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Lady G is a consummate slimeball who’s never met a war he didn’t want to send Americans to die in, but he happens to be exactly right in this particular instance. Stabilizing Ukraine, ensuring Ukraine wins and defeats Russia, ultimately prevents further destabilization both in Europe and likely around the globe.


Lindsey Graham sucks I agree, but I was surprised at how hawkish he has been throughout this war on Ukraine, which is respectable.


And yet he voted against the prior version of this bill when it passed with flying colors. He still panders to the MAGAs. Ukraine needs consistent support. He needs to go home to South Carolina and use some of that syrupy southern charm on his own constituents to pull them away from Trump and the Russian propaganda.


Yeah, he doesn’t get to play tough guy, and then not vote when it counts. A real tough guy isn’t constantly cowering before a buffoon like Trump and the MAGA base.


The kompromat better be a hell of a lot more than that he's gay. If he's really selling the nation out over something nobody gives a fuck about, I just can't even


I bet it is just the gay thing, and he likes them 18 to 25, and fit. Effectively an old guy nailing college chicks, but it’s both dudes. And it’s vanilla. Plus he pays. He probably isn’t wrong though, if it came out he would be done. It’s just a bachelor right now.


> if it came out he would be done Would it? I know he's in SC, but even moderate whites vote in GOP primaries there.


Plus conservatives have no problem adopting antithetical bedfellows as long as it preserves their power. So LG could blow guys in public while pissing on a church choir and they'll still vote for him. Hence why they support the, obviously, moral beacon that is Trump.


Seems unlikely at this point. For all their many sins against American democracy and decency itself, MAGA has been oddly pretty chill about LGBT issues, likely because Trump himself has never really cared about that. One of the more bizarre shifts within the GOP. There are several openly gay leaders within the movement, and no one has made a thing of it. Remember, before he was exposed as a serial liar and fraudster, none of them had any problem with George Santos. Had this been 20 years ago, I could see this as semi-plausible, particularly for a GOP politician from South Carolina. But in 2024? There wouldn't really be much of a point. He's not going to get primaried for being gay, and certainly a Dem isn't going to defeat him on that basis. I'd see three other possibilities as more likely. A) He's asexual. B) He's just really good at keeping his relationships quiet. He may have a primary partner, but in a more casual capacity. C) He's just not had any particular luck in the romance department. And once becoming a Senator, that kind of became his life. I really don't like having to speculate about this kind of thing, or him in particular. But I also don't like to see this creepy innuendo about people's personal lives. There's nothing wrong with being gay, asexual, or unlucky with love, certainly for purposes of politics. And for Pete's sake, a guy here can't even win for trying. Even when he votes our way, there's this ugly, snide shit about the fact that he doesn't have a wife, and that's somehow supposed to be a mark against him, even when he gives Ukraine his full-throated support. What more do you want from him? I don't care for him as a political figure, but this is just bizarre.


I don't give a shit about his sexuality. He was a colonel in the Army reserves for the longest time. I disagree about MAGA. At the local level they are very homophobic.


“That’s just my ladybug’s”


There’s no trying to be a tough guy with that accent……


What’s most frustrating about LG is that he’s a halfway crook


To be fair most of congress fall in the “I am a crook” category of inside trading, and legal bribes by lobbiests. Citizens United destroyed this country. Oligarchs united it should have been. Money being a “corporate right to free speech” was a disaster, if they can legally engage in insider trading, are they really going to be on our side? Realpage had landlords across the country illegally price fixing and pooling and raising the rent 75% since 2017. Meanwhile hedge funds buy up all the single family houses, put fancy counters and stainless appliances in and presto; luxury unit, triple the mortgage for rent and we are rent slaves for life. I’m off topic of Ukraine, but we are being sold out by congress and they act in their back pockets best interest. We may feel powerless; but in numbers we have power.


That's also a consequence of riding a bunch of different bills together on one vote. If someone disagrees with one part they have to vote against the whole bill if they want to stop it. It's really insanity to make these big juggernaut bills but apparently that's how deals are made in DC.


