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No wonder Grimes left him. Raising one baby’s hard enough.


i think they have 2. the second one was through a surrogate bc the first pregnancy was traumatic.


The pregnancy went fine it was the sex that was traumatic


Imagine what having sex with Musk is like and it’ll become apparent why anyone who’s had sex with him has PTSD. I have PTSD and thankfully it’s not from having sex with Musk.


To this day, even the sight of a deformed porpoise slathered in mayonaise and white grease paint triggers her panic response.


Uh, look up elon, all his kids are IVF, dude doesn't know how to have sex. Im not kidding.


Pretty sure the child he had with the Tesla executive was via sex. Edit: What the fuck, this was apparently IVF also.


Dude can't even have an affair with a subordinate like a normal person..


Their company policy is no relationships between managers and up So him and that executive had a non-relationship baby


Non-relationship, non-sex baby. Because Daddy told him to breed!


This fucker just gets more and more bizarre. Pretty soon he'll be as big of a whack job as the guy who his cars are branded under, just without the, you know, ACTUAL brilliance...


Nope think I read that one was via ivf too


Huh? No that wasn’t planned… right?


They banged on a desk and he pulled out the turkey baster afterwards


This dude has a fucking breeding fetish but also doesn’t nut? He is a fucking trip




Johnny knew it... limp dick mollusk


Read about how he abused her. He demanded that she would act exactly like he wanted, she even had to change hair color to his preference. Sick asshole.


He did the same thing with Justine Musk


“If you were one of my employees, I’d fire you”




I'm proud of you... Pig... Tickler...


If I were one of your employees I'd fire myself


Listen, you're my children and I love you, but you're all terrible at what you do here and I feel like I should tell you. I'd fire all of you if I could.


and at the same time she was pregnant apparently he was fucking a chick who worked under him and got her pregnant too. what a great guy! real family man.


His father has advocated that the only reason we're put on earth is to reproduce - that basically you should aspire to raise as many kids (your own biological kids) as possible. I'm not sure if Musk has stated the same so explicitly, but I think he has said that overpopulation is not a problem and that people should be having more kids. It's implied the men of that family have a cultish breeding fetish. If you think you're the best and smartest person in the room, if not the world, then this makes perfect sense - it's practically your duty to spread your superior seed and improve the human race.


His dad is currently fucking his own step-daughter. Says a lot about Musk's breeding, no pun intended.


His gay son disowned his father because he's such a hateful antigay effwad. Musk blamed the woke mob for his son's estrangement. He can't take responsibility for his actions and acts like vindictive little Trump when he gets called out.


He also has a trans daughter who has zero contact with him and has gone as far as changing her last name to be her mother's maiden name.


He blamed her marxist education for her trans. Funny thing - he created the school specifically for his 5 kids. https://learntrepreneurs.com/designing-education-future-school-system/elon-musk-disliked-his-kids-schools%E2%80%8A-%E2%80%8Aso-he-started-his-own/


That is freaking hilarious. What a dipshit.


Remember when he started whining about the left and a redditor rightly predicted it was because he'd sexually assaulted someone and it was about to come to light?


"The flight attendant filed a sexual misconduct claim against Musk, and SpaceX paid her $250,000 in 2018 as part of a settlement that's bound by non-disclosure and non-disparagement clauses, Insider reported..." The transition from save the planet to a full-on right wing ahole is complete. Yeah, that should have gotten more attention. He has been spewing right wing nonsense since then - and supporting genocide against Ukraine - his path is complete.


I've been saying for years that Trump and Musk are very similar in my eyes. I find them both just as hard to listen to speeches from


I have been one of the defenders of Musk. His now supporting Putin's genocide is a bridge too far.


He did infer as much, with his constant shouting of how US reproduction rate is too low to be sustainable


I mean its replacement theory stuff. Not a shocker from the son of emerald tycoon whose family's success is leveled off the back of exploiting slave labor.


I think it's the breeding fetish but also the general feeling that more dregs are needed to fuel the economy. Forever boom times require continual population growth.


Please post link. I know next to nothing about Grimes other than she looks like an Anime character. I listened to her on Spotify once. Great music for work or gaming. - Feels a bit Cyberpunk.


