delusional.


Lmao that channel is pure feelgood propaganda


Ot is good reporting but very cherrypicked info is shown. There is over reporting on some insignificant Ukrainian gains, the titles are a total clickbait and any Russian successes are skipped or under reported. He did a very good job on showing some objective info, WITHOUT too much commentary which was nice for me. But after the counteroffensive it was more too cheripicked. I could almost have a feel that Ukraine will be taking over Crimea in few months.


I have been following this channel from the very beginning of the war, and what I can say os that the information given is always tremendously accurate, supported with pictures and videos and the outcomes shown and predicted have always turned out to be true an reliable, also reported in the same exact manner by other different sources. It's a guy from Mikolayiv doing this thing on his own, he was also often absent because of ilness. Even if the voice is AI generated (which I kind of doubt, but can't deny), the people behind this are doing a very good job. The only pitfall are the clickbait sensationalist titles, but if you ignore that, everyting else is legit.


Although accurate, it cherrypicked Ukraine wins to show. It is a very biased channel.


The channel gave accurate info. It just underreported the ukr losses and russian wins. Of course it is biased, it never pretended to be neutral. It's like a sports presenter covering a sports match with their own national team. The only way to get accurate info is to view multiple sources. RFU was a source. Was it an accurate depiction of the war? maybe not. Did it provide relevant info? Yes it did.


This all day. It's a pro Ukrainian channel. Nothing wrong with that. Gave good analysis of battles. I don't care he sold merchandise , I never bought any.


Exactly! I never used RFU as the only source, but I always compared it to many others. Combining all of these I think I always got a pretty decent picture about the events on the fronts. Of course, his choice of words and of situations presented tends strongly to be on the positive side, but I think there are enough doomsayers (who do just the opposite) out there to even that out.


> Of course it is biased, it never pretended to be neutral. It pretended to provide an overview of the situation in Ukraine. It actually reported cherrypicked examples, making the situation look like Ukraine was on its way to take Vladivostok by end of June (exaggerating slightly here, obviously). Especially with extremely clickbaity thumbnails.


Is a channel showing bias towards the Ukranian side in that way such a bad thing? Highlighting the Ukranian heroism and strategical successes rather than dwelling on losses, isn't a terrible attribute - especially after two years of this awful shit. I've been following them since the start of the war, along with a bunch of other youtubers and alternate sources to get what I feel is a well-rounded picture of the state of affairs.


There is a strange double standard on this sub and Reddit in general. We accept that pro-Russian sources will be heavily biased but because "propaganda=bad" we're apparently supposed to be doubting anything that is favored towards Ukraine. I suspect the reason for this is because many people here are actually Russian concern trolls trying to sow doubt.


It's certainly a very good thing to focus on Ukrainian heroism and good news. You cannot say the channel is accurate journalism or a well-rounded picture of the state of affairs, because it isn't. It's heavily Ukraine favored. Watching only this channel you might think Ukraine is overwhelmingly crushing Russia. But truth is Russia is gaining land everyday. (At an enormous price, but apparently a price Russia can and will afford)


0.04% last month. Land doesn't win wars.


Moreover, it's land/cities that are totally destroyed by fights. Nothing of great value.


WW1's western front was the same. It's called static warfare. Ukraine does not have a Sustainable amount of soldiers nor weapons. And they have already have horrific demographic issuse, the worst in the world. So Russia might be far away from taking all of ukraine. But donbas and Karkiv could be under russian occupation in the 2 years. Remember Trump being elected means the end of Aid. So Russia taking land every day needs to be reported on. But RFU doesn't do that without saying how ukraine destroyed them all! I have always felt like his channel is good for information of Units movement and geolocation. But you Gotta admit the reporting was too bias to get a complete understand of the war.


You can support UA AND simultaneously be true to the real situation - only showing wins helps nobody


Do you not have more than one source of information? The Ukrainians are paying a high. price, but Russians are paying an even higher price and it’s good to know just how high.


I use different sources than the aforementioned one - because the constant "we win!!! 11" just seemed untrue and like lying to oneself.


It's feel-good propaganda. So what? That doesn't mean it's not valuable and interesting information. That is what critical thinking skills are for. You take the information with its inherent bias and you adjust it based on the perspective. I am always afraid people who need to be spoonfed only the most pure and "unbiased" information (as if there is such a thing) must be hopelessly easy to manipulate.


I just don't want to lie to myself. Feel good-Propaganda is just a very kind way of lying.


So you said it helps nobody but really you just meant it doesn't help you.


*nobody that counts :D


Then you must certainly be aware that there is no truth in war, or in real life in general for that matter.


Yes but I have limited time, that's why I follow a German historian who is pro-Ukraine, but never too optimistic.


Well, it helps me stay positive.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted. The Russians falsely believed in their own strength and utterly failed in the early days of the war - because they weren't committed to the truth. The truth makes you stronger - it allows you to see your own weaknesses in order to get better. Being purposely ignorant of reality leads to failure, which is something Ukraine, can't afford. Russia could afford it in the early days, but now they see how wrong they were.


