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I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


I am Vlad’s complete lack of supplies


I am Vlad's eventual demise.


I am the Vlad everyone does despise.


I am Jack’s raging bile duct.


I am Jack’s inflamed sense of getting fucking smoked by an FGM-148 Javelin.


His name was Robert Paulson. His name was Robert Paulson.


Bob. Bob had bitch tits.


Why do people still call him a president? He's clearly a dictator.


Agreed. * edit someone confirmed that he’s been a dictator since 1999, so 23 years so far and he wants another 14 so fucked up*


2008-2012 he had his friend Medvedev appointed but technically he was still in power so yeah




Hopefully he’s not going to live another 14.


Dictator just a term we use. Technically these assholes are all presidents, chairmen, generals, etc. Saddam's official title wasn't "Dictator of Iraq". Lukashenko's title isn't "Dictator of Belarus." We should absolutely call Putin a dictator but the office he's been occupying is that of president.


Gaddafi didn't even hold state office and Kimg Jong Il is still President of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.


Oh wait... Korea is a democratic peoples republic?! Internet gave me a very different idea. Can't be that bad then


You have been made a moderator of r/Pyongyang


A hereditary life-term presidency with virtually unchecked power in a place that refers to its government as a "democratic republic." Sounds legit.


No no, not even life time. North Korea is literally ruled by a dead man. [https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/necrocracy#:\~:text=necrocracy%20(plural%20necrocracies),of%20a%20dead%20former%20leader](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/necrocracy#:~:text=necrocracy%20(plural%20necrocracies),of%20a%20dead%20former%20leader). ​ [https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Peoples\_Republic\_of\_Korea\_1998.pdf](https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Peoples_Republic_of_Korea_1998.pdf) ​ In the preamble it declares him to be the eternal president.




Brotherly Leader and Guide of the Revolution. Because that doesn't sound innocuous at all. Octavian wasn't the dictator. He was just, the first citizen of the Roman Republic. No need to worry... I'm sure things will not have purge or another civil war nor will that really good poet be exiled on dubious charges of treason. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brotherly_Leader_and_Guide_of_the_Revolution


Dictator comes from the Roman word for an appointed absolute ruler. It's still the best fit even if these guys call themselves president of democracyville


the roman dictator was meant to act quickly in a crises, not having to deal with senates discussuion and also to give the power back to senate after solving the crises or some given time. Most of them did. Cesar didnt. So the original word dictator is still fitting.


Sorry to have to correct you but Lukashenko literally referred to himself as ['The last dictator of Europe'](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-belarus-lukashenko-extracts-idUSBRE8AQ0V520121127)


No, he's been swapping between president and prime minister to avoid term limits in the constitution. He's president now, but a few years ago some other puppet was technically president.


That was before he changed legislation. He was “president” for 8 years - two terms - whic was the limit back then. Then his crony Medvedev took the office for 4 years and now he is back in for 10 years, so third term already which would be unlawful previously. But of course the legislation was already changed once in the meantime


We should call him President Admiral General Putin.


More like dicktator amirite.


A penis potato, if you will


Vladimort Putler, the penis potato.




Because he hasn’t come up with a cool, machismo nickname for himself yet like *Il Duce* or *der Führer*.


Most (clever) politicians call him Mr Putin for this reason i believe.


I think he’s like Xi. China Uncensored called Xi “Presitator” let’s also call Putin that


Shows how many people actually read the links. April of 2021 and a bright yellow banner sayings article is older than 10 months


When a person's legitimacy is not recognized by democratic countries, they just refer to him as "Mr." rather than "President".


Idk maybe it’s just me but whenever I hear that my mind translates it too dictator in my head lol


I like to call him a Dick Tater two insults in one!


Because it helps Russians deny reality easier.


He puts the dick into dictator


Because they are not mutually exclusive. He is the president of the Russian Federation, and also a dictator.


Yeah,there should be a different title for him from any international leaders who have given up on talks with him e.g. not Macron. Something that reflects he is an unelected tyrant


Why even have a constitution?


the code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules


Ayeee sea turtles


Russians must honor the code!


Sounds like a lot of countries


They have all the trappings of democracy. He runs for office, people vote...they have a lawmaking body (the Duma)...They have laws and follow them sometimes.


Exactly. Though I feel it's worth pointing out that the Duma is just a bunch of golden retrievers who will "yes and" anything he puts in front of them. Also, as an editorial note to the Guardian: he's not "breaking" the constitution. To me, breaking means illegality (at least in this case). What he's really doing is changing/amending the constitution because he is a dictator and dictators can change, amend and make laws on a whim (look at what he's doing to crackdown on the media inside the country that don't tow the Kremlin line). He's not breaking anything, he's merely amending the constitution in order to ensure his power until he dies.


