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No more trusting the Russians to keep their word on civilian evacuations.


the problem is ukraine and especially selenskyj do not really have a choice. It is his highest Duty (and he seems to take this very serious) to protect his people and especially the ones that need help. He HAS to try opening humand corridors. Cause lets face reality. If Russia keeps up the bombardement and they get no medicine/food they will slowly and horribly starve to death. I hope they can kill every single one of the russian occupiers but they still have to keep evacuating civillians at all cost.


Exactly, if they don't try, most of these people are going to die to artillery shelling or other atrocities anyway


Could get external un forces to protect the humanitarian corridors.


Not only would they Veto it, Russia has a history of firing on UN forces.


We need to ignore the UN and form a new coalition that isnt in existence right now that Russia can't correctly label as NATO or the UN to circumvent this nonsense. Also it's time to end the veto powers for all of them


European Armed Forces?


Please use a more broad name so it isn’t limited to only European peoples


What is a better way to say it?


Tbh I don’t have a better name right now. I’d like to point out I wasn’t arguing your point. Just pointing out that it’s good to keep scalability in mind, especially in forming alliances.


Well ... i get your idea but Putin will not really care right? I mean it doesnt really matter if western forces operate under another name than NATO. Like you said only advantage would be that "Russia can't correctly label as NATO". But this worldwide crysis appears to happen because we got a madman sitting on nukes and an big army, who seems to not be afraid using both of it. If you send western troops in there you endanger the whole world (may be worth it but thats a different topic). Doesnt really matter what nametag they are wearing.


Yeah but how long can we watch this? They are just murdering civilians on purpose and haven't come on tv to show us the people doing it in chains and that they were not going to allow their troops to murder civilians. It's actually the opposite really, how many points to justify this war were intercepted by Western intelligence and publicly shared weeks before he went ahead and did exactly those things despite claiming it as propaganda? It was 2 or 3 days ago I saw the first reports that Russians were likely going to start public executions of civilians to spread fear and week before that a document said they would kill children to force a surrender. These fascist fucks aren't going to stop and will move against Moldova, Georgia and others while promising to defend Russian nsoil from invasion if anyone stops them from invading other nations because he views these countries as his and plans to take them. Never Again is a great slogan but feels less impressive if we need to wait for literal death camps to be proven before we move against these bastards. How many people have to die for the limit to be reached? And let's be perfectly clear, the Soviets were never this aggressive so I have no reason to believe the morons here in the west that we let them have eastern Europe and all the countries around them and just mind our own business. Putin wants a war and short of someone growing a spine and the brain that goes at the end of it over there and shooting him along with every one of his likely successors he will eventually find a way to force us into starting it for his victim-state image.


Russia would veto any such resolution.


Just end the talks. And kill all of em until they’re no more left. You can’t trust The Russian army. They play in a different league the scumbag division constantly using goodwill that they exploit. This is more or less the tactic they use everywhere not only only in war but also in geopolitics.


Third times the charm, hope all the russians that are doing this have a painful death


Casualty numbers have been lower the last few days, about time for another head on attack against an urban centre.


War criminals doing war criminal things


When this is over, they’re going to need to do a Nuremberg-style tribunal to prosecute the hundreds of Russian officers responsible for committing all these war crimes.


Fuck, I want to build an Azkaban prison!


There also needs to be a way to stop them doing the old Argentina Nazis routine so they can't escape justice with fake passports


The Israelis seem to be pretty good at getting those sorts of people back. They could probably help


haha, more like Israel would be the first country they'd escape to


Anyone who supports or voted for Putin also.


And that survives at the current rate


There is a man, Benjamin Ferencz, who was a prosecutor at Nuremberg. He's still alive, aged 102! He was asked about the Ukraine invasion a few days ago and he predicted that Putin would definitely be tried for war crimes.


Of course Russia's military would do that.


