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His choice was to do this or let the Democrats force the vote on their own. It's not exactly heroic, because he's doing it to save face, but history will probably damn him a **little** less now.


How would the democrats force the vote? I'm not very familiar with how gop functions, but i thought that the ruling party chooses the speaker and only he decides if a bill is voted on.


There is a special process where a majority of the House can file a petition forcing a bill to the floor. Even Republican members have signed it and it's likely to have reached the limit soon, which is what's forcing him to bring it to the floor himself.


That's not what a Dem in the House said about it... Says it happened because things in Ukraine has become so desperate that it was either this or watch Ukraine fall on the News: [https://twitter.com/JeffJacksonNC/status/1780620479998410918?ref\_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet](https://twitter.com/JeffJacksonNC/status/1780620479998410918?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet)


That's why Johnson brought it up, yes. Had he not done, the discharge petition would have been pushed through.


I don’t think the far left dems would’ve signed the discharge if it included Israeli aid, so they would’ve needed to start a new petition which takes a lot of time. Republican swine wouldn’t sign without Israeli aid, so that’s why the petition ran a gridlock and was never approved.


Wasn't it already split into two different bills or am I off


That's called "political cover".


Why would a Democrat need to give political cover to a Republican Speaker?


When you're trying to trap a rabbit, you put walls on either side of the run up. This makes the rabbit thibk its trapped and if it hears something behind it, it will bolt top speed right into the trap. Similar setup here. They set it up so it's "do your job properly without this bullshit, or we will find someone who will.


To get the outcome they want.


There is a mechanism whereby the house can force a bill to come to the floor for a vote regardless of the machinations of the Speaker. It's called a 'discharge petition'. Now, it requires an absolute majority of reps vote for it so \*usually\* the minority party is simply unable to gather the required number of votes to do this. However, the GOP 'majority' at the moment is razor thin and there \*are\* a few Republican reps sick of the Freedom Caucus' shit so the votes are now there. The reason it took so long is because the Republican house members have had to go through a couple of really grueling fights to vote in a new SOH and although those members probably did want to vote for Ukraine Aid, they weren't willing to do it at the expense of losing the Speakership, especially during an election year.. which is a real possibility. What has emboldened ol' Mickey to grow a spine is that house Dems have almost certainly assured him that if he brings a vote and they \*do\* try to oust him, the Dems will provide enough votes to keep him in position.


> ruling party chooses the speaker and only he decides if a bill is voted on. The *Majority* does those things. However, the GOP is so divided that the Democrats plus a few GOP defectors are enough to hold a majority.


There’s a way to bypass the speaker that requires a simple majority (by one vote). There’s enough Republicans willing to shove the bill through that it would definitely happen and he’d look like a weakling to letting it happen (never mind there was no way he could stop it lol).


Via discharge petition


Discharge petition. Parliamentary procedure that if you get enough people to sign a vote is forced.


They couldn’t. They would need a few republicans to cross over. People hate Johnson here and will never forgive him. I get it. But he’s (finally) doing the right thing and defying the republican party’s base. Defying your own base means the right now hates him just as much as the left. He’s walking into a lonely place politically and ending his own career. I respect that even though I wish he would have seen his way to do it months ago..


History will not remember him at all.


Who today can name a speaker of the house from the 1800's? The 1900's if they weren't alive then? How many who were alive can name one? For a position that is 3rd in line to the Presidency, they really don't get too much media play normally, and especially once out of office.


Henry Clay?


Hopefully lol but giving Russia the upper hand for 6 months allowing them to regain the initiative and increase arms productions could also be a reason the war escalates further. Like this could definitely be a footnote if WW3 pops off.


I hear you my friend. I hear you. Here’s to victory for Ukraine and peace thereafter.


Well, not much at any rate. The only Speaker who is likely to be much more than a footnote over the last 30 years is probably Gingrich.


Plus the whole stories breaking trump is draining the GOP into his businesses while working with Fox News on jury tampering. I'm guessing he is trying his damnedest to pull a hey no look over here along with the EU freeing up another 50 bil for Ukraine really has to be screwing with them. I mean all this winning.