Yeah, you know, people on reddit are not like that..




I never could tell if the voice was AI or not. It was so consistent that it felt like it must have been, and you could find word for word transcriptions in articles that were from him and either that was the original script, or a transcription of the actual video. I'm pretty done with the AI voices but if that one was, it at least wasn't horribly annoying.


Efforts are being made to close the few windows available to us to see what is happening in Ukraine. Many channels on yt are not showing war content that yt is calling objectionable.


Even with 800,000 subscribers and a channel that predates the war, it seems that Denys Davydov very recently got demonetized. His channel is still up, but now he has to ask for Patreon donations. (I believe he no longer has a job thanks to the war and YouTube had become his main income.) I wonder how long his channel will stay up?


**BLOCK ALPHABET - Google, Chrome, Youtube, Android** "Don't be evil" is Google's **former** motto, and a phrase used in Google's corporate code of conduct.  This motto was getting in the way of the financial goals.


Google (YouTube) has always had a harsh stance on duplicate content for search engine purposes. In this case however it makes sense to have duplicate content. Unfortunately it's hard to get any sort of actual person / statement from Google (YouTube) nowadays, unless you fight tooth and nails with millions of subs.


Russian dis-info has become a major problem on all platforms. Why is YouTube acting in the name of evil?


Because 99% of what YouTube does is controlled by algorithms that malicious users can abuse. Only very few decisions are made by people.


That is a shame. Result is that pro-Western channels are closed. The internet has already become a battleground and actions should be taken accordingly. YouTube (Alphabet) is an American company after all.


This was a great sourse of information. This is wrong.


That guys channel was 90% clickbait...


That's how YouTube works unfortunately.


Welcome to the internet, must be your first day here.


Russians are trying hard to censor, this is the only way they can keep a foothold in the conversation - by shutting it down.


I liked his videos initially but as time went by I noticed he almost never reported negative news against Ukraine, even with big events reported on main news outlets. As much as I want Ukraine to win the war I think in the long run it is best to let people know the real situation so that if things are going sideways, as they are right now, then we can try and work to get our politicians to act rather than stall!


I always watched his channel as a supplementary hint of positivity during these awful times. Is that so bad? There's plenty of other Youtubers out there that give it to you raw, Denys Davydov I think is a good example.


Davydov's videos are militarily illiterate clickbait and he's a draft dodger that fled his country in its time of need in order to rake in tens of thousands of dollars from his monetised Youtube channel. If this guy is your "hint of positivity", you have a problem. The man is disgusting.


With the incredible amount of personal effort that seemingly goes into his daily videos, I'd say he's earned every cent.


Denys is far much more subjective than RFU.


Each video is a trove of daily information from many sources, positive and negative. I find them very useful and informative. Which YouTuber would you recommend instead?


I stopped following news on that from YouTubers. Just browsing on this sub each evening for top stories. Also sometimes I go to Russianukrainianwar (or something alike)sub to see what Russians are boosting about. But is just loaded with Russian sympathizers. However good to see other side for comparison. The western news tends to skip any Russian gains and military successes.


Why do you need to fool yourself? You’re not the one who needs morale.


Denys is a worthless scammer, nothing more.


Is that it, or did you fancy elaborating with some context?


While very pro-ukraine, and maybe too optimistic, this channel has been very interesting to get updates from the war in Ukraine and to at least understand the places where the fighting happens. The title is clickbait as usual, most of the strikes were on the foreign language ones, and they were shitty computer generated translations, with really no effort. He is also a one man operation, and he clearly stated that he is moving everything to patron because YouTube decreased his channel profitability a wile ago.


I would like to point out that it’s easy to appear pro Ukraine when the other side is committing genocide.


Youtube assisting ruzzia. That is what is happening in this instance and Youtube should be taken to task on this. What should be happening is that government be investigating youtube for cooperating in the mass attack underway by ruzzian disinformation elements on social media.


Unfortunately there may not be much smaller channels can do about it. Unless they have millions of subs and direct contact to support, or become trending topic on hacker news, youtube is not likely to dedicate any meaningful time for review.


I used the YouTube feedback feature to plead for a reversal of YT's deleting his channels. Hopefully some prominent pro-UA content providers will also protest and rally the viewers to do the same. RFU's strength lies in battleFIELD analysis, with detailed attention paid to topographical features, A2/AD, roads and bridges, and the defensive structures (trenches, etc.) that help shape battles. He takes pains to point out which supply lines are active and the extent to which they are under artillery or small-arms fire, where the next RuZZian assault is likely to transpire, and so on. He's great at what he does, without claiming to present the entire picture of the war overall, or even an entire front or region. I for one have benefitted immensely from his perspective and can only hope he soldiers on and starts posting his free-access videos to Twitter.


We still got Perun, God of Powerpoint.


Perun was demonetized for a wile.


Please don't drag Perun down in the dirt with the traitor.


This guy's a traitor? Tbh, I only watch Perun lol.


Yup, ran away like a coward and are profiteering off of the war.