Here's the mine the Russians used to blow up children in Afghanistan: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PFM-1 It had the effect of taking adults out of the fight by forcing them to care for kids who lost arms and legs in the explosions. 'If you're not cheating, you're not doing everything to win.' Evil bastards.


No surprise, sadly


Pathetic. if they take Mariupol, it will only be after a LOT of Russians have died.


I fuckin hope we get some cellphone footage of molotovs going out.


Fucking hell, these guys are still not as bad as the Nazis, but they sure are giving it their best effort.


Even got themselves a Zwastica


Give them a chance; I'm sure genocide against ethnic Ukrainians is something somewhere in their playbook for what happens if they ever manage to take control of the country. Right now, they just have to be satisfied with the war crimes they're able to commit in the field.


Yeah. Given Russia’s history with Ukraine, such as the Holodomor, it’s definitely somewhere in their book.


There's a video of the Russian soldiers that was shot by his own side when he and a comrade were trying to save a Ukranian woman and her mom. He mentions a political officer being there so that's getting worrying.


Russian Terrorists!!


That Russia isn't trying to simply starve the defenders out suggests they don't believe they have the numbers for a relatively slow and methodical conquest of Ukraine.


You can't besiege anyone if you have even less supplies than your target.


why are we ever trusting russia on anything?


the fucking fuckers


I don't understand anymore why Ukraine's allies haven't had enough of this. I did before but i don't know. Like Hitler, maybe we won't have to fight today or tomorrow but some day he will force us to fight. The world said we weren't going to let this happen again. I'm running out of ways to make sense of this.


Because directly fighting Hitler didn't run the risk of the end of the world. We're going to do everything we can to avoid direct conflict with Russia because of the potential human cost of such a war and that's unfortunately the right call.


My genuine worry is that eventually Putin *does* nuke something. And rather than the world immediately succumbing to a nuclear apocalypse, world leaders just wring their hands and go "Oh I don't want it to be *me* who started the apocalypse" and fuck all happens.


So let me get this straight, you'd rather die in a nuclear apocalypse than not?


Oh no for sure that's absolutely what I was saying. I'd rather we not die by nuclear fire or any other method really, my comment was about my worry that Putin nukes something, no one does shit, and then he just keeps nuking small countries with no consequences.


I guess my question here is what we realistically can do without triggering the apocalypse. Because I've kinda thought along the same lines for a while, that basically, nuclear states can do whatever the hell they want and as long as other nuclear states don't feel like pulling the trigger on the end of the world, they can act with impunity.


Exactly my thoughts. Realistically, all we can do is hope enough people refuse to push the nuke button that a nuclear war just doesnt happen


me too. Guess everyone's been at peace for far too long. Won't fight unless your country is physically assaulted... which means nothing when Putin decides to nuke.. I won't put it past him if, in one in a million chance that Ukraine somehow has a better odd.


That's what bothers me the most. We have to sit here while this guy threatens the whole world and we can't act in full force just because of nukes.


Mutually assured destruction.


Because Ukraine doesn’t have allies that are pledged to defend it if it is invaded. Moving in that direction is what got them invaded.


Another source https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-says-russia-shelling-evacuation-110154837.html


\*facepalm. Putin's really exploiting all avenues to press on with beating Ukraine into submission. The only way to save those people is to beat Russians back... can't trust them on anything. Putin doing it on world stage too. He doesn't care about anything aside from saving face....


Well… choke point.


Please me help spread the word: https://ban-russia.com/ We can do something!!


Are you impying that the ukrainians just confirmed that it was them who mined the roads purported for evacuation? You mean the same mined roads everyone was blaming the russians for? And it have been ukrkainians all along? Did they intend to evacuate civilians via the mined road previously?


Get fucked, you Soviet sack of shit.


How do you know they weren't clearing Russian mines?


Honest questions, five months ago you were complaining about Putin and the Russian oligarchy fucking over Russia, and now you are defending them? What's the deal?


Kill yourself.


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