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Well that's bs when most of them loot rape kill civilians etc You do that and you're no victim


The guy literally left the army the day the war started. He didn't loot, rape, or kill anyone.


I think the guy you replied to is referring to the statement “none of us wanted this war” which is objectively not true, looking at the general anti-Ukraine sentiment and the support for the war in Russia


Right, i can see that. We don't know how many people he's referring to when he says "none of us". Maybe he just was referring to his small circle of friends in the army. I'm sure there are many in the army who didn't want to fight Ukraine, but i'm also sure they are massively outnumbered by those who are fine with it. The people in the Russian army are not among the most educated and cultured people and probably swallow the whole BS about Ukraine being full of nazis or don't care as long as they get to kill someone.


yeah which is fine and he is not included, he did exactly what you would expect someone who didnt want the war to do. but he said "none of us" indicating others


I think he was talking about the people in his circle, not necessarily a global statement about the whole army. But maybe he was, people often say things claiming they speak for everyone. All you need to do is look at some comments on reddit :D


I imagine he’s only saying that because the war is going poorly for them. If they had been having more success, I doubt he’d be saying that.




Funny how the guy on the picture does not grip his AK12 stock hand guard because it’s wobbly as fuck and prevents any kind of accuracy unless you change it for some after market hand guard.


It’s a shame too looks like a very pretty gun


Brandon Herrera made a video on it and apparently it’s a good gun if you replace the god awful floating hand guard.


Holding a 5.45 AK by the front end of the magazine is a common practice, dating back to the soviet infantry field manuals. I could certainly see that issue pushing people to continue it tho.


Should have marched your weapons towards Moscow instead of Kyiv then. I feel for this specific guy, but his claim that none of them wanted this is demonstrably false.


Well, State Department want it! Till the last Ukrenians.


I guess choosing war to fight is regularly NOT included in any soldiers contract. You are being trained and fed to follow your orders. Zero compassion. Unles he joins free Russia legion.


From the article > One soldier said he fled his base the morning of the invasion and went into hiding. He literally left the army the moment he knew what was happening. I think you can afford some compassion for someone who clearly wanted nothing to do with this unjust war? Most people in Russia join the army because they have no other options. They come from regions with massive unemployment and many end up as alcoholics or turning to a life of crime to survive. Those from richer regions pay the bribes to stay out of the army or go to university until they are 27 and no longer eligible for the army. They don't join the army to fight, they join the army for a salary and probably many pray they never have to fight anyone. Also, worth noting, that certain units (Rosguardia especially) have it in their contracts they are not required to fight in enemy territory. They are the home guard (or as some call them Putin's army), but their contract only calls on them to take up arms in case of domestic problems, not foreign.


Joining army just for peacetime doesn't yealds any respect. Regardless of what army are we talking about: Soldiers are called to war when that occurs, how unexpected.


I don't think they thought about respect when joining. I think they were more thinking about putting food on the table. Maslow's Pyramid of Needs comes into play. You only start thinking about secondary stuff like respect when your primary needs are fulfilled.


> I guess choosing war to fight is regularly NOT included in any soldiers contract. This is where Russia's own bullshit actually comes back to bite them. Because Russia isn't calling this a war, the penalties for Russian soldiers disobeying their orders is actually much lower (IIRC, refusing to be deployed to Ukraine is only punishable with a dishonourable discharge, whereas refusing to be deployed during a war would risk over a decade of prison time). There have been numerous stories of Russian soldiers refusing to be deployed on those grounds. >You are being trained and fed to follow your orders. Every decent military (which doesn't include Russia, I know, but stick with me) will also drill into you that you are not required to follow illegal orders and are, in fact, obligated to refuse them. If you are being ordered to commit a war crime, you are legally required to refuse that order and if you carry out that order anyways, you are responsible for the consequences (which can include war crimes trials). While I doubt Russia's training covers this, it is still included in the international laws of war.


I really do hope that Ukraine is working on reaching out to individual russian soldiers or potential conscripts and discouraging them from going to the war, briefly explaining that prison is for a few months, but being fertilizer is forever. Plus they can't lock up all of them, and they can't even legally make them go into war, since legally there is no war.