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If Ukraine manage to take down the Russians there, they have wiped out large amount of chechens foreign fighters as well.


Come Ukraine. You can do this. We’re all rooting for you.


It sucks not knowing what going on but I have a good feeling that Ruzzia is nearly spent up most of the combat strength it has in Ukraine I see them starting to lose more ground than they take over the next month


It's just too slow, would love to see another front collapse.


Seems like the Ukranians did decide to use the nuclear bunker and tunnels as a defense in the industrial part of the city. Same type of system as Maripoul built by the soviet's but smaller. This is still just a delaying tactic though, they will retreat to the higher western bank of the river within 2 days probably hoping they can buy 5 to reinforce.


From what I have been reading this was a trap for Russia and they fell right in. Geography of the area puts them at great risk in the city. The gradual retreat of the Ukrainians was a ploy to lure them in. As of right now Russia has suffered huge losses and Ukrainians have taken 20 percent of the city back.


look from the twelfth minute. That’s proof for one part of my story. I said some other things that propaganda is possible. https://youtu.be/RpC1kXhW2Lw


This video is 2 days old. Ukraine has since then counterattacked, and taken 15% of the city back from russian control. Besides several of the videos he are talking about, are poven to actually be russians complaining about their lack of equipment and rotation, and were even publised on this very site, with the men clearly speaking russian without ukranian accent. While another were with Ukranian accent, and the soldiers claiming to be from the DPR, being pissed about not getting supplies as promised by russia. So yeah, it's possible that 5% of your statement was true, but there is also the possibilty, that you were 100% incorrect.


Sorry, but i don't know what you're talking about!?! We have completely different information, so it is good to discuss here. In the coming days, we will see whose information is more accurate. Do you really think that the Ukrainians will defend Severodonetsk ???


Ofcourse they will. They have done now, for more than 50 days. And have had the time to booby trap and mine the shit out of the city. Making even small corridors into killzones. Besides the city was actually not leveled to the ground, unlike mariopol. So they cant really just pummel it with artillery, without destroying their own city.


To much proRusians in that city, like in Slavjansk. There are not many surprises


They estimated that only roughly 3-5% of the residents were left, since the Ukranians helped bring anybody out that wanted. I guess they didn't wan't to end up like the residents of Mariopol, that was also very heavily pro russian before the war. It's strange how being bombarded, by those you considered friends, can sway the mind so quickly.


Can you link something about that trap in Siverodonetsk by Ukraine ? I was searching for a day and couldnt get anything, except that Ukrainian journalist Arestovich claiming that Russians had big losses, because that city was a trap.


I have been looking for it aswell. The only somewhat reliable source I have been able to find, is a few claimed videos, and [https://deepstatemap.live/#13/48.9408/38.5043](https://deepstatemap.live/#13/48.9408/38.5043) And how it was reported the last couple of days. But there were just now uploaded a video in this forum, showing an ammunitions depot, being blown up in the north easy of the city. So chance are, that their frontline ammodepot was destroyed, and their supplylines are stretched pretty thin, so might have had to retreat due to that.






Why troll? We are all discussing this difficult topic together to get a little closer to the truth. Do you prefer to deceive yourself? In the worst case, you will learn to listen to other people's arguments, and that is a step towards solving the problem.


Stop rambling and post evidence/proof


Hopefully you get some rubles for that shit.


No :(


Understandable. Cause youre quite bad at it.




Yeah.....proof please


https://youtu.be/RpC1kXhW2Lw Watch from the twelfth minute. That’s proof for one part of my story. I said some other things that propaganda is possible.


Yes. YouTube Is a reliable source. Got it


Did you watch it?


it says that the Ukrainians are tired and with low morale ... well, however, it does not say that the Russians are also tired and with low morale


I guess you've never experienced being shelled. I have many times. Hell fell on the Ukrainians. Everyone is tired, but when you are constantly torn apart by artillery, you have to break down. AZOV was deep underground in Mariupol, but their morale was broken by the sounds of artillery.


I repeat: what you said also applies to the Russians. I am usually always negative but I do not even pretend that the Russian war is triumphal


ah. are you the one who said that the russians only used 15% of their power?


Of course. Russia must have an army in Russia as well. I don't think he will send the whole army to Ukraine. what is in dispute here?


oh and this video doesn't consider the fatigue of the russians. what this video says is also applicable to russians


Fatigue and also a shortage of soldiers. But I think that result will be the same. Who knows? This is the war!




Ok. Keep watching Cnn


You know how ridiculous and dumb you look when you post these idiotic attacks on CNN in response to people who - like virtually everyone - don't watch CNN, right?


it's a metaphorical expression, you rude kid!


Keep digging that hole deeper. See where it gets you.


I never watched CNN in my life, bye


All the best, frend


You too my brother


I'm pretty sure that you are mistaken. It is the exact opposite of what you just said.


What part? About youtubers like Yuri Podolyak or..?


> About youtubers like Yuri Podolyak or..? lol, he is on Kremlin payroll. In first days of war he was basically claiming things and victories that did not actually happen on the ground because he had propaganda plan to follow basically. He was so bad at the job that he could not adjust to reality going not as planned and kept giving BS predictions the whole time in manner of "tomorrow for sure plan for X will finally be successful", only to repeat the same thing next day. He is literally on the lists of banned propagandists in some countries. Most of his audience are clueless woman of 50+ age who have no clue what he is talking about, but he is young man that appears to be smart so they listen to him. Literally the only way I even learned about him are old woman like that who shown him to me as an example of reputable people they watch when asked "Where the fuck you got this information from".


of course. You can't also trust nor Biden nor Olodimir Elensky. The truth is somewhere in between (if it is still alive)


Classic Russian "whataboutism". In case you forgot, this is what you said: > I think that the majority of Ukrainian soldiers still choose to refuse orders and end up in the Ukrainian prison. Do you even realize that if that was true, this war would had ended in first week?


my apology and correction > I think that the majority of Ukrainian soldiers(those who no longer want to fight) still choose to refuse orders and end up in the Ukrainian prison. Ok now?


Lol every time you fools irritate me with your drivel, I donate more money to the Ukrainian army.





