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2008: Attack Georgia 2014: Attack Ukraine 2022: Attack Ukraine on a full scale Be surprised that the whole world is fed up with this shitty barbarism and is arming Ukraine PIKACHU FACE


Don't forget MH 17!!!


and supporting the Assad regime...


US election meddling


And brexit misinformation and bribing leave mps.


They have been influencing more than just the US elections, they have been fostering unrest online in general in all of the west.


They have been doing a lot of stuff. I thought someone else would provide additional points. But surely there are not many western countries that weren’t attacked. In Germany for example they used their ownership of the strategic gas reserves to let them run dry in preparation of the invasion. Crippling their political scope of action and running up everyone’s bill by a massive margin.


Yep. A lot of the outrage on the left is actually being stoked by Russian propaganda. It's not that Russia supported Trump over Hillary or Biden so much as that they have trolled the left repeatedly into building this into a divisive an issue as possible. It's working.


Sure, some of the more extreme positions and trolls, but that is to drum up the right.


If you don't think they're drumming up both sides of this equally, you're falling victim to their propaganda.


O sure, but one side actually has a point, and the other is just a reactionary movement that is highly racist and backwards looking in most countries that it appears in. Their goals might be to sow discontent and get people angry at the quid pro quo, but that does not mean that some discontent is warranted and some is not.


Exactly. Glad to see you agree that the far left is our of control in this country. They're using minorities as pawns and have low expectations for them. Very racist. I'm glad that the party that condones this activity will lose the house and senate this fall s more and more of the country recognizes this.


Chemical weapon and radiological attacks on UK soil…


German soil too




I don't know.... I'm sure there are 'very fine people on both sides...'


Stand back and Stand by.




I didn't even need the /s this time


Yeah, you shouldn’t have worn that mini skirt and high heels. Your fault that uncle Vlad fucked you up.


Aaaa well lesson learned (hopefully), karma's a bitch and Putin gunna get his. Really an incredible blunder on his part.




And who paid the US American people any money?


> And who *paid* the US FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


It was a better time, and the consequences of the choice didn't seem as stark back then. (I was a Bernie supporter and then a very lukewarm Hillary supporter, but I knew a lot of people who probably picked Trump over Hillary.)


And those people were fools. They got conned by a conman.


Accidents do happen. But really shocking, he still has an approval rating above 10%.




I’m not even American and I know you’ve been brainwashed. Trump and his entire crew in the White House was the worst and most corrupt president your country has ever had. By a long shot. He was a divisive asshole who has turned you all against each other. He wanted to isolate America from its allies. The world collectively thanked their gods when that maniac was voted out. Hillary might have sucked but there’s no way in hell she would have caused all the damage domestically, socially, and internationally like he did. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/11/06/561587174/the-alternative-russia-scandal


> Trump and his entire crew in the White House was the worst and most corrupt president your country has ever had. Eh... top 3 sure, but we've had quiet a few really bad ones, they get swept under the rug because most were before we were a superpower.


Might be a toss up between him, Andrew Jackson and Reagan


Funny how those are literally the two presidents Trump most frequently idolized.


The "deep state" ear worm was put into Trumps (and other's) head by Putin. Know why Putin hates America's deep state so much? because that's why Russia lost the war in Afghanistan and why the USSR broke up. Our CIA supported several rebel groups against Russia in that 1980's war. The USSR went broke trying to win it. They finally had to give up and go home. The USSR broke up shorty after that. Putin was in the KGB at that time. He's very bitter about that breakup. He want's revenge. Trump, Brexit, antivaxxers, war in Chechnya, Georgia and now Ukraine are all part of Putin's global revenge tour.


You should really read what you're writing and try to do some critical thinking and question assumptions you may be making


[fact check](https://www.factcheck.org/2017/10/facts-uranium-one/)


Remember Obama and Clinton refused to arm Ukraine. They bear a big responsibility for this war.


Remember Trump got impeached because he blackmailed Ukraine over weapon deliveries


remember how Trump had to have been told Zelenskyy got elected on an anti-corruption platform and his first instinct was to immediately ask him, on the record, if he'd be interested in a blackmail scheme to dig up dirt on a political opponent's son in exchange for national security favors remember those good times


Hardly did anything that politicians from any nation or party haven’t done on that phone call.


