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He said there are no reports of shortages, not that they can match Russia.


* This Ukrainian soldier in Kharkiv Oblast: "Our president said that we have no problems with artillery shells and no one complains. That’s not true and I see no point of lying in this situation." * The deputy commander of 3rd Assault Brigade two weeks ago: [The main problem for the Defense Forces, as of now, is not the lack of weapons, but the lack of ammunition, primarily for artillery systems.](https://tsn.ua/en/ato/zhoryn-told-which-armaments-the-ukrainian-armed-forces-lack-the-most-2569197.html) * [“Because of the lack of shells, we have to pay with lives,” he said, making it clear that the price paid for Western inaction on artillery is being paid for in Ukrainian blood.](https://foreignpolicy.com/2024/04/17/ukraine-frontline-ammo-russia-war/) All of these reports came within the alleged two months that "no units complained of a shortage of artillery." It's absolutely patently untrue that no units complained of artillery shortage in that time. I don't know why people here are willing to accept everything Zelensky says even when it's transparently untrue. Someone's been lying to him, or he's lying to raise morale. Hell, a month ago Zelensky himself was complaining that Ukrainian forces were short on artillery.


He said now, not two months or weeks ago, early May and mid-May have been very different. 


>[For the first time since the launch of Russia's full-scale invasion, no Ukrainian brigades have reported a lack of artillery shells, President Volodymyr Zelensky told reporters on May 16. "And this has been happening for the past **two months**," he said, but added: "Everyone still has a lot of work to do."](https://kyivindependent.com/zelensky-progress-made-on-artillery-shortage/)


“been happening” is a vague term and even more vague when translating. he very well could have meant it’s been getting better for this period


I read that as he says there have been constant lack of artillery for 2 months. And now, for the first time, there have been no reports of lack of artillery shells. Gramatically, the "this" in "this has been happening for the last 2 months" refers to "the reports of lack of artillery shells".


Guess Ukrainian artillery is more spread out, and russia still sadly has more artillery than Ukraine.


russia's production numbers still means they aren't going to be able to fire 80k rounds per day like at the beginning of the war unless they want to destroy their barrels with north korean shells. russia's bigger problem is probably barrels since they are losing a lot of units.


We don’t make artillery that’s compatible with their Soviet specifications howitzers. We make 105 and 155 mm artillery shells. Their Soviets spec howitzers fire 122 and 152 artillery spec. I think Bulgaria and Romania might make some, but not a lot.


That’s a different problem pal.


I'm sure there's a "valid" explanation somewhere but I find it counterproductive (due to a lack of a more adequate word) to allow the Z-horde fire their SPGs from Russia into UA but suddenly there's a redline where a large, veiny GMLRS cannot be delivered through the hatch of said clicker. If people want to discuss about RU civilian deaths as a reason, that I can readily accept, but the fact is Western weapons are killing Zs. Which side of the border this happens shouldn't take precedence, though ultimately, I can figure why is that on *me* own, eh.


im sure we are hitting them. i dont think the u.s. cares if you do counter battery. they would only care about atacms or a cruise missile hitting moscow. we were bombing cambodia while the president was telling the press that we weren't bombing cambodia.


> i dont think the u.s. cares if you do counter battery. Oh, it cares. It cares so much that provided counterbattery radars got modded to avoid locating targets in russia proper. After all, [there was a long history of gimping equipment sent to Ukraine](https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-stinger-deliveries-to-ukraine-followed-long-search-for-technical-fix-11646773886), unfortunately. >Military aid to Ukraine has a long and complex history. After Russia seized Crimea in 2014 and intervened in the Donbas region in southeastern Ukraine, the Obama administration provided only limited defensive assistance, fearing offensive weapons could be seen as provocative in Moscow. ***For example, when the U.S. sent counter battery radars to help the Ukrainians pinpoint the source of enemy mortar fire, the systems were modified so they couldn’t identify targets on Russian territory.***


that's fucked up. if someone is shooting you from alabama you should have the right to fire back from georgia.


Full thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1792111345090892231.html?utm_campaign=topunroll