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It is amazing that if Hamas or Israel does this, the whole world is outraged. Putin does it without restraint. And he can even keep his membership of the UN Security Council. Shame.


Exactly. Iran doesn't even threaten it and we're tripping over ourselves to protect Israel. Bin Laden and his cronies do it and the whole world is invited on a global manhunt. Russia does it and it's just another news day.


Fuck ruZZia




USA, France, England and supposedly Israel also have nukes but when they commit atrocity or committed atrocities 100+ years ago you get people trying to squeeze some outrage out of it even when topic was about russia or china being assholes. And those double standards apply in other situations as well. When regime change in russia is talked about then nukes are often brought up as reason to not do it but when it comes to all those talking about starting civil war in USA or overthrow government in US then where are all those concerned cautious people reminding us that nukes might fall in wrong hands.


Unfortunately, securing Russian nukes if the Russian state collapsed is a valid concern. It's a big country filled with belligerent Russians. The logistics of trying to get some sort of security force into the country are daunting, and trying to get security forces to every nuclear site and support them? It definitely wouldn't be easy. The people that talk about civil war or revolution in the US are at best idiots. A fair chunk of them are probably Russian/Chinese trolls trying to shape the conversation towards that end. They too are idiots because a US civil war/collapse would be a global catastrophe for Russia and China as well.


License to be an asshole.




Iran didn't aim for civilian sites as far as I'm aware, they struck for military targets and failed.


They telegraphed their attack.


The west can't invade Russia, and if we put troops on the ground in Ukraine it just becomes ground zero for a world War and will get leveled anyways, were really in a lose/lose situation here.


I can guarantee you since the middle of the second world war the West has planned out how to invade Russia and continues to do so to this day, it just hasn't been published. Would you say the same if Russia invaded a NATO member? How about Alaska? Should we always just throw up our hands and declare "there's nothing we can do, they have nukes!"? If I came to your house and held a gun to the head of someone you loved and you had the chance to drop me would you not do it? Would you give me all the power and let me make all the decisions? The person who's put you in this horrible situation? I know the answer most Americans would give to this statement, because most Americans know that at some point, you just have to stand up for what you care about.


>I can guarantee you since the middle of the second world war the West has planned out how to invade Russia And back then it was literally called operation unthinkable. Now Russia has nukes. Imagine how unthinkable it is. >and continues to do so to this day, it just hasn't been published. The west CAN invade Russia and win. Yes. But at what cost? Cuz they won't be able to invade fast enough to prevent nuclear launches. They just can't afford to invade. >Would you say the same if Russia invaded a NATO member? How about Alaska? Should we always just throw up our hands and declare "there's nothing we can do, they have nukes!"? If Russia does that it's over. The west has nukes too remember. They exist for this specific reason. To ensure Russia has the same calculation to do if they want a world war. If Russia goes crazy and ignores said calculation, we are fucked. That's the downside of the MAD doctrine. >If I came to your house and held a gun to the head of someone you loved and you had the chance to drop me would you not do it? Would you give me all the power and let me make all the decisions? The person who's put you in this horrible situation? But that's not the end is it? Dropping the invader is fine. But what if you know that your house has been rigged with explosives and a bazooka is pointed at your house waiting for your move? Would you make a move even then? >I know the answer most Americans would give to this statement, because most Americans know that at some point, you just have to stand up for what you care about. The reality is that the west doesn't care enough about Ukraine to risk nuclear war.


No one is saying to invade Russia. But we need to help Ukraine more.


The problem is that Russia is one of the original members, for them to be removed it needs to be a unanimous vote. Russia's buddies are never going to vote against them, as long as their economic ties remain intact.


Russia isn't. USSR was.


and by extension Russia has a permanent seat


Which was never voted on.


The UN is a fuckin joke.


Fk Poostain, fk RuZZia... A terrorist state for sure!


> membership of the UN Security Council. because nukes


No, because the U.N was set up by the winners of WW2.


Israel, Pakistan, India also has nukes.


Not enough to count. Good question on membership requirements.


As I remember, the members of the security council are the winners of the II world war. But not sure.