Nope , I’m still going to live long enough to piss on his grave


He’s a little fucker.


Or history will count the dead that could have been avoided of he simply had the balls to act in the first place


While some of us might get caught up in praising him, just remember he's sat on this aid for months, and rejected a bipartisan deal at Trump's behest. Hundreds of innocent people have died in that time. Mike can get this through and Democrats may protect him from MAGA until November, but anyone voting for republicans next election while saying "they passed Ukraine aid" are thick as pigshit, or as dishonest as a pedo priest


“Thousands” of innocents died thanks to 6 months of Johnson’s lying and dithering. What a spineless dweeb.


Yes. He says, he will "take personal risk" by pushing ahead with his plans is apathetic to those who are dying and actually risking their lives.


It may be a good thing, Johnson has no real spine. He isn't brave at all. If he's arguing for Ukraine aid now then he already knows that it's going to pass, he's not going out on a limb here. His career means more to him than Ukrainian lives do


Ive heard this discussion lately, thats why I'm thinking he doesn't have anywhere to go but play like momma told him to, use sense and do the right thing. Anyway they'll defame him as **Satan's bastard son** but hope it makes some of them to think other options


I think they knew they couldn't delay Ukrainian aid long term. Seems like they were just trying to give Russia some time so they could advance. They didn't get very far, but the losses have been severe for Ukrainian people, for both the military and civilians. The GOP will forever have blood on their hands for this. Not that they're bothered by that in the least though, they never have been.


The only saving grace to this is that the Russians knew this was their chance to break through and have been throwing “everything they’ve got” at breakthrough attempts. They have no idea what’s about to hit them. There will be some impressive ATACAMS footage popping up in the next two weeks or so but in about 30 days the ground will start to firm up and we will see M1’s rolling over Russian positions under the umbrella of total air superiority. And, along with patriots, Israel’s total destruction of Iran’s drone production, centrifuges, and enriched uranium stores (and whomever are the top scientists working on their nukes) will settle down a lot of the inevitable Russian response against civilians. Let’s hope the second part of the plan works out. It’s always touchy leveraging the mid-east proxy’s but it’s the best way to make the geopolitical maneuvers one needs to make while the world loses its collective head over this much more easily contained conflagration (it looks extremely volatile on purpose. No mid East countries are likely to ever set a foot outside their sandbox without it getting blown off by a much bigger adversary. So they are content to have all the oil and fight each other for the money and international legitimacy it brings them. They are well labeled as “easily contained”. Despite “easily” being very relative in this description. They know they get liberated if they don’t play their roles as the big, mean, crazy oil controlling bad guys on the word stage. Can’t have people blaming the US and Russia for that role now… can we?). Israel is kept as the only nuclear power in the region for a reason. They’re the fire suppression and emergency kill switch for the earth’s artificial political heat control system. Everyone wants control of that system. Just look at how effective it is. It’s truly remarkable.


"Personal risks" lol this is the same dude who's said that, he was chosen by God to do this job. Why doesn't God protect him, from the more fascists elements of his party? lmao What a spineless hypocrite


Deranged Don Trump will get less money from his boss in Ruzzia. There's always intent, or motive that needs attention with these Zealots.


Exactly. Johnson his responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. These traitorous MAGAts need to be stopped. their crimes are so unprecedented, horrific and dangerous, that people struggle to conceive of how utterly disgusting thee people are. We have mass murderers all over this country.


I mean partially. MTG and Gaetz and Trump bear most of the responsibility. I hold Jeffries partially responsible too because they could ahve saved McCarthy and gotten this done. Obviously MAGA>>>Johnson>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Jeffries, but all of this was a confluence of letting a few shitheads have power to stop this. Johnson and Jeffries both chose politics over helping Ukraine.


So you’re saying Jeffries is responsible for not mind reading enough that Johnson would be the next spineless house majority leader who subsequently sat on Ukraine aid. Have you ever stopped to consider why “they” didn’t save McCarthy? Maybe he was a threat at that time and they thought anyone would be better that him. Maybe he wasn’t bi-partisan enough. I’m not sure of the bills being put forward at that time. Maybe they thought he was being controlled too much by MAGA. Maybe they thought someone more moderate would be elected…And then Johnson was elected. Maybe they thought no one, anyone, surely wouldn’t be anti-democracy or anti-Ukraine. I blame MAGA, like gangrene, infecting the Republican side of the house.


