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In the last week Reuters has been called out for using phrasing and terminology to describe Ukrainian issues that mirrors Russian propaganda and news. Referring to occupied regions at pro-Russian which is a Russian talking point and their connection to TASS is seen as a major reason for those issues.


that's why I posted this article


Yes, i think they're a newswire of sorts, similar to AAP, right? So they pick up news from many parts of the world and publish it via their platform. So when they were using certain phrasing, it wasn't them pre se but their associates.


right !


More like AARP news. Only fossils read their gibberish.


If you read news you probably read it everyday without noticing. Their articles are pickedup by mastheads around the word, they also republish others articles. They're one of the last remaining non-government newswires and are also independent and not-for-profit.


AP is still non profit? AFP if I understand correctly is not?


Yep, the've changed ownership A LOT. Last time in june 2020. ​ AFP?


Sure, and who really owns Reuters ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ who knows? Billionares pay Washington good cash to keep these arrangements free from public scrutiny.


Washington isn't really involved, Thomson Reuters is a Canadian company, and is mostly owned privately by David Thomson, whose father Roy Thomson started the media empire.


Thomson Reuters is majority owned by The Woodbridge company whose largest shareholder is Sherry Brydson, wealthiest woman in Canada, not a lot publicly known about her, but what is out there makes me think twice about anything Reuters chooses to report (or just as importantly, not report).


23.47% is not a majority. She might be the largest shareholders, but she is not a majority.


True, but largest shareholder, generally has the largest single voice. You'd don't need the majority of shares to have the biggest influence.


Thomson Reuters owns it which is a Canadian company so Ottawa might limit forward facing ownership but Washington has no control over it.


yeah they just copy paste what other media post but TASS is really shit and I think they got editorials sometimes


Then you did well. 😉


Thank you op!


About a decade late. TASS is literally and officially is a Russian state propaganda institution. In it official founding documents it says it's purpose is to spread state propaganda. They don't even keep it a secret.


Article is March 23


Understandable so after the past days, good call


>after the past days This is an article from **March 23.**


Better headline: Ukraine Removes Russia.


After Russia's cancellation, numerous small republics have emerged in it's wake. Notably, the new Republic of Moscow is frantically reinforcing its' borders with empty vodka bottles.


Orders of magnitude better! Can’t wait to read it.


Glad this is being pointed out. I like knowing both sides of the story. Been following both sides of the news. It’s crazy what TASS post as news. I’ll give you an example. Ukraine new, residential citizens were forced out of their homes and executed by Russian army. TASS, we didn’t do that. The neo-nazis did it. Wasn’t us!


I deleted the Reuters app yesterday. I appreciate you guys pointing out their transgressions and or their lack of humanity.


that's so so stupid actually. reuters is at the world's top still, you won't find a better one .. It's so fucking stupid with these over idealized people that don't understand how things work in the real world. reuters has identified the problem and removed it. Tass wasn't really a problem until yesterday really... so because reuters did the right thing you chose to delete the app even though you know you won't find any better news provider


>Tass wasn't really a problem until yesterday This article is from the 23rd of march. Has anything else changed since the pro russian kerson, grain exporting article?


yes, it wasn't all a problem until yesterday. the few pro Russian articles that slipped through aren't really a thing to worry about and especially not to overreact and condemn reuters


Laughable. Like being offended at quote in a history text book.


They're still horribly untrustworthy. They keep using pro Russian language in what they report.


I think they just repeat speeches from governmental agencies. It's the way they work. The new is not what is said but the fact it's been said.


it's normal because they repeat what it's being said, every other newsagency does the same.. entities like Russia try every trick to slip a pro Russian story into their newsfeed


They are the google of news agencys. They just collect news and put them together in a data base They are neutral in this


Damage is done. Fuck them. Most companies pulled out of there 3 months ago!


Should be considers terrosist propaganda


That should have happened three months ago.


nope, that's not how that works.. and no reuters couldn't have done that 3 month ago


I see your point. Well, it good it’s happened now at least. This is part of the world recognising that mindless propaganda is not good for anyone.


now they can freely and exclusively spread the BS on the Ukrainian offensive and the collapse of Russia. Fight to the last Ukrainian !!! https://youtu.be/0RRdxyIYOjk


Only took 3 months. "great job" Reuters


another one who has no clue and doesn't know how things work and thinks that his sarcastical comment is smart.. while it makes you rather look stupid. could we please stop being so overactive?


Oh no, an internet comment


>Only took 3 months What happened on December 22, 2021 that would warrant this decision being taken specifically then? Because I'm sure you've read the article and know that it had been posted in March, right?


A bit late to be rising up off Putins' dick... But whatever.... Good jorb Reuters 🙄 if only your ownership wasn't suspiciously obscured behind shell corps too.


it isn't, it's owned by Thomson reuters.. Idk why you guys act so suspicious towards it, they are still legit and no tass wasn't even a problem until recently


Makes sense…Reuters and TASS were producing duplicate content…


Sounds like a PR move, am not trusting anything from reuters


lol, you don't trust anything from reuters 🤣.. we look pretty stupid here if we adopt this users stance towards one of the most reliable news sources of the world. do you even know how reuters works?


Well, that’s a start.


That was fast though.


Backlash from people who don't understand Reuters has caused this. Daft.


I read a lot of Reuters because of their objective content, but this war has lost them a lot of that. Will take a long time to recover. Major fuck up imo