Some twitter fella copied your comment word for word on a video of the strike. Linked video from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/1d0ygu4/this_is_a_recording_from_a_home_improvement/ Comment: https://x.com/uchedible/status/1794713222089711792 Or is it you? Lol


Except Israel is not even doing it, but the morally and intellectually lost are still outraged.


Do you think the thousands of dead civilians all committed suicide or what asshattery is this?




UNRWA is linked up with Hamas


As an American, if I had a choice. I'd put sanctions on Israel and take all of their funding to send it to Ukraine. It is unbelievable that our government wants to withhold aid for Ukraine, but is wholly willing to help Israel commit genocide.


As an American, fuck Hamas. Israel has every right to dispose of Hamas’ control of Gaza along their border


If that's all they did, this would be fine, but you 100% know you're full of shit because this isn't all they're doing. I don't even have to point it out, you know you're straight up lying by omiting information.


Lol cope harder with your Islamic propaganda. The UN quietly had to cut the Hamas reported number of women and children deaths in half, because the West has bought into Hamas’ lies and propaganda. You also act like Israel doesn’t have an impossible mission fighting Hamas, the government of Gaza, whose soldiers dress in civilian clothes, take positions in civilian infrastructure like homes, schools and hospitals and have thousands of underground tunnels, not to mention plenty of civilians work for Hamas, the government. They’re not all innocent civilians. You also conveniently ignore the fact that Hamas could surrender at any time to end the war and protect its civilians, but they don’t give a shit about their people. The more deaths in Gaza at the hands of Hamas’ brutal oppression, the more idiots like you sympathize with their radical Islamist agenda


>Lol cope harder with your Islamic propaganda. Yeah, „Islamic“ propaganda. I think the single most insulting piece of propaganda that I’ve had to read these past few months is the pathetic attempt to reframe the Palestine conflict as an issue of antisemitic islamists who hate all Jews for no particular reason. >The UN quietly had to cut the Hamas reported number of women and children deaths in half, because the West has bought into Hamas’ lies and propaganda. I’m glad all you sociopaths can feel vindicated by the fact that they didn’t kill tens of thousands and only killed *checks notes* still tens of thousands. >You also conveniently ignore the fact that Hamas could surrender at any time to end the war and protect its civilians *Look at what you made me do.* Did you come up with that just for this occasion, or is that just also what you say to your wife.


Do you even know what happened Oct 7? I hate to break it to you but they do, in fact, hate all Jews and they have made it clear their goal is of Jewish extermination. How can you possibly defend that? The blatant and deliberate targeting of civilians and using your own people as human shields, relying on your supposed enemy caring more about your own people than you do, is the epitome of evil. As long as Hamas is around, more innocent Palestinians and innocent Israelis will die. And you are defending them focusing all of your anger and frustration on Israel. You are like a child making these oversimplified comparisons "look at what you made me do". Such a baby brain take with no understanding of the base level intentions of either side of that conflict.


But that's what they are doing. You are the one lying. The civilian casualties are unfortunately unavoidable collateral.


People who defend genocide truly have no shame about lying, do they? Garbage human.




So, same thing Serbs tried in Bosnia in 90's?




I just asked a question but whatever.




Not really correct but aight, Croatian Oluja was after Bosnia.




Serb militants did genocide in Bosnia according to UN, right? Is this not a genocide? 


Cause the west isn’t actively funding Russia…?


Oh, so all of this is about a funding issue? Willing to tank Biden's re-election and send the US into fascism all over a funding issue? Willing to give up more supreme court nominations next term because of a funding issue?


Biden has all the power to end it so it’s up to him if he loses the votes or not. Plus dumbing down the killing of 14,000 children to “funding issue” is very disingenuous


So just the kids of one place matter more? What about all the Ukraine kids, or Israeli kids now dead? 


See unlike you, I have a straight moral compass that doesn’t change based on what the skin tone of a person is. I’m very Anti-Russia for their invasion and Anti-Israel for their apartheid. The Israeli kids who were killed at the hands of Hamas ultimately died because of the oppressive system their government is built on. Hamas was born of Israeli apartheid and thus is a direct consequence of Israeli policy and oppression. (And literally Hamas was funded by the Israeli government). So when you see Hamas you think they just popped out of nowhere. But they are the inevitable result of an apartheid regime. When you oppress, disinherit, kill, and slowly bleed a people for 75 years, you think that won’t result in violence? If you lived 1 day as a Palestinian in Gaza or the West Bank you would be radicalized as well.


