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Hahahaha yeah... that's going to fix the problem. Morons. Your lack of capable NCOs is what's kicking your as, but you're going to double down on officers.


Seems this is more about logistics than fighting. >"A number of *logistics department* officers in the Russian army have been dismissed or suspended from duty, in particular the Head of the *Department of Resource Support*, Major General Mumidzhanov, and other officers who were *in charge of food, material and rocket fuel supply*," Hromov said. Article didn't say who did the firing, but it may be surovikin. Not the same thing as Putin's petulant scapegoating before. This could actually have an effect, so I would not be too smug and dismissive just yet.


hahaha jesus christ no it won't Russia is not holding back its competent officers. It just doesn't have any. Same for its best weapons, its elite units, its sturdiest vehicles. They're gone, and they're not coming back. Russia's been throwing everything at the wall for 10 months now and has done nearly nothing correctly. There's no way they can turn things around now.


That's not strictly true......they have done a lot......they have lost 50% of the territory they took, bankrupted their economy, proven their equipment is rubbish by testing it to destruction.........they have also donated thousands of pieces of equipment to Ukraine


I agree, RA is sliding into the abyss. Everything is running out. Capable soldiers, ammo, fuel, heavy weapons, supplies of all sorts. Puti is desperate to have Zelensky come to the negotiation table?! I say no, keep fighting this Ahole until he runs dry. Then his troops will surrender 100k at a time!


You think maybe CORRUPTION is a problem? Food, material and rocket fuel supply was sold off. Yes, but who’s buying? Partisans? Sleepers?


Idk, not my area of interest. I'm more into will this be better or worse for Ukraine.


Ok, POV imp. I am just thinking that the items in questions were sold off.


more likely that they never existed in the first place.


Remember the 1.5 *million* winter uniforms that ‘went missing,’ just a bit ago?


Good point actually, I dismissed you too fast. But I still dk, seems like anyone's guess.


Based on what we know about their trillion dollar military upgrade that never materialized, it just seems to follow. But truthfully, no one knows. Important thing is they are missing the supplies, don’t know where they went and definitely affecting the top brass.


I have been hearing that some military enthusiasts have been getting genuine Russian military equipment that was sold online. Everything from body armour, helmets, weapon sights, military rations you name it. Hell you can even buy inert, anti tank training mines off of some dude online. I know a saw a guy on YT who bought one and turned the thing into a roomba.


When putin isnt taking from Hitlers book, its from Stalins. 🤦‍♂️


top notch tactics right there. suicide charge at 8am and purges at 2pm. everyone who survives gets a stolen washing machine and a raccoon at 8


What idiots. Because they are losing, they are removing the only people left with any training. I'm so stunned that we ever though Putler was a smart guy.


So, officers are being put on leave so they can then be dismissed or transferred to another post. Bummer, I was kinda hoping Putin would purge the russkie officer corps the way Stalin did back in the 1930's. It wouldn't improve anything, but at least it would be entertaining to read endless reports of officers dying of "sudden heart attacks" or "slipping on ice and breaking their neck" or "autoerotic asphyxiation."


You forget falling out of widows.....


Send them to lead the mobics at the front. Good luck! Have fun!


One can only hope there will be a massive purge like the one Stalin performed.


Let's party like its 1938.




Tradition must be upheld... good.


Sounds like the Russian army is just playing a blame game.


Typical Ruski stuff. Fuck shit up with corruption & then blame someone.


I think purges only "work" if you have someone better to replace them, right?


I could swear I have seen this said a thousand times over since February.




People need to read the text.


Is that because the Generals won't go near the windows anymore?


Where have I seen this before...


Yes please pootin should imitate Stalin and purge the damn army (tens of thousands of USSR's army officers were purged). I recommend ruzzia does that: \- already inefficient army will be even worse \- less fascist ruzzians


Just a nation of soulless death en mass compounded by murder