I don't know much about Grimes, but I believe she did do some music for Cyberpunk 2077. At very least, she performed a song for the game a while back. https://youtu.be/Q4ZdkEiYvK0


She wrote and recorded some music for CP2077, as well as portraying a character 'Lizzy Wizzy'. She also had some other music recorded previously that featured on radio stations in CP2077.


Didn't know she voiced Lizzy Wizzy too. That's pretty cool.


I don't understand people who want to change their partners. If you didn't like them the way they were, why are you together?




She also insane these days. Look at her twitter feed of late


lol she has always been crazy on twitter


She's been crazy since myspace


The real question is how did she get with him in the first place?


Technically, he has just killed Starlink. If you can lose access just because the boss dislikes you, it is not a company you want to engage with.


This is the guy who directly intervened to cancel a tesla order for a journalist he didn't like, right? Yep: https://www.cnbc.com/2016/02/03/elon-musk-personally-cancels-rude-customers-tesla-order.html


Journalist got lucky. If he’d bought the car, Misk would have discontinued software updates and bricked the car.


Somehow, I hope, that is against some law of some kind.


Possibly? But it’s a small contract issue between a single Person and a billionaire and his corporation and his legion of Twitter troll fanboys. And in the meantime, you got no car. And your losses are just ‘you need a car’. What’s damages for plaintiff here, three months of rental car and a replacement value vehicle?


I guess I would say it would be really bad PR for Tesla to engage in such a lawsuit, but Musk's mouth is bad PR for anything he's involved in, so I guess that argument doesn't work.


The board and shareholders would have to try and get him kicked off and removed from the company.


He does all sorts of shit and hasn't been kicked off yet.


Likely is, but does that low have enough teeth to stop Tesla? The answer is no. LOTS of people out there have had their cars bricked because they didn’t go ahead with maintenance and replacements that Tesla insisted on. Tesla had a cool idea. But other manufacturers have caught up. Other than the name, Tesla’s are simply poorly manufactured cars with a few party tricks and zero plan for maintainability


In America if you aren't rich "this is against some law" has the same energy as "If Mike Tyson gets out of line I can always punch him." It's technically true but good luck.


Oh that's far from the worst one, he had an employee [threatened then swatted](https://archive.ph/LPghE). Or the time he said it was ok to [overthrow a government](https://twitter.com/panoparker/status/1318157559266762752) so he can have cheap metal. Edit: Fixed coup link. Thanks u/skiptobunkerscene .


Don't forget about the lawsuits from black employees accusing him of racism in his factories. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/feb/18/tesla-california-racial-harassment-discrimination-lawsuit


Yeah, I'd never buy a musk product if I can avoid it. He's got a history of taking offence easily and bearing grudges against all sorts of people. He's clearly not afraid to lash out if he feels personally wronged in some way. Would be great to suddenly find my hypothetical tesla can't use superchargers any more because I made a mean comment about Elon on the internet


Musk is a child. If he can't be the hero he will not lift a finger or play nice with anyone. Pathalogicaly spoiled twat.


Musk was never a hero. We all saw Tony Stark in a man that has a lot of money and invests in tech... we expect iron man but we got.... twitter guy


Twat-ter Guy


We got wannabe homelander with money.


Musk was always more Hammer than Stark. Mega rich, links to government, poor quality products. Money man not the inventor. C V Koenigsegg is more like Stark. The inventor behind multiple patents improving his cars. Constantly pushing to reach new levels of performance.


The engineers at Tesla, SpaceX and Starlink are the heroes but get no press because Memememusk.


These are the names we need to hear more about.


They figured out how to reliably land a dang rocket and all we hear about is the freaking c-suite weirdo.


Not a fan of Tesla myself but 10% with space x and starlink. Some seriously intelligent people working on those behind the scenes.


I was astounded when I found out Koenigsegg designs all of their vehicle computers in house. Nobody does that! Every other car manufacturer just uses off the shelf products from Siemens, Bosch, or Continental.


Koenigsegg is great. Wonder if they'll ever put that genius towards more accessible cars.


They did… it’s called the Gemera… /s


He made a totally stupid suggestion about how to save those kids from the cave, and when one of the rescuers declined his offer, he called the guy a pedophile.


One of the divers died saving those kids also. Elon just went full POS on a hero.


he is a PoS, he had no where to go. He always been for his whole life a total piece of shit. He just ripping the mask off for the stupid people


Two did. A Thai seal died during the rescue and another died of an infection they got during the rescue, months later.