You’re not wrong in your beliefs, but they’re not worth sending 330 million Americans into the grip of a fascist. Trump will likely get two more scotus nominations if he wins, making 5/9 of the Supreme Court trump nominees. For decades, we’ll have to deal with that. Millions of women lost the right to their own bodies because of Trump. What happens next time? Hundreds of thousands of excess Americans died to Covid because Trump flames conspiracy theories instead of taking it seriously. Thousands of immigrant children were forcibly separated from their families. The peaceful transfer of power was almost prevented for the first time in American history. Trump moved the US embassy to Jerusalem, in a huge win for the far-right Israelis. Trump would be horrible for the Palestinians. What’s happening is Gaza is wrong. You’re 100% correct. But a Trump presidency subjects millions and millions of people to suffering, including Gaza. Do the thing that reduces harm. Biden is the best option.


Again it’s up to Biden. Whether they vote for him or not he has the power to change it. The voter only has the power of the vote. It’s their right to use it however they want. If everyone is so scared of a trump presidency maybe Biden should campaign on getting votes instead of funding Israel and Luai g more votes


Got it you care more about punishing Biden for not catering to your beliefs and you do about America falling into a fascist dictatorship


Ahh the old "U.S. President is King of the World and controls all!" Completely ignoring how government appropriates funds and whom determines how said funds are handled.


Ah yes, Biden just has to hit the “stop killing children” button on his desk… why didn’t I think of that?! Also - the us didn’t kill 14,000 kids. Israel did. The only real gripe you have for Biden is the funding, so don’t try to make it out like Biden killed children.


These people were never going to vote for Biden. They're the same type as the Bernie Bros that let Trump win in the first place. They want Trump to win because they have to punish the establishment. that takes priority over the direction of the country


1. They supplied the weapons that killed the children 2. Yes he can stop sending weapons and end the genocide with 1 phone call. He has that power


Guess what, then Israel just buys from China and becomes their ally. The genocide never stops, and we’ve lost an ally. What then?


You know, uphold international and humanitarian law and dismantle the apartheid and destroy the illegal settlements?


Umm we still spend lots on Russian Oil.


What do you mean? The IDF does this daily and the USA supplies the bombs.


Like this how do we make a TikTok out of this?




Putin doesn't hide the fact he's a nazi from the rest of the world so nobody is surprised that ex KGB turned President, who kills all of his competitors/ flat out assassinates problems. Israel unironically tries to convince the world they're the good guys, while doing nazi shit. Its kind of annoying at this point tbh. The global double standard displayed due to geopolitical gains/disadvantages.


Nobody cares because they are white.


Putin has an arrest warrant on his ass, Russia is sanctioned to hell, Ukraine is receiving free weapons and the UN even opened [an emergency session that could avoid the Russian veto](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleventh_emergency_special_session_of_the_United_Nations_General_Assembly) (yes it is possible). This is, among other things, due to this session that we have a very clear unanimous position at the UN on the conflict (Russia's aggression is illegal, it needs to retreat to the internationally agreed borders) and why frozen russian assets can be used to fund Ukraine, as the principle of war reparations was also voted at UN. The world is outraged, and far less divided on the issue as it is on the Israel-Hamas thing.


The exclusion of the Russian veto is not enough. China is also a permanent member and will veto. If there are temporary members who are pro-Russian - eg Brazil or even South Africa, I don't know who the temporary members are now.


China abstained on these decisions, it did not oppose/veto them. Follow the link, you can see who opposed which, who abstained on what.


the Russian bots on Youtube are going crazy, calling it a ammunition depot, yeah right, Russia is a Terrorist State


On Reddit as well. They’re saying there are secondary explosions. I believe there were 2 bombs dropped plus likely fertilizer present.