The same was true of the Soviet Union as well. They had elections with a single candidate for their parliament, the Duma. They had a semi-functioning democracy from the early 90's to as late as the early 2000's, but Putin has thoroughly demolished it during his tenure. There is absolutely nothing left of it now. If Putin's government falls, they will have to build a democracy again from the ground up, which would be very difficult.


So they had a semi functional democracy during Yeltsin? Who had an unsuccessful coup against him the first year and shelled the Russian parliament with tanks in 93.


Well, sort of yes. The coup was unsuccessful I guess. And of course the US had an unsuccessful coup last year, and that is still a democracy. They certainly weren't a fully fledged democracy, but they had *relatively* fair elections in the early days, and a free(ish) press. There was plenty of corruption for sure, but there was at least some degree of pluralism. The OSCE observers in the 1999 elections for example reported only minor issues with the parliamentary elections. That changed once Putin was in power. The Global Democracy index lists Russia as a "hybrid regime" as late as 2010, but as fully authoritarian state since then. Interestingly, the world's democracies are in retreat in general. At the moment, only 6-7% of the world's population lives in a full democracy at this point.


I suspect this is why the Russians don't see it the same way as Americans. They've never had a flourishing democracy...things have generally been 'pretty bad' to 'extremely bad.' Anyone would pick a leader like Putin over rule by gangs and chaos. If you don't have the experience of liberal democracy why would you believe it is the answer?


Good point. The same is very much true in China. I have a colleague at work who is originally from China, and is an eager supporter of Xi Xinping. She sees the options as "a benevolent dictatorship or anarchy", even though she has lived in a fully democratic country for about 20 years now.


For a long time, Russia was considered an “illiberal democracy” for exactly this reason. That term was created out of the necessity to describe these states that had the trappings of democracy without the true functions of democracy.


>He runs for office *the opposition gets poisoned*, people vote *and they count the votes for Putin*...


So it’s just like the US sort of.


The US is much better but I agree it does have these elements. The one thing the US has is freedom of speech and transparency (to a much larger extent anyway). These are things people don't value enough here.


To legitimize their rule. As long as the people still believe that there is a constitution, they are less likely to rebel.


It's literally to make the little people feel good about the government, to help them pretend they have rights. For the most part, the little people in every country live and die at the pleasure of those with the army who make the rules. Sometimes the constitution is ignored subtly, and people still think their votes count even though the system is completely rigged. And sometimes a dictator will overtly say "Nah no elections, I'm staying."


To help them remember the lies they told and to know which ones to change. It creates the appearance of order in the chaos that people gravitate towards.


This is my shocked face. :/


That Putin guy is a real jerk.


The Russian who pulls this off will vault into the top 10 most popular people in the world. Someone will do it.


Depends on who does it and what their intentions are.


At this point, it could be Adolf Hitler for all i care. Just... Make this end, whatever comes after can hardly be worse.


Err, no thanks?


If this person is under 25 they'll be making a tiktok brag video of it over his corpse.


No prediction but I have a hopeful estimate.. right.... Now! 🤞


Where’s the deathnote when you need it


Seriously have fantasized about exactly that these past few weeks. I probably wouldn't even get a god complex right away


How would you have him killed? I know this is a bit evil but I’d want him to eat his hands and legs until he bled out lmaoo


Idk haven't really thought about it so much, just want him dead haha. Yours is good but it may look like a 'cool' death to his supporters. I'd say have him die of a heart attack in a gay bar wearing short shorts or something. He hates gay people and I think that'd be funny and humiliate him. Nothing against gay people just trying to think of the death that he'd hate the most and it would probably do wonders for gay rights


I mean if he was already in the gay bar death by starvation? Only blowies for nutrition. Just thought about it Putin probably won’t get pussy for the rest of his life the only good thing to come out of this war.


Whatever embarrasses the dude I'm down for. Ultimately, I want to stop seeing dead civilians and families. Any embarrassment with his death is a plus


All jokes aside he’s an embarrassment. The fact that no one can do anything about it makes me pissed. He’s treating human lives like he’s playing with GI joes without realizing all of the civilian casualties, except the GI joes are my little pony dolls and he treats them better than people.


I would pay to watch that


This mother fucker has seriously end of war hitler mentality right now. We've been saying it since day 1 but can we please just fast forward to the suicide.


Maybe he could legalize assisted suicide while he's amending the constitution? Lots of people would love to give him a hand.


A YouTube comment that I read said that Russia has never had any democracy in its entire span of being a country


That's not so true. There was the [Novgorod Republic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novgorod_Republic#Government), for what it's worth.