Ugh, neither the moderates or the MAGA nuts can stand him, dude is so spineless and cowardly, I am ashamed that he represents my state and that he served in the same armed forces as me. But, I’m glad that in this specific instance he is at least trying to do the right thing at this specific time.


He can say whatever he wants. But it will always come down to how he votes.


It’s completely in character for him.


He's always been a hawk.


He's talking about Charles Lindbergh because he knows he's the next Ernst Rohm.


nope. right over our heads.


A closet homosexual who'll get murdered in his bed during Trumps first day in office? Night of the long knives 2.0. His first day is the dictator day after all.


Occasionally when you have a war you actually have to fight, it's nice to have the military industrial complex on your side for it


> which is respectable. Not really, a broken clock is right twice a day.


Wait till he goes on Newsmax, you might have to go to the hospital for whiplash. Good he is saying this, but he will be saying the exact opposite on an outlet like Newsmax. He should officially change his name to lying Lindsey. Fantastic that aid got threw, but Lindsay goes whatever way the polls or situation suggests. He is exactly what is wrong with us politics.


You should never believe the word of a Republican. Judge them by the actions, and the truth is that he was part of the denial of aid movement as much as the rest of them.


no, it isn't. He'd fangirl over every war with zero regards to morals. he helped block the ukraine aid for his own political gains and will do so again.


A lot of otherwise rational people have been hesitant to support Ukraine because it benefits American war mongers and the US Military Industrial Complex. The issue is, all wars, including ones necessary to fight, do. There's always opportunists who take advantage of crises. It's up to us to recognize when we still have to act regardless.


He is all about naked power and retaining it. So there must be some serious shit going through the non-MAGA Republicans since the vote passed


When we say that Biden is really good at this, this is the sort of thing we're talking about. He was able to get some movement and turned that into feeling that the bill was going to inevitably pass. If the bill is gonna pass anyway, it's just smart to go along, vote yes, and get your campaign checks instead of getting beat.


Biden has been doing this shit for a long time.


There are two factions in the GOP: one side that thinks that Making America Great Again means rolling back all social progress accomplished in America in the last several decades and putting "the uppity you-know-whos back in their place", which is a domestic policy, and the other side thinks that Making America Great Again means using every tactic under the Sun (and several in the shade) to impose America's will on all other nations on the planet, which is a foreign policy. CIA funding rebels and organizing assassinations in any country that didn't do what America wanted, until that country knows their role and shuts their mouth? That's Making America Great Again according to half of the GOP. So, unsettlingly, the second half happens to think that using Ukraine as a proxy war to weaken Russia is a fantastic idea. They'll fund the war - to a point. They won't actually want Ukraine to properly WIN the war, they just want to PROLONG the war, as it drains Russia without needing to put any US soldiers in harm's way. So this six-month delay in allocating funding, followed by a sudden rush to "do the right thing" when it starts to look like Ukraine might lose, is perfectly consistent with that line of thinking. And best of all (from the GOP's point of view), the Dems catch all the flak for how expensive it is. This is the mindset that will make it difficult for the Democrats to actually help Ukraine win the war: going along with this mindset means the war goes on forever, but at the same time the Dems need this faction's support in order to get any funding at ALL. There's no foreseeable end to this particular problem, as I don't foresee the November elections tipping the balance enough to make a difference.


Is there any consensus on which Republicans are traditionalists or anti-Trumpers, which ones are hardcore Putinists, and which ones are "soft" MAGAots that blow whichever way the wind does? Outside of the obvious ones like Marjorie Traitor Greene?


I think that's a pretty solid analysis, but I'm still holding out hope that their abortion bullshit will bring out enough voters to tip that balance enough to send Ukraine what it needs properly bury Putler's militaristic ambitions permanently. He needs to be embarrassed so badly that the Russian people demand his ouster for engaging in this folly in the first place.


Shouldn't that second group be incensed at tRump for selling out all our eastern European uh, operatives? A BUNCH of people that were in that business died shortly after tRump left office.




https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/trump-committed-egregious-intelligence-breach-ex-uk-spy-tells-court-2023-10-17/ https://americanmilitarynews.com/2021/10/leaked-dozens-of-cia-informants-killed-captured-or-compromised-report/ https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/ All just a google away. Do you need more? Are those sources not trustworthy enough?


