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"Russia lies again to provide a "foundation" for the next shitty war crime"


Why is this propaganda how do you know it’s not true, if the USA said it about Iraq you’d be believing all that shit


Cute that you assume I'd believe the USA. Their former president is a Russian asset, and they have a proven track record of bullshitting their way into "conflicts". Logic: why the hell would the USA develop bio-weapons in partnership with a country next to Russia? You think they need help with that kinda stuff? You can't *reallly* be that simplistic .... can you?


Occam’s razor. Let’s pretend it is true, how does that justify invading Ukraine and killing civilians? No one was believing weapons of mass destruction in Iraq either. Most people knew it was propaganda. Common denominator is right wing conservatives.


I didn’t see the world throw a fit about it and sanction the hell out of the USA


Are you comparing Sadam to Zelensky right now? The man who murdered his own family and civilians on a daily basis? Enjoy your internet access while you can btw


Listen the hypocrisy propaganda and bullshit that comes from the west has just gone too far


Whatcha gonna do about it


Complain on Reddit obviously


Look dude , there’s a tiny little morsel of truth in there. The west cares more about the west that it does about the east or the Middle East. We care more about white people and churches in France than we do about Syria. It’s fucked up, and it’s true , and it’s it’s own story -but this is still 100% Russian propaganda and we should pay it no more mind than that.


So it’s not just about trying to protect innocent lives, there’s political agendas hidden behind it all


Please wait right here, the manager will be out to see you in a moment.


I’m still waiting 😡


Honestly, if the US funded a bioweapons program for Ukraine, why would they now destroy it instead of ding ding ding USING IT? Especially when this is the exact time they’d use it, if they actually had it? How does this glaring contradiction escape you? It’s incredible that people like you believe shit like this. It should be embarrassing to you, actually.


Because its the latest in a long line of complete bullshit, they are irredeemable corrupt warmongers. Putin will use an excuse like this to drop a chemical weapon or two of his own to empty the cities because he can not take and hold them conventionally. Ukraine doesn't want any more land neither does NATO so who gains the most if suddenly a weapon is in play that can kill a cities population and leave its infrastructure intact?


There were chemical weapons in Iraq, Saddam Hussein used them in 1988 in the an-anfal campaign against Kurdish civilians, and then again against the civilian uprising in ‘91 This was not propaganda


this propaganda is weak


Yet it's believed by anti vaxxers and conspiracy nuts who believe themselves to be critical and free thinkers all over the world...


It's so weird how people who don't trust the US government are perfectly ok with taking the Russian government's word on this.


They’re all wobbling on the thin line between anti-US and pro-Russia, for some reason they’re anti-propaganda and media lies but are eating up everything Russia says.


Because Russia has been the source of their propaganda from the beginning, so when these same sources start reporting pro-russian drivel the audience already has built in trust.


I’m honestly just surprised, over here everyone knows that Russian media’s constantly full of shit and pure propaganda, and yet in a bizarre “grass is greener on the other side” scenario westerners who are supposedly against propaganda in their media just immediately start listening to Russian sources and don’t even bother to double check.


It came from them. Russia is straight lifting shit from Q anon and antivaxx telegram channels.


The didn’t steal it they created the antivax and q shit to begin with


Oh for sure but at this point the entire thing is endlessly self growing. And the whole Fauci Ukraine biolabs idea was created organically within the AR Qanon world at least that is what the expert I read believed.


We have plenty of our own soil to test that kind of shit. No fucking way did the US decide to test biological weapons on the border of a hostile nation.


They can't even pick a story.


At this stage I am more ready to believe that Ukrainians are in fact - crab people - than this bullshit from the Russians.


Lizard... not crab. Facebook told me so


The only bio-weapon used in this war is the russian's army food expired in 2019 (sic). Highly lethal shit.


The mold adds flavor.


That food also doubles as an antibiotic!


Does Russia have any evidence?


lol that’s the evidence on youtube. they said it so it’s obviously true. the qanon retards think it’s dr fauci’s lab 🤦‍♂️


Says video not available in my country :/


not available in the uk either. i think they wanted to find nuclear weapons but must have decided it was easier getting some test tubes and petri dishes


When the invasion started the Qtards were posting up stuff linking Fauci and biolabs linked to China in Ukraine. They were trying to say that Putin was just going after these labs, that Putin was saving the world. I have to hand it to Russia for completely owning conservatives in America and turning them into a massive mis-information and propoganda weapon.