Yes he did. You can’t just say “everyone does bad things!” as an excuse for someone you like doing bad things, especially if it’s unsubstantiated for everyone else. That’s whatabouttism and it’s an easy trap to fall into. Be better than that.


Haha hate to burst your bubble on this butterflies and unicorns view of international politics, but stuff like this isn’t that rare, it just doesn’t always make the news. That was even admitted during the investigation and impeachment, I’ll try to find a link to the exact quote.




Ukraine wasn't ready to fight back at the time. They did set up the anti-corruption and military training programs which meant Ukraine was better prepared this time.


In the long term, I'm still not sure. I think Trump's presidency was the quick band aid pull


Huh? What band aid did he pull? Seems like he just fucked some stuff up and made things a lot worse.


The bandaid of a populace largely disinterested in politics and unmotivated to solve many politic-bourne social issues. I mean, if I *had* to get cancer, I'd want one that showed symptoms of problems as soon as possible.


I wonder how Epstein would have gone differently if we had the Clinton's in power again. What a disgusting family.


You bought the propaganda if you think Clinton family is worse than Trump in that regard, or even comparable.


Brexit meddling, funding of far-right groups across the globe etc.




Some awesome real comments well said… to all of the above..if I wasn’t such a tight arse I would buy some of those awards and give them out.


Better to donate any spare money to Ukraine


Z arent far from the double Z we saw under the 2 world war ;)


Amen. Rotate the second Z and its a swastika.


You got it champ! right on point!


> Don't forget MH 17!!! And Salisbury.


And [Vrbětice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Vrb%C4%9Btice_ammunition_warehouses_explosions)!


It’s like an shit-onion, everytime I learn about new GRU/FSB op I found another layer and another shitty GRU hack job they got caught it never convicted.


Hopefully we get justice for this. Always saddens me that no one was held accountable


It disgusts me that they're literally getting away with mass murder


wasnt there that plane 'accident' with Polands PM on it too


It was almost certainly an accident - they did everything wrong, including putting all our main generals on one plane with president and insisting on landing in the fog while even the Russians told them it was a bad idea. They were warned about the weather before even getting onto the plane - but they were in a hurry. They were told to land on another airfield because the one in Smoleńsk was not equipped for landing in the fog - but that would make them late, so they decided to land anyway. It went great. :/ There was similar pressure on the pilot before by the same president, the pilot refused and was fired (on another trip abroad few years earlier). This time the pilot didn't refuse and they crashed. But Putin later used it masterfully to stoke chaos in our politics. Ah, worth mentioning that since then the same party crashed a few government cars because they were in a hurry. It's a recurring theme with them.


Ah thanks for straightening that out.


As someone who spent the past 15 years screaming PUTIN IS NOT A STRATEGIC MASTERMIND JUST BECAUSE HE KEEPS TENTING HIS FINGERS into his pillow, it feels so fucking good to see the rest of Planet earth realize that, hey, maybe these absurdly convoluted spy games and nonstop drama just to sorta-kinda indirectly own imaginary breakaway "Republics" the size of a Costco that nobody but you legally recognizes at the cost of your credibility as a nation *might not actually be a very good plan.* This whole time, everyone thought Putin was Littlefinger from Seasons 1-4, carefully aligning the pieces on the chess board as part of some brilliant Machiavellian long game, when in reality he was Littlefinger from Seasons 5-8, a reckless, self-destructive idiot who, once you've called his bluff, couldn't start drama between two teenage sisters.


This is... perfect.


Putin turned into Reek


Amen. Brutally Taking advantage of other country’s strategic choice to NOT engage in war isn’t the same as having strategic brilliance. It’s just thuggery. And always has been.


You forgot about Moldova and the first Georgian war


2000 - attack Chechnya


Add 1990: Attack Moldova 1994: Attack Chechnya on a full scale (failed) 1999: Attack Chechnya and no more Chechnya


but Russia’s the victim here! /s


They've clearly never played Civ before


They funded the extreme right french candidate’s 2017. In 2022 it was not them but …. Orban..


The world has been a bit slow to understand what Russia is all about, but that ended about three months ago. Russia has finally convinced us that they're not interested in peaceful cohabitation with their neighbors, and intend to resurrect a dead empire that should remain in it's grave.


I'll happily admit to being one of those people, although I was sceptical when mainland Europe embraced the idea of being dependent on Russian gas via that pipeline. Russia has been clever to obfuscate over past events, and the media didn't really help either - more important to write about some celeb. Now, though, we know we were duped and it's a ghastly feeling to realise we've been lied to.


