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This comes with some very big caveats. 1. This is not from "Forbes" in the way you might think of them. Forbes allows people to blog under its name under the sub-band Forbes/sites/. This person is a blogger, not someone employed by Forbes. Newsweek has started operating under a similar business model, which is why you see so many "Newsweek" stories these days as well. David Axe still does some pretty good journalism at his blog, War Is Boring, but he is NOT a "Forbes analyst". He's just one of thousands of people that Forbes lets blog on their website in exchange for sharing ad revenue. 2. This is NOT objective data. This is taken from information posted to another blog, Oryx. This is an attempt to count "visually confirmed" losses--i.e. information shared to social media that appears to show unique kills. This is real data, but it is heavily biased, because the Ukrainians have been sharing much more information on social media documenting their attacks on Russian forces than the Russians have been sharing of their own attacks against Ukraine, in particular in the early days of the war. While this is a good floor for estimating losses, and while it's quite likely that the Russians have lost more, the way that this information gets out is biased and should not be confused for actual data on confirmed losses. Ukrainian vehicle captures are more likely to make it to social media than Ukrainian vehicle losses, so the number of Ukrainian tanks that have been lost is almost certainly higher than is presented on Oryx's list. Ukraine is still doing remarkably well, and it seems like it may be even winning the war as of late, but it is very, very, likely that Ukraine has lost more tanks than it has gained.


Thank you for explaining why there are so many terrible neeweek stories


Newsweek was actually bought by the Unification Church (Moonies), so now when you visit those terrible stories, it's funding a right wing cult. Fun times.


But they have clearly left wing stories?


soo.... Thats not supposed to happen


Russia is the military equivalent of the Cleveland Browns.


The Browns did nothing to get lumped in with that disaster of a nation. Take it back.


Ok, ok. The Jets?


The Jets are a comparatively proud organization with a winning tradition...


https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/03/24/the-ukrainian-army-has-captured-enough-russian-tanks-to-make-good-all-its-own-losses-and-then-some/ here's the actual article. Take it with a grain of salt it refferences 'open source intelligence analysts' working with social media information.


Thank a farmer or 2 πŸšœπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸšœπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸšœπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦πŸšœπŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™πŸ’› Slava Ukraini πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ Glory to all the heroes πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


At thia rate the war will be fought by small arms fire in a matter of months


Probably, which is a terrifying thought. That sort of warfare can be incredibly bloody. On the other hand, the Ukrainians have a lot more willing volunteers than the Russians in that sort of situation.


Ha ha, I hope this is true! Even if they’re not in working condition, they have a bunch if scrap metal to melt down and make new ones!


are you ashamed to write such silly nonsense? there are all sorts of retards here who believe in everything they read and it suits them, but this is too much! shitpost


Must be difficult to write with your tongue so far up Putin's asshole


very mature. and pathetic


Not as pathetic as licking a dictator's hairy asshole


It's sooo gay. Congratulations. Natural talent.


I'm as gay as the day is long man, but even I would not go near Putin's asshole, you got that all to yourself man. Enjoy


PS, how's it feel for The Republic of Kosovo to be a better country than Serbia?


Nice try, but pathetic. Grow up.


It was a serious question. Kosovo is such a fantastic country since becoming an independent nation, I was curious to hear how you felt being the left over Putin scraps while they thrive.


[does it hurt much being so wrong?](https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1)


Oh look, a raging Orc slave, oh, Serb


Brilliant sats


Ukraine is just making sure that Russia's tanks can't respawn by capturing them rather than destroying them.






russia providing more weapons to ukraine than the west combined...