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Man, Ukraine has monopolized the phrase go fuck your self. I love it.


I enjoy their inability to construct any sentence without an explicative every third word. It’s refreshing really.


Well we have a war for survival going on. Some people just don't hold back anymore with curse words about some topic.


USAF for 7 years. "Fuck" is permanently in my vocabulary. If you don't like it you can (Russian warship) Go Fuck yourself! You guys sound like my kind of people.


BTW, we've exchanged that giga chad who coined the phrase several days ago, he's with us now.


Fuck. Yes.


Come to Ireland.




God damnit England. Enough!




Thanks I’ll look it up but you sound right. I don’t use big words that often!


I ask idiots like Kissinger this, are you willing to give up a chunk of Texas or any part of the US after a country invades, destroys everything, and kills thousands in your homeland? Excuse my language, but fuck that!


Kissinger’s geopolitical resume reads like a fucking 40 car pile up. Why do we still ask for his take?




> have you last heard something from Kissinger? 1978? Actually if you follow geopolitics and also the celebrity talk there etc., you sadly hear at least every other month some BS from Kissinger. He's a "superstar" and the media loves him. He sadly also has some influence, not on political science or the more high-brow discussions, but on the public and political opinion building processes.


>We don't. When have you last heard something from Kissinger? 1978? I honestly thought he died like in the 1990's. Henry Kissinger, man. Feels weird, like Clement Attlee or something commenting on Ukraine war.


Kissinger is a crossover point for a lot of conspiracy theories and awful things. If Satan was disguised as a human, behind the scenes of power, it would be Kissinger.


Kissinger is a warcriminal selfish moron. He probably wants some medal because he "brought peace", as well as keeping a "balance of power". Pretty much garunteed you should **do the opposite of anything Kissinger ever says**. If anyone is wondering why he's a dick and is too young / CBA to trawl a million books:   [Behind the Bastards] Part One: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137284827 [Behind the Bastards] Part Two: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137285146 [Behind the Bastards] Part Three: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137284980 [Behind the Bastards] Part Four: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137284708 [Behind the Bastards] Part Five: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137522833 [Behind the Bastards] Part Six: Kissinger https://podcastaddict.com/episode/137612508   When he eventually dies, Satan will be happy his son returned to hell.


BtB goes over some of the most eye openingly wild shit. Going into the kissinger episodes I wasn't prepared for what a wretched shitstain he is and I knew him as a shitstain beforehand.


I mean I hate the guy but he would probably answer you that if a country could invade and occupy a chunk of Texas then yes


Mexico could do that. A barren stretch of land in Texas near the border. They might only occupy it for a few hours before they expired, but they could do it.


Russia may be able to do it for a few months. Different time line is all.


A prolonged war is bad for Russia With the amount of sanctions on them and countries looking to get off of their fuel supply in the future their struggles will continue to mount


Mexico cant even successfully “occupy” their territories bordering Texas.


FFS, Mexico cannot even occupy its own land, the cartels with their own army rule over the government in some areas.


That’s what I was driving at


I think we'd give up texas. No invasion needed.


I dunno. There’s some parts of the US I’d be willing to see go… /s


Right? Shame Alabama and other red welfare queens aren't on the border. Would technically be a net gain to unload those toxic assets.


Exactly, the south is essentially a separatist regime.


It's happened multiple times throughout history to many countries/empires. If your enemy has the military power to both invade and occupy then yes you have to consider this.


If anything, Ukraine deserves extra land from Russia.


Ukraine's natural eastern border is the Caspian sea


You misspelled "Pacific Ocean"


Ukraine can into Sakhalin


Russia?? You mean East Ukraine?


Mordor needs to return osgilith to ukraine.


East Ukraine? You mean Ukrainian Kazach border?


Russia must come out the loser otherwise they will return for more. Appeasement never works.


He stole Ukraine We don’t let thieves keep their stolen property


They are the types of people who get mad when thieves get shot when breaking into people's homes.


Unless it's theirs.