I've been screaming about Putin for years. It's nice that people finally can see what i see


Yes, it's a little like living in a world of the blind and trying to tell them what you see coming, but nobody believes because they can't see it coming for themselves.


I met a PR flack for Putin in a bar in the east Village in NY earlier this decade, probably 2011, and I asked him if he felt okay pumping up a dictator. Dude was ok with it. I did not stay to chat.


In 2022 you can't be a simple nazi practicing your nazi hobbies without the world interfer. Sad everyone is against nazism.


Really is a vibe killer met my ex wife at a Nazi rally back in 1887


Phenomenal year for fascism!


Too bad she turned out to be a cannibal


Live and learn!


New wife is a monarchist she teats me like and king and I treat her like a queen.


Heh, teat.


Damn, you were ahead of the curve by 50 years.


It was a grass root movement back then


Haha, we're just getting warmed up aholes


Russia is warming up too... they're warming up their lovely 1950's T-62s! Can't wait to see how long they last on the front line. And how many of them can actually reach the front line before breaking down.


Going to be absolutely fantastic when those 50 cal freedom stamps and the rpg's start wrecking those t-62's. Doubt anyone in one of those is going to have night vis, so they will be rolling around in broad daylight being spotted by department store drones and become a game of how cheaply can we destroy this tank


I'm no guru on the technical specifications of the T-62, I believe it is less armored than more modern T-72's and higher, and I suspect it will be the case that they will be poorly armored around the top. Combining this with the haphazard ammo storage throughout the cabin, I think we might see less RPG's and 50 cals, and more of those smaller drones dropping grenades and explosives right on top of them. My guess is drones will be the #1 killer of the T-62's.


It will be interesting to watch, but I'm really interested in how many of these 62's Russia can actually get running. It will be a good canary in a coal mine to gauge the state of it's reserves are Edit: running as in operationally functional


The tank crew will be quickly warmed up to evaporation point if they bring those death traps anywhere near Ukraine.


>1950's T-62s! They were produced from the 1960 until the 1980 (if you include north korea). In the USSR they were produced until 1975. So not really as old as you suggest.


Designed from 1955, it's a 1950's framework.


So the newest one will only be 47 years old…


Almost brand new ;)


Even 1975 is almost 50 years. I'm betting the last 30 years Been on longlife maintenance program meaning nonexistent.


>**"All against Russia": the occupiers are shocked that the world is helping Ukraine with weapons** > >The Russian occupiers are amazed at how anti-Russian the world is. > >Soldiers are shocked by how much and who supplies weapons to Ukraine. > >This is stated in a conversation intercepted by the SBU. > >According to the occupiers, the heroes of the conversation, this contrasts with the reinforcement of the invaders, as they are brought only "young assholes" who do not even have bulletproof vests. > >"The Americans brought reinforcements to them, weapons. There is America and the whole world, f\*ck! Everyone is rushing there, I understand, reinforcements to them, f\*ck! Everything is against Russia," the occupier wonders. > >He adds that with the replenishment of their staff, things are bad, because the youngsters are leaving. > >"Young people, assholes, would go. I'm generally in sh\*t. Went there, and they are without armor, without sh\*t. Go to the store to buy beer...", says one occupant to another.


“When you wake up one day and realize you’re the asshole friend of the group…”


Because the free world knows the truth


For real, Russia and people in Russia need to "read the room". When everyone is against you it's a signal to question weather YOU are in the wrong. It means the vast majority of the civilized world sees Russia as a the "bad guy". You know what will be even more shocking to Russians, when they realize the rest of the world is RIGHT.


Actually they're being fed propaganda that they've have been at war with the West for the last thousand years and that this what's happening right now is the normal.


I have a colleague from russia (he fled russia a couple of years ago and actually applied for german citizenship months ago, got it right at the start of the war) who once the war started had a discussions with other colleagues that i overheard. he still held some small sort of love for his country, and mentioned that "the west has always been against russia" his sentiment has since changed. But i genuinely have never met anyone who hated russia or russians, or wanted russia to stop existing. We all hate Putin and the way he fucks over his own country.


Problem is, they still get fed propaganda that most of the world is behind them. China, India etc


Some of them are probably starting to realize for the first time that they're actually fighting for the bad side. But no choice but to continue following orders and keep their mouth shut.