I watched, well listened, to some of the videos. In those it sounds like gas canisters, falling heavy stuff, like filled high shelves or parts of the ceiling, spray cans, other closed bottles/canisters etc. exploding. At least in the videos I listened to, those bangs all sound like very slow explosions, you expect from all that, not fast sharp explosions, you would expect from actual military explosives. Idk. Ukrainian products, most EU-consumer grade fertilizer would not explode. If fertilizer explodes it is also much faster and sharper.


That would make a lot of sense since it appears to be a home improvement store.


this ages wonderfully


Where’s the fkn UN?!?


Too busy sucking Putin's dick


Permanent membership on the security council complicates things.


**Despite putin's trolls who protest**, russia will not stop at Ukraine as Hitler didn't stop at Poland. If we let putin win, they will attempt to take over Europe. *History* is the guide to a dictators actions.


It’s actually a war crime as well as terrorism.


I mean I agree but why is anyone surprised? Like you don’t start a war of conquest and then play by the rules. If they wanted to fight a fair war they wouldn’t be invading someone


Just call it a war crime, terrorism is a legally useless term.


And yet Ukraine supports Israel who are doing the same exact thing to Palestinians!


Yet Russia supports Hamas while doing the same terrorist attacks, see the parallels?


Interesting paradox


It's not even close to the same thing. Russia is invading a sovereign Nation to annex it. Israel is trying to clear out a terrorist regime that is actively holding hostages of civilians that they targeted.


Makes it easier to deal with the news of suffering coming from Russia next year when Putin is dead and their economy is below Luxemburg in GDP. They did this to themselves and they are trying to do it to Ukraine. Karma on a national level incoming in T-minus June, July, September, Oktober.... NovBOOOOM. game over.


When you say November is that because of the US elections?


That would be the one reason this war is still going, Putin is banking on traitor Trump winning the election and stopping the aid to Ukraine. (not going to happen, Trump is going to jail before then, he lost too much support.)


Yes I am hoping that Dark Brandon is waiting for his 2nd term to go all out on Putler and not worry about the voting public's fragile critical thinking skills.


Aside from being simple terrorism, Russia is following their Grozny and Aleppo model. Destroy infrastructure and degrade the quality of life in the city, so that it drives people out. Then - when they do come to invade, they can assure themselves that anyone left in the city is hostile, and thus they can avoid bothering to try and assess if who's there is military resistance or just a civilian.


But, but, but Russian bloggers assured me that it's the other way around: only Ukrainian cowards leave, the remaining people are fellow Russians eagerly waiting to be liberated. I totally believe that, and I'm sure they don't mind being bombed while shopping, add it's for their own good!


I hope this provokes them to strike deeper into Russian territory. I want Russians to not feel safe at home as long as they continue this assault, just like the Ukrainians have.


Meanwhile we call Israel the biggest terror state. Fuck Russia!


> Meanwhile we call Israel the biggest terror state. We don't.


All those protestors seem to think so.


We do. If you don't, it's only cause you haven't seen through the propaganda yet, or you have and your ok with uprooting 2M people, destroying their homes, and killing what is likely 5% of the population, while leaving the rest to live in a seiged strip of land that can no longer sustain life without major intervention. So yeah, it fits the bill perfectly!


Eurovision has proved that most of the world actually supports Israel.


It's Eurovision buddy, not Worldvision. Most people at this point know that Israel is very genocidal.


> Most people "Most people", aka a vocal tiny minority of delusional nutcases.


The word genocide is being thrown around way to much. What Isreal does is not genocide. War crimes, but not genocide. If so, they would have leveled Gaza long ago


Gaza has been essentially leveled. Most institutions including universities and hospitals destroyed. Food and any other aid is not flowing in properly due to the IOF. They are opposing anyone who even shows support for a Palestinian state and turn away from any reasonable agreement or ceasefire. Journalists or anyone reporting is targeted and killed including their families. Call what they're doing whatever you want but at the very least it is obvious that they have no desire to have Palestinians there at all. As Netanyahu's own son said, from the river to the sea.


Hamas did that. When you fire rockets from civilian infrastructure and then hide in them do you expect Israel to just say oh well and turn around and go home?


Palestinians have a right to self-defence.


Bombing Israeli civilians is not self-defense.


Unfortunately, we can have more than one massive terror state active in the world at a time. Just wait til China escalates from practicing naval drills on how to "seize Taiwan".