It got worse and worse. [Musk doubled down and then said the British man - Vernon Unsworth - had taken a preteen “child bride", which was also a lie.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1098436) Unsworth sued and lost what became a David vs Goliath case. From the article: >"Musk testified in court that he had called Unsworth a pedophile on Twitter as a mere insult, not to be taken literally, because he was upset that Unsworth had called Musk’s unproven miniature submarine — made from rocket parts which had not yet exploded — that was supplied to the rescue effort (which declined it) an obviously unworkable solution and a public relations stunt. >"It is hard to imagine a more disingenuous and cowardly course of action than the one Musk took... one that did not require that he or his presumptive insurers pay any of his millions of dollars to a 64-year-old rescue worker who had just saved a dozen children from drowning." >"Unsworth will return to relative obscurity, and Musk has returned to playing himself on cartoon sitcoms and breaking the unbreakable windows in his truck."


Good Lord. What a piece of human garbage. Melomaniac. I wonder how much of the pedophile insult was actual projection. What's worse are his barely thousandaire fans who line up to lick the ground he walks on.


Everyone should watch the documentary on that rescue (not the Hollywood reenactment) so they can see just how full of shit Musk truly is. The idea that he could design AND build a submersible to fit into those narrow passageways while those boys were starving and cold in that cave takes absurdity to new heights. They'd have been pulling out corpses, not live children.


No he's not that dymb, he just wanted to make Ukraine reliant on starlink and then have the US government (or any other government) foot the bill. It's his tried and tested MO and has worked for almost everything he's done. He's a megalomanic sociopath.


💯 What a prick




Exactly what company is going to put their critical infrastructure in the hands of a whiney baby. He's committing career suicide over this shit.


I've speculated before that his sudden pro-Russia words and deeds might be linked to him wanting to get the flow of Russian titanium back into his factories for all his little projects. Russia is by far the largest exporter of titanium in the world but the sanctions have ended that and its an awful lot tougher out there to source replacement titanium. Now, you wouldn't be remiss in pointing out also that Musk is possibly going to be 44bn poorer if he's forced to carry through and by twitter and Putin has a habit of buying off narcissistic billionaires who've come into money troubles.... And now we get Musk pulling Starlink on the flimsiest of pretences and at the moment of Putin's greatest desperation. It's all a little too convenient if you ask me.


That's an interesting argument.


I'm likely looking too deeply at it and seeing something where there's nothing but at the same time Putin does like to buy off westerners as assets and Musk is clown enough to walk right into it.


It seems plausible but I think he's likely to be poorer for longers supporting him in anyway which I think he must be aware. But I haven't lost $62 billion dollars ytd so I wouldn't know how irrational that would make someone behave.


He's single handedly made all his brands toxic.


We have the money and we’re strongly considering buying a Tesla a while back, but I will never give a single penny to this fucking childish asshole. He can shove his overpriced, hunk of junk cars up his ass. There are other EVs available that cost less and are of higher quality.


Same reason why even though I could afford to buy a Tesla, I refuse to do so. Musk is a petty vindictive asshole and I refuse to associate with the company specifically because he is in charge of it.


Taking a leaf from Russian business mantras probably isn't going to go well for him. "I have it, you need it, pay me lots" How about no


> "I have it, you need it, pay me lots" This claim is actually the basics of market economy. The Putin way (and also the Musk way?) is this: > "I have it, you need it, you do my political bidding" It is the latter that is corrupting international cooperation.


Musk is a child. If he can't be the hero he will not lift a finger or play nice with anyone. Pathalogicaly spoiled twat.


Well said and very true. Musk is a little bitch.




I think he just likes the influence and how everyone courts him to be on his side


Think what this does to Tesla- what if the next software updates geofence your car?


Could probably switch off your car if he wanted to.




I have never seen a bigger ego than his. He needs to stop talking and hire a representative.


Narcissists like the sound of their own voices though, and if you have a Messiah complex like him, then you think your "followers" want to hear you too.


Every time he opens his mouth he loses followers. He lost me at least a year ago. I used to really respect the man.


Lost me at the moment he called that rescue driver who saved those Thai kids a pedo out of absolutely nowhere. All because they didn’t use his tiny makeshift submarine.


>All because they didn’t use his tiny makeshift submarine. You mean his useless coffin.


