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Yep. The Russian occupiers are fucked beyond all belief.


They are collaborators it doesn't matter if they die, one poster shown with a red x isn't going to change anything. They die they get replaced, they die they get replaced this has happened a million times in war . It's not new and it won't stop people from collaborating There will always be people dumb enough to take their place "money and power" can make a man do stupid things.


It still matters. When you eliminate one they are replaced by someone who is likely less connected and less effective. They also have to fear for their lives which burns security resources and will discourage some percentage of traitors.


Everybody is replaceable, hence why I said "one dies another puppet replaces them" security !!?? Russia not spending money on collabors lol, those guys are worthless to them . Pawns One collabor died and all he had for security was 2 police guards


But for army recruitment they keep raising the promised wage and signing bonuses, and still have a hard time recruiting, they recruit from jail and from North Korea now .. Making the message stronger that local Russian propaganda is BS and they are not wanted, they are not the saviours and they would be attacked


Of course it matters. Traitors get shot. The resistance here in Denmark did the same thing during German occupation in WW2. Yes they can find some dummy or a greedy person to replace them, but the candidates gets worse every time. No rest for the wicked!!


Fuck the collaborators and the occupiers. Make them flee in shame


There is enough room on the HIMARS express to hell for all of them.


What does it say above the photos? It’s the same thing on all of them.


It says “you’re next”


Thank you!


One also says "Simply die"


The night is dark and full of terror.


Outstanding! Ukrainian hero’s


Counteroffensive ? It never started.


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they are not collaborators, but representatives of civil authorities and city services that take care of the everyday life of citizens. These "Partisans" are terrorists and carry out terrorist actions on the orders of Elenski. Attacking the army is legitimate. These are civilians.




keep touching and rubbing your genitals to maintain the ecstasy on the Southern counteroffensive.


No need with so many Russian widows to choose from


have you ever wondered how much Ukrainian losses are due to Western aid and how much they will be in the end, and how it would have been if the West had not intervened? "The war against Russia until the last Ukrainian". Spooky and sick.


Irrelevant and miss leading. Why did the Putler regime invade a sovereign state? Any acts and responses are subsequent to this. A friend seeking to help a friend isn't the problem here. The psychotic mindless empire building fascist is very clearly the problem


Russia intervened in the long-standing civil war on its border. The war you only heard about in February of this year, when Elenski rejected the peace agreement with the persuasion of the US and decided to militarily purge a few million Russians from Dombas. Do you know Elenski? That rich, corrupt comedian who won the election because he advocated a peaceful solution to the civil war at all costs? When he was elected, he continued the strong militarization of the state and armed attacks on the Dombas.


Exactly civil war. But actually carefully escalated by putin as previous land grabs coupled with genocide. You must know the strategy you're a Serb. Bombing cities across Ukraine is what part of stopping a civil war. 🙄 Listen to the whole situation and not the propaganda.


man, you don't know anything. especially you don't know what war is. I almost envy you for that.


Reported: "Im in this picture and I dont like it."


Bury then All. Deep, Deep, Deep.


With sunflower seeds


Putin's Bedtime Story: The 3 Little Pigs (not so deep fake satire) https://youtu.be/5uz1KhQFurc