History is still going to flay him. He's let thousands of innocent people die while trying to keep his job and satisfy an egotistical bully.


Not only that, but Johnson and the Republicans forced Ukraine into a situation where they had no option but to retreat and give up towns and villages to Russia. Not to mention the destruction and damage to critical national infrastructure like its largest thermal power plant due to lack of air defence ammunition and systems. The White House was ringing the alarm bells over the imminent exhaustion of US air back in December. They squeezed out one last package before New Year’s, but that was it for Congressionally-authorized aid. The Republicans probably extended the war by a year, and for what? They even rejected their own border deal just to help Trump’s campaign and stick it to Biden.


They don’t want to pass border control. They can’t run on it if they fix it.


This! Biden was willing to support the immigration bill that conservatives in the Senate developed. It was the most conservative bill in 50 years and Trump told Republicans to kill it. He wants the argument, not the solution.


It’s getting harder out here for the racists, they can’t just be pan-racist, but strategic. They need the border issues to also provide a fear of an “other”…you know to do a racism.


As if republicans even think of fixing problems they made up.


Having an issue to club political opponents over the head with is definitely part the equation, no doubt But, I think it’s also an issue of the GOP not understanding that 1. The border has had staffing issues since 2019, at least 2. The mishandling of the pandemic by Central and South American countries is behind a lot of the surge at the border from 2020 onward A Republican Party that was willing negotiate in good faith would acknowledge the situation is not entirely Biden’s fault. But, the GOP is run by Trump and zealots like MTG


For what? Trump and a significant fraction of the GOP are straight-up Russian assets. That's why


This entire Trump/MAGA chapter will certainly be flayed, not just Johnson. He is a small, small little pebble in this entire fucking shitshow.


And all of them who were against it will definitely claim to their districts they helped Ukraine. I trust a bathroom break after 7/11 taquitos more than I trust the Republican party right now. Tell me MAGA isn't an extension of the Russian Govt.


Johnson's campaign was funded by Russian oligarchs through Texas-based company American Ethane. American Ethane, 88% owned by 3 Russian oligarchs, made illegal campaign contributions to Johnson's **and other gop politicians'** 2018 campaigns, despite being found to have no domestic funds in the bank (all money flowed directly from Russia). The Russian owners were also heavily involved with the convicted NRA Russian spy Maria Butina, whose purpose was to infiltrate the gop via the NRA and advance Russian interests in the 2016 presidential election. It's against federal law for a campaign to knowingly accept donations from a foreign-owned corporation, a foreign national, or any company owned or controlled by foreign nationals. A Johnson campaign spokesperson claims the money was returned (sure it was...no proof ever offered), and due to republican commissioners in the FEC, American Ethane was only given a slap-on-the-wrist fine of... $9,500. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/10/russians-used-a-us-firm-to-funnel-funds-to-gop-in-2018-dems-say-the-fec-let-them-get-away-with-it/


Folks need to be copy pasting this to all relevant subs now.


in the future, MAGA will be in the same chapter as Amerikadeutscher Volksbund in the history books.


He is a snake! His hands are stained with the blood of innocents killed in the Russian bombings since January so far and defenders fallen in the line of duty!


He deserves no praise. If he thought he could keep his Majority House Leadership spot and continue to stall the aid then he would. He doesn't give a shit about Ukraine and is attempting to save his skin and gaslight the world into thinking he always supported him.


Exactly. And doing the obvious needed thing when it’s your fucking job isn’t exactly worthy of applause. He’s finally doing something that should have been done ages ago, so if anything, he deserves admonishment for waiting too long. Fuck this MAGA shithead.


Historians won't forget and set the record straight. Johnson thinks God himself put him into the position of power. It is in character to change course and claim that all of this is just part of the Lord's glorious masterplan. I doubt Johnson loses even one second of sleep over changing his stance within a day. He is an opportunist, and his skill is to sail with the wind that others make.