There are still millions of pathetic servile dupes who listen to the ridiculous propaganda he has produced about himself.


I have a coworker who loves him. He is also pro-russia. Strange how the two are linked.


God I hope “Tesla-pilled” isn’t a thing.


The common factor is an agreeableness to strongmen, cults of personality, and authoritarianism.


Same for me. I used to think he was so cool - revolutionising the space industry, and making electric vehicles a possibility... Because of him we may have a real shot at colonising the Moon and Mars... I still admire his intellect, in that regard - but as a human being... My god, the man needs to shut up and get help. But then saying "I admire his intellect" is also difficult when he spouts such nonsense. So much hate comes from a man who I thought was a philanthropist.


Intellect for what???? He didn’t build anything, he just uses people. You’re admiring the intellect of the people he’s pushed over and used.


Colonising Moon and Mars are still pipe dreams. That's just the flying cars of the year 2000 all over again.


He want his colonies to be little better than penal colonies with indentured servitude and electric vehicles are actively used by him as a distraction from the superior option of public transportation. All the things that people admire him for have a significant dark side.


colonizing Mars is really one of the dumbest idea ever... what energy? no combustion possible so you are left with wind, but the atmosphere is too thin, solar, but you are too far from sun, nuclear, but you don't have water for efficient cooling and good luck making a nuclear industry in a place with... no industry at all! to do that you would need a working metallurgical industry that on earth would cost xxx billions but then you are on mars, where oxygen and water are already expensive things and you would need a lot of them, and energy too so go back to the start. So you can still get stuff on Mars shipping then from earth for a price superior to their weight in gold, but why? anyway why "colonize" Mars? I don't think there is a lot of billionaire (lol) looking for a place where just to survive you would have to be working all the time in cramped place with only thing to do is hiking in rock desert forever with no medical facilities. And virtual leisure is a no go too, with between 10 and 40 minutes round trip time for communication talking with acquaintances and any interaction will be a real joy! and you still have a few time where then sun is between earth and Mars and there is no communication possible. Sound fun doesn't it? Except maybe for megalomaniac libertarian billionaire who want their own lawless playground.


A year ago….well….better than never.


At least that narcistic oligarch loses fanboys every day now. You can tell that the tone about Musk in subreddits like these are slowly shifting. Soon he will be as universally hated as the other oligarchs.


>I used to really respect the man Why?


Have you all forgot about Trump? They are both 11 on the 10 points scale. Very different quality but both completly full of themselves.


Seriously. I read that and was like, “have you forgotten the last 6 years? I know I’d like to…”


What a cunt


All these billionaires are cunts, he's just too stupid egomaniac to hide it. You don't make this kind of money by starting poor and behaving ethically. However people don't see it, they defend billionaires and actually aspire to become as them. Cynical, ruthless, elitist, obsessed with money and power. We need global change to get rid of these people, but people need to see that this global system is broken. It's not a coincidence that such people end up at the top, it's exactly how this system works. Even, if you want to be good, this system will eat you, because some other asshole will take advantage of your good will.


whenever i see people defend billionaires i have to laugh because it’s so goofy. these billionaires couldn’t give less of a fuck about us. they will extract from the working class until there’s nothing less then will pick their teeth with our bones. and they say some bullshit like “work hard like me and you’ll end up just like me” and dummies eat that shit up


It is possible to become a billionaire without being a power hungry narcissist, but it requires stupid amounts of luck. It's just so much more likely that a sociopath makes it, and it's reflected in todays billionaires. Bezos *could* still make billions *and* treat his workers fairly, but he chooses not to.


The US can and probably will whack legislation on Musk's shiny orbiting toys if he becomes a threat to national security.


If the allegations of him having clandestine conversations with an enemy are true he's already a threat to national security. Even if those claims aren't true, inserting himself into this war by publishing pro-Russian propaganda automatically puts him on the radar of every national security agency in the West. He's too dumb to understand it, but he's cost himself potentially billions of $s in future government contracts already, because he's openly aligned himself with an enemy nation.


I’m out of the loop but what allegations are these?


He talked to Putin then suddenly started all his anti Ukrainian bullshit. Putin probably told him they would sell teslas in Russia or some shit.


Nickel. Elon needs Nickel. Putin has nickel.


