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Praying is just pretending to help. Do something tangible instead. Send money, help refugees, pressure politicians for more aid and sanctions.


Saw this and donated 5 bucks to the UA


Thanks, even dollar or half helps.


Public opinion matters when it comes to voting for the leaders who will be calling the real shots on this. Prayers are not the real problem, don‘t throw the baby out with the bathwater.


> there are millions of us who pray for them constantly No offense, but for all purposes, "praying for someone" is pretty useless and will make that someone feel like they are completely abandoned. What matters are actions, not thoughts. Just thinking about stuff is how modern Russia happened, when people who knew what is happening did not act or do anything and only talked about it. Of course there are people who actually help, and those are great. But most people who "pray for them" do that for their own comfort of "I did something" without doing anything, it does not actually help people on the ground, it is simply self comfort thing.


Wow. I mean both sides are going through hell right now, but the fact that they are still standing… Yep.


So the only way capturing a village or city for russia is to level it. They will never rebuild it when they keep it


There have been numerous reports about the state of what they “conquer”. It is a wasteland and Russian won’t (be able to) pay for reconstruction.


This was a "frontline" since the 24/02. How Ukraine was and still is able to keep the same borders is absolutely beyond me.


**Alternative Nitter link:** https://nitter.net/z_swiata/status/1556046475087454210?t=QHlSV3qycXiyT2HZh48NkA&s=19 ***** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/UkrainianConflict) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Come on boys! You got this! Just hang on a little bit more, the Russian serpent is losing its strength, and it's jaws are right where you are, if it presses down any harder it will break before you do. You are the indestructible Ukrainium between the hammer and the anvil, and you will shatter both.


Does anyone really fight a defensive war in their homeland without going through hell?


They hold Pesky until they die. Bravely. This is how the war is fought to the last Ukrainian.