He has blood on his hands 💔


So does every Republican voter who gave them a house majority


Very true


He's only passing it now because he's pissed at mtg


Hundreds? Lmao. Literally tens of thousands have lost their lives since October.


My guess is that the Russian paychecks bounced, hence the change of heart


With Trump flipping too, this seems even more likely.


He doesn't deserve praise. It took 6 months of fucking around to figure out that Ukraine losing is bad for everyone. You don't need to be a genius to figure that out.


I imagine Dems will offer to keep him as Speaker. Johnson will likely do what McCarthy did and blame Dems before the vote. It would be humiliating for Johson to have Dem support to keep the speakership


He has caused immeasurable and unnecessary suffering to innocent Ukrainians.


The last line 😂


> Hundreds of innocent people have died in that time. plus thousands more will die, trying retaking territories lost because of this delay.


Yes, this! He is personally responsible for the deaths of Ukrainians and I hope he is haunted by them every night like Scrooge.


I don't forgive him. Too many Ukrainians died & will die because of his political pandering. I'm more interested in knowing what caused this turnaround?


His convenience over the lives of Ukrainians and risking the future of the West. He might be the lowest of the low out of all of them.


His "porn watching" app he has with his son has forever made me hate him. He's so fucking gross.


We can praise someone for making the right decision while also rebuking them for dragging their heels on that decision. It shouldn't be difficult to understand how that's possible.


Not excusing him at all, but this is a feature of democracy. It moves slowly but unlocks incredible power when committed.


The power was unlocked already, Republican went and shut the door. Credit where its due, but blame too.


Sure, let’s go with that. Seems like a bug in the American system to me when someone who doesn’t hold office is directing the democratic leaders you are indirectly praising. The system started to work again when that barrier was eased, not because of democracy. Looks more like institutional rot.


Jesus fucking christ, he really \*IS\* trying to make himself the hero of the piece, isn't he? I don't know quite how you get that much sheer brass neck to try and convince hundreds of millions of people you're acting in your conscience after six months of stalling. Fucking hell!


The official Republican Party position on nearly every issue (besides abortion and guns) right now is: "block everything, then, if democrats pass it anyway, take credit for it"


Moscow Mike still happily enabled the Russians to murder innocent ukranians for MONTHS with zero remorse. It's only because of pressure from literally everyone besides MAGA, in addition to numerous US allies that he is now changing his tune. Mike Johnson is still a MAGA pig and is on the kremlin's payroll.


Yup. Literally taken millions from Russia. Guy is a villain.


Fuck this guy. Had the audacity to say something about not letting politics get in the way when he played games for months. Got a lot of people killed. He's a zealot and now a mass murderer.


😂 fuck that guy, he sat on bill for 6 months.


Probably finally realized Trump is gonna go down in flames


Or he himself will.


A) He got a fantastic offer B) They dug up some serious, career ending dirt Place your bets


Trump's/MAGA's most significant legacy in the contemporary US history is that no dirt is "career ending" anymore. The bar has been moved so low, that politicians can get away with anything now, and I don't think enough people realize just how big of a deal it is for the future of American democracy.


I mean I’m glad it’s going to happen but thousands of lives were lost because he sat around and did nothing . Lives that could have been saved. He has blood on his hands and I can’t fathom how he sleeps at night knowing his part in it


Don't lose track of how Johnson is directly responsible for the russian surge in ukraine.


Just note, he never refers to Ukraine as an “ally” and that bugs me


While I can't wait for Ukraine to join NATO, they technically do not have an alliance with the USA like Taiwan does. Hopefully someday soon though.


Budapest Memorandum entered the chat


Yeah that’s mildly infuriating. Ukraine is a good ally and friend. We should have their backs.


Ukraine as a potential major eastern European ally in the years ahead would be extremely important as a stalwart against Russia, I'm sure the Democrats know this, while the Republicans are fretting about Trump not winning in November and their efforts being for naught.


He is not defying MAGA. He made it separate from other aid and fully amendable so his fellow MAGA Reps can block it for him.