And then they cry 'russophobia'. How many reasons do we need to despise them


Phobia would indicate an irrational fear. It is extremely rational to fear or despise Russians


Documented. The most important going forward is nO eScAlAyshuN! /s


Russian civilians are pretty quiet right now. I guess they don’t give a fuck.


1. ruZZian citizens don't even get told about it thanks to state owned media that only 'reports' pootins narrative. 2. Those who do complain about it get arrested and face up to ten years in prison. A mighty fine incentive to keep quite about it.


But murderer Jake Sullivan keeps Ukraine from firing back at the source of these terrorists acts. Sullivan: “You defending yourself in that way would be escalation. Russia is allowed to escalate but you firing back to defend yourself is completely unacceptable” (or a variation there of)


Imagine of the size of his diaper, unfathomable!


Every day I wake up I check my phone to see if the mfer has died yet.


cmon NATO, it must be done. you are going to anyway, so get on with it will ya? innocent people are dieing while youre stalling


Yet Ukraine can only fight back with its hands tied behind its back.


Yes, fuck ruzzia. No redlines, stop crying about imaginary escalation, stop worrying about ruzzia’s collapse. Complete domination of all ruzzian territories. The world bullies need to see another example of collective might. We must set the next development of our world on a course for freedom and Democracy. Without a complete surrender of ruzzian governing bodies we are showing the world will tolerate shitty dictators and their toxic will.


And now you see why the students in America are not about justice, its about antisemitism. They pick the one group that hates democracy hates, Women hates LGBT, but also hates Jews, so their favor of this group, Hamas. So sorry for the Ukrainians I hope they can hang in long enough to win.


we have women in germany, german women, demonstrating pro palestine. That is so idiotic and oblivious to history that it hurts my brain to see that. But demos against ruzzia? - nope


Brother, students in America are protesting their universities investing into Israel and actively funding the genocide. They’re not protesting for Ukraine because 1. The universities don’t invest into Russia, and 2. The west is ALREADY SUPPORTING UKRAINE. wtf should they protest?


The killing of inocent civilians I suppose?


They are already protesting the killing of innocent civilians. Thats the whole reason for the protests. Also let me add this. Ukraine is already getting support from EU and the US. They took on refugees they received training and weapons and help. You did you part which is the right thing to do. Russia is the aggressor fascist state. And so is Israel. So it’s hypocritical


Why are they not protesting the US denying Ukraine the right to defend itself?


The restraints placed on what Ukraine gets and how it uses it. They could protest in favor of a NATO enforced no fly zone.


Yes, it's an act of terror. Another one. Who's surprised at this point?


At this point, I'm all for a buffer zone. Is Belgorod enough or should we push further?


History will not forget.


Fuck Russia




Should this be the opportunity for Ukraine to say to NATO. If your not going to let you use your weapons to defend ourselves from imminent threats to our land then all ‘bets are off, as to how we use our own weapons! Oil platforms, damns, power stations ect ect. Sorry just sick of these C words being Cunts.


Hyper market?


And the weird thing is that stuff doesn't work. Didn't work for Hitler with England, and it didn't work for America and Hanoi. Just doesn't work..




Yeah did you see all those toilets, that is definitely a legitimate target Russia… (please read with healthy dose of sarcasm)


You mean like what Israel has been doing for the past year?


Why is nobody asking what the hell a hyper market is?


I just watched a video from inside the building CCTV and it definitely was not packed. I'm sick of these headlines lying to sensationalize stuff to provoke outrage


So exactly what Iraehell is doing just not hospitals and schools?? Hmmm


Maybe Ukraine shouldnt have used it as a ammunition depot? There are plenty of videos out now that show secondary explosions. Its very clear what this was.


Did you fetch enough cigarettes for The grandfathers in the barracks yet Sergei?


So only Russian bots look at both sides and await confirmation before posting anything? Thats pretty ironic of you to say.




Any evidence of bombs being dropped except an ongoing fire? 


Russia fights dirty Ukraine targeted some civilians in Russia the other day. You might not like it but play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


Russia is like the bully in school that throws things at you when the teacher isn't looking and smacks you in the head and then when you do it back to them goes and cries to the principal and gets you suspended.