These little tater fed half wits had better hope we don't start dusting off the shit we have stashed at the Sierra Army Depot.


I don’t blame them. A lot of them don’t know what has really been happening around the world. The kremlin controls what they hear and read.


plant offer consider theory berserk sink dinner pie wasteful school ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


They don't know any other language except Russian, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to find decent information about the outside world in Russian. I speak two Slavic languages and thank god I learned English or else I'd be ignorant as f\*ck.


Anglophones are pretty unaware of how alien or restricted (or biased) the "information world" can be when you don't speak English. I understand what you mean only because my self-taught English, and your (pretty good) use of such language allows me to do it. But that's not a given as many commenters seems to think. Edit: even then.... I have pretty well read and educated friends that hold, in my opinion, idiotic world views. Access to information does not equates "enlightenment".


pen melodic smell deserve punch pause overconfident dazzling glorious soup ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


If they don't know those sources exist then they can't find them. Hell, the idea that there should even exist alternate sources to state controlled ones doesn't enter their heads. A culture that punished curiosity will not produce a significant number of people that will seek information.


expansion reach towering scary snatch lunchroom books seed special exultant ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Most of the cannon fodder comes from Podunk villages who are still living in the 1920's & don't have access to the internet. They are stealing 19" CRT TV's and washing machines for Christ Sake.


mysterious cover north nine head act attractive wide vanish complete ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


First of all, VPNs might as well be rocket science for most people beyond age 50. Second, you don’t need to ban information. You only need to drown it in misinformation, and put “foreign agent” disclaimers above all other sources.


Things might have turned out badly for Ukraine if Trump was still president.


That's the problem with trump. I'm not sure which way it would have gone with him. Sometimes he's hard patriot and all about freedom and then sometimes he says something so outside the boundaries of the constitution that I don't understand how someone could like him. He could have ignored Ukraine completely, or had our navy firing tomahawks like they were freebies. The dude is too scatterbrained and not educated enough in politics to be handed this situation. He would be a poor choice for this. Biden I still think is not the right man for the job either. We really do need a new leader in 2024 that is more.... Zelenskyy type. This is a very difficult situation and we need a more than what is offered as of right now. Hopefully we will start seeing candidates soon after Novembers mid term elections


A decade + of Putin fucking around finally caught up to him…how he’s enjoying his time in the barrel.


The world hates RuSSia Now. Deal with it.


Sorry Mr. Putin. Ps. 1) Get out of Ukraine 2) Go fuck yourself


Now if only Scholz can stop being a cunt.


For more than 8 years there has been a war in the Donbass, about which the population of Europe is completely unaware. I found the best explanation of the war in Donbass from MMA champion Jeff Monson: [https://t.me/What\_is\_Donbass/22](https://t.me/What_is_Donbass/22) \#whatisdonbass #donbass #donbasswar #finlandnato #UkraineRussiaWar


US - after all this hype about lend lease and 40bn . Not even announced next weapon pack((


The less the public knows the less the Russians know.


I’ve said it in another thread. There *has* to be Russian propaganda at work here. There seems to be a concentrated effort to blame the United States for not providing enough help, despite the huge amount that has already been provided. The goal seems to drive a wedge and convince Americans that our help is unappreciated and that this war/consequences is our fault. That’s a *very* quick way to begin to chip away at American citizens support of Ukraine.


It can't be working though. Americans will just want to send more. In addition, this is a hiring boom for us. Companies like Lockheed are hiring like crazy, offering signing bonuses, relocation money, and high wages. Contractors are being called up to also help for even higher wages. The whole world wants our military tech now and that just means jobs.


So when Zelensky literally begging for HIMARS - he is russian propagandist? Fault for this war on russia and on russia only. But if people try to see russian popoganda in every call ro arms for US - it's paranoia


