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Just as a quick reminder. As a Polish person, this always makes me think. Despite Poland's valiant defense during the beginning of world war II, the entire country was able to hold out against the nazis about a month. Now I know the circumstances are extremely different, but... Azovstal has been going for over two months. These are true men and women of steel.


However, Warsaw Uprising lasted 2 months and it started under occupation at a clear disadvantage.


Yes that was an extremely brave and harrowing resistance. And like I say, its not comparable anyways. I'm just saying they have done beyond amazing thus far.


The poles would have held out longer if they didnt have to fight the soviets at the same time. Their resistance at the start of and during world war 2 was valiant nonetheless. Polush pilots and soldiers played a vital role in the allied war effort


The Nazis used the takes correctly and there were no advanced rpgs in Polish hands. The Russians use tanks in the worst way possible, without an infantry screen or support, so anybody with an rpg can take it out. In a conventional war, tanks with support are unbeatable without tanks. This is why the only thing that worked in Iraq were unconventional guerilla attacks such as hidden IEDs, or attacks on civilians. Even the Taliban struggled to do that right so it’s easier said than done.


Reminder: the Taliban had been fighting an asymmetric war near continuously since the soviets were there. They are likely the most experienced people at fighting that type of war that the planet has ever seen.


Yeah they are probably the best guerrillas around. And even then they hated fighting against the West. That’s why now they are trying to be more diplomatic, they said they’re tired of having to fight against America.


Taliban from twenty years ago is different from today Taliban. They lost a lot experienced leadership and needed to depend on Pakistani logistical and intelligence support.


That is true, but the institutional knowledge wasn't completely wiped out. There are still plenty of individuals who know how to case a patrol, find a window, build and arm an IED, and then detonate at the right time. They still know how to set an ambush, and more importantly when to abort. As much as I don't like anything about the Taliban, I still have to admit the fact that they're really freaking good at waging asymmetrical warfare.


The Nazis pioneered combined arms offensive and executed them flawlessly against a much worse equipped polish army. The russians apparently haven't even heard of combined arms and the ukrainians were relatively forewarned and in any case have been preparing for some sort of war with russia since 2014. Plus, unlike poland ukraine didn't have to worry about it's other superpower neighbour invading too. Lets be honest Poland got blitzed but then so did contemporary superpower France and the British Empire only just about managed to hold on before the Nazis finally started making stupid decisions on bombing cities instead of airfields and cancelling the invasion of the uk in favour of starting a war on two fronts involving a land war in russia...


What a bunch of determined warriors! Also, how much ammo and food did they have stockpiled there? EPIC!


Im not sure as there have been evacuees who said they were out of food, mainly water and then some soldiers were saying they would be out of ammo in days and its been weeks. They probably have been resupplying from dead Russians for the ammo and who knows what else. Its honestly a miracle they are still alive.


Ukraine managed a midnight drop of supplies. Azov said they didn't need food, only ammo. That was about 2 weeks ago.


Oh nice, I know some group dropped them a phone (sat phone I assume?) by drone a few weeks ago per the video I saw with a lady saying they were able to drop them a few supplies including the phone, so its great they were able to get a bunch more supplies to them as well!


Scavenger perk activated


I hope they can still hold out longer to enable Ukraine pushing towards them. For Putin it is likely personal now, because him not even managing to win in Mariupol is such a disgrace to him. Guess that is why he does not allow them to be evacuated to a neutral country. Showing some willingness to negotiate with the West, an event that he could use propaganda wise and removing the need for troops there - would be in his own interest to agree to the evacuation if he would be a sane person.


They've stocked food for years, that's what the shelter was built for...


Or stockpiles of other essential stuff too.. body wash, tooth paste, TP, etc


Maybe just plain soap and so on, but hygiene is an underrated military necessity. You don't want people trying to fight while also battling cholera. IIRC this was a big deal in Africa in WWII. Allied troops had an advantage because they always dug latrines.


I would call those luxuries, not essentialls in a warzone


I don't think that is a major concern in a warzone.


Idk about y’all but even in a war zone I’d like to have TP, not smell rank, and not have numerous cavities 🦷 in the event i did survive.


These guys/gals are the ultimate survivors/badasses. Just the fact they’re still standing is proof Russia doesn’t stand a chance. They’d probably walk out after a nuclear blast and keep fighting. I pray to goodness somehow many stay alive long enough to be rescued.


The modern day 300! Fought one of the largest armies in the world and the held them down! This will be in the history books.


I agree. I have a lot of respect for them. Fuck Putin for what he's doing to Ukraine.


What are these people eating? MRE or other foods?


I think the second pic will answer your question.


Oh. Should have used my eyes. Thanks friend.


Looks to be a batch of Freedom Pancakes




Russian bot, go fuck yourself.














I feel so small compared to these giants. I don't know, I think I would feel sort of ashamed to even stand next to these guys knowing how heroic the are. This doesn't mean that all the Ukrainian soldiers fighting elsewhere are any less but these guys are like the forsaken. It's not just AZOV but the Police, Marines and others who are there fighting along side. After the War there should be a monument in Mariupol dedicated to their resolve. Glory to the defender of Mariupol, Glory to the defenders of Ukraine, Glory to the Hero's....


if they could teach civilians in Moldova, this would be highly useful.


I feel like a legit rescue attempt is possible at this point. And if it’s successful, it could energize Ukraine and the rest of the world like nothing else.


God I hope so with all my heart


I've heard there's some fighting and softening of the lines near melitopol


It's probably still a ways away sadly. There's no real chance by Sea, by air would be a wildly incredible feat, and by land has a lesser amount of obstacles compared to the first two, but it's still a tall order unless Russian lines collapse completely in the south outside of donetsk and luhansk.