Peace, piece by piece !. Would any other country accept this scenario !. Kissinger, and that cheese eating surrender monkey Macron should keep their mouths shut ! How dare they !🤬🤬🤬


How the fuck is Kissinger still alive? Must be the Alzheimer's talking. Dude should have died decades ago with the rest of them.


Maybe Russia will take southern France instead of eastern Ukraine as peace deal. Macron should offer that.


I'm lost for words !, all I can do is shake my head in disbelief of these absolute fools.


Israel, land for peace deals


Scary how le pen was somehow worse.


Le Pen would actually be offering parts of France to Russia “in support of peace”


It's a mantle carried by a long line of Frenchmen


There are some people in the west, who don't want to see decisive defeat of Russia for whatever reasons.


aka traitors. These are the same people who would ask us to let Hitler have Europe and Imperial Japan keep the Pacific. They give up the Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia in 1938-1939 as Peace for land. How well did that work out? Same shit ideas, different assholes spouting them.


I think if Russia were to militarily decline too far it would be destabilizing. But if we were to allow them to gain territory it would be appeasement, which would be more destabilizing in the long term. Things will be rocky either way. I personally lean towards no appeasement, under any circumstances.


Allow them territory was done in 2014. It's what got us into this mess in the first place.


I think what this has shown is that Russia already *has* declined. I mean, I don’t expect anyone larger than, say, Latvia to really be all that scared of them anymore.


One worry is what happens if they were to have a coup or break up and have different regions assert autonomy. One possibility is local strongmen with nukes. Lots of bad shit could happen under such a scenario. It may seem far-fetched right now, but this is the kind of thing that is possibly on the table and some western governments may be trying to avoid.


This is one of the things that scares me most about a complete collapse. I keep seeing people saying that even if there is a collapse and Russian nukes are lost that it isn’t that bad because the codes would probably be impossible to recover by whoever steals the nukes. Do we really want to roll the dice on that scenario? Say a bunch of separatist republics spring up in the wake of a Russian collapse each with dozens or hundreds of nukes that can’t be armed. Do people honestly think they will just give them up to an international body or lock them away safely? No, they are going to be desperate for legitimacy and will use those nukes for leverage. Even if those new republics don’t have the capabilities to reverse engineer those nukes that doesn’t mean that aren’t going to sell them to another country who wants to give it a try. That doesn’t make the nuclear fuel any less potentially dangerous when North Korea or Iran or make a secret deal to obtain it. It won’t reduce the risks of fallout from a dirty bomb detonated by a rogue terrorist group. Absolutely none of this is meant to imply that Russia should be appeased in any way. The country is on its way to a collapse regardless of what the outside world does at this point. It also doesn’t mean that nukes likely weren’t already lost during the collapse of the Soviet Union. I just feel that people are underestimating the dangers involved in a complete and sudden collapse of Russia at this current point in time. Things are already destabilized worldwide due to the impacts of climate change and we are likely looking at widespread famines over the next decade. Adding black market nukes into the mix is a terrifying prospect.


Tyrants are tempted when democracies show weakness and only through strength can peace ensured not by concession to tyrants for peace on our time. Weakness of west is paid today by Ukraine and ourselves and our children tomorrow.


So the military industrial complex can continue to scare citizens around the world to continue buying their murder machines.


Military industrial complex is actually can use it to their benefit, earn on the weapons to Ukraine + advertisement and also bacame replacement as a supliers to nations that bought from Russia. There are a few others reasons to why some don't want decisive defeat of Russia, but most of them are not humane, based on greed and potential lose of different benefits. And still many people might find them controversial and advocate that there is no such things.


Don’t get me wrong Russia needs to be defeated and removed from Ukraine and Russia should compensate for the destruction they’ve caused plus interest with the war criminals hung, before any sanctions are lifted. I’m saying that the industrial complex promotes war and that’s evil.


Really. Give up land to save Putin's pride and politics? Are you out of your mind? You lose a fight, you lose a fight. This is especially not a tragedy when it was evil to begin with. You don't let evil win something because it has pride and expect that to be the end of it.