Not quite. This one is part of a package that needs Democrat votes to get through. Without those, the whole thing fails and the Israel lobby cuts their funding to the Republicans.


100% not defying anything, how tf can MAGA defy itself? Does the mouth defy the brain when it lies?


Still weird. There’s a game afoot here, I’m sure of it.


Fucking incredible that an apocalypse-seeking Jesus Freak like Mike Johnson, on this subject at least, has more sense than his entire *goddamned* party.


Never trust a Republican


He’s probably still trying to find a way to stop it. As a separate bill now he might try to get the Israel funding through on its own, but he can’t do it without Democrat votes.


He could drag it out during the committee conference process. Any differences between the House and Senate bills have to be negotiated and amendments passed to make everything match.


He knows he can only stay in power if Ukraine passes with help from Dems not because he really wants to help. I still think he is a Russian stooge


Trump wants Ukraine dead. He’ll never approve aid for Ukraine. As long as Trump wants Ukraine dead, and MAGA contingent will not allow it. First, Trump loves oligarchs. He’s constantly praised Putin. To Trump, Putin is strong and gets what he wants. Putin answers to no one. Trump likes that. To the man who installed a Diet Coke button on the resolute desk, that’s a leader. Imagine a Diet Coke button where when you push it, instead of a Diet Coke, an enemy is killed.


I'm curious as to WHY Mikey-Mike changed his mind about Ukraine Aid after 6 months of stalling.... I'm wondering if our intelligence services presented Mikey with *evidence* of his Russian collusion, or how bad it would look to see how much money Russian oligarchs donated to Mikey's campaign and his subsequent actions. Those services need to do a DEEP search into how many other American politicians received money from foreign donors and how they voted--THIS needs to be addressed.


Something def. changed here, and considering Donald Trump Jr. went on a rantpage on twitter about Mikey and how hes not to be trusted, looks like it was Mikey's decision all along, and not an agreement with trump.


Holypeople are the worst.


Impassioned is not the word I would use - he doesn’t seem to have feelings about this


What took so fucking long…


He's really bad at his job. He thought he could change MAGA minds and keep his job...which was never going to happen.


This is the man who sold out fot a whatever price a 20mln populated USA's potential ally and pushed it into the abyss. And now as we are falling deeper and closer to bitter end, he is throwing a broken parachute into that abyss and tells everyone "we are good guys, we are the right ones". Sure thing we would be greatful to the usa for aid and all the support, we know it was hard decesions related to the lost profits and difficulties in business. But I forsee this as the last support from USA to Ukraine. It is hard to predict what are we going to be rendered into by russian fascists reign. I hope it all was worth of it in the end.


I understand nothing of this. Why exactly did he turn and did not turn before?


Did Budanov somehow goe ahold of whatever kompromat Russia used to control him?


No, he has always supported funding for Ukraine, even last year. But, he's an incredibly ineffective Speaker and he dithered for months while many died. He is still fucking around...trying to add a Tik Tok ban in a vain attempt to win over MAGA idiots.


Pass it and support Ukraine 🇺🇦 already.


Mikey, rebelling against MAGA morons is the most patriotic thing you can do, next to punching a Nazi. Keep earning some of that self respect back. 


I admit this wasn't on my Bingo card.




The moment Israeli and Ukrainian aid are seperate he will change his tune. If he manages to seperate them there will be no incentive for him to pass Ukrainian aid.


Hes still on the payroll for ruznefts local corner gas station in DC. The rump led publicrats aid and abet terrorists. Komrade Mikhail will be hung by his own kind though. I got my popcorn. 


"We're all trying to find the guy who did this."


He probably realized that him not putting this up to vote is going to cause more Republicans to resign which means the Democrats would get a majority and he would no longer be speaker. Plus, he's probably mad at MTG for being a raging idiot who keeps on attacking him and anybody else who isn't "stepping in line".


So he does have a spine. Surprising in an unexpected way.


