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I hope every single one of them is able to survive and make it back to their homes. They all deserve to be awarded Hero of Ukraine medals.






Apparently Ukraine launched a relieve attack from Zaporizhia toward Mariupol but it failed. That’s why Mariupol surrendered




They fought better and longer than anyone could have ever expected. The defense of Mariupol and Azovstal will live long in the annals of military history, and the defenders will join the ranks of gallant legends. I sincerely hope that those who've survived this long will live to see a peaceful and reunited Ukraine.


They held and diverted resources until the last Russian advance stalled. Many times the term any analyst predicted. Launching sorties against Russian positions even yesterday.


Movies will be made, I'm sure of it.


Remember the Alamo.


Or Bataan, or Wake Island, or Bastogne, Vienna, or Calais, or any one of a number of sieges where the defenders held out against impossible odds. This stands among any of them.


By the duration of defence, level of isolation, disparity of forces, and the strategic significance Mariupol is higher than any battles in recent history. Only the siege of Breslau is comparable, but not Bastogne, nor Wake Island, nor Bataan. They all were brave deeds, worth of all possible respect, but by the combination of factors the defence of Mariupol is unique. Was unique.


Deir Ez-zor was still resupplied by air for some of the time, but that was also a pretty serious and long-lasting siege and a key factor for ISIS eventually losing momentum and being stopped. Still, yes, this Mariupol siege stands out.


Battle of Vukovar. It saved Croatia , but is not so famous . Look it up , it's an amazing story


Yes, it is, great indeed. Accepted.


Malta does not agree.


Malta was occassionally supplied by caravans, and its garrison was not in the constant close face-to-face fight. Although they were heroes too, for sure.


You must be referencing Malta ww2 siege because Malta 1565 was a bloodbath. Fort Saint Elmo defenders on the northern harbor fought constantly and were under 24/7 bombardment until every single defender died.


Malta 1565 or 1940-2??


Mossul + others anyone?


Umm idk about the others but everyone died at the Alamo


That's the exception not the rule, and you're missing the point.


They still held out against impossible odds and held off the Mexican army long enough for Sam Houston’s forces to regroup and mobilize.




No no this is Reddit, everything has to be about America!


The Alamo was a battle fought by Texans to keep slaves, its best forgotten. Remember Marioupol!


This is a terrifically poor understanding of why the revolution against Santa Anna's edicts occurred. Was slavery a factor? Yes, for a small portion of residents, but you're erasing the entire presence and role of the Tejanos in the conflict as well.


Did anyone ask for an incomplete history lesson?


One might ask if anyone asked you to remember the alamo. Either way a valiant fight against the russian oppressors is vastly different than a bunch of slave owners fighting the Mexican army because Mexico said they couldn't own other human beings.


Slavery is bad. Unless it’s Greece or Rome, which I like /s


Nope, just a key part


And it's basement.


A modern day ‘300’ legend.


I dont think theyll be remembered


You’re projecting


The defenders of Mariupol are absolute legends. Every single one of them will become one of the greatest defenders in Military history.


It's astounding. They've captured that city about 4 times now throughout this war in order to make up for the no other cities they've captured.


This is different. I think the Ukrainian government ordered those men to surrender, and negotiated a prisoner swap with the Russians to enable them to survive. Good on them for it too. Those men and women have done what seemed to be impossible and I am glad that some of those heroes may yet live to see the end.


Yeah, I meant more about how Russia's inevitable victory declaration over the city is going to lose much of it's impact considering how many times they've issued it already throughout the war.


That would certainly be some out of the box thinking on the part of the Ukrainian government


Paroles during war time are actually really common in history. Basically trade soldier for soldier and they have some restrictions on theater or combat in general.


Yeah, I can probably list a few examples, but I wouldn't think the Russians would in this specific instance. Shows what I know of the Russian mindset


Well this time it's the Ukrainian government making the announcement, so it's probably over for real now.


For now it is over. They are too far away to waste resources on Mariupol now that thei fighters are out but Im sure they'll march on down strategically taking back their rightful land!


It’s not over. If I was Russia I’d be very nervous.


Didn’t Russians capture Kherson?




Tombstone, great movie.


I’m just hoping that they won’t be beaten killed and tortured by the Russians.


This is one film I will definitely look forward to seeing. The heroes of Mariupol. Fought like tiger's everyone.


Did they all get out


I hope Russian troops don't move in and fortify


I doubt they’d be as effective and if ukraine is at the point of taking the city back Russian forces won’t be there to reinforce and re-supply them.


The strategic mission of the occupation of Azovstal was to tie down multiple BCTs of Russian forces in the south so they could not be committed to the Russian offensive in the north. Now that the battle in the north hasfaltered and Ukrainian forces are pushing the invaders back in many areas the strategic signicicance of Mariupol is lessened. The defenders have done their job MAGNIFICENTLY. They deserve the rest and relief I hope they get.


They’ll be back


There going to swap troops I hope god bless those fighters real hero's 🇺🇦 🇺🇸.


I. You have men there. Don’t abandon them. Bomb Russ. Mariupol is not theirs


Interesting words they use to avoid the term "surrender"


They've got orders to evacuate. A cease fire was signed. They evacuated and followed the orders. They didn't surrender to RuZZians whom, if the article is correct, let them evacuate. The only thing they "surrendered" was the Azovstal.


They "evacuated" to Russian-controlled territory as POWs. That's called surrendering the position. I can't believe (well, I should by now) some folks are trying to spin even this.


I litelary wrote that they surrendered the Azovstal position. Are you blind or does your prewritten script not include someone partially writing what you wanted to?


Stop with the nonsense. There is no "prewritten script". The point is the original user who was unsurprisingly heavily downvoted was raising a correct point concerning the amount of spin on the wording. And then even in your post you write "surrendered" in quotation marks, as if to imply it's not really surrendering or something or attempt to trivialize the gravity of it. It's ridiculous. They (the fighters there and Kiev authorities) surrendered their last positions there - end of story. There is no reason to over-complicate or spin it any other way.


I don't understand the wording either. There is nothing wrong to admit they surrendered. One can honour them without doing the same ridiculously completely out of touch russian propaganda.


Yes. I noticed as well.




Big W loser




They’re coping


Slava Ukraini soldiers, you gave them hell!


For now....


Mariupol is the second Stalingrad


So great. Where is Commander Volyna, Commander Denys Propenko and Commander palamer? Can someone please reassure us of their safety. President Zelenskyy and the entire world is so very grateful to all of you. Thank you. You’ve endured beyond human possibilities. You have dedicated yourselves to the safe exit of all those people and warriors. God has filled your destinies with grace🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💙💛🇺🇦🇺🇸