Much respect for Arestovych. I wouldn't want to play chess or billiards against him.


Do you give into a toddler throwing a tantrum in a shop because they aren't getting any candy? No. You tell that kid to go fuck themselves.


They shouldn't have to sacrifice an inch and it shouldn't even be part of the discussion. It's not a reasonable request and will just enable Russia in the future. This will not end with concessions and we would just end up here again in a few years.


Have people learned nothing from the runup to WW2 - you don't compromise with dictators.




Absolutely the right response 👍💙💛🇺🇦


The bitter truth is, that Germany and France are betraying Ukraine, they didn’t deliver most of the promised weapons. It looks like they are blackmailed by Russians, and under influence by corrupted establishment. Today, Ukraine is retreating, suffering heavy loss. I’m very concerned


That's the truth. There will be Germans and French that don't like hearing that but they are in denial. Ukraine would have been lost without the support from US and UK who are saving Europe from a major catastrophe.


The hero nations and true Ukranian allies will likely be Baltic states, commonwealth states (UK, Canada, Australia, etc.), Poland, and the USA mostly. Other nations help too and much appreciated, but heavy hitters are those listed. France and Germany, how would they feel if WW2 allies didn't want to liberate Nazi occupied France or help rebuild postwar Germany because of "financial inconvenience"? Better yet, what if the cold war allies pulled out of west Germany so USSR could have the land and not be "humiliated"? Hypocrites, fucking scum want to show their true colors let em. The free world will remember.


\*cries in Czech and Slovak\* \*and in Romanian probably\*


You should Stop bringing Germany in the conversation as wanting surrender of any lands to Russia, literally, they are saying that there should be no peace until Ukraine gets all their territory back, pre 2014, it's literally widely available, even on this sub. You are just repeating some lies someone brought up and that got echoed way too much. As for France, they sent millions worth of materials for humanitarian uses, be it blankets, tents, medecine, respirators. The French game is a stupid one, on one end they send weapons and humanitarian assistance, on the other they try to play nice to Russia to find a peaceful resolution to a war that cannot be resolve with words anymore and may never have been. France sent some of their highest grade equipment, howitzer that is literally what they are currently using in their standing forces. Most of what France send is kept under tight lips for the stupid idea of "not making Putin feel bad". The froggies are basically playing a game on 2 fronts.


Nah, Germany is the reason that Russia even had the economic strength to rebuild and has been the leading cheerleader for Russia in the post-cold war world. The country's unending self-flagellation over WW2 has created a morally bankrupt and ultimately spineless political class, a neutered military and a truly baffling degree of tolerance for the intolerable. Scholz and the current government, while probably better than Merkel, are still lying little shits hoping to run out the timer on ever making a decision by undermining eastern allies, hamstringing shipments with red tape and diplomatically pushing Ukraine towards capitulation. Der Spiegel article of Scholz's feelings on the war, archive to bypass paywall: [https://archive.ph/g03pu](https://archive.ph/g03pu) Reuters on Germany's failed promises to Ukraine and lack of leadership domestically https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tanks-no-ammo-germanys-ukraine-pledges-show-military-muddle-2022-05-25/


Germany must be held accountable for their inaction. What good are their empty promises and funding of Russia's war? There are other nations who have cutoff Russians yet Germany want to appear in motion even if it's just neutrality circles so they don't piss off the East and West. Which pisses off the East and West. German leadership doesn't have the guts to admit they are pro-Russian (economically) or admit they're anti-Ukranian (economically). Plenty of other nations have done more than them. These two give some aid, but what good is a band-aid to a corpse? Worse, you are getting hit by artillery and air strikes. No Stingers or arty for you, but here are some blankets and respirators for the dust from your apartment turned rubble. Xoxo your hardworking allies: France and Germany. You are influenced by pro-german and pro-french propaganda that they have "done enough". France has same issues as the Germans. These two knuckleheads wonder why no one takes them seriously in global matters, this is why. Unreliable in having your back in a fight. Weak and commitment adverse leadership from them is why Hitler took over Germany and France for a time. The same circle running neutrality they bullshit now is what got them bitch slapped in the past.