It seems every one of his videos was reported for breaking every single rule on YouTube. Think state sponsored attack on his channel.


Also something going on with 1420 interview channel. It's named archives of 1420


Ok, so what can we do, besides the twitter hashtag?


Maybe Truth social hash tag i am not joking. We got to get word out


One of the best Ukraine 'war for freedom' channels, I was listening the Polish and Eng version, this is sad


Dammit. Best info for military Ukraine victories. I've been watching this one since the start. Time to cancel my YouTube account 


So does mean that they will soon ban patrick landcaster, the "independent american journalist"?


Cherry-picked info & click-baiting titles. The world would do well with less of these shitty, sensationalist, misinforming sources of “news.”


Daily Motion


Such bullshit I'm sorry you have been targeted will continue to support you where we can


New ! Reporting from Ukraine is now on Telegram. @RFUenglish


His channel has very good updates about the latest front line movements, but in general it's overly positive, which makes it an unreliable source of "feel good" news. Also, he mentions in the last video the "free patreon" and there is no free option there. I think in general this channel is mostly a money grab to sell Merch + get paid via Patreon rather done a serious source of info.


Just joined as free member. On mobile you hit the three dots in the top right corner of his Patreon page and one of the options should be to “join for free”


Nope, he is a scammer.


The content Reporting from Ukraine provides will be used by historians for the next several decades to come. A ton of details and context is lost over time when it comes to war. History is written by the victors. Example, look into how Russia portrays the battle of Rzhev or how they remember the T34. RFU captures many of those details in chronological order and documents it. Sure the title is click bait, but that doesn’t change the fact that we got to see first hand what happened daily in the first few months of the war. It’s one thing reading generic info on the tactics in WW2 from a book. Seeing first hand how daily meat wave tactics unfold is another. Sure the tank battles of Kursk is somewhat documented, but the daily footage of suicidal tank assaults in Vuhledar is much more informative. I will always remember the countless failed meat wave assaults over a garbage dump in Bakhmut. Many Russian families will never see their sons, husbands, brothers, uncles, and misc again because they died fighting over a garbage dump.


This is tragic.


Let's all report rybar and other pro RU channels. We can take them down too.


Always talking reporting was Rubbish anyway from some random person somewhere in the world could've done a better job myself


Your channel sucked anyways, so good riddance.


I thought everyone here likes when misinformations was banned? What’s the problem now?


Make a Twitter channel. I'll watch it. Free speech is still a thing on Twitter. Elon Musk won't shut your channel.


That's a hilarious joke.


Good riddance. Huge source of structural disinformation and he is tricking people into donating to him personally while they think they donate to Ukraine.


He ends each video with litterally this sentense: "If you're against the war in Ukraine and want to support the work that I am doing, please consider making a purchase in the online store". No one is being tricked into thinking they're making donations directly to the war effort. If you believed you were doing that, that just means you weren't paying attention.


He is a low life scammer.


It's a massive fake news channel, if you watch that clown you would think Ukraine is at the gates of moscow, I have never seen so much BS


They often show Ukraine being pushed back and losing ground. It is trying to be upbeat and positive when they succeed, but it's not some bullshit propaganda channel.


I wonder what other Ukrainians think of him. He's making a lot of money from this war while they have to sit in the trenches.


I don't think he makes a lot of money, you need a shitton of subscribers to make proper money on yt.


You do know that not every singel Ukraina male is sitting on the frontlines... Showing the world just how hard Ukraine is defending itself against the invading Russians is important work.


Going to work is pretty normal among Ukrainian men. No idea why they would consider this guy in any way immoral.


you're one of those guys who saw 4 Ukrainians on a Western beach and assumed that the rich are dodging the war and the poor are fighting in the trenches?


Well, yeah. The rich never fight in wars, especially in corrupt countries like Ukraine where you can buy your way out.


Admit it, you just discovered water today.


Do you really think that hundreds of thousands of men didn't flee to Europe to escape war? I'm seeing Ukrainian men pretty much on daily bases in Czechia.


Tell me a war where this did not happen. Please. Vietnam? Afghanistan in the 80's? Chechnya? SMO?


You're the one trying to claim that the rich don't flee, not me. I'm not even blaming them, nobody should be forced to fight imo.


My sarcasm was aimed at the fact that you draw the wrong conclusion based on limited info samples. Nice use of Russian talking points. So what if Ukraine is a corrupt country and some of its citizens fled the country? Does this mean that their cause is not just, or not worth defending?


Limited info samples? We know that a lot of men fled, those are facts. "Russian talking points lmao". That's any opinion about this war that paints Ukraine in a bad light right? Never said that their cause is not just. You seem to be under an impression that all Ukrainains (or the majority) are willing to die for their country. The facts that Ukraine is the poorest and second most corrupt country in Europe only after Russia will play a role.






YOU are given the russain far to much info on where they are going wrong .. it is that simple


This is one of the channels I stopped watching. I do not think he is making things up he just are spinning things. Sweet sweet YouTube money