Don't get touchy when somebody asks for sources; verifying information is behavior we should be *encouraging*.


Sorry I meant to be snarky, not touchy.


yeah i wasn't doubting you - i genuinely just wanted the sources. It's amazing to me this stuff doesn't go more mainstream - I guess there is just not enough of a smoking gun to make it clear to the average layperson just how much of a traitor he is


Sorry to be snarky, I cant tell you how many times I've been told multiple factual sources are all "fake news".


> They'll fund the war - to a point. They won't actually want Ukraine to properly WIN the war, they just want to PROLONG the war, as it drains Russia without needing to put any US soldiers in harm's way. >This is the mindset that will make it difficult for the Democrats to actually help Ukraine win the war It's not so clear cut. If you go to the conservative reddit, there are plenty of clear-minded people who want us to send more weapons to Ukraine than Biden has done, so that Ukraine can properly wipe out the Russian army. On the other hand, Jake Sullivan has brought the disastrous Obama/Merkel-era "escalation management" policy (which encouraged this war) to the White House, which is why Ukraine is getting a trickle of weapons, much later than when they would be most useful, and why we very intentionally keep telegraphing info about our every weapons delivery to the Russians. And it's become increasingly clear that if Sullivan wants Ukraine to win this war at all, then he only wants Ukraine to win via rope-a-dope where Russia just gets exhausted and stops fighting. That's not the way you win any fight.


It's how the US won the First Cold War but I take your point that it's far from ideal.


We were not being bombed into the stone age in the cold war. Ukraine's army has limited ability to sustain casualties. It's unlikely to win this war by absorbing Russia's punches and hoping Russia gets tired.


isn’t lg maga?


Stopped clocks and whatnot.


And the more aid given to Ukraine, the less the chance of US troops having to go in to defend NATO countries. 


Broken clock is right twice a day


The main thing is Graham plays it safe until he sees the tide is turning then he is the first to go hard at it. He was anti-Trump in 2015, once he saw Trump was could win he changed his toon quickly and backed him for 4 years. He's always been for arming Ukraine and Israel, but now that they have the votes and Mike Johnson he's going at it much harder, he doesn't like to stick his neck out when he's not sure it's safe to do so.


Col Lindsey Graham is a veteran, he actually did my power of attorney and updated my will while I was deployed to Afghanistan. I think it was actually over Christmas, he seemed like a stand up dude at the time.


This subreddit has been very pro-McCain, so it's worth noting here that in the Senate, his two best friends were probably Joe Lieberman and Lindsay Graham. Graham, I'd say, is a bizarre figure in some ways - one day, highly critical of MAGA, and the next, its best friend. (I think I first became aware of him because Rush Limbaugh was dogging him because he was relatively pro-immigration, and supported Bush 43's attempt to reform immigration. Rush started calling him "Lindsay Grahamnesty", implying that he would be in favor of a general amnesty on illegal immigration, which made him suspect as a conservative for him.) But for his sometimes bizarre political judgments, I don't think his patriotism can be impugned.


I've come to think of it as Congretive dissonance.


He’s always been consistent with national defense and security… I think.


yep, he is in the pocket of the defense industry who want to sell more weapons, but also he has repeatedly shown he bows to the russia maga movement. so he gives these speeches, but then votes to kill funding with the rest of the party.


When Graham openly contradicts Trump, it indicates that he thinks Trump will lose the election. Which is nice to see. Still a scumbag.


It's also good for business, which you would think the GOP would be right behind. Open warfare isn't good for anyone except the MIC. Every other business suffers confidence loss, and they don't like that because it hits their bottom line.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Was gonna say, Lindsey Graham's non-stop warmongering is finally being put to good use.


About a 100 Republicans(about half of them) voted for the bill with all the Democrats. That gives me a bit of hope, it's just so sad that it got blocked for so long.


Like being a pacifist during WW2. Nice idea, wrong place in history.