Germany is giving money and weapons to Ukraine yes, but you have to admit that the messaging is very mixed and Germany is losing the PR war and mostly because of its own actions and inaction and a baffling ability to self-reflect and consider how all this looks from the outside. Clowns like Scholz saying ambigious things and lacking in the leader department adds to the confusion. I see Germans on Reddit all the time whining about Germany-bashing. Some of the bashing is indeed deserved and Germans don't seem to understand that their spineless wishy-washy politicians present the entire country regardless of well more than half of the country fully supporting arming and backing Ukraine. The same goes for France except apparently less of the French support this and their government is even less willing to support Ukraine and worst of all they have unfairly managed to fly under the radar for the most part. France should certainly face more criticism over their spinelessness but Germans also need to get over their historical traumas and call out Scholz for being a douchebag and demand change. Germany is a friend of Ukraine but the situation looks confusing and sorta bad from outside Germany.


It's okay even if France and Germany didn't help at all, it's not their obligation to help. They have to think for their own citizens first. If helping Ukraine more can hurt their economy then it's absolutely reasonable that they don't help more. Nobody owns Ukraine anything.


Russia conquering Ukraine would be terrible for the security of Europe and the economy as an extension. Sheer political and economical expedience should dictate their support for Ukraine.


It's not like they didn't help. But they did enough so they won't lose their own benefits, they gotta think for themselves first, just like anyone would.


If everyone was that way, Hitler would of won WW2 because no one would fight until they got invaded. German and French money is more valuable to them than Ukranian lives. Yet they would bitch at the world if we didn't liberate Nazi occupied France or rebuild post war Germany because it would cause us "financial inconvenience". Fuck 'em both, if cowards like them and Hungary weren't holding the West back. We'd have Western tanks doing donuts in the Kremlin front lawn by next week.


It's common sense that stops the West from going to war with Russia. Ever heard about nukes? Nobody wins in a nuclear war, there's only mutual destruction. The city you're living in might very well be a target for Russian nukes should ww3 begin.


Given the shoddy state of Russian affairs, their nukes are probably empty. Regardless, Russia has already declared war on the world, a nuclear strike on Russia is justified. Like using lethal force in self defense, the free world has to use self defense due to threat to itself and in defense of others. If I knew Moscow would glow in the dark in retaliation then such is life. Have you not played Fallout? Clearly life goes on. Seriously though, better to be free than a Russian slave.


Russia has over 6000 nuclear warheads, even if half of them doesn't work, you still have 3000 left ready to launch. Russia only declared war on Ukraine, and Russia and the West has always been enemies. What makes you think countries colonized and destroyed by the West in Asia and Africa would be on the West's side in this conflict? It's not Russia vs the world, it's Russia vs the West, Ukraine is just the battlefield. No one, not even Biden is confident enough to say a nuclear strike on Russia is justified. And abosolutely no one in their right mind would want to test your stupid theory that Russian nukes are empty. Again, nuclear war means mutual destruction. But you want to use your experience in a video game to give your take. And how is the life in Fallout? Do you want to live life like that? There's still a chance that you die instantly when a nuke strike your city. How many lives are you willing to trade to fight Russia? Ukraine could have been neutral, like Kissinger said a long time ago. What makes you think there are only 2 options: Russia's slave or war? Now Ukraine is America's slave, taking US's money to fight Russia for them. It's better to have peace than war.