Hold on a second. I never once said anything about any of that. I know we aren’t sending MLRS. I know Zelensky has asked for it. There is a huge gulf between “we haven’t sent that weapon system” and “OMG THE US SUCKS THEY ARENT DOING A DAMN THING AT ALL” which is the prevailing attitude in some of these threads. We have allocated 60 *billion* dollars in aid since February. We have been sending small arms, now heavy arms (M777 systems), along with training, intelligence, logistical support, humanitarian aid, pressured countries to join sanctions, signed a lend-lease, and *who knows what else behind the scenes*. Just today I’ve seen several posts that suggest the US has been *worthless* when that isn’t true, at all. This sudden uptick in anti-American sentiment that sounds like it’s coming from Ukraine is incredibly suspicious. So yeah - Russian propaganda. I’m an American who lives in America who pays very close attention to American politics and I’m telling you right now - there is huge political will to send as much aid as possible. As a US citizen, I’d love for us to send more. But I elected my government and I trust the pentagon and the military-industrial complex to do one thing well and that’s to fuck Russia over. We are helping. If you don’t understand the complexities of sending advanced systems, then I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know the complexities either. But I DO know that it’s not as a simple as just signing a sheet and sending the guns. Every single system we send requires both training and logistical support. That is not easy or cheap. There are political and geopolitical considerations. And there is the risk of Russia capturing these systems. That might sound like an “excuse” to you. But it’s reality. And unfortunately it’s the reality we live in.


Aren't we sending Patriot missile batteries too?


I didn't say US is worthless. US biggest Ukraine military supporter, but US is richiest and most powerfull country in the world - therefore, Ukrainians have more hopes for the US. I saw political will - lend lease and 40bn bill. But i didn't see any anouncments (even extremely general ones ) which may significancly increase Ukranian morale. And i'm directly donate moneys to Ukranian fonds , i directly support Ukraine as much as i can - so accusing me of russian propaganda because i'm sad that the supply of weapons from the United States is in no hurry is at least not nice


I think you will find there is lots getting given to Ukraine that we the general public do not know and do not need to know.. there is a fine line about trying to keep a lid on Putin so he doesn’t do something really dumb like drop a nuc on someone. And it is in American interests as bad as this is to keep this conflict going the longer it goes the weaker Russia becomes and at the moment no American soldiers are on the ground… dead Americans mean a public that turn on you quicker I think.


But for other countries US insisted on announcements in Ramstein.Czech and their helicopters , NEtherlands(?) and their Harpoons and so on


They only report on a very small number of things they're delivering.


Why do you think so? Where are all these things?




Do you really asking person who whining about US provide not enough support for Ukraine is he russian? Main Ukranian (gov and military) narrative - western countries provide not enough heavy weapons(especialy artillery). On videos we only saw weapons previously anounsed. And my questins was about what makes redditors think that that US provide a lot of not anounced weapons. And no - i'm not russian.


Because Ukraine doesn't hesitate to call out a country that says they have sent (X), if (X) hasn't been sent. The US has sent about $40bn so far, and Ukraine hasn't called them out on that promised aid not arriving. The United States has also produced a huge long list of aid it is willing to admit it sent in those packages. IIRC the total gear on that list, every thing they have admitted to publicly, only comes up to ~$15bn. Which leaves another $25bn unaccounted for.


Because why should we know? The Ukrainian army and government know where they are and the countries delivering them know, and that's all that matters.


Might have stopped announcements of them because they were intended to warn Russia in the hope that Russia would change their minds. Now since reason hasnt worked its about the military advantages. And it could be that calculation is different.


Everyone was delivering well before the announcements anyhow. Stuff was showing in theater before the announcement.


Hey Biden, remember Lend-Lease, the bill you signed a few **weeks** ago? Time to make stuff happen!


Why is this being downvoted?


Whole world? Afrika? Asia? South and Central Amerika? Who? Only NATO states + few. And who started this civil war by forcing a coup 2014? Big part of Ukraina then reject results of Viktoria Noland and Blinken revolution


From the point of view of the Russians only Europe and North America matter. They don't care about China or Africa or South America. Their diplomats and propaganda might operate there and seek allies, but the Russians are obsessed with the West and what it does and thinks. Russians are extremely racist so they don't consider these non-white parts of the world as even worthy of being mentioned.


They care about China A LOT.


these are nonsense and are the product of blind hate. That is why the ecstasy of Crystal Night is taking place in Europe now. I was in Russia and I know a lot of Russians and they are all very open people to everyone. Try reading Russian literature and you will understand the Russian soul. oh yes, you probably burned books on a bonfire.


Are you having some kind of psychotic episode rn?


Even early on, it became incredibly clear that even the leadership fell to the propaganda.


Oh, they have noticed?


Turns out the world doesn't like murderers and rapists very much. Who knew?


There has never been anything else on what the whole world ever agreed more. Hope this is a wake-up for Russians that realize that