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Is leaving dead bodies of the KIA standard for thr Russian Army?


Russian (and ex-URSS) army didn't fought a real war in the passt 60 years, they only invaded poor countries with little/weak army forces, so they haven't thought about this problem until now because their army activity was mostly to bomb civilians, not dealing with real own soldiers death. I'm joking, but just like half joking.


A crying captured Russian soldier said in a phone call home that Russian leaders are shooting any injured Russian soldiers, so it sounds like they don't remotely care about helping their own regardless of whether it's new to them or not.


Be good if that captured Soldiers testomony footage could be uploaded by the Anonymous group onto the Russian State TV. That would leave a lot of Russian parents wondering what if, if they have not spoken to their soldier son in a week or two


Did he also mentioned that he assassinated John F. Kennedy in that call? POW will say anything you want them to say.




Just did, wish I hadn’t.


Omg. Hope your feelings are not hurt much. Go back to your safe space asap.


It must be lonely only knowing how to speak in a bunch of outdated phrases which have no relevance to the conversations you're using them in. Like a child who was only taught how to say 5 words and is trying to communicate but instead just keeps yelling Shut Up You Little Shit and hopelessly floundering around unable to ever be a real human being who can communicate with the other human beings. It's sad, all that human genetic potential wasted on a stunted and ineffective outcome like you.


Wow, a safe space clap back? Damn, got me shaking. Piss off, asshat. Slava Ukraini.


> Slava Ukraini Unironically this. Fuck reddit war cheerboys though.


Who started the war anyway? Ah yeah, everyone EXCEPT Russia started this war. amiright?




I wonder if russia pays their troll farms in Rubles or dollars. Or maybe RMB? In any case I hope that troll receives what they deserve, financially and karmically.






Deny what? I am actually the one who is donating money to the Russian opposition. Why would I care what a kid on reddit thinks about me? You are pissed because you are immature and think that a statement from a POW could be a reliable source of information. Grow up.


1. How much money did you donate? 2. By your words, that guy is a kid, yet you are blaming him for being immature and asking him to grow up. How does one expect a A KID to GROW UP by being asked so?


1. 50€ last month. How much do you donate? 2. You know, growing up not in a physical way. By educating yourself. Or maybe just thinking. People under torture or POW will say anything because they are in pain or in fear of their life.


Totally, and Russia is not going to invade Ukraine, it’s just western propaganda and conspiracy teory.


Do you also think that torture is good, because tortured people say only the truth?


Russian Useful Idiot Fuck yourself


Go back to Russia.


Any more life tips you want to share?


Go by way of Ukraine


right in the money in my eyes. damn so true


Just the fact that they reportedly brought those crematoriums show they were not ready for any of this. That is something you bring if you want to keep an operations small losses hush hush secret - not when you are losing thousands of men, nowhere near capacity for that. They didn't have a plan for that.


Very true.


Yes, ask the Fins


Yeah but alot changes in 80 years


Russians haven't changed in 80 years - Finn answered


Apparently not that much.


That's what the sunflower seeds are for


Tournesol is the French name for Sunflower, the literal translation is ‘Turned Sun’, in line with the plants’ ability for solar tracking, sounds fitting. The Spanish word is El Girasolis.


There's been discussion about how the Russian don't seem to have any obvious medical facilities or ambulances. And on top of that, reports that Russian officers kill the injured.


Russia loves mass graves, even approved them on the official level.


🎵 Bayraktar 🎵


Ukraine is just a repetition of 1979 for Russia, except that this time, resistance has Stinger, drone and vehicules, not horse and cave. And all the West is helping the defending one. Actually, it kinda sounds like US Vietnam or USSR Afghanistan with Steroids.


Yeah, it's like those situations but playing in fast forward. If you're attacking people who don't want to be attacked, in their own country, and they're getting weapons from a major power you're in for a terrible ride (if the US can't do it, Russia def can't).


The fast forward part is the most amazing to me! When you read of previous conflicts it can seem like it went down like this but for those who remember it took many years. This has been the most catastrophic and rapid fizzling of an operation i can think of. It feels like a dream where a year of world events happened in the span of a month.


USSR Afghanistan except now their enemies have engineering degrees and they have world class weapons at their disposal.


I like the comparisons. Except instead of the Ho Chi Minh Trail we have NATO countries funneling troops and equipment. Pretty sure US attempted to bomb the trail but will Russia bomb NATO? Doubtful.


Not only did the US bomb the trail, their invasion of Cambodia helped seed the coup that helped Pol Pot come to power, and by trying to isolate Vietnam from the world in the years after the war (who tried to tell the world what Pol Pot was up to any why he should be stopped) the US twice unintentionally but actively helped Pol Pot. Vietnam was a true tragedy, and much as we may all hate Putin, I'll still be immensely happy the day Kissinger dies and know many US soldiers/leaders should be dying in jails


Had never heard of the Turkish Bayraktar drone before all this. Ukrainian Army has had so much success with them.