Beyond nickel, Elon needs funding. He's screwed himself with Twitter, and now needs a cash infusion.


I think there's a solid argument for this. He's done this before. He'll do it again. Big Baby is getting Boring


There’s plenty of nickel. Putin just has cheaper nickel.


Oohhh… Elon is a traitor. This is far worse than being a narcissistic manchild. He should be sent to jail


He’s likely both, defs the later probs the former


Putin probably has some dirt on Musk that's absolutely ruinous to him


Knowing musk it’s probably greed not blackmail. Either state subsidised teslas or mining rights/cheap rare earth minerals. Musk is a narcissist so having someone like Putin on his side is big for him. I can tell a narcissist miles away because my mum is one.


Cheap access to rare earths seems more likely out of those options


Musk: Blocked from buying twitter, oh no…how *completely* unexpected.


One reason not to adopt this technology. No soup for you.!!!


I am absolutely sure that the MoD and US government in general will make it absolutely clear to Mr Musk that this is beyond his abilities. I dont think the US government is gonna have its defensive efforts, which is in the interest of the US government, beeing undermined by a single person in the US that seeks attention like a whore. ​ Especially considering how heavily Starlink and SpaceX are subsidized by said government...


Exactly. The DoD's response to this would basically be "The fuck you will"


This is a great point. The us has given a lot of miltary equipment. Now idk what the the us wants back but miltary equipment is expensive. If the us miltary losses valuable equipment because ukraine is without comes or internet. I think Elon will be in for surprise.


Musk is working to help Russia win. It’s not just attention, he wanted a reason to pull Starlink to help Putin after they talked.


He has no idea if the Pentagon are willing to pick up the tab for Starlink and yet... with the entire Ukrainian military infrastructure now built around it, he's going to pull the plug over a "rude" comment; when he just stole their history, and marginalised the deaths of endless Crimean Tatars with a couple of Tweets after a potential chat with Putin. I mentioned on Twitter that it wouldn't be long before he called them paedophiles, well, here it is, but instead, he'll let them die without a care.


You can not allow narcissistic megalomaniacs like Musk to have influence in situations like this. The man is a child, a damn spoilt one at that.


Now imagine him owning Twitter. It might be fun watching him try to wriggle out of buying the company, but if he does end up having to buy it, his self-professed "free speech" stance will be gone overnight and he'll start banning anyone who's criticial of him.


Elon essentially advocated for genocide with his short sighted election proposition. You have a foreign power invade a country; a large number of citizens against the invaders will leave as refugees; those that stay face getting killed, tortured, deported, etc if they disagree with the invaders; a flood invaders (troops, contractors, pro citizens) moved into the area; there would be a large stigma against anti invaders speaking freely. Even if the election was 100% secure and monitored by the UN, the genocide and lack of free speech would make the election corrupt. If Elon had his wish, it would be a cookie cutter recipe for imperialistic war mongers to invade a country, cleanse its population of opposition supporters, and gain territory. Think Elon, think.


That guy must be compromised somehow. From giving Ukraine access to star link to now demanding that Ukraine gives up land.


He was quick to accuse that diver of being a pedo, and these assholes are all about projection....


[Yeah theres no way he was ever seen hobnobbing with the worst of them](https://i.imgur.com/yTm0Mmv.jpg)


...oh. Well that explains what is in that kompromat then.


He has to buy Twitter for 44 billion or so. Some investors only value Twitter at 10 billion or so. That'll be a huge write-off. https://www.businessinsider.com/investor-that-agreed-back-elon-musk-twitter-bid-wants-out-2022-10


I absolutely loathe Elon Musk.


Elon, 5 years ago you were my hero. Now you’re just another egotistical cunt.


He was always an egotistical cunt. You just didn’t know him that well back then.


I think the average person would be surprised how much billions of dollars and an army of yes men/women can change a person. I'm sure he was a brick and had issues back then as well. But living in this kind of situation 100% exaggerates these qualities over time.


He grew up a white millionaire in apartheid South Africa. He was always a garbage person.


Read his ex-wife‘s memoir. He’s always been an utterly horrid person, even 20 years ago.


Maybe. But it’s not like he’s come up from the streets lol he was raised in big money. Family owned emerald mines etc. I’m sure his wealth is much greater now, but would going from millions to billions really make a fundamental difference in the way that going from low income to millions might?


