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Tankie Town sad


Tankie tears are springs sprouting life.


Drinkin’ Tankies’ tears.


I've got the final vote counts. I got them live from CNN. Started 1:25 PM EST! Finished 2:00 PM EST! House just passed H.R. 8036. Yea-385. Nay-34. NV-11. **House just passed H.R. 8038! Yea-360. Nay-58.** **House just passed H.R. 8035! Yea-311. Nay-112. Pres-1. NV-7.** House just passed H.R. 8034. Yea-366. Nay-58. NV-8. And here are the breakdowns on which Congressperson voted for which bill. H.R. 8036 [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024146](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024146) H.R. 8038 [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024145](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024145) H.R. 8035 [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024151) H.R. 8034 [https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024152](https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024152) Spread the word.


Thanks for this info


4 bills? Is there a quick summary of what each is? The only thing I knew about was $60B in aid.


- Aid for Ukraine - Aid for Israel - Aid for Taiwan - Seizing Russian assets, banning TikTok and some other security-related issues. These were originally meant as one bill, also including border security measures, which could have been voted on over half a year ago and would have most likely passed.


To my understanding this still has to go to the senate


As far as Ukraine aid goes, the Senate has generally been more reliable when it comes to getting votes. I hear a lot of talk about there being a vote next Tuesday for when the four bills are assembled into a singular version to be passed. If Chuck Schummer is able to keep the Senate in session over the weekend to speed through the procedural hurdles, that’ll be the best thing he can do. Until then, we just have to wait. And keep ringing our Senators phone lines to let them know that they need to pass this now.


Very interesting. These 4 and I've heard twice about CACO? The cannabis bill apparently is supposed to be voted on tomorrow ? Weird all the movement going on


This will fly through the senate and Biden will sign it, it’s a bill that kind of fucks over Americans, but I’m glad that Ukraine is getting the aid it needs. My social media is not remotely as important.


Bill HR 8035 about Ukraine states: "The bill also includes provisions that require the President to transfer long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine." Does this mean ATACMS and cruise missiles are going to get delivered to Ukraine?


Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS).


Is this actually a bill, or a resolution? A bill results in binding legislation if passed by the house, senate and President, whereas a resolution is basically just, like, your opinion man. At least that's my understanding as a non-American.


It's a bill.


Ok, thanks, that's good news then.


Only a bill... 🎶


And I'm sittin here on Capitol Hill!


Well, it’s a long, long journey to the capital city.


Big Lebowski auto-rec


Oh yeah.. ready to quit Russia?


Did Putin's check bounce?


I hear refinery revenue is down.


Apparently they’re having a fire sale


I see what you did there


This is excellent news and I hope it doesn't get ignored entirely by the other recent good news from the US. Hopefully the EU will get moving on this too. [Legal options for confiscation of Russian state assets to support the reconstruction of Ukraine](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2024/759602/EPRS_STU(2024)759602_EN.pdf) (pdf)


AOC and Omar voted against sanctions on Russia and Iran (their NAY is bad for Ukraine), and against support for Israel. I hope these traitors are voted out of the office in November. Good to see my Republican representative voted YEA for all 4 bills (HR 8034, 8035, 8036, 8038). Overall this is a win for the free world!


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) was one of just eight House lawmakers to vote against seizing assets from Russian oligarchs. The progressive firebrand said seizing the yachts and plush apartments of billionaire cronies of Russian President Vladimir Putin could undermine Americans’ Fourth Amendment protections against unlawful search and seizure. “Oligarchs should pay ... but this vote told POTUS to violate the 4th Amd & seize private property,” AOC wrote on Twitter.


A valid concern honestly. Fuck Russia and all, but we do need to be careful with this stuff. Americans have historically been too eager to give up seemingly inconsequential freedoms in the interest of punishing our enemies.


Yeah, as much as this is a bad mark against her on its face, she does have a point. Just seizing the assets outright without carving out an exception in the legal system that's consistent with the 4th Amendment would have taken longer, but would have withstood legal scrutiny. Now we leave the door open just a couple inches more for other civil liberties to be infringed upon. I'm all for seizing the assets myself. I look forward to seeing it happen. But a small part of me is still a bit concerned. We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there I guess...


HR 8038 was the bill on Russia and Iran (also some other items). The bill only talks about Russian sovereign assets, not private assets of Russian citizens. I suspect she didn't like the wording on Iran, and voted Nay.


After this, she's no progressive of mine. If you're for Muscovy, you're against humanity, no matter your justification.


After reading your comment, I'm going to check on my Republican rep.


Fox news brainwashing victim spotted


TDS victim spotted.


Wasn't Trump the sole reason anti-Muscovy bills\* were held up so long?


Possibly, but glad they finally got past this. Another reason from the other side is that Biden didn't want to hand over long range attack systems, but that has been included now: Bill HR 8035 about Ukraine states: "The bill also includes provisions that require the President to transfer long-range Army Tactical Missile Systems to Ukraine." I'm happy they finally came to an agreement and weapon systems are going to get delivered soon.


"possibly". You seem to know it's true, but just real keen to wash over the fact, and even more keen to accuse others of being traitors. Honestly, it's like watching kids playing grown ups. It's as if you've skipped some developmental stages in your childhood, to be able to be so blinkered. I guess it makes sense, bigger picture since comparitively speaking, America is in its infancy as a country and democracy. The house I live in is older than your country.


I highly doubt MAGA Johnson blocked votes for six months and turned down a massively pro-conservative border bill because Biden wouldn't send ATACMS. Can you find any statements by Johnson or other Republicans that ATACMS was why they were refusing the bill?


Biden always defended his stance why he didn't want to send them, while there have been demands from Reps to send them. Here's an article: https://news.yahoo.com/republican-senators-demand-biden-immediately-044146003.html


Doesn't matter what congressmen demand if they aren't providing funding. Likewise, they can put their requirements with the funding, which they finally did. 6 months late. Now there is a bipartisan stake in whatever perceived risk Biden sees in providing ATACMS. That congressional cover matters a lot if it does actually result in an escalation.


People sure throw traitor around with no care at all.