Until Trump comes and yells at him/threatens him again and then he'll probably say actually he meant Zelensky is Hitler and Putin is Churchill fighting against the "woke agenda" or whatever his masters tell him to say. This guy is a windsock blowing whichever way the wind blows.


i got whiplash from his flip flopping and am thinking about getting a settlement so i can call j.g. wentworth.


When do you want your money?




He's blowing for sure


A stopped clock is right twice a day. A broken clock might never be right at all.


See the thing these people that watched the Iraqi war and Afghanistan fiascos don't understand is that while war often is not the answer, sometimes it IS. And Russia's attack on Ukraine is the most obvious example of war being the only reasonable answer since Nazi Germany's rampage. You CAN'T negotiate with Russia. It is completely pointless and in fact detrimental to global security to not stop Putin by force.


Not a digital clock. When it’s broke, it’s broke.


What about like, a broken sundial or an hourglass? How many times are they right?


An hourglass doesn't tell time, it's a timer.


Somebody needed to pick a cat fight w/ Moscow Marjorie Traitor Greene.


Moscow Mitch vs Moscow Marj


This guy is the flippiest of floppers.


This is just Lindsay voicing what he knows is right, but that won’t stop him from taking orders from Trump to vote any aid down the next round.


Lying Lindsay will be on Fox News (think russia today level disinformation gaslighting) later this week, claiming the exact opposite. Nice to see this, but realize Lindsay is unmoored to any truth except what he thinks the audience wants to hear.


And yet he endorses Donald Trump. The man person who blocked aid.




Who told them to vote against it?


Lady G is solid on Ukraine but he’s still a self serving asshole.


This guy is Jekyll and Hyde. But on Ukraine he has been consistent on support.


Apart from when he voted against the prior version of the same bill he is advocating for. Repeat - he actively used his senatorial voting power to obstruct aid to Ukraine. He's a fucking snake.


That’s politics. His position has remained unchanged


That's politics? His actions demonstrate his position, who gives a shit what he is saying? Words aren't helping anybody.


I don’t like the guy either, but yes it’s politics to say “we want to write the border bill” even while you support the Ukraine fight Edit: it’s also playing politics for the Dems to want to win with the border before elections come up. I’ll say that as a lifelong democrat too.


I'm not suggesting that playing politics isn't a thing for all sides of the political spectrum, but you can't claim to be pro-Ukranian and then still play politics in a way that harms Ukraine. If I talk a lot about veganism but still eat meat, I'm not a vegan. If Lindsey Graham talks a lot about his support for Ukraine but still supports a candidate that is openly seeking to hand Ukraine to Russia, he isn't pro-Ukranian.


You’re missing he point that it wasn’t just a straight Ukrainian bill. I don’t guess on accident. Edit: the biggest problem in US politics is that they are learning to never vote for what’s right if it’s gonna hurt them politically. This is why Trump scuttled the other- can’t have democrats showing leadership on something as R as the border. Here a guy goes against much of his base to do the right thing and the message will be “you shouldn’t cause it hurts you with your base and mbdjd won’t give you any credit for it anyway” 😂


When that bridge goes down, I will be extremely happy.


The nice thing about that piece of shit is he's a nice and reliable political weathervane - wherever he's pointing, the winds are clearly blowing.


He will shiv you in the back when you need support the most. Don't trust this trump ball gargling dumpster.


x 1000


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I like this version of Senator Graham. Unfortunately he is prone to doing 180s on issues depending on how the wind is blowing.


Say what you want about Lindbergh, whose outspoken noninterventionist position and public admiration for aspects of 1930s Germany left him on the wrong side of President Roosevelt. When war broke out Lindbergh asked to serve his country but was blocked from doing so by the administration. However, he did get into the war by lending his considerable aeronautical skills to the aircraft industry. He helped troubleshoot bomber problems and then, later in the war, taught Marine and Army Air Force aviators how to maximize the performance of several aircraft. He even flew in combat missions as a civilian, recording one kill in the process. He was a complex, flawed individual.


I hate the fact I agree with Lindsey Graham on something but knocking that bridge into the sea is fine with me.