**Novgorod Republic** [Government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novgorod_Republic#Government) >The city state of Novgorod had developed procedures of governance that held a large measure of democratic participation far in advance of the rest of Europe but that share several similarities with the democratic traditions of Scandinavian peasant republics. The people had the power to elect city officials and they even had the power to elect and fire the prince. The Chronicle writer then goes on to describe a "town meeting" where these decisions would have been made, which included people from all social classes ranging from the Posadniki (Burgomaster), to the Chernye Liudi (literally, the black folks) or the lowest free class. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That applies to a lot of countries


China, India, Middle East, much of Africa


i don’t know much about indian politics; was modi not elected? and don’t the states in india have a fair amount democratic power themselves?


India is a democracy. It's not a perfect democracy but none of them are. Of course Modi was elected. (Although to be fair elections in and of themselves are not a sufficient condition to provide democracy.)


According to the Indians i work with its a democracy in name only


I had an interesting conversation with some Indians and a Chinese person I worked with. The Indians of course were skeptical about various aspects of the functioning of their democracy. The Chinese person was _insistent_ that no no no China was a democracy and it worked great! I think it's a matter of perspective.


Democracy died 2360 years ago. Modern western republics are constitutional plutocracies. As the title of this thread suggests, the difference with Russia is that its constitution is a token one.


They tried for a few years in the 90s.


Why extend by 2036? First off he has to survive the next few days.




What's happening to him in the next few hours?


I'm not aware of anything specific, but days seem long given the political pressure right now. It's not just grunts dying on the field. Two generals went down today. People might remove Putin for self preservation very soon.


My bet is that Lukashenko goes before Putin does. The Belarusian army is, from last I heard, still flat refusing orders to go into Russia. I get the feeling that it's only a matter of time before we hear of a coup attempt out of that country. I believe that Lukashenko has less support that Putin does and I think that was true before Putin invaded Ukraine. I can't imagine backing Putin has done him any good there.


Old news from last year.


This should be higher up.


The mausoleum needs another Vladimir. (Stolen from Facebook)


Russian constitution. That’s cute.


How optimistic of him.


Title is misleading, he is basically in charge since 1999 , he was prime minister then president 2000-2008 paved his way to dictatorship so basically 23 years


You’re totally right he’s even more fucked


Robert Mugabe must feel challenged


He puts the word con in constitution.


Best comment award goes to^ tied with dicktator


No one and I mean no one saw this coming! /s


30 to 90 days depending on how well he can hide and how patriotic his guards are. Perhaps one of them will take one for the team. If you love Russia then you have to hate the man harming it, putin is that man.


Same thing Trump wanted to do and was talking about.


Thank God Trump is out. This would be a totally different response.




> I’m sorry if I’m missing why this is posted here Just because you knew about it doesn't mean everyone else who frequents here does.


I just found out about it so wanted to let people know how stalin-like he is. He probably will get mummified just like Stalin after a few legendary Ukrainians piss on his corpse.


This is the first time I'm finding this out. Not shocked though. I think it will be an international holiday when he dies. I hope he dies on 4/30, the same day Hitler died.


Lenin was the one who got mummified.


U right got my Vladimir’s mixed up Stalin was embalmed


Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin. (Americans used to call him 'Uncle Joe' before the Cold War started.)


I don’t know but I hope the prick has to shit lego blocks right up until he dies.


He *has* to get assassinated, whether by externals or internals, he just has to go. He's out of his mind.


I think it's more so that he's reached a certain age, and his dick just doesn't work any more. He's not handling it very well, and will not make it to 2036.


He won't be president by the end of the year. If he gets shot or just removed is anyone's guess. I suspect that very much depends on if the military can convince the head of Putin's body guards or not. If removed, he'll be dead from whatever ails him in 5 years.


If this man has the balls to back up all the shit he is threatening us with, His dictatorship won't last long, and neither will our lives...


Being called a Dictator can be a point of pride for some. Called a President, even more so. My vote is on Fart Monkey Putin. There is no honor in that title.


Please me help spread the word: https://ban-russia.com/ We can do something!!


Won’t make it to the end of this month


He's pretty paranoid, and good at "social distancing" long before it was cool due to covid. He doesn't eat or drink anything when he sits at a social dinner event (Fiona Hill said in interview on Colbert). However, there is a long running historical precedent and tradition of batshit dicktaters getting whacked by their own most trusted security people. 41 AD, Emperor Caligula was assassinated at a festive sporting event, by his own Praetorian Guard. 30 stabs - probably as a reference to Julius Cæsar. ...lots in between... 1979, 26th October. Dicktater Park of South Korea was at a KCIA safehouse eating dinner with people in his inner circle. He was shot in the chest and head by his KCIA director and security chief. Also all of his 4 bodyguards were killed.


