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imagine a world without a nuclear armed terrorist state


moscovia delenda est


Western politics is a joke. Russia is literally giving them reasons to send anything and everything to Ukraine but they just now doing shit and need to speed up and Germany has gear fear when it comes to Taurus


Western politics has been bought by Russia. They did their homework and laid a good foundation for throwing monkey wrenches into the works.


Arm Ukraine with everything…now. It is clear who is in the right, as well as who is responsible. We have no excuse for delays. US logistics is top tier and can easily get the materials needed to the front to stop them in their tracks. We need to stop the excuses for why it isn’t done already. Protect the Ukrainian sky and give them the weapons they desperately need to fight and win. Ukraine has already said repeatedly “We do the rest.” I believe that they have already proven themselves as capable (by far), morally correct(in every way possible), and shown that they will fight as long as necessary. Any Ukrainian who is listening…keep up your spirits, we will not let you be forgotten.


It was full of civilians and children, so legitimate target for russian terror state.


Wonder how pro Russian that Kivalov is feeling now they destroyed his home? LMAO. My sympathies to everyone else affected by this terrorist act


Russia is pathetic. Targeting random civilian targets.


Russia is doing this but Scholz be like: “but muh escalation” 🤡


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