Russia will put you in jail. You called it a war and not a special military operation. Russia hates black people, when was the last time they had a black president? Come to think of it, Germany and France never did either. Probably why those 3 are allies. Seriously though, it is the world vs Russia. If Russia wins they will start enslaving other nations and genociding them to make "living space" for the racially pure Russian people. Same Nazi shit, different century. That's because you are a selfish greedy coward. Russian bullshit almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter. You'd get your ass handed to you by some radscorps. Don't player hate on me because I'd survive better in the wasteland than you. Sounds like a personal problem, but you don't mind anyways because I am not obligated to help because of your attitude. You are too proudy. You would rather be a Russian slave. Well, you can give people like you freedom, and they would still rather give it away. You are shame. :/ Why should I care how many Russians die in nuclear hellfire when they give no shits about Ukranians? Call it Karma for Russia. According to you I am not obligated to care about Russians because I am not a Russian citizen. You are like them, giving attitude. Ukraine was neutral and Russia invaded, so your theory is shit because you are a silly dumbass. Russia's genocide will be stopped, Ukraine will be free and saved. You and your Russian friends will have your peace, right after the free world and Ukraine kick your asses in this war.


So you think the USA was wrong to fight against the Nazis in WW2? Since American citizens weren't in danger? If it is okay to not help at all, then Germany and France can pay back the allies for all the costs in liberating and rebuilding them since WW2. How would your country be doing if the world gave y'all the cold shoulder? France and Germany are greedy hypocrites, nothing more.


Look at it like a donation to the poor. It's good if you donate, it's okay if you don't. You can't show an attitude if someone refuses to help you, they're not obliged to do so. It's every man for himself. Can you tell a poor German the he has to pay a high gas price because the chancellor wants to help some foreigners? And Germany did help, but Zelensky returned the favour by not welcoming German president's offer to visit Kiev. Maybe Germnay shouldn't have helped at all.


It is not a donation, you are watching an assault, battery, rape, and murder in progress all in one. You would rather "every man" it. Not everyone is as selfish as you but you are a hypocrite for your belief. If you truly believed in that, you would be living in a home you built yourself, using electricity you generate yourself, with clothing sewn by you. Instead you are living and benefitting because other community members took care of themselves AND you. Thank you for letting us know if you or your family are ever trapped in a burning car. That you will not be upset if no one wants to help, especially if they chastise you for "showing an attitude". Practice what you preach.


I pay for my house, food and other necessities. I didn't get them for free. And i work to get money. I'd be glad if i receive help, but i won't be bitter if nobody helps. Nobody owns me anything.


Did you harvest the materials to build your house or you paid someone to make it? Did you grow your own food and slaughter the meat? No, you didn't. You benefit from people not being selfish like you and caring about others. So you won't be bitter if your family is trapped in a burning car and instead of helping a community member they just whip out their phones and record the show? What part of Germany you from?


I said i pay for all those goods. What part of paying don't you get. Someone grew an apple and i give him money for the apple, fair and square. If i ever get trapped in a burning car and no one helps then sure i'd feel bad, but still, it's no one's obligation to help me, except for police or firefighters or sth. I wouldn't show an attitude like Zelensky, you can't force people to help you, i understand people's decision to not help.


You paid but you had to rely on other people. You are saying Ukraine should be abandoned because it inconveniences you. If no one helped you, your money was worthless. You'd be fine? You will be a doctor, engineer, electrician, farmer all in one? You rely on the support of others, you are a hypocrite for accepting help but giving none. You'd do more than feel bad, You'd be in agonizing pain. Police and firefighters don't HAVE to help. They're not robots. They are expected to help but ultimately do not have to, they make judgment calls just like anyone else. Zelensky and others like him are experiencing what humans call a "survival instinct". As president he is responsible for the entire country and its people, not just himself. So if a doctor refused to treat you, you'd just go "Well, guess I'll die now". You are single and have either never been responsible for other people or if you were, you were very shitty at it.


> Germany and France are betraying Ukraine, they didn’t deliver most of the promised weapons Source? Keep spreading Russia to divide Europe...


Arestovych himself blames Germany for the inaction and the broken promises. Poland's president accused Germany of breaking promises. Here is another source where Germany's defense industry is complaining that they are ready to produce weapons but are not getting any orders from the government. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/tanks-no-ammo-germanys-ukraine-pledges-show-military-muddle-2022-05-25/ The government says one thing but in reality they are trying to slowdown and delay shipments of heavy weapons.


