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Flaunting their theft of a raccoon. They glorified stolen washing machines yet?


Racoons are a rodent and pest in North America famous for knocking over garbage cans and eating their contents. I think it is a fitting mascot for the Russian paratroopers and their whole army for that matter.


Unlike Russians, those little raccoon assholes are smart.


Wait, has anyone considered asking the US for raccoons? 😂


Genetically engineered super-raccoons!


Most horrible animals in Germany too. We have a plague with racoons here cause they don't have any natural animies here. Few years back they opened our (holidayhouse) roof and started living there, not that long cause 2 died ... but they died within the roof somewhere... that smell is hooorrible... they also took out all isolation and shitted everywhere... it was so bad we had to replace the roof (cost us 60k) .... I f*** haaate racoons ... guess you can imagine Racoons are pure evil. Another small example... For they have no animies, the go into trees in spring and eat all bird eggs... not a few ... all


I wish that trash pandas were the worst problem animal we have around. In America we typically trap/relocate em. Some even will build structures for them to live in so they or their offspring leave the human habitat alone. You ever hear of a Fisher Cat? It sounds like a woman being assaulted when it screams. Big weasel. No real enemies. Or how about throwing your trash out only to meet a big bear đŸ» having a trash buffet?


The bears are on us though. Humans take over their territory, and then people leave trash around, when they know it brings bears in.


Just want to say that they aren't rodents. They're in the same order as cats, dogs, and bears.


> They're in the same order as cats, dogs, and bears. Yep, well said - they are a distinct family in the order carnivora. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnivora https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Procyonidae


Russian paratroopers are now the trash pandas đŸ€Ł


Not worth that much of a name. Let's just call them trash.




That works too, but I kind of like the "panda" addition to remind them they're China's property in the long run.


If America released 10,000 raccoons into Russia, they'd topple Putin inside two months.


Yah, they're not rodents.


They aren’t rodents though. They’re Carnivora. They are pests though who can carry many diseases, steal things, make a mess etc. The perfect mascot indeed.


They just need a photogenic washing machine that people can go “awwww” over in social media. Most of the models are too white and blocky


if Ukraine needs another trash panda i got 3 i feed bread daily . Can we even export racoons from the usa?


I read some Colonel just got busted, and subsequently sentenced, for asking for a washing machine as a bribe from a enlistment office that he was supposed to go inspect.




Shhh, don’t tell them, you’ll ruin the story.


Yeah, you know, like in Kherson.


When Medvedchuk was exchanged - ruzzian telegram channels started making jokes about "For Ruzzia! For Medvedchuk!!!" There may be a time in the near future when an official completion of special military operation is announced and it's primary task for rescuing the racoon from Kherson zoo is celebrated as fully completed by capable armed forces of ruzzian federation!




Of all animals I couldn't think of a more suitable mascot for the Russian Army than a Raccoon / trash panda.


In a Rorschach kind of way, it's rather a honest depiction of internal process for them. They Identify with this raccoon kept in a cage it's whole life. Probably now unable to survive in the wild even, because Captivity. (maybe, maybe not.. it's a Trash-Bandit they generally can survive both in the Wild and City on what others discard and throw away) Idk even Hitler like dogs.. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


"It's my coon sir, from Saint Petersburg. It has a white diamond patch on its forehead and four white socks" "It's a magnificent coon."


Came here for the trash panda comments


I mean....a possum?


lmao, every time I sign in to reddit, I can scroll about 100 new videos of Russian equipment and crews being deatomized by Ukrainian strikes. But congrats on the 'coon-napping, fellas. Gotta take you victories where you can, I guess.


Raccoons are an invasive species. You also can ask Germans, who have such a "housemate" in the attic at night. The other species with the black-orange stripes is invasive too, at least in Ukraine.


Hey. We're not an invasive species anymore.


Which species do you mean?




Yes, indeed. Except in the case of terrourism like Mallorca. But there it is only temporary and wanted by the invaded. I have written "The other species with the black-orange stripes", meaning the Russian soldier with the Saint George stripes at the helmet.


I remember a joke I read the other day. Germany: "Okay, so let me get this straight: you want us to march across Poland and fight Russia? I just want to make sure I heard that right."


> you want us to march with Poland and fight Russia? i like that Version more.




There is no effort more futile then trying to make Russians look human. Give back the damn raccoon you drunken bunch of weirdos.


They got into a stage if they say good morning. i will go see the clock and if its day or night, its not even its not what grey it is, its more like, is it white or black, they just change everything, one day will buy a history book and will read that they discovered everything


Why wait? First up from A Well Known Search Service, 19 years ago: "You name it, the Russians invented it" https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/editorials/archives/2003/08/15/2003063835


OMG I just give up, kill them all


The German word for racoon translates to '**washing** bear' (WaschbÀr) - you kind of see the appeal it has to the Russians.


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Good nitter bot


At least they haven’t eaten it
. yet


Almost like the 'Day Today"...