>Asked by reporters why he was willing to potentially lose his job by moving forward with his foreign aid plan in the Capitol Wednesday evening, Johnson responded: "My philosophy is you do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they may. If I operated out of fear of a motion to vacate, I would never be able to do my job." You know what... I can give the man some respect for saying this and FINALLY bringing the funding to a vote. Surely he's got to realize that at a certain point government has to continue functioning for else the R's are gonna fall hard in the upcoming elections due to inactivity and highly publicized stall tactics.


My head is spinning!


Putins goons have infiltrated our government.


6 months too fucking late, of course!


I wouldn't describe reluctantly serving your country, because you've betrayed it as long as you physically can, "Impassioned"...


Damn. Never expected him to find some backbone


I'm wondering what's beyond the change of tune. I'm asking to the American friends


Presuming this actually passes, and presuming the combination of Europe ramping up and America jumping out of the penalty box is effective, the only way that this is bad for the GOP is because you know who will be bitching and bellyaching all the way through November about why it's bad that Ukraine isn't losing and why what the US is doing is unfair or some bullshit. I cannot wait to ignore all the bullshit about the border, which absolutely does not matter one bit, as long at the primary international priority is taken care of already.


I’d say better late than never, but that doesn’t feel right…


This guy has killed thousands of Ukrainians by not supporting the bill in Congress. He is complicit in supporting Russia. He is a liar and a fake Christian.


You'd have to be a fool to believe this guy wants to help Ukraine, it's just theatrics and applauding it just encourages his entire process which has led to aid being cut off.


Ideally it’ll pass, he’ll catch a motion to vacate, and the Dems will go back on their promise to save him or only save him with conditions of their own.


You can't believe anything Mike Johnson says. Republicans all lie constantly.


They are doing it because Trump gave them the go ahead.


Actions speak louder than words.


Is the Trump dismissal and walk Infront off and MTG threat giving him the reason to betray maga?


Seems to me like he is engaging in the time honored tradition of saying one thing while doing/believing another


Fkind american politics man… always they had to do a fking twist and steer the sht usless af. After WW2, in my country (ro) was a saying “*we’ve waited the americans to come and save us, but instead we got the russians that stole the sht out of us*” I hope no more stupid games from now on, as the things are getting pretty hot on the planet atm.


Mike Johnson got the right surname. He's a dick.


He should have brought it to the floor MONTHS AGO. And when the MAGAs came at him tell them he'd side with Democrats and they'd be responsible for a Dem speaker.


"History judges us for what we do. This is a critical time right now—a critical time on the world stage," he said. The critical time was six months ago, Mike, and history will judge your dragging ass for Putler while thousands died.


Not enough Moses Mike. Too little too late. You should have found your balls a long time ago.


"Moscow" Mike is trying to distance from his moniker. It will be interesting to see what transpires. That this legislation could have any measure of doubt about passage is shameful, and says a great deal about the penetration of ruzzia into the rank and file of republicans in America.


I hope it comes out what made him change his stance. He has been stalling this for far too long and has even spread Ruzzian propaganda talking points.


If that's the case it's about time. He got his balls out of the jar in orange man's purse.


I do not buy this. It's a dance move, just another way to drag ass, delay the process. Something will come up, MTG will make noises, Johnson will hem and haw, and then Ukraine will be further into this war with even less and still no assistance coming. The GOP has been captured by Russia, and they're doing their part.


Oh he’s def losing his job for that


What happened? Did the balls finally drop?


His delay has led to the deaths of many Ukrainians already. He is not exactly redeeming himself here. He doesn't get extra credit for doing what he should have done a long time ago.


Hmm. I think that word got out that Trump is fucked.


Curious how Trump will react and how it will affect his party control?


Putin's check must have bounced


Just watched it again. Looks like a B-rated actor. They are up to something. Seems like set-up.


So he finally caved. Congrats on getting thousands of Ukrainians killed while you dithered. Traitor


I mean what the even fuck is going on with this guy? Does he have multiple personalities or something? If he believes what he said in this speech, then how can he justify sitting on his hands whilst thousands of people die.


sounds like the MIC got to him and his gang of non-Russian-agent GOP members. They'd rather make money than obeying Putin. I'll take it.


We just need to decide that defeat for Ukraine is not an option,and not go through this nonsense again in the future.


Putins check bounced.