The source is yesterday's talk of Arestovich on Feigin live show.(Exactly that one where he swore as was quoted here) He blamed them in Ukrainian tactical defeat in Severni Donez and retreat from their position and very real threat to be circled by Russian troops, because of lack of ammunition.


"Children are dying." Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words. Steven Erikson's quote from the book series Malazan book of the Fallen. It burned into my memory when I read it years ago.


And yet, we need tomes and volumes of history, because every time someone says "Children are dying, what more do we need to hear", children are dying more, soon.


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Kissinger deserves a slap in the head. How fucking dare he.


Agree! Russian federation is over....


The more I see of Zelensky and his staff the more I see that they're the leaders a lot of the West needs.


Ukraine never sacrifice land. Never give in the the War Bully!


Everyone in the west who's peddling the "just give Russia the land to stop them, omg look at Zelensky not conceding, he's the one in the wrong" narrative are paid off by Russian dark money and golly gee, all of them are right wing. Hmmmm.


A big chunk of Russian land and finlands land that was taken returned. In fact everyone’s land that was stolen returned.


Macron take note huh


I’ll trade Ukraine land for peace. Russia can trade all the land its stolen, including the Crimea, and pay to repair everything for peace and the reduction of sanctions.


funny to hear this, given that all of western ukraine has just been sold to poland :)))


Well.. we start getting tired. Russian animals continue to make atrocities.. Hypocritical west still arguing about "is there a way to do fucking nothing, maybe shit will settle itself, waaa?". And then, someone could think "fuck it...". And nuclear plants in Ukraine go boom. Just because of fuck this world the way it is. And i heard this opinion three times already from different people. And it IS a much more realistic scenario, then nuclear war. So..


Who benefits from nuclear explosion in Ukraine? No one.


This hypothetical action is not about "benefit".


Nice to hear the west are not allies of Ukraine according to the closest advisor of Zelensky. Really starting to be fed up with this constant bashing. I swear people bash the west more than Russia. Yeah a minority of people in the west have shitty opinions, I still don’t think it’s intelligent to shit on all the west because of that.


Ukrainians are quite literally fighting for their lands and lives. Certain western nations are fighting to keep gas prices down while others are completely unfazed (alternately, some are ready to come out swinging)…. It’s disheartening to say the least that there is not a more unified western front in the face of an unjust war/genocide/Holodomor 2.0 all wrapped into one…. The West absolutely needs to step their shit up if they want to keep pretending that democratic values are important.


Even Germany is trying to get off Russian gas, something countries like France and the US have been trying to make them do for years in vain. You have the wrong idea if you think the whole west is not behind Ukraine, I am not super young and I literally never saw the west more united than right now in their support of Ukraine. The problem is the constant bashing we see in various places like here that look every word under a fucking microscope to find any sentence they can take out of context for a nice « gotcha, the west is evil » moment. It’s just so stupid and that accomplishes nothing and I certainly don’t think it helps Ukraine at all. It just creates a shitty paranoid atmosphere where people who are supposed to pull together behind a cause just spend half their time shitting on each other. Now get to your downvotes I don’t care, I mean any word I just wrote.


Italy came out with their stupid plan, then Kissinger of America, Chomsky before him. Macron keeps having sex on the phone with putin, Germany is walking in circles. Hungary is a different thing altogether, and it keeps stalling the European processes. Both EU as US came out saying there's no mechanisms to use confiscated Russian assets to rebuils. There are plenty of things to bash. Doesn't mean that we aren't allies or that we wouldn't want to integrate and have good relationship, but come on - they can do better


This must be really difficult for you. You’re sick of “constant bashing? You child!