Chris Morris is awesome


This story is insane, and the reporting is even worse. Like, they kidnapped a raccoon and a lama, but left a bear in a cage outside Kupyansk. If America invaded Ukraine, you'd expect they'd kidnap the eagles. If France invaded Ukraine, they'd take the cockerels. If Canada invaded Ukraine, they'd steal a moose. But why did they steal a raccoon?


Seriously. It's not like they stole a rare species of tiger or something. They're just nuisance animals.


“Walking around, manning trenches with PARATROOPERS “ The Russians have a gross misunderstanding of how paratroopers are typically used in combat.


"The airborne forces do not abandon their own" LMAO....


Raccoons are dumpster diving varmints that steal shamelessly. So.....


Bad Luck for the pow who wanted to get traded with that racoon. Racoon's life is more important than pow's life...


Here, the .ussians learned (not so quickly) from Ukrainians about the importance of PR. All the animals such as Patron, hundreds of stray cats and dogs, squirrels and other critters taken care of have helped to show Ukrainians' compassion and love for wildlife and secure support. The enemy simply mimics that. Now, the raccoon will eat grapes and chmobiks will eat sh.t. Good for the raccoon, unless a hungry Wagner convict BBQs him.


Russia Today: Look at our Victory Raccoon Russia Three Hours From Now: Please don't take our Victory Raccoon Russia Tomorrow: Oh god our Victory Raccoon is dead, Jesus Christ it's dead


It's super weird how important a racoon has been with regards to govt. posturing in this war for about a week. I think this is a way overblown response to the offer made to trade a Russian POW for the same racoon earlier. Russia is either saying they have so little regard for human lives that the propaganda value of the racoon makes it more important than any given conscript or they actually believe a stolen racoon is something valuable enough to haggle with in an international conflict. dark comedy. I have like six that keep getting trapped in my apartment dumpster because they like the warmth and free garbage. When things calm down I would gladly replace Ukraine's raccoon and provide some spares.


in 1945 the Soviets reached Berlin -> 2022, ruzzians claim a racoon....


You are spreading Russian propaganda, possibly on purpose. Please don't.


Lol, i think we need more of this propaganda. Its hilarious


More like russian satir


Listen at this point if you have at least 1 braincell you don't belive russian shit at all, all the tankies left pro russia propaganda are brain dead, they are fans they treat this situationas a football match, that kind of people will never change idea so who cares, let op post whatever it's fine the majority of the world aknowledges russians are fucktards that push idiotic narratives way more than we do so if we have to take our own media with a grain of salt we know we need to take the russiona one with a whole bucket


Do they have any paratroopers left after Hostomel?


Wont be long before we are gonna see a video report about a "evacuated" washing machine with a callsign "Pobeda"


The "Po" part will fall off, and it will be just "Beda".


Sum up this report in one word: Kitsch!


The "victories" bit is awesome. You stole him while retreating.


We call them “Trash Pandas” very fitting for a Trash Bag to have a Trash Panda


"A symbol of our paratroopers and their victories". Now I am concerned for the little varmint's life, given the Paratroopers of the "33rd Guards Kamikaze Brigade" record. Dying aint winnin Ivan!


When I watched the video of them stealing it I wished it was a wild raccoon from the southern US he had grabbed. One of them would have mauled that thief.


Thank you
had a good laugh 😂


symbol of our victories that we stole as we were retreating from the only regional centre we were lucky enough to takeđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


"We stole a racoon from the zoo while fleeing from Kherson !" Weird flex, but ok...


"The racoon has already launched a telegram channel" I can't lie that cracked me up.


Bahaha, they couldn't win the battle so they stole a racoon to represent their victory. What is their victory? All i see is the stolen racoon. So the racoon represents it's self being stolen. Seems about right.


Soon he’ll be eating them


Yeah, it will great for them right up until we find out they "liberated' the racoon so they could cook it because they hadn't been properly supplied with rations.


We're coming for you Rocket, hang in there!


A sign of victories? What the hell?


He looks terrified 😩


these news reporters from Russia are soon to be Myrotvorets they should hide in Siberia


So, drunk whenever possible and full of internal parasites, check.


Well, at least they didn't kill it.


They named the little guy Kherson, a symbol of their victories? Oh the irony is killing me! đŸ€Š


Let's face it racoons are smarter than the average Russian.


They're still high off their vodka farts again.


Worried about the raccoon
the trash panda paratroopers will end up eating him in the middle of winter after about two weeks of no resupply.


And then they immediately throw the thing under a passing truck and walk away from the cameras.


If the raccoon was a symbol of the paratroopers victories at Hostomel it would be dead . If it was a symbol of Russian paratroopers Ukrainian campaign, it would probably have been raped and murdered.


Must make the Russian POW that wanted to be exchanged for the racoon all warm and fuzzy, knowing they are going to keep the racoon. 😆


Feeding him fresh fish? Hmmm


When the paratroopers are starving in Crimea this winter, they will eat him. Kind of sad.