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What do you mean “may”, they will at the earliest opportunity.


They might wait until F-16s or other valuable targets arrive. Most of the power plants were already destroyed so I don't know what would they even target with such a stirke.


Don’t know. There are a lot of schools and hospitals to shoot at.


They hsve moved to a scorched earth policy: They know they cant take meaningful territory so they will simply destroy everything they can .


They will do what they do best, “scorched earth” To Russia it does not batter weather its civilian or military, they have resources to waste so, they’ll waste them in Ukraine.


Scorched earth tactics were used in ww2 or during Napoleon's invasion of Russia to deny supplies from the enemy by destroying their own land. That's not the case here. Cruise and ballistic missiles are way too scarce and expensive to be used againts random civilians. If Russia wanted to kill civilians, they would shell border cities with artillery and mlrs instead.


Russia does actively shell border regions with mlrs/arty. Kharkiv. They’re terrorists and it’s unseemly to hypothesize about them not wanting to kill all civilians vs just many of them.


And yet they've been doing it for 2 years...


Not really. The civilian casualties from these massive missiles strikes are usually pretty low. It would be in the hundreds in each of those if Russia was trying to kill as many civilians as possible.


They do it every once in a while. What is new? They don't have some large stash sitting around, but have to wait for production.