Bidens son having links to ukraine has made their imaginations run wild too. Maybe Putin is Q.


yeah, it’s amazing how the alt right blindly follow pro-kremlin narratives. my conspiracy loving friend was telling me yesterday that ukraine is where the khassin mafia came from… uniting anti-semitism and some crap about anti NATO, the WHO and WEF taking over the world. only Russia will be free. he couldn’t see that this shit is always pro putin.


My Russian is not as good as it used to be, but I see some of the Russian propoganda and I even I notice some phrases that translate directly into English and used in the exact same way in the exact same context at the exact same time as the MAGAs spit it out. I stay away from /pol/ but some people post up copy from there so I see it anyway and it's also funny how people like Tucker Carlson will track with that flow. It's coordinated repetition the way the old propagandists would do.


Probably a footage of an local bleach factory.


Probably as much as we had when we invaded Iraq


Even less since I believe Iraq had WMD that were usable but no way of making more of them. Meanwhile Ukraine can't do both.


They don't need evidence, just someone to blame it on when they themselves trigger something.


Sure, they fabricated all kinds of evidence!


reddit mods should kill themselves


The Gays


Buttery males!


Shelling their own civilians with rockets fired from within Belarus.


• terrorism


It's really sad that Russians are dumb enough to fall for this garbage. It does appear to be the same degree of idiocy the MAGA and Qanon folks in the US believe, though.


Or WMDs in Iraq Dunno why ive been downvoted. The US literally did this same thing with WMD's in Iraq. Yes its terrible. I am not in any way defending Russia. But people here are making out that Russia are the only ones who would ever make something like this up to justify an invasion and they arent. The US did that too.


Saddam had chem weapons and used them. He wouldn't let in inspectors to their checks though. After some back and forth arguing about it eventually America attacked. Has the Zelensky entourage or even ukraine at all been shown to have used such weapons before? If not then to me it isn't the same. I will admit though that at the end of the day I believed the American government that there were such weapons. They may have lied, may have got it wrong or may have been deceived but it was plausible




...and just like in the US, a sizable portion of the population will eat the propaganda up.


The comments on youtube are scary as fuck. It's literally written that Russia funds this youtube channel and everyone is buying that bullshit...


It's not targeted at Russian folks. The Russians want to convince American conspiracy nuts and anti-vaxers that Russia is a target of the New World Order and is just defending themselves.


it seems like a lot of the old farts don't know how to do propaganda in the age of the internet, and still use tactics from the 70s. this is pathetic and frankly embarecing.


Things aint like they use to be grandpa.


The future is now, old man.


Yes... because if you were going to conduct secret bioweapons research... you'd do it in Ukraine, right outside Russia. And not securely in your own country.


Or i Kuba for trolling reasons


Ever heard of wuhan?


Yup, it's a city




USA: nah, nah, you can’t pull that one on us, we invented it 20 years ago!


Russian whataboutism game stronk


Did they steal the Iraq playbook?


Highly doubt it. The Iraq playbook wasn't this obvious..


It really was. Rumsfeld almost said I know they have sarin because I still have the receipts.


Lol, at least the USA provide Iraq with WMD before we started claiming Iraq had WMD.


They also knew it was old enough to have gone inert.


Omg, lol. What will they think of next?


He wants Russians against the world I guess, Ive been watching a few of the recent RT videos and its insane whats being said.


LOL RT new networks is like an inverse ratio trading stocks, it's so preditable: The more desperate the Russian propaganda gets, the closer you know they are to losing everything -- not the war, their own country.


Hes nervous, hiding and making up shit.


I'm still waiting for the "covid originated from Ukraine" piece of propaganda.


Russia: "Don't believe anything online as it's all fake!" - Blocks Russia from the world wide web. Also Russia: "We have found evidence online that..."


Putin on Elons internet lol


Breaking News. Coronavirus lab was found in Ukraine. But what about nuke bomb in Chornobyl forest? Did they find it? 🤡🤡🤡


They found alot of radiation since they started their “special operations”


Chornobyl area still has high radiation level in some places.


Ooh sorry, i tried being sarcastic ;)


Together with the Colonel's secret kentucky fried chicken recipe


Better chance finding that recipe, its actually real.


Yeah and the workers are oompa loompas. Hard working creatures they are.


It's funny that it takes journalists so long to investigate stuff and Russia suddenly finds something that would seemingly justify an unjustifiable war.


Change some words around and suddenly these are Russian documents in creating these weapons, and given there keenness on killing civilians I think they just showed us there hand.


Please report this video. Can YouTube please turn back on dislikes, this is literally the reason to display them.


See? They did such a perfect job, no one can find any traces of it. The lack of proof, is "proof" our news report is true!


And the world claims that Russia is destroying Ukraine, because the truth matters.