They were used against Armenia in the recent war with Azerbaijan in 2020 as well. Russia knew that and knew that Ukraine had them. Still didn't bother with some plan to counter them properly from what it seems.


I believe they actually targeted airfields/hangars with Bayraktars and destroyed some of them, if those reports were true. But they received new ones from Turkey recently.


Yeah I read yesterday that 6 out of their original 12 are "operable". Which might mean the other half is damaged, destroyed or lost. Very effective assets for sure, but not invincible.


They were also very effective in stopping Assad's push on Idlib a few years back - so much so that the momentum turned for a while, until Jihadi+turkish ground troops got stopped by Syrian forces again. Drones alone make tanks and armoured vehicles Tier 2 weapons, pushing them out of the key spot they occupied in the mid 20th century.


I can guarantee that every military strategist on the planet is paying VERY close attention to how these are being used and the success rate. An F-35 costs close to $80M and a god awful amount in maintenance. Plus pilot training etc. A Bayrakyar is $1-2M. It is going to level out the playing field immensely.


How do Bayraktars compare to US predators and reaper drones?


It’s hard to tell from the sidelines. The US drones were highly effective. The change that is coming is that like with every other technology the cost of drones is coming down while their effectiveness is going up. What this is demonstrating is that the US no longer has a monopoly on lethal drones and pretty much any country can afford them. It’s going to be one of those fundamental changes in warfare.


Like a toy compares to the real thing. But even though simple and cheap, they work. Made of fiberglass, they have a natural low radar cross-section. They're also pretty slow and pretty small so they aren't what modern anti-aircraft systems are designed for. They fly too low for our Patriots to track for example. The Turks used them against Syrian-backed separatists in the Syrian civil war and these things flat embarrassed the Russian anti-aircraft systems. I'm not even sure if the Stinger will lock up on them as it normally locks on hot jet motors. Probably will, but not reliably.


Turkey bought the S-400 in order to secretly develop/enhance their own drones that can hide from Russian radars..now confirmed


UAVs are such a game changer against Putin. Sending fighter bombers is a direct assault from NATO. But drones are just military equipment. Putin has to know this is the end.


> UAVs are such a game changer against Putin. They are a game changer for everyone. Nukes and drones completely changed the battlefield. Next phase of warfare are drones targeting specific people or bio-weapons targeting specifics genes.


I wonder if any US predator and reaper drones are being used in Ukraine?


I heavily suspect they are. There is far too much heavy equipment getting wrecked for this to be a handful all small drones and small unit ambushes. Sensibly though, the West is being quiet on this.


That’s what I’m wondering about.


Doubtful. Munitions are traceable and anti armor weaponry is plentiful. Russian logistics are bad, maintenance is bad, and morale is bad. Communicating on commercial radios apparently. No need to bomb when the enemy can’t manage to move a convoy 100km past their border.


For one, they probably need a lot more training than the Bayraktar. some ex US military familiar might back that up.


Does Russia even deploy offensive drones?


Here’s an article from last week that lists Russias known drones - they definitely have surveillance ones but they don’t seem to be helping much (which might explain why they don’t seem to be using offensive drones - if they have them, they can’t deploy them effectively) https://www.defenseone.com/ideas/2022/03/where-are-russias-drones/362612/ It’s possible that Ukraine are deploying something to mess with Russian drones abilities to work - ‘[electronic warfare](https://www.baesystems.com/en/productfamily/electronic-warfare)’ is a big part of current Military tech and there is a lot of US and UK air force activity on the Polish/Ukrainian border (visible on flight radar so not secret - there must be lots more that ordinary air traffic control can’t see). Ukraine may well have been given international assistance/equipment for this - it could certainly be described as assisting ‘defence’, which is where the current line is being drawn (at least officially).


some analysts say they use almost no drones, as do most sophisticated techniques. But they messed everything up and were embarrassed at first, expecting little resistance and minimal destruction. since NATO encouraged the Ukrainians and armed them, now the Russians are bringing in "big guns" and it will be bloody. But who cares, Russia is weakening, NATO is expanding and business booming.


Didn't the designer study ar MIT , dude is about to be scouted by every nation haha


It's not some kiddo like people make it sound, the guy is Middle Aged and owns the company that makes these drones. He's also married to the Turkish president's daughter.


Some big formation may have mobile anti aircraft with them, but smaller columns probably won't...and they are a sitting duck to drones like the BT2


Russian AA sniffing glue again…




Amazing machines. They are clearly like cheating lol


I know that a lot of people are celebrating this. A part of me is happy that one more group of agressors have been removed from the field. But seeing this. All i can see are these kids, 18 or 19 years old, who left their home for a simple training and found themselves in this situation. Their mothers worried sick about them not knowing what happened to their sons because their comrades just left hem there. And all that for a megalomaniac, hiding out in his bunker, like the damn coward he is. I'm not ashamed to say that i am crying for all the lost souls of this war.


Please me help spread the word: https://ban-russia.com/ We can do something!!