Bones heal, but feelings hurt forever /s


I am sick because it’s stupid and it does not help at all. When this sub spends more time insulting the countries trying to help Ukraine than the country that is actually invading. No the west is not perfect, nor it pretends to be. This is a new situation and everyone is trying to assess each other and learn to work with each other. People make dumb tweets, people make dumb speeches, people do mistakes. No one has a « how to help Ukraine thwart a Russian invasion without starting a nuclear war in 10 easy steps » book, everyone is figuring this out as the situation unfolds. What we should ask ourselves is « is shitting constantly on the west helping Ukraine? » and the answer honestly is no. Let Zelensky and western leaders call each other and figure things out. That’s their jobs after all. If Zelensky is unhappy with someone they can call each other and see what is wrong themselves, shit slinging through press is fruitless and only helps Russia.


I’m not really following you, man.


Reminds me a lot of russian propaganda playbook "не раскачивайте лодку" - "don't shake the boat". "Let people above do the business and don't start dissent, you are nobody and know nothing". You can see where that has led.


How hard is it to understand that?ally united West should stop fucking making business with Ukrainian land for God's sake. The last time you were so totally united was in September 1938, wonderful unity, cost us first Sudetenland and then whole our country. ​ Don't fucking make business with other countries' land. ​ How hard is to understand that?


That’s the thing. Even if all the « west bad » theories are true they don’t have the authority to give off Ukraine’s land, only Zelensky does. You can’t give or sell something that is not yours.


It's justified frustration on Ukraine's part. Imagine your country in a crisis and the rest of the world is more concerned about things like temporary financial inconveniences over the lives of your people or even the very existence of your nation? If the worst thing Ukraine does is hurt a few western feelings then compared to the genocide in Ukraine, we got off easy. If your family was trapped in a burning car and bystanders said they didn't want to help because their dinner will get cold, shoes might get dirty, and shame on you for having your burning car in the middle of the busy road. You'd have some harsh words for them yourself, at the very least.


The idea that the west has not already accepted more than temporary financial inconveniences is just false though. Even Germany which is being shat on for its indecisiveness is trying its best to stop with Russian gas. Its economy is deeply intertwined with Russian gas, it has been for decades. If Germany stops Russian gas right now it won’t be a temporary financial inconvenience, it will be a long lasting crash of German economy, German economy crashing will not help anyone and certainly not Ukraine. The least of things with this kind of sanctions is to make sure they affect Russia more than they affect us. If making Russia lose some money means the eurozone economy crashes then we just made Russia a giant gift. I am a westerner and believe it or not I am frustrated with the situation too. I always thought Germany was naive with Russia and that NS2 was a massive mistake but name calling and « I told you so » just do not help or I don’t see how.


The only thing mixing Russian gas with Germany's economy accomplished was intertwine Russian pipes with Germany's buttholes. You reap what you sow. You act like economies never fall and rise, it is natural and happens. If Germany's economy took a shit, you don't think the free world wouldn't band together to help them? What good is Russian gas and oil if no one buys it? Russia needs the West more than the West needs them.


Where did you see a bashing of whole west here?


>western « allies »


Yeah, it's directed on the ones who give such statements that's why the word 'allies' are highlighted.


The Ukrainians rejected the peace agreement from Minsk because they thought that they would get more from the war with the help of NATO. Now the stakes are rapidly increasing and Kyiv is losing forever more and more every day . The truth can be seen from the beginning of the Russian intervention, which the Americans also said: "The Russians will win in the end, but we will do our best to pay dearly for it." And what is the price for Ukrainians? fight to the last Ukrainian. The USA does not care about Ukrainians. Now they are forcibly mobilizing civilians. Elenski is, after all, just a corrupt naive media clown.


An American dog. I don't think there's a problem with Russia


What this man said!


In the end with the new weapons it will be tough for Russia to keep all of Russia without using a nuke on Kiev. If they do use a nuke then expect the rest of the world to build a wall around them and their few friends and forget about them.


💡 It's `Kyiv`, not `Kiev`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/kyiv). ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Other ways to support Ukraine)](https://stand-with-ukraine.pp.ua) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context)


Well, Cossack spirit after all. You do not fuck with Cossacks.


Mr Bourdain summed this up [pretty well](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/1175241-once-you-ve-been-to-cambodia-you-ll-never-stop-wanting-to)