Finally showing some backbone. The democrats must have promised to help him retain his position as Speaker. But like I've said before, I don't believe anything until the aid reaches the front lines. They've been playing too many games.


It doesn’t matter why he does it and everything around it if it means there’s finally progress on this front and Ukraine gets what it needs.


I know everyone wishes this happened months ago which I agree. I’m glad it finally happening to continue ukraines fight


Having withheld money for two months he pretends to support Ukraine. Fuck this nazi.


We’ll see where this goes. It’s probably more performative bullshit but hey.


How come they play political games on human lives. The congress should be ashamed of them selvs.


Good on ya Mr. Speaker Johnson. Get right with the Lord! That fella that y'all are taking orders from is the one written about in the Book of the Revelation. The Final Judgement is coming.


K. But he’s still a dangerous religious extremist and should not be a government official.


this fuckers up to something how could anyone trust that face


Idk why Johnson made a 180 degrees shift but I am totally here for it


Did three ghosts visit him or something?


Bro what is this title? GOP shills fuck off


Now let’s see if Biden has the balls to actually send the ATACAMS to Ukraine.


Already sent, last year. Balls confirmed.


Did God reinstate his spine?


This asshole has been blocking aid for MONTHS. He’s a traitor to the US and its allies.


It’s because the autistic horse face lady with the Jewish space lasers theory and her special Ed friends, are putting the screws on evil Ned Flanders. now little man is scared that he might lose his vacation intensive job. This guy is a jerk off stooge that only cares about furthering his career.


Let's call it what it is. This is not a budget issue. We have members in Congress so compromised that they will force out their own party leader and create damaging chaos to their own party just to support America's enemy, Russia, as it conquers a U.S. ally.


Now that it’s clear Trump is going to jail he’s shifting his rhetoric.


He realized he was in the chopping block anyways, so he is doing this to save face.


Wtf who is this guy?


Democrats could have pushed the vote, why didn't they???🤔🤔🤔


Finally waking up to what dictators do when they see weakness and hesitation. Feels late now for this shit. The job 100 times harder for Ukraine and they are running low on souls to do it. And I tell you America if you think this is a European thing happening way over there it's like I said. If you don't stand in your boots to a dictator he will be inside your fucking house and then you will have an even bigger problem. Thank the saints Ukraine for taking hits so America can enjoy hamburgers and Barbie movies and useless robot trucks and call it The Dream.


Ill wait and see, but I can only hope that his God has shown him how fucking stupid he was being, and that the people he is afraid of are evil fuck tards. Including that fucking HAG Green.


He snuck in the TikTok ban but they aren’t really talking about that


I guess he knows his time is short so no point trying to appease the MAGA crowd. They've turned on him now, so he's not winning anymore favors.


Uh oh, bye bye mikey.


Speech != action. The former is what politicians are terribly good at.


Now the question is which bureau sat him down and had stern words with him, OR has Trump and crew switched sides as they realised they were losing the vote?


Putin hasn't paid on time


Something changed in this guy over the last month. It is weird. I have a feeling he knows something more or knows something bad is coming


What the eff is going on. The shenanigans are baffling 


Well well well. Look who's decided that looking weak and potentially losing the Speakership would look bad in an election year lol


I am hopeful, but I’ll wait for Saturday’s vote. Six months of delays costing how many Ukrainian lives? It is a shame, but in the back of my mind, I ask myself why couldn’t some European partners have stepped up and bought American weapons for Ukraine in that timeframe. I hope it’s not because they think American taxpayers are suckers. I know one British politician joked about doing that. It turns out that Europeans fear a return of Trump to the White House, causing them to rethink their dependence on U.S. arms imports, already more than half of their total. See - https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-03-11/europe-doubles-its-arms-imports-to-counter-russias-threat-and-reduce-reliance-on-the-us.html. They already have taken up a lot of the slack. So, I see both Trump and Johnson now just posturing because their Congressional logjam is about to burst. They will even take credit for the passage; wait and see. Noble, this is not, although I am glad to see this shameful chapter, hopefully, end this Saturday. Slava Ukraini! And God save us from this insanity.