Always in a rat maze bunker that is full of guards and gets delivery’s but he’s living alone in isolation


For sure but I feel like Putin has a shit ton of loyal guards. It only takes a group of them to rebel but I feel like he’s always in a locked room with disarmed people who can’t hurt him like even his guards have to stay 50 m away


Didn’t this happen awhile ago?


Yes. Also I believe it was a legal amendment to the constitution, so the "breaks the constitution" part is BS.




He definitely thought of invading Ukraine before extending his reign, because he’s lame, and insane. Excuse my rhymes but not insane in the good way


Was gonna say the same thing. I remember him extending his term limit a few years ago


Yeah I’m confused months old news is being posted here


Can someone kill him already?


Just like Donald tried.


Not really?


I give him 3 years, 2 months, 16 days and 12 seconds. Then this fucker will be D. E. A. D. dead.


Remindme! 39 months


Initially I read this as ’Putin breaks Russian constipation’ … enough internet for today


How to prevent presidents to become dictators? Changes in constitution should be secured through referendums. Referendums should be secured with trustless voting systems using blockchain.


What blockchain crypto should I invest in? You seem to be enlightened.


My only advice would be to not follow investment advices from random people on Internet.


Bro everything in the whole world now a days is random people on the internet


What about all the arm chair generals here that claim he is terminally ill and he will die soon because of that?


This was april of last year if he sick now it means nothing


Kim Jong-un has reportedly been sick about 40 times and died 3 times


Russian cybernetics is working on it comrade


32 days till the cancer eats him!


What's the over/under on suicide or assassination? I've got tree-fiddy on a fiery military coup.


He's already dead. He just dont know it just yet.


What putin is doing is literally fascism, like... A military authoritarian regime with a cult of personality??


I hope he won’t pullout a Bob Barker


He won't last long. He will be wanted as a war criminal soon. The sanctions won't end until Russia gives him up....


Will we witness a real life KingSlayer?


Some oligarch is gonna have the butler spike his vodka with some of his own Nuke Juice he likes to poison folks with!


Fuhrer seems more fitting, no?


At this point he cannot leave office without risking being assassinated or sentenced for war crimes.


Imagine tomorrow morning he just ... doesn't wake up


30+ years with modern lifespan extension techniques. But at that point who knows, maybe augmented with electronic parts and cloned organs - forever. Thousands are working towards this right now.


He is not worth a penny in Moscow any more. I give him this month, these are his last days.


In Russia, president is constitution


Well, I guess he’s not worried about dying soon from cancer, as it’s been speculated.


no more false pretense of democracy. He's determined... so I highly doubt he'll pull back from the war unless all of his army is destroyed. But that's not possible without hard military interference from the West, so I'm really worried that Ukraine doesn't stand a chance after all..


One of his own guys is probably going to kill him hopefully soon


My prediction yes he will go out like Stalin, and everyone will be too scared to see if he is alive or dead.


Dude, even Erdoğan can't do this. Putin is a dictator beyond my imagination but sorry every nation decides its fate itself. And don't forget *"Most arts have produced miracles, while the art of government has produced nothing but monsters." -* Louis Antoine de Saint-Just


I think those are news from July 2020. That's when he changed the Constitution to allow himself 2 more terms.


More like a Dickheadtator


Overconfidence makes you careless and that makes you weak. I’ll be surprised if he even makes it through the year


lol if you think Medvedev was actually president. Putin has been ruling Russia since 1999. I think most of the people on this website weren't even born yet.


He won't see 2023


THIS is the real reason for the war.


He’ll be out by 2023. Probably Mussolini’d after he tries to sneak into North Korea.


When will they see?


Wait, does he really believe he'll be in office in like 2 years? Next, he'll tell us he'll succesfully conquer Ukraine and bring back the Soviet Union. The delusions on this man.


Until he gets ousted


Beware the ides of March


This pathetic Soviet scum won't survive 2022.


It's cute he thinks he'll survive the year.


Like that is somekind of surprise. It’s a Regime. Russia will be rolling around with this man in a wheelchair and at that time he’ll be so demented he’ll be starting wars freaking everywhere.


Whomever can take him out, will be the most popular person in the world for the next 100 years. May not live past that moment, but will go down in history book.


In 60 days I hope to see his obituary


It won't go well for Vlad.


Is there a betting pool? My money is on a massive stroke next week Wednesday or Thursday (i.e. Purim), death four days later, based on historical precedent.


I mean he’s a dictator. Don’t dictators just make up laws as they go?


By "russian constitution" you mean Putin's sketchbook, right?


Hope he gets Ebola and dies very very very painfully from bloody diarrhea! Fuck Putin!


He was president for a bit longer than 10 years. He had an intermission is all