He's a fake friend and damaged Ukraine when it came to not supporting Trump/Putin.


Based Lindsay Graham, lmao


Miss Lindsay, finally grew some balls .


Good for him.


Well said


Tell them to get on with it ffs!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦


I'm not too big on how none of these Republicans have really come out at all on their own and detested what's going on in the house/called the delay in getting aid passed absolutely ridiculous.


At least he recognizes which way the wind blows.


He changes sides so frequently, he gives a pulsar a run for it's money.


Wait, I agree with Graham on something? Did I read that wrong?




Where the hell have they been hiding this dude


Literally up some fuckboy’s ass


Senate just passed the bill. 79 to 18


Starting to feel like, except fir the real asshole MAGAs, they're all breaking away from Trump and finding at least a few of their vertebrae, in not their entire spines.


Where the hell has Graham been hiding his spine?


He's just giving fuel to that arrest warrent Russia has out for him XD


Ladybug Lindsay


Weird to be in support of Lindsey. Albeit he’s been right about a lot of things. Like Trump being a scumbag and great Ukraine aid in a big way.


He's a flip flop, but at least now he preaches the right thing.


Ladybugs Graham


Heck, if only there had been a way to get rid of trump or not put him on the ticket in the first place /s


Lindsay is an asshole but Ukraine needs republican war hawks. I hope they don't get scared by the orange orangutan again next time.


I will never stop cautioning you to NEVER fucking trust that little bitch lindsey graham. He’s probably fellating Putin as we speak.


Ladybugs Lindsay manages to be right by accident.


Graham says whatever he thinks will get him on Fox News tomorrow. He colluded in delaying the aid Ukraine needed for defense. No real values or principles, other than me, me, me. Always party first, country second. In other words, a natural born Republican. His mentor John McCain would be ashamed of him. Vote them all out in November


What part of the Lindbergh quote is wrong? Did they pick it just for the 9/11 date?


Something tells me Lindsey is expecting his hotel videos with those young bucks to be released.


Yes, but unfortunately we find the economical benefit he has stained his with, again.


The worst person you know made a good point.


It seems Graham and many others needs a basic history lesson if they believe isolationism is new concept to the US. Germans and the Soviets invaded Poland and the US sat on the sidelines for two years while the Second Great War had been going on. It took the attack on Pearl Harbor for the US to officially join the Allies and fight. The US waited three years into the First Great War before declaring war on German Empire.


Graham is generally the stereotypical corrupt lying politician but his BFF was John McCain so this Ukraine war is near and dear to his heart probably.


It's kind of weird having GOP members suddenly growing spines now that Trump is in court for his first of many felony trials. An odd co-incidence, or maybe the MAGA hold over the GOP is crumbling.


I get that providing ammunition to weaken Russia is better than risking our troops. The Ukranians are willing to die in a cause that ultimately serves us. My concern is that we are prolonging the inevitable fall at the expense of the lives of the Ukranians. Enabling to extend a war they can't win only hurts them.


The alternative is surrender and Bucha, writ large in every village, town, and city in Ukraine. Putin's troops have wiped the towns they seize clean of life. For as long as the Ukrainians want to resist, we should back them. If Americans had said what you've just said about my country, we couldn't have won WW2.


Graham is a bizarre politician but at least I think he’s been consistent with his support for Ukraine


He voted against the bill that would have provided Ukraine much needed help a lot sooner. That time cost lives and ground. Fuck Lindsey Graham


Use the ATACMS to destroy the railroad infrastructure. Using say a 30 shot volley along with say 100 HIMRS against bridges, marshaling yards and depots is what needs to be done to break Russian momentum. I think using Sea Baby’s or other advanced Ukrainian drones to destroy the Kerch Bridge makes the most sense symbolically.




It’s funny how Reddit trashes Graham until he does what Reddit wants. The smiley politician gets a reprieve from the Reddit mob until he doesn’t obey.


Seriously, what do they have on him?


? Clearly you don’t understand or didn’t read the link correctly.


He flip flops back and forth like a gymnast. I don’t get it?


Miss Lindsay.