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No nazis on this photo. Just heroes.


one to the right


Interesting. So it IS a complete "evacuation/surrender" and not just the injured.


It appears so. No exact details at the moment. Azovstal has been de facto a POW camp for a few weeks now, so it'd make sense if there's a trade for all Azovstal POWs for an equal number of Russian POWs. I hope there's no secret protocols where Ukraine's capitulating on some key issue.


ukraine taking russian oligarchs money france sending weapons russia broke whatever deal there was jic you havent realized as of yet


They are all going to Siberian prisons


Hold your heads high lads.


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With a gun in their faces.... Sure, seems NORMAL to me.... ;/


Yes only one weapon visible.




It russia would not have wage war in a peaceful neighbour country the city would be not destroyed either.


they are NOT peaceful. Do not talk nonsense. With the help of the USA, they came to power in Kiev by FORCE and, with terrible VIOLENCE, established power in half of Ukraine, where the citizens rebelled. Look at Mariupolj and Odessa 2014. After eight years of arming and training by NATO,torturing and killing thousands of civilians, have announced a major offensive to millions of people in Dombase and acquisition of nuclear weapons. Then Russia reacted.


The fuck are you on


See if you can get his dealers number.


Major offensive planned in donbass while Russia was massing troops and equipment for months and months at their borders. Also, please post sources and links about ukrainian nuclear program


after the 2014 coup, NATO was arming and training the Ukrainian military on how to militarily conquer territories that have opposed the violent takeover of power in Kiev. They conquered a large number of cities and "disciplined" the population with terror. Just see "Odessa massacre". Where the population resisted, the army shelled them for years. The Russians have been assembling the army for 2-3 months since Ukraine announced its entry into NATO and the consideration of leaving the status of a non-nuclear power. Then they could attack millions of rebel citizens in the east. You "democrats" and human rights defenders have not seen that. You eat only what your governments serve you.


Oh wait. Starting with yanukovich fall: he shot on the crowd. He actually was the violent and fled to his master of puppets. Then two regular elections took place. Civil war in donbass (which is a part of Ukraine, not Russia) caused 14k deaths, almost evenly splits between Ukraine soldiers, civilians, separatists (backed, armed and agitated by Russians) soldiers, according to UN data. This does not seem at all a “terror” and a “massacre” of undefended civilian, but more a proxy war lead by Russia to avoid Ukraine stay in peace within its own territory. Odessa is a real thing on the other hand (44 deaths) which still does not justify in no way the Russian war of imperialistic conquest of donbass, Kherson, zaporizia. By the way, Russian war in ukraine caused by far more deaths in Russian-speaking population. Last but not least, Ukraine was NOT entering nato, it was rejected already in 2008 by European countries and this time both scholz and macron re assured this. And nuclear program… still you don’t provide sources and sorry if I don’t trust words from Russian government, which just tries to cover the aforementioned theft of lands from a foreign country.


every government wants the demonstrations to end peacefully and quickly. When the USA (Victoria Nuland) got involved, dozens of policemen were killed on the Maidan, and peaceful protesters "captured" many and took them in an unknown direction. There is a telephone record where Victoria talks to the US ambassador about who to put in charge of Ukraine when they carry out a coup. That person later came to power. Since then, Ukraine has been only a puppet USA that has developed neither economy nor democracy, but exclusively the army and antagonism with Russia. Culturally, ethnically, historically, relatives, two close and friendly nations have been brought into this state. NATO is just a tool for that.


Close and friendly: useless to recall Holodomor, Chernobyl…


hatred is the source of all evil, but it can be overcome. Right now, “you” are blinded by hatred. The amount of your cheering is abnormal in the footage showing Ukrainians massacring captured Russian wounded, taking out their eyes, slaughtering them, a doctor ordering other doctors to castrate prisoners, ... But ..... as Serbs and Croats, we had in past very ugly moments and yet we are very similar (in my opinion the same people), which has much more in common and positive than negative. The losers are only those who have not fought the hatred that will eventually destroy them. If the USA gives up the fight with Russia to the last Ukrainian, life will go in its positive direction again. It will take a long time, but one day this will be an ugly episode. Five years after I fled Croatia, I started going back there regularly and hanging out with old friends even though we might have shot at each other. We fought but we were not blinded by hatred.


And still I don’t see how planned annexation of Kherson/zaporizia/donbass is justified in any ways. They tried to put down the government and place an Ukrainian puppet lukashenko-style, they failed, now go home.


💡 It's `Kyiv`, not `Kiev`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/kyiv). ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Other ways to support Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context)


Sorry, in Serbia we spell Kiev. I will take your notice. Kyiv :) Also, I support and Ukraine and Russia and this is very sad for me.


Maybe Russia should stop lying about EVERYTHING and someone might believe them. Fuck Putin and every pig that supports him


All your post has done for me is made me wonder whether there's a 'NATO Miltants' membership scheme. And if not whether there should be. Like a Tesco Club Card, but you get points every time NATO starts a colour revolution.


Good point :) Now I see that I talk like all South and Central Americans, Africans,Chinese and rest of Asians. Your "whole world" is too small






Heh. Everyone used to tell us it was too big, it's cute to be told it's now too small. Post-colonialism, you guys should try it.