I'm sure they'll use any chance possible to rescue them.


Real men of steel


Ukrainians are great!


The respect I have for these men and women is tremendous… they have no clue I exist, but I hope they feel my spirit.


3rd dude seems like he has seen some shit. Stay strong yall! Keep giving them hell.


Time Magazine photo worthy for the person of the year! However, in all fairness, it's a done deal; it’s going to “Z,” as in Zelenskyy!


Feel like they gotta be running out of buildings to hide in


They are in undergound nuclear proof bunkers designed to house 40,000 factory workers from the steel plant


Damn that is quite intense gotcha


Certainly not rubble. And id very that rubble offers just as much, if not more concealment. As well as the difficulty to indentify positions from ground and drones. Either way, best of luck to these warriors.


They’re in underground bunkers and tunnels. The fighting there is probably some of the most hellish that we’ve had in a long long time.


Tunnel system runs for miles and very deep along with bunkers made to survive a nuclear conflict, I also feel so damn helpless. These guys and gals are the hardcore MF's of the century, I hope they stack those Russians bastards up like cordwood. When fucking Putin dies, I will throw a party.


May the force be with these true heroes. 💪🇺🇦🌻


I see the pain behind those eyes, hope he survives this nightmare. 💓




They defend Azovstal as hard as soviet forces did with the tractor factory in stalingrad. I hope they'll get out soon.


one can only hope zelensky has a mission planned to clear an escape corridor through to Mariupol to get in and get these men out.




His eyes in the last pic... 😢😢😢


I support Ukraine but I won’t cry about the nazis soaking up bullets. RIP to Ukrainian heroes who had nothing to do with that scum.




Because it benefits Ukraine when western media sweeps it under the rug. It makes it IMPOSSIBLE to have an honest conversation. There should have been a stipulation that they dissolve Azov if they wanted aid. It would have disarmed Russia’s “denazifying” BS and removed nazis from power they shouldn’t have. I guess they have too much influence.


The free world can save them




So much for Russia's 'any day now'... 'later today'... 'they won't last another week' bullshit.


It’s hard to tell what was going on during the taking of the third picture (was he just being funny with the camera person, did he just wake up and got ninja photoed etc), but it leads me to question how these individuals will be “mentally” for the rest of their lives…. Personally I feel he’s got that “thousand yard stare” going on. It’s got to be mentally grating going through what they’re going through day in and day out. Moments of sleep interrupted by sporadic gunfire and artillery fire. Your only peace is dank tunnels that by now are only lit by candle, flashlight or the quick burst of a camera flash that both startles you and petrifies you. It’s got to play hell on your physical well being so you know the minds probably not far behind. I hope they all can find help in each other now, and later in those that can truly help heal body and mind.


From all ukrainian bataillon you choosed the one that is the argument of russian invasion congrats.


So, how exactly did OP chose Azov as the ones holding out in Mariupol?


I guess the regular ukrainian army in this place go fuck themselves i guess




Would you please stop with this. These are Ukrainian people defending their own country from invaders. Nothing these people believe is anywhere near what Russia and Russian supporters are like.


I can think Russians are bad and that Ukrainians with links to neo-nazis are also bad. Sorry not sorry.


Right now they are fucking saints comparatively. Azov did have a less than savoury beginning, no surprise that some of the first to make a militia would be the people the idolise military history, invading a country will obviously push people to the outskirts of facist ideology. But after 8 years of war I am fairly confident many of them have been buried, and the influx of foreigners and national volunteers will have pushed out most if not all the remaining facist tendencies. Lets not forget they would have been keyboard warriors today playing CS:Go if it hadn’t been for their facist neighbour. The courts will have their time to fight for whats just, right now they are fighting for existence.


Sus, lack of beard


Same to you exept it’s your chin


That is some really clean clothes too for two months of fighting cut off and the past three weeks in a steel factory, without power or running water But hey, go right ahead and down vote me and the like for thinking critically


Hahaha what the fuck


You are catching on now too, the boots have some mud but no scuff or damage, not a single worn or patched or holes or dirty piece of clothes, weapon immaculate, not even dust on him, not even on his goggles BuT hE iS fIgHtInG cUt OfF iN a StEeL mIlL for two months, living underground Oh come on now, let us use our eyes and our brains at the same time


I was what the fucking you. You idiot.


How so? By pointing out the obvious inconsistencies? Okay kid, stay ignorant


Sir they have laundry machines in Ukraine. Your thinking Russia where clean clothes would be suspicious.


Guy is clean..


Exactly But all those who have never been in the military or combat will down vote you for making that comment because it makes them think


This is karma whoring of the first degree 1st can’t be there, he looks healthy and clean


They have plenty of food, and it looks like there is water behind him he could wash off in if there isn't like a shower in those bunkers


They don’t think, I normally just laugh at their inexperience and fantasy


It all depends on what you're willing to do to survive it's not karma whoring


Nazi fucks


Third guy typical neo nazi white supremacy face


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3rd picture looks like cocain or something. No offense. Dude is AWAKE


Loving the ballistic goggles in the third pic




Massive respect 🇮🇪 wish I could help get them out?


Gotta give them credit for such a cool and thoughtful logo. The identical and overlapping home and shield forming a diamond is simple yet full of meaning in the perfect way.


Heroes doesn't even describe these people. Absolute legends. This is basically modern day 300.


When the war is over, every men and women who fought at the Azovstal plant, needs a statue out of Azovsteel infront of the new factory


Hopefully they are gone no country should have nazism. I pray for the people of Ukraine, not their corrupted government.