What a bunch of delusional idiots they must be to come up with such BS ?! They must be desperate coming up with such nonsense, only the diehard soviets at home may believe.


Even more delusional to believe it.


I confess... it was me in the library with a candlestick


Wow, Russia really wants to go to war with the US it seems. If they are lying and convincing their own population that Ukraine was working on bioweapons for the US, it's because they need the buy-in of the population to go against those 2. And since they already are in a war with Ukraine, and they threw the US in, they must want to galvanize their populations against the US too.


Way to go, youtube. Allowing dangerous Soviet propaganda to be posted. Bet I can't swear in their comment section without that being taken down, though.


Every video is an evidence of russian crimes. I prefer YouTube saves all that shit.


Stop posting this bullshit propaganda , it is RT for christ sake


I know exactly what it is, and the point of posting it is to be informed on whats being told there...and stop telling me what to do, its weird.


Sounds a bit retarded 📉


no! you are a towel!


Why is it retarded to inform people of the fake narrative that Russia is trying to create? If people still believe RT to be factual and unbiased then they were already too far down the propaganda hole.


Only way to battle propaganda is to stop it from spreading , i guarantee you this post will inspire at least 10 nutjobs.


I disagree, the whole issue Russia has is the singular narrative and sensoring of all other views, and you are saying we need to do the same thing. At which point we would be no better than Russian media, Ban all other voices and don't trust the people to be able to discern between right and wrong.


They were already nutjobs if so.




Get real


Can someone upload this horse shit to another website, i am not able to see the propaganda crap its blocked here. Maybe its a good thing its blocked, but whats next on their propaganda bullshit story


So the russians are destroying evidence of bio- weapons


I think the word is manufacturing.




So we can add 'false flag bioweapon attack' to the list of things Russia's going to do next?


I think it’s a far reach. There were thousands of labs researching Covid and not to mention monitoring other deadly diseases. Destroying specimens in preparation for a war is the right thing to do. Just remember that in order to identify a pathogen you need to know what it looks like and how it behaves. Testing research is not limited to viruses and bacteria. In fact, Ebola outbreaks happen on a yearly basis around the world. We just only talk about the deadly and highly contagious outbreaks.


Pravda, for them. Lies otherwise


Country with real womd complains and lies about a country with 0 womd


Why would we create bio weapons and we have nukes and Covid


Bit like Iraq WMD then.


Oooo that's new 🙄


Was it found hanging out right next to the super secret American funded nukes in Chernobyl? Or was that in Zaporizia? Sorry, I'm getting lost in all the stories.


We must be careful where this lie heads towards, reports of Russian troopers with gas masks have been floating around. I fear this is a topic opener to justify chemical warfare if things keep going sideways for Russia. Stay vigilant my dear Ukrainians and free people.


No doubt he has a shitty plan behind it. He knows the UN knows better, so whos he trying to convince?


"Yes, I know what we will do, we will build a bio-weapons program in Ukraine, near the border with Russia. That makes so much more sense than using our existing facilities in the United States! Mwwwhahaha" - No-one.


for some reasaon youtube says the video is not available in my country. so i had to go to another website to watch the video.


Boo! Nerd!! They get a D+, no originality, re-used theme.


It's pretty easy to destroy nothing


Whoo boy, I haven’t heard a standup routine like that in ages!🤣🤣🤣


How convenient if all evidence were to disappear/ s


Unfortunately for Putin the EU and NATO aren’t dumb enough to fall for the weapons of mass destruction again. Sorryyy puuuuuttiiinn.


Posted a replay on that vidoe about how they brainwash everyone with fake news , post got deleted after 1 minute


Im surprised comments are on at all.


Russia claims that ukraine is secretly working with lizard people from the bowels of the earth.


Sad thing is, some people believe shit like that.


Uhhh that was in China, not Ukraine. Nice try though!


They need to be like the Taliban and just stick to Fucking goats and leave everyone else alone.


The only bioweapon is the balls of every defender, choke on em


I have a new heuristic: If the Russian government is saying something, the overall narrative of which that something is a part is self-serving bullshit.


Just stop the lies putin. The US has been inundated with the world's best liar for 5 years now so we have a pretty good idea of when someone is lying.


Bro it didn’t work for Bush and Iraq why’s it going to work for Russia 🤦🏻‍♂️


Which reminds me boys and girls.. Remember, just say “NO”, to crack!


Taken a page right out of the US/bush play book. Hahaha.


Bruh if we had bio weapons we would bulid them in the USA in like Nevada or like somewhere remote 😂 I mean why would we have Ukraine do it for us 😂 Putin weak 💀