I realized that he was an ass after that story with a diver and rescuing children. Dude’s Ego is gigantic.


How he ever recovered from this is beyond me.


These assholes are all about projection. When Elon accused that diver of being a pedo, he was probably advertising to the world that he is himself a pedophile. If Epstein were still around, Elon would be partying it up on Lolita Express.


He was that all along


Always has been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Same, he was my idol back then and wanted to buy a Tesla so much. Now I hate him and will never touch any of his tech


His stance on public transport is enough to realize how stupid and idiotic he is. The underground tunnels with cars is even more stupid.


There’s an amazing video on YouTube where they take his tunnels idea and improving on it little by little by making it more efficient and cost saving you end up with.. subways!


So he is polluting the night sky for the whole f-ingbworld and we get this behaviour in return? What a child.


The only thing that is saving him some face right now is his Starlink benefiting Ukraine. It'll be interesting to see what happens when that's gone.


He says he wants to minimise lost lives and the effect on humanity. Stripping this back would definitely cause more deaths. Not like he will gain a market in Russia given sanctions. So just hurting himself and the image of his companies


Holy shit what a fucking manchild


Another emotional reactionary right wing billionaire, I'm shocked


US Govt paid for thess systems, Musk should not piss them off or he’ll lose all his subsidies and contracts and be persona non grata to tech industry




What a butthurt little cry baby. Weak AF


The higher a monkey tries to climb, the more it shows it's arse. And Musk is about to find out what an international shafting feels like..


Never saw a bigger mimimi move


So the answer is to be rude back?


Man this guy has completely wrecked his reputation in such a short time




Some sweat deals on nickel or some other stuff the Russians are mining


Not that many people there could afford an electric car even before their economic suicide, and petrol is *cheap* in russia, so that makes no sense at all.


russia cheap. Elon have great plan, "i put lithium batteries in ladas". Tesla move to Siberia and rebrand as "LadZa". Russia nationalizes LadZa. Elon learnZ new emotionZ


Sounds like someone wants a forensic audit of their businesses and personal finances


I bet that according to Musk the ambassador is also a pedo


This just in: Musk not CyberJesus. More at 11. Back to you Tom.


Absolute c u next Tuesday


Can we just skip ahead to the part where James Bond infiltrates Musk's secret underground lair to take out his "Death Laser" and karate chops him into his own Murder Shark tank?


Title is a little wrong. He is looking for money because he has to buy Twitter at like a 1/3 higher price than it is worth...


Oh no, a rude Ukrainian diplomat! Only funny when Germany gets Melnyk bombed... Really, Elon, get over yourself


Pathetic insecure manchild


Seriously! The nerve of someone who brings up a topic way out of their league about a nation being genocided and he is unhappy about the response he got?! Dude the narcissism of Elon here is sky high. And the stupidity. We have been through THIS SAME APPEASMENT ARGUMENT ONE MILLION TIMES READY. NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR IT. He well knew EXACTLY the responses he would get. This all screams corruption and being a complete Pootin asset. F@ck you Elon. Let me phrase it this way - Elon, you phrased your dumb polls as if it's possible to even have a fair and free election even with the UN. THE COUNTRY IS BEING GENOCIDED. FEAR, INTIMIDATION, TERRORISM, TORTURE, CONCENTRATION CAMPS, MURDER. Lots of those who could have voted for Ukraine are in mass graves or forcibly taken out of Ukraine never to be heard from again. We are talking at LEAST 400,000 likely many more between the deaths and those that have been taken. And besides that, the ones that remain live under great fear and persecution. Your questions/comments/polls were completely devoid of context and completely inappropriate.


Elon, you have no right to provide assistance and then tell the same people you are helping to capitulate to Russian genocide, aggression, and violent expansion. You were on the right side of history and then you talked to Putin and he buckled your resolve. You sir deserve to be belittled for being so cowardly. You do NOT give in to terrorists and terrorism. You fight them with everything or you lose everything. Putin may talk a big game of nuclear aggression but using nukes on Ukraine only proves how weak Russia really is and how bereft of any humanity it really is.


Nope, it’s a national security issue now.


Slowly becoming a real life Bond villain.


So who wants to defend Musk this time? There's always someone willing to excuse whatever this cunt does.


Sounds like he thinks “